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《创新》 英语 背诵小短文.docx

1、创新 英语 背诵小短文 话题微写作: 根据提示,利用模块所学知识,完成下面的小作文,并背诵。BOOK 1 Module1: (关于学校)1我在一所离县城不远的高中上学,它完全不同于我以前的学校;2新学校很美丽,是原来学校的三倍大;3这里的老师热情,对工作态度积极,他们的教学方法给我留下了深刻的印象。老师经常把学生分成几组并鼓励我们相互学习和讨论,因此我盼望着每一节课。总之我喜欢我的学校。I study at a senior high school not far from our city,and it is nothing like my previous new school is be

2、autiful and is three times the size of my previous s more,the teachers here are enthusiastic and have a positive attitude towards their teaching method leaves a deep impression on often divide us students into several groups and encourage each group to study and discuss,so I look forward to each a w

3、ord,I enjoy my school.Module 2 (关于老师)汤姆是一位高中英语教师,他精力充沛且有耐心,但在学习上对学生要求严格。他总是确保他的课生动有趣。因此,在他的课堂上没有学生睡觉。在他的帮助下,他的学生已经取得了进步。学生们感激他,因他努力工作而尊重他。学生们相信他们能被大学录取。Tom is an English teacher,energetic and patient,but he is strict with his always makes sure that his classes are lively and a result,in his classes

4、none of his students falls him teaching English,his students have made progress in appreciate him and respect him for his hard work,and they think they can be admitted to universities.Module3 (关于旅行)1去年暑假,我和朋友去爬泰山观光。2一到汽车站我们就买了一张地图用来查阅。午夜我们开始爬山,三小时后我们爬到了山顶。3尽管我们筋疲力尽,但我们很高兴。幸运的是,我们看到了日出,多么好的一次旅行啊!Last

5、 summer holiday,my friends and I went to Mountain Tai to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Upon arriving at the Taian bus station,we bought a map in case we might refer to midnight we started to climb the mountain hours later,we got to the top of we were exhausted,we felt very glad. And luckily,we saw su

6、nrise. What a great journey!Module4 (关于友谊)根据提示,利用模块所学知识完成下面的小作文,并背诵。1应朋友之邀,这是约翰第三次来到中国。2这儿有他许多朋友。他曾经在这些朋友的帮助下摆脱了困境。3自从上次见面他已有五年没见他的朋友了。4但是他们相互保持着联系。5作为交换,他为朋友带来了一些礼物。In response to his friends invitation,this is the third time that John has been in has a great many friends here,with whose help he on

7、ce got away from difficult is five years since they met last they have been in contact/touch with each brought some presents in exchange for their invitation.Module5 (关于改变)1Tom过去常常上学迟到,他的父母告诉他应该努力学习,但是他不听。然而,在他参加一个讲座后,他意识到学习的重要性。于是开始认真学习。2他发现他学习越刻苦,越对课程感兴趣。现在他父母为他感到自豪。(注意:文中要用it do结构)Tom us

8、ed to be late for parents told him he was supposed to study hard,but he wouldnt ,after he attended a lecture,he realized it was important to study hard,so he started to learn he found the harder he studied, the more interested he was in his his parents are proud of/take pride in him.Module 6 (关于因特网)

9、1因特网能缩短人们之间的距离。它也能帮助人们学习创造和设计我们喜欢的东西。并且,与书本相比,人们更容易接近新科技。2然而,它也有缺点。例如,如果你花费太多时间集中精力于因特网,它就可能影响你的学习。3一般地说,你上网每天不超过两小时,你应该把它作为规则来遵守。The Internet can shorten the distance between can help us study,create and design the things we like as s more,comparing the Internet with books,people are more accessibl

10、e to new science ,it has many example,if you spend too much time concentrating on Internet,it is likely to affect your average,you surf the Internet within two hours a you should make it a rule to obey.BOOK 2 Module 1 (关于网迷)1王涛是一个正常人,然而他痴迷于电脑游戏。2一天他生病了而且发烧。3他母亲非常担心他的健康把他送到了医院。4医生告诉王涛他健康不佳和玩电脑游戏有关;并且

