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高中英语选修八人教版课后作业unit 3 inventors and inventions32 含答案.docx

1、高中英语选修八人教版课后作业unit 3 inventors and inventions32 含答案Section Learning about Language,Using Language,Summing Up & Learning Tip课后篇巩固探究一、写作词汇检测A.根据每一组的提示词,完成或者翻译句子。1.innocent(1)“Nobody was lying,”Aster said .(2)他真的认为我那么天真吗?答案:(1)innocently(2)Did he really think I was so innocent? dress is blue

2、 with white .(2)湖面上星星点点地散布着帆船。答案:(1)dots(2)The lake is dotted with sailboats.3.stable来源:学科网ZXXK(1)Shes the only person in the whole family.(2)市场繁荣,物价稳定。答案:(1)stable(2)Markets are growing fast and prices are stable.4.associate(1)Her English improved because of a long with British and American people.

3、(2)他并非朋友,而是生意上的伙伴。答案:(1)association(2)He is not a friend but a business associate.5.practical(1)He does his piano every day.(2)这听起来像是个好主意,但有些实际困难。来源:学#科#网答案:(1)practice(2)It sounds like a good idea,but there are some practical difficulties.B.根据图画内容及所给词语造句。6.(dial)答案:He picked up the phone and dialed

4、.7.(freezing)答案:Its so freezing that water turns into ice on the roof.8.(jam)答案:We got caught in a jam because there was a car accident ahead.9.(wire,sell)答案:Wires sell well in that shop.二、阅读词汇检测阅读下列句子,写出黑体词的含义。1.My extension number is 521.答案:电话分机2.Our refrigerator is out of order,so we need to have

5、 it repaired.答案:冰箱3.She drew a right-angled triangle.答案:三角形4.The current situation is very different to that in 1990.答案:当前的5.A helicopter was sent to pick up the survivors from the earthquake.答案:直升机6.We need a dynamic person to head the class.来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K答案:精力充沛的7.The children are carrying colour

6、ful Chinese lanterns.答案:灯笼8.The identification of the people killed in the crash was extremely difficult.答案:辨认9.I couldnt find your telephone number in the directory .答案:电话簿10.The annual rainfall in this region is less than 15 mm.答案:降雨量三、变式训练1.It was not until midnight that we arrived in the city.No

7、t until midnight in the city.答案:did we arrive2.As a matter of fact,I finished the report yesterday. ,I finished the report yesterday.答案:In fact3.Every time he goes back,he will visit the teacher. time he goes back,he will to the teacher.答案:Each;pay a visit4.This new law is very important.This new la

8、w is importance.答案:of great5.I find it is difficult to finish the work within three days.I find to finish the work within three days.答案:it difficult四、完形填空导学号62554013Today I went to my daughters school and spoke about kindness to 60 kids plus teachers and assistant teachers.After a small talk about t

9、he 1 of kindness,I gave a challenge to the 2I told them to write a small 3 about an act of kindness that they had done and how that made them feel.Or if they had 4 an act of kindness,how did that make them feel?In what way had that 5 changed them?Then the deputy head and the head teacher and I will

10、choose the 6 ones,the one that will stand out for their 7 of compassion and love toward others.When I was waiting for my daughter I 8 some teachers that were at the assembly(集会) passing by and I was 9 that they would tell me whether they liked the talk or not,but they didnt 10 anything.Then this lit

11、tle 11 came to me and said,“You know,I enjoyed the assembly today.”“Okay,then are you going to 12 a lovely story?”I asked.“Im not 13 at writing,”the boy responded.So I explained that I would be 14 if he could just write a phrase or two about an act of kindness.I didnt have 15 to talk to him because

12、he was in a hurry to 16 his friends who were waiting for him,but in my 17,that was a beautiful act of kindness.The fact that he was able to 18 to talk to me for two minutes,to let me know that he had 19 the assembly was worth all the effort I had 20 preparing the talk for them.1.A.newsB.traditionC.m

13、eaning D.tendency答案:C解析:结合全文可知,作者给师生们讲“友善”的意义,故选C项。meaning意为“意义”,符合语境。news“新闻”;tradition“传统”;tendency“趋势”。2.A.teachers B.childrenC.assistants D.parents答案:B解析:根据上文中的“spoke about kindness to 60 kids”可知,该题选B项。3.A.scene B.stepC.fortune D.story答案:D解析:根据第三段中的“a lovely story”可知,该题选D项。4.A.received B.passedC

14、.conveyed D.learned答案:A解析:上文说的是让他们写一件自己做过的善事,由“Or”可知此处表示他们接受别人做的善事,故选A项。5.A.opinion B.actC.feature D.effect答案:B解析:由上句中的“Or if they had 4an act of kindness”可知,答案选B项。6.A.least D.oldest答案:C解析:根据下文中的“.the one that will stand out.”可知,突出的应该是最好的。故选C项。7.A.ideas B.suppliesC.remarks D.feelings答案

