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1、英语竞赛资料小学英语竞赛试题(1)一、按字母表顺序补全26个字母(每空1分,共13分) AaC c Ee Gg Ii Kk Ll Oo Pp Ss Vv Ww Zz 参考答案: 一、BbDdFfHhJjMmNnQqRrTtUuXxYy二、写出五个元音字母的大小写(每个字母1分,共10分) 参考答案: 二、 A a E e I i O o U u三、读单词,判断每组单词中划线字母的读音是否相同,用或表示。(每题2分,共12分) _1.bus sun _ 2.key egg _ 3.hi fine _ 4.nice nine _ old _ 6.nose too四、将下列单词按项归类。

2、(每词1分,共16分) apple bus girl van egg car teacher bike nurse cake jeep ship orange tea taxi boy 人物:_ 食物: _ _ _ _ _ 交通工具:_ _ 参考答案: 人物:girl teacher nurse boy 食物:apple egg cake orange tea 交通工具:bus van car bike jeep ship taxi五、根据情境选择正确的表达形式。(每题2分,共8分) ( )1.早晨见到老师和同学 A.Good morning!B.How are you? ( )2.假期后回到

3、学校见到同学 A.How old are you? B.How are you? ( )3.老师将新同学Nancy介绍给大家 A.This is Nancy. B.This is my friend Nancy. ( )4.你告诉Nancy你的年龄 A.How old are you? B.I am ten.六、联词成句。(每题2分,共10分) 1.are how you _? 2.thank Im you fine_. nice meet to_. 4.he old is how _? nine he_. 参考答案: 1.How are you? 2.Im fine,t

4、hank you. 3.Nice to meet you. 4.How old is he? 5.He is nine.七、完成对话,选出正确的单词写在横线上。(每题2分,共8分) ( ):Good afternoon!:Good A. morningB. afternoonC. evening ( ):How are you? :Im A. fineB. nineC. nice ( ):How old are you? : nine. A. IB. ImC. My ( ):Nice to meet you! :Nice to meet you, A. to B. twoC. too小学英语竞

5、赛试题(2)一、按字母表顺序补全26个字母的大写或小写(每空0.5分,共11分)a b C c E e f g h IjK l M O o P Q r S sTu v W w X y Z z参考答案: 一、A B D d E G H i J k L m N n p q R t U V x Y二、请选出各组中划线字母读音与其它两个不同的单词(每题2分,共12分)( )1、A. cake B. name C .apple( )2、A. man B. hand C. tape( )3、A. she B. egg C. we( )4、A. me B. pen C. desk( )5、A. bed B.

6、 red C. eve( )6、A. bake B. bag C. bad三、将下列单词按项归类。(每词1分,共18分)case English family fine fish go guess happy jeeplook morning new peach please student see wonderful year动词:_ _形容词:_ _ _ _名词:_ _ _参考答案:动词:goguesslookpleasesee形容词:fine happy new wonderful名词:casefamilyfishEnglishjeepmorningpeachstudentyear四、选

7、择填空(每空1分,共12分)1.用 am are is my your his her填空(1)My grandmaeighty; My father isson(儿子);name is Peter.(2)Thats Mary; I brother; name is Bob.( )2.A: is that over there? B:Its a dog.A. What B. Who C. Where( )3.A:Whos that boy? B:Hes my .A. father B. uncle C. brother( )4.A:Here is a gift for you. B:Thank

8、 .A. you B. a lot C. very much( )5.A:Where is your cat? B:My cat is in the .A. classroom B. box C. office( )6.A:Happy New Year! B:Thanks. You .A. do C. tooB. 小学英语竞赛试题(3)一、判断每组单词中划线部分的读音是否一致,可或“” ( )1. A. about B. now C. know ( )2. A. early B. hear C. bear ( )3. A. tree B. three C. train ( )4. A

9、. watch B. after C. garden ( )5. A. teacher B. weather C. speak ( )6. A. bright B. like C. night二、填入所缺字母 1. My aunt is a g _ d d _ ct _ . 2. How m _ ch is this v _ st? Its tw _ nty yuan. 3. What d _ es his m _ ther d _ ? Shes a s _ nger. 4. Whats the w _ ther like _ n Hong Kong? Its a s _ nny.三、将中文与

10、相应的英文连线 1、踢足球 A. the Summer Palace 2、颐和园 B. go to school 3、音乐厅 C. play the piano 4、上学 D. music hall 5、弹钢琴 E. play football 答案:1.E 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C四、将下面的单词,按类抄写在横线上 winter, sweater, the Summer Palace, engineer, skirt, shop, autumn, blouse, singer, spring , policeman, post office 1、衣物 2、职业 3、季节 4、场所小学英

11、语竞赛试题(4)一、判断每组单词中划线部分的读音是否一致,可或“” ( )1. A. about B. now C. know ( )2. A. early B. hear C. bear ( )3. A. tree B. three C. train ( )4. A. watch B. after C. garden ( )5. A. teacher B. weather C. speak ( )6. A. bright B. like C. night二、填入所缺字母 1. My aunt is a g _ d d _ ct _ . 2. How m _ ch is this v _ st

12、? Its tw _ nty yuan. 3. What d _ es his m _ ther d _ ? Shes a s _ nger. 4. Whats the w _ ther like _ n Hong Kong? Its a s _ nny.三、将中文与相应的英文搭配成对 1、踢足球 A. the Summer Palace 2、颐和园 B. go to school 3、音乐厅 C. play the piano 4、上学 D. music hall 5、弹钢琴 E. play football 参考答案:1.E 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C四、将下面的单词,按类抄写在横线上