11、他想保持健康,最好戒除。5医生还建议王涛一周至少锻炼两个小时并保持均衡饮食。6王涛接受了医生的建议,几天后在医生的帮助下他恢复了健康。Wang Tao was a normal ,he was crazy about/was addicted to /addicted himself to computer games/video day,he became ill and had a mother was very anxious about his health and sent him to doctor told Wang Tao that his bad health was con

12、nected with playing computer games and if he wanted to keep fit,hed better get rid of ,he advised Wang Tao to take at least two hours exercise a week and keep a balanced Tao took the doctors advice and a few days later,he picked up with the doctors help.Module 2 (关于网瘾)1汤姆,三班的一个学生,过去沉溺网吧的游戏。2为了让他戒掉这个

13、坏习惯,他的父母减少了他的生活费用。而且他们告诉他很可能被学校开除,然而汤姆不愿意听。3一天为了弄到钱,他闯入附近的一座房子,然后被捕了。请记住:不要沉溺于网络游戏。Tom,belonging to class 3,used to be addicted to playing games in a net bar/cyber parents reduced his living cost in order to let him give up/get rid of the bad s more, they told him that he was likely to be fired by t

14、he school if he went on like ,Tom wouldnt listen. To get some money,he broke into a house nearby one day and then was remember:Dont addict yourself to computer games.Module 3 (关于名人)1邓丽君,最著名的歌唱家之一,是一位音乐天才。2她一生录制了许多专辑,许多听众对她动人的歌曲印象深刻。并且她对音乐界有深刻的影响。不幸的是她英年早逝,听到她去世的消息,很多人都很难过。Deng Lijun,one of the bestk

15、nown singers,was a music genius. In her life,she recorded many albums and many audience were impressed with her catchy s more,she had a profound influence on music , she lost her life/passed away/died at an early age. Hearing the news that she died,many people felt sad.Module 4(关于绘画)1他曾是当代一位有名的画家,喜欢

16、画风景画并因此而闻名。2他打算放弃传统的模式而采用一种新的绘画风格。3他时时观察大自然,不厌其烦。4但是他相信他的绘画将会大受欢迎,他的梦想一定会实现。He used to be a famous contemporary painter,who was fond of drawing landscape and was wellknown for he decided to give up traditional style and adopt a new drawing observed nature from time to time and never got tired of it,

17、and he believed that his paintings would be popular and his dreams would be realised.Module 5(关于航天)1众所周知,中国已成为世界上第三个把人送往太空的国家。2在2013年6月,“神舟”十号成功起飞。总共有三名宇航员登上此船,包括女宇航员王亚平。在绕轨道飞行时,她在太空中进行了我们国家的首次授课。这是中国航行史上的一个突破。As we all know,China has become the third country to send man into space in the June 2013,

18、Shenzhou X took off were three astronauts aboard,Wang Yaping orbiting,she delivered our countrys firstever video lecture in space,which was a breakthrough in China space history. Module 6(关于演员)1安娜(Anna)是个著名的女演员,尤以在喜剧中的表现而出名。2令我们吃惊的是,在16岁时,她在一部以遥远的小山村为背景的影片中扮演了一位女老师的角色。3影片中的主角是一位勇敢的女性,她的所作所为令人感动。4安娜的

19、粉丝看这部影片时,立刻就喜欢上了她。5他们关心她,等待她的下一部杰作Anna is a famous actress and better known for her performances in our surprise,at the age of 16,she played a part of a woman teacher in a film whose setting was in a remote mountain leading character in the film was a brave and graceful female and what she did was A

20、nnas fans saw the film,they fell in love with her at care about her and wait for her next masterpiece.BOOK 3 Module 1(关于公园)1这个公园,位于剧场的对面,是这个城市最美的风景之一。2与其它公园相比,它有一些独特的特点。就是因为这,自从几年前建成以来一直被很多人参观。The park,situated opposite the theatre,is one of the most beautiful sights in the city. Compared with other

21、 parks,it has some unique features,and just because of this,it has been visited by a lot of people ever since it was completed several years ago.Module2(关于贫困)1这个地区很多人收入很低,他们生活在贫困之中,但他们渴望富裕的生活。2现在政府正在采取措施努力改善他们的生活。3我们相信,随着经济的发展,所有人将过上幸福的生活。Some people still have a low income and live in poverty in th

22、is region,but they are hungry for a wealthy the government is taking measures and making efforts to improve their figure that with the development of economy,all the people there will live a happy life.Module3(关于自然灾害)1平均起来,每年都会发生各种各样的自然灾害,甚至有些会出乎人们的预料。2昨天,一场强烈的飓风突然袭击了该地区,导致很多房屋和车辆被毁。甚至有两人被埋在倒塌的房屋下。3

23、幸运的是,事发后人们及时把他们救了出来。4在将来,有可能有经验的专家能够准确地预测一些可怕的自然灾害。On average,all kinds of natural disasters will take place every year,and even some are beyond peoples violent hurricane suddenly struck/hit the area yesterday,causing the ruin of many houses and s worse,even two persons were buried under the collaps

24、ed ,people came to save them from the ruins of the houses after it is a possibility that experienced experts will be able to forecast some terrifying natural disasters accurately in the future.Module 4(关于环境)1现在越来越多的人意识到了大气污染对健康的影响并为此而抱怨。2保护环境已成为社会的一个主要关注点。3在我看来,当务之急是强化人们的环保意识。努力工作,赢得保护环境的战役是我们每个公民的职

25、责。Now more and more people have realized that atmosphere pollution has an effect on their health and complain about ,protecting the environment has become a major concern of the society.As far as Im concerned,it is urgent to strengthen peoples awareness of environmental its every citizens duty to wo

26、rk hard to win the campaign of protecting the environment.Module 5 (关于老师)根据提示,利用模块所学知识完成下面的小作文,并背诵。1李明是一所中学的班主任,他胜任他的工作。2他总是强调诚实和公正的重要性,这使他成为学校有影响的人物。3老师们都认为他为学校的发展做出了贡献,为此他们都特别尊重他。Li Ming is a headteacher in a middle school and he is equal to his always stresses the importance of honesty and justic

27、e,making him become an influential figure in his teachers think he has made great contributions to the development of the school,for which they all respect him.Module 6(关于遗迹)1上周,我们班就是否把追溯到500年前的古庙移走建公园展开了讨论。2有些学生认为这样做有道理,因为他们认为只有将古庙移走建公园,改善人们生活的梦想才能实现。3而另一些学生反对,认为古建筑应该保护。4最后到下课的时候了,学生们不得不终止了讨论。Last

28、week,our class held a discussion on whether to remove the old temple dating back to 500 years ago and build a park.Some students thought it made sense to do so because they thought only in this way could their dream of improving life come true.On the contrary,others were against it and thought the o

29、ld temple should be protected.At last,it was time that class should be they had to bring an end to the discussion.BOOK 4 Module 1(关于节能)1随着自然资源变得越来越稀少,我们别无选择只有改掉任何浪费能源的行为。2我们必须确切地知道我们应该做什么。3首先,开发利用可替代资源。4其次,我们可以用电、太阳能或风能为汽车提供动力。5最后每个人都应重视节约资源。As natural resources are getting rare/with natural resourc

30、es getting rare. ,we have no alternative but to get rid of any practice that wastes must know for sure what we should ,alternative energy should be ,cars should be powered by electricity,solar energy or wind ,everyone should attach importance to saving energy.Module 2(关于旅行)1天气允许的话,我们下周末就去郊区旅行。2在郊区有各

31、种各样的植物在展览。3安静轻松的环境会给我们带来好心情,并给我们留下深刻印象。4如果你方便的话,可以加入我们。Weather permitting/If weather permits,we will go on a trip to the suburb next weekend,where there is a variety of plants on display/on show/ on exhibit .The quiet and relaxing environment will bring us a good ,the environment will leave a deep impression on us.If it is convenient for you,you can come and join us.Module3(关于教学)1教学方法因人而异。2我们的英语老师有丰富的教学经验,她特别注重老师和学生间的交流。3在课堂上,她让同学们参与每项活动。4她总是问各种各样的问题,任何知道答案的同学都可以举手回答。5我们都赞成她的教学方法。Teaching methods vary from teacher to English teacher has a great deal of/rich teaching experience and pays

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