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1、高一英语上册词组汇总13单元2017高一英语上册词组汇总(13单元) 2017高一英语上册词组汇总(13单元) Unit ne必会习语 1hat is sb lie? hat des sb l lie? hat des sb lie? H des sb lie/find sth? 2 argue ith sb abut sth 因和某人争执 3 en/hate sth/ ding sth 4 s / nr/ neither + 系动助动情动+ 主语 S it is ith; It is the sae ith be int 对深感兴趣 =be interested in; have/sh in

2、terest in be fnd f 喜欢 are fr; lie; en; 6 surf the internet 上网冲浪 7 all the tie 一直 总是 8 iagine that; iagine (sb/sbs) ding sth iagine sb t be 想像某人是 HUSFRIEND 7 ast aa 抛弃 8 sthat/suhthat 如此以致 He as s exited that he uld nt spea S exited as he that he uld nt spea It as suh a lvel da that e deided t g utin

3、g It as s lvel a da that e deided t g uting It is ausing that suh little birds eat s uh fd 9 the Paifi ean; the Atlanti ean; the Indian ean; the arti ean; 10 survive the rash 在空难中幸存 11 a deserted island 荒岛 12 all alne 独自 = all b neself 区别: alne 单独的;独自的 lnel 孤独的;寂寞的 13 hunt fr 搜寻 寻找 searh fr; 12ae fi

4、re 生火 13in rder t 为了 s as t; in rder that; s that 14even thugh/even if 即使,纵然 as if / as thugh 1treatas/lie 把当作 regardas; thin fas 16share sth ith sb 与分享 share (in) sth 分享 17are abut/fr 关心,照顾,喜欢 are t d sth 愿意做;are fr sb t d sth 愿意某人做 are + 从句 愿意;介意 18shuld have dne 本应该 =ught t have dne 19ae friends

5、ith 与交朋友 20suh as 例如 fr exaple;fr instane RD STUD ≈ GRAAR 21 eepas a pet 22 regard as; treatas; thin fas; nsideras/t be 23 be lal t; be faithful t;be devted t 忠诚于 24 be qui in ind and atin 思维敏捷行动迅速 INTEGRATINGSILLS 2 have fun; en neself; have a nderful tie 26 drp e a line 给某人写短信 RB 27eepin ind 把记

6、住 learnb heart; reeber 28in errr / b istae 由于错误或疏忽 29tie up (nes hair) 扎起 d up 30run int 偶然遇见; 遭遇;与相撞 e arss; eet b hane; happen t eet 31be prud f 以而感骄傲 tae pride in 32run a restaurant 开餐馆 start a restaurant run a business 做生意 33sip lasses 逃 33eep an ee n 照顾; 注视;stare at 盯着看 34ae fun f 取笑某人; laugh a

7、t 3 It is pssible (fr sb) t d; It is pssible/prbable/liel that Sb + is (st) liel t d sth Sth + is prbable 36be urius abut 对感到好奇 be urius that have the urisit abut 37 have prbles ith 在 有问题 38 even if u are thusand iles apart即使你们分别在几千英里 39 despite = in spite f 尽管;不管 regardless f Unit 2 必会习语 aring up 1

8、 fr the first tie 第一次;首先 at first; first f all 2 have a gd flight (坐飞机)旅途愉快 3 all the a 一路 4 at all(否定:根本;疑问:到底;条:竟然) abve all 首先;首要的 after all 毕竟; in all 总共 ae neself at he 不拘束,别客气 6 There u are 你了。 Here u are 给你。 ENGLISH ARUND THE RLD 7 all arund the rld 世界各地 thrughut the rld 8 the arit f 大多数的 the

9、 inrit f 9 in ttal; in all; altgether 总共 10 the nuber f 的数量(large; sall 谓语动词单数) a nuber f 一些;许多 11 exept fr 除了之外;要不是 exept 除了都; besides 除了还;exept +从句 exept (除去)指在整体中除去行为未发生者 (不包括在内) exept fr (除了有之外)指在一个整体中除去其中某个或某些因素,前后两个名词性质不同。 exept that (除去;除掉) 后接从句,还有exept hen, exept hat; exept here等 besides (除了