13、 winter, sweater, the Summer Palace, engineer, skirt, shop, autumn, blouse, singer, spring , policeman, post office 1、衣物 2、职业 3、季节 4、场所 参考答案: 1. sweater, skirt, blouse 2. engineer, singer, policeman 3. winter, autumn, spring 4. the Summer Palace, shop, post office五、选择填空 ( )1. This letter is . A. Jac

14、k B. Jacks C. he ( )2. Where is he ? A. going B. doing C.go ( )3. Whats wrong your camera? A. on B. in C. with ( )4. Can Mary Chinese? A. speak B. speaks C. speaking ( )5. What Toms father do? A. do B. does C. doing六、根据情况补全对话 ( )1. A:Hi, Li Ming. Is this pencil yours? B:No, its not mine. A:Maybe its

15、 Wang Fangs. B:May theyre Toms. C:Maybe its Mike. ( )2. A:Is your mother a teacher? B:No, she isnt. A: _ . B:She is a nurse. A:Whos she? B:What does she do? C:Is she a worker?小学英语竞赛试题(5)一、读单词,判断每组单词划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的用,不同的用表示在括号中(5分) 1.small morning ( ) 2.cloudy down ( ) 3.float mouse ( ) 4.spoil paint(

16、 ) cool ( )二、看单词划线部分的读音,找出不属于每个家族的成员(6分) ()()()()() 参考答案:一、1.wait 2.know 4.say 5.park 6.dear三、读词语,并与意思相符的中文搭配成组(15分) 1.fridge (1)停放 2.medicine(2)楼上 3.upstairs(3)冰箱 4.park(4)药 5.touch(5)触摸 6.dangerous(1)吸烟 7.smoke(2)吐,吐痰 8.spit(3)访问者 9.visitor(4)中心 10.centre(5)危险 11.concert(1)感觉 12.stre

17、et(2)开始 13.mouth(3)音乐会 14.feel(4)街道 15.start(5)嘴,口 参考答案: 三、1.(3) 2.(4) 3.(2) 4.(1) 5.(5)/ 6.(5) 7.(1) 8.(2) 9.(3) 10.(4) 11.(3) 12.(4) 13.(5) 14.(1) 15.(2)四、将下列单词组成词组(每词只用一次)(10分) traffic up a fever lights cheer high keep up be out careful look get after off stay look to right centre turn shopping 1

18、.购物中心_ 2.照顾_ 3.向右转_ 4.小心_ 5.当心_ 6.熬夜_ 7.到达_ 8.交通灯_ 9.高兴起来_ 10.高烧_ 参考答案: 四、 centre 2.look after 3.turn right careful 5.look out 6.stay up 7.get to 8.traffic lights 9.cheer up 10.a high fever五、选词填空(9分) 1.Yesterday they _(have, had)lunch _(at, on)12:30 _(of, in)their school. 2.She _(will

19、, does)have to stay _(in, at)home and_(look, like)after her grandma, because she is ill. 3.We_(see, saw)a lot of new houses_(on, in)our way _(to, from)Shunyi. 参考答案:五、1.had, at, in 2.will, at, look 3.saw, on, to六、联词造句(5分) 1.the, have, take, good, a, medicine, and,rest _., Zhong, Shan, Park, get,

20、 I, can, how _., me my, could, lessons, you, with _. 4.yesterday, where, they, did, go _. 5.came, at, to, we, last, school, night, nine _. 参考答案: 六、1.Take the medicine and have a good rest. 2.How can I get to Zhong Shan Park? 3.Could you help me with my lessons? 4.Where did they go yesterday?

21、5.We came to school at nine last night.七、选择正确的(7分) ( )1.Could you post the letter for me? A.Yes, I did. ( )2.Would you like to have a trip with her? B.Ive got a toothache. ( )3.Did you enjoy the concert? C.Youre welcome. ( )4.Whats the matter with you, Jim? D.We had a picnic in the park. ( )5.When s

22、hall we start? E.Yes, Id love to. ( )6.What did you do last Friday? F.With pleasure. ( )7.Thank you very much. G.At 6 tomorrow moring.小学英语竞赛试题(6)I.选用方框中的疑问词(组)填空:(10%) how old,what colour,how many,how,who,what 1.-_ is your ruler?-Its yellow. 2.-_ is your name?-My name is Li Lei. 3.-_ is Kate?-Shes t

23、welve. 4.-_ is she?-Shes my sister. 5.-_ apples are there on the table?-There are ten.II.句子配对:(10%) 1.What class are you in?A.Theyre ducks. 2.What are those?B.OK. 3.Do you have a map?C.Im in Class 2. 4.Lets play football. D.No,theyre apples. 5.Are these bananas?E.No,I dont.III.根据要求转换下列各句:(20%) 1.Im

24、eleven.(对划线部分提问) _ _ are you? 2.Hes a worker.(对划线部分提问)Whats _ _? 3.She likes coffee.(改为否定句) She _ _ coffee. 4.Lily has an apple.(改为一般疑问句)_ Lily _ an apple?IV.看图,回答问题:(20%) 答案及解析 I.1.What colour2.What3.How old4.Who5.How many II.1.C 2.A 3.E 4.B 5.D III.1.How old 2.his job 3.doesnt like4.Does,have IV.1.Its red. 2.Hes a singer. 3.Therere five. 4.Yes,he does.5.Theyre buses.选择适当的句子完成短文We Can See You!Lucy and Lily are twins. They have

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