15、:D解析:根据上文中的“how that made them feel”和“how did that make them feel”可知,该题选D项。feelings意为“感情”,符合语境。8.A.saw B.observedC.warned D.realized答案:A解析:根据下文中的“.passing by.”可知,当“我”正在等“我”的女儿时,“我”看到了(saw)出席会议的一些老师经过,故选A项。9.A.supposing B.hopingC.guessing D.imagining答案:B解析:第一段中讲到作者到女儿的学校给学生和老师以及助教讲有关友善的事情,而当看到老师经过时,作

16、者希望他们会告诉自己他们是否喜欢他所讲的。hope意为“希望”,表示作者的心理状态,符合语境。10.A.say B.addC.speak D.paint答案:A解析:根据上文中的“.they would tell me whether they liked.”可知,该题选A项。say“表达,说”,与tell相呼应。11.A.hero B.emperorC.girl D.boy答案:D解析:根据下文中的“the boy responded”可知,该题选D项。12.A.write B.tellC.record D.repeat答案:A解析:根据第一段中的“.I told them to write

17、.”可知,该题选A项。13.A.surprised B.keenC.good D.weak答案:C解析:根据下文中的“.if he could just write a phrase or two about an act of kindness.”可知,作者希望男孩哪怕只写一两个短语也好,故可推断男孩说他不擅长写作。故选C项。be good at“擅长”。14.A.shocked B.happyC.curious D.amazed答案:B解析:如果男孩对友善行为能仅仅写一两个短语作者也会很高兴的。故选B项。15.A.time B.chanceC.courage D.energy答案:A解析:

18、根据下文中的“.because he was in a hurry.”可知,作者没有时间与他交谈了。故选A项。16.A.follow B.waveC.make D.meet答案:D解析:根据下文中的“his friends who were waiting for him.”可知,男孩着急去见正等着他的朋友们。故选D项。 B.bodyC.heart D.day答案:C解析:根据上文的信息词“but”可知,虽然没有时间与男孩交谈,但是在作者的心中,那是一个友善的行为。故选C项。in my heart意为“在我的心中”。18.A.refuse B.encourage来源:学科网C

19、.hesitate D.stop答案:D解析:根据倒数第二段中的“came to me and said”以及下文中的“.talk to me for two minutes.”可知,该题选D项。refuse to do sth“拒绝做某事”;encourage sb to do sth“鼓励某人做某事”;hesitate to do sth“犹豫做某事”;stop to do sth“停下来去做某事”。19.A.attended B.enjoyedC.achieved D.enriched答案:B解析:根据第三段中的“I enjoyed the assembly today.”可知,该题选B

20、项。attend“参加”;enjoy“喜欢”;achieve“完成,实现”;enrich“丰富”。来源:学|科|网20.A.looked into B.put intoC.brought into D.turned into答案:B解析:“我”为了准备这个讲座而投入的努力是值得的。put into“投入,放入”,符合语境。五、语篇填空The Internet is an amazing information resource.Students,teachers,and researchers use it as 1. investigative tool.Journalists use it

21、 to find information for stories.Doctors use it to learn more about 2.(familiar) diseases and the 3.(late)medical development.Ordinary people use it for shopping,banking,bill-paying,and communicating with family and friends.People all over the world use it to connect with individuals from other coun

22、tries and cultures.However,4. there are many positive developments 5.(associate) with the Internet,there are also certain fears and concerns.6. concern relates to a lack of control over what appears on the Internet.With television and radio there are editors to check the 7.(accurate) or appropriaten

23、ess of the content of programs,and with television there are 8.(restrict)on what kinds of programs can 9.(broadcast)and at what times of the day.With the Internet,parents cannot check a published guide to determine what is suitable 10. their children to see.答案:1.an2.unfamiliar3.latest4.while5.associ

24、 broadcast(ed)10.for六、短文改错Last weekend,I went to visit my English teacher,who was already in his fifty.He gives me a lot of help when I was a junior middle school student.Delighting to see me,he asked my senior middle school life.Then he advised me to make fully

25、preparations for the coming entrance examination.It was so a pleasure to see him again that I didnt notice it was pretty later.I had to say goodbye to each other.He is not only a good teacher but a close friend.Wherever I will go,I will always treasure a time that I spent with my teacher.答案:第一句:fiftyfifties第二句:givesgave第三句:DelightingDelighted;asked后加about第四句:fullyfull第五句:sosuch;laterlate第六句:IWe第八句:去掉第一个will;athe

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