10、还) 包括在整体之内 but (除了之外) 和exept 同义,与否定词或疑问词连用 11 uniate ith sb 与交流,联络 12 have a gd nledge f 对很熟悉;通晓 GRAAR 祈使句间接引语 As sb (nt) t d sth 请某人做/不做某事 Tell sb (nt) t d sth 让某人不做某事 rder sb (nt) t d sth 命令某人做/不做某事 13 help sb ith sth 在某方面帮助某人 help sb d sth; help d sth; 帮助 assist sb ith sth; assist sb t d sth; ass

11、ist in ding sth 协助某人做 14 stand still 站着不动; sta still; lie still 1 leave the dr pen 让门一直开着 leave the light n 让灯一直亮着 leave sb ding sth 留置/听任保持(做某事)的状态 leave dne 留置/听任保持(被)的状态 16 turn dn up the radi 把收音机声音关小开大 turn up 出现 turn dn 拒绝 turn ff / n 关掉打开 turn in 上缴; turn ut 结果是;被证明是 17 sta up 熬夜;不睡觉 Integrat

12、ing sills 18 e abut 发生;happen; tae plae; brea ut 19 There is n qui anser t this questin 20 in the sae a 用同样的方式 in different as 不同 in this a 这样 in n a 决不 in the a 挡道;妨碍 ut f the a 不挡道 in a a 在某种程度上;在某一点上 n the a 在路上;即将发生 b the a 顺便说/问一下; b a f 经由;经过 21 sta the sae = reain the sae 保持不变 22at the sae ti

13、e 同时 =eanhile 23 end up ith 以(形式)告终 begin/start ith end in failure 以失败而告终 24 re r less 或多或少 2 have diffiult/truble in ding sth 做某事有困难 26 a great an; an a; a great nuber f (可数) a great an fatries 区分 a great an f the fatries a great deal f; a large aunt f; (不可数) a large quantit f; large quantities f;

14、plent f; lts f 27 bring in 带; 引进 bring ut 出版;生产;揭露 bring abut 引起;导致 bring up 抚养;培养 RB 29 shut up 闭嘴 30pass aa 去世 31prise sb t d sth 答应某人做某事 prise that ae a prise 32ae a deisin 做出决定=deide 33 arr sb; 与某人结婚 get arried t sb be arried t sb 34 at least 至少 at st 最多 3 a little bit 区分:a little; a bit; a bit

15、f; nt a bit ; nt a little 36 hat n line 网上聊天 37 sta in tuh eep in tuh ith sb= eep tra f 保持联系 get in tuh ith; 取得联系 lse tuh ith 失去联系 38 beause f 区分 beause thans t 多亏了 as a result f 由于的结果 due t 由于,因为 ing t 由于;因为 39 nt nl but als (用于句首时,前句倒装) Nt nl did Xiahua learn a lt f English fr her anadian teaher,

16、she als beae ver interested in anada (前句倒,后句不倒) Nt nl the students but als the teaher desnt understand this sentene (并列主语,不倒装,谓语就近一致) 40 as an as; as uh as 和一样多 as an bs as as uh ne as His sn is as naught a b as he used t be hen he as ung 41 in the nae f 以的名义 Unit 3必会习语 ARING UP ≈ SPEAING 1 nside

17、r ( as/t be) 认为是 nsider sb t have dne 认为某人做过某事 nsider it +n/ad fr sb t d sth nsider ding sth 考虑要做某事 nsider +疑问词 + t d sth 考虑 nsider that从句 认为;考虑 in nsideratin f 报答;由于 tae int nsideratin 顾及,考虑到 under nsideratin 在考虑中,在研究中 2 eans f transprtatin/transprt 交通方式 Ever pssible eans has been tried, but nne re

18、d All pssible eans have been tried, b all eans 不惜一切 =in all as b this eans 用这种方法 =in this a b n eans 决不; 一点也不=in n a b eans f 通过, 借助于 = b 3 in tie 及时;早晚;总有一天 travel in tie 在时空中旅行 n tie 准时 in n tie 马上;立刻 at that tie 那时 at ties 有时 fr the tie being 暂时的 4 prefer sth / t d sth / sb t d sth 更喜欢;较喜欢 prefer

19、 ding A t ding B 宁愿做某事 prefer A t B; 喜欢A 胜于B = lie A better than B prefer t d A rather than d B 宁愿做A 而不愿做 B in spae 在太空 in uter spae 在外部空间 ADVENTURE TRAVEL 6 get aa (fr) 摆脱; 离开 brea aa fr 脱离 get rid f 去除 7 re and re 越越 8 instead f 代替; 而不是 (区分:instead)rather than 9 tr ding 试验做 tr t d sth 努力去做;试图作 ana

20、ge t d sth = sueed in ding sth 设法做到了某事 attept t d sth; ae an attept t d sth 企图做某事 10 get lse t 靠近; 接近 11 experiene life 体验生活 experiene n 经历 Un经验 12 tae exerise 进行锻炼 have sprts; d sprt exerise n 练习题 (pl) 体操 Un 锻炼 13 g fr a hie = g hiing 去徒步旅行 14 ath ut (fr) 留神; 提防 1 prtet fr/against 保护免受 16 be areful

21、 (nt) t d sth 小心(不)做某事 be areful abut 注意 be areful ith 小心; 17 as ith 也一样 as t / fr 至于;关于 18 thin abut 考虑 thin f 想到,想起 thin ver 仔细考虑 thin ut 想出 19 g rafting 去漂流 20 unless = if nt 除非否则 u shuld nt g rafting unless u n h t si(条) 区分:until u ust nt get ff the bus until it has stpped(时间) GRAAR 现在进行时表示将的计划,

22、打算 H are u getting t the airprt? 一般现在时表示时刻表的将 plane leaves at seven this evening 21 g n separate hlidas 分别去度假 22 in a fe das tie = in a fe das =a fe das later 几天后 after 和 in 的区分 23 g ff t ; be ff t 动身去 leave fr; 24 see sb ff 给某人送行 eet sb 接某人 2 tae a taxi t 乘出租车 g t b taxi 26 have a nie / pleasant tr

23、ip/urne 祝旅途愉快 27 sa “Hi” t sb fr e 代我向某人问好 give regards t sb reeber e t sb 28 The sae t u 我也祝愿你。 对比: Its the sae ith 也一样 Its all the sae t sb 对某人而言是一样的。 I have the sae penil bag as urs/ u have 29 in the past 在过去 in the ld das 30 at present 目前; at the present tie; nadas 31 in the future 在未;将 in futur

24、e 以后 32 used t d sth 过去常做某事 be used t d sth 被用做 be used fr (ding) sth be used t sth/ding sth 习惯于 get used t ding INTEGRATINGSILLS 33 bineith 把和结合起 (为了共同目的合并) nnetith/t 把和连接起 (通过媒介物连接) linith/t int (直接连接) 34 n (the) ne hand , n the ther hand 一方面, 另一方面 3 s that = in rder that 为了; 以便 36 learn abut 了解;

25、学习有关知识 37 as ell as =and 也; 又;以及 as ell = t 38 b ding sth 通过作某事 b eans f ding 39 ae ne 挣钱; 赚钱 earn ne 40 the fur f u 你们四个人 fur f u 你们其中的四个人 41 prepare ( sth) fr 为做准备 get read fr prepare sb fr sth 使某人为某事做好准备 be ell prepared (fr); 为做好了充分的准备=be read fr ae preparatins fr 为做准备 42 ae ntes 做笔记 tae ntes RB

26、43 tae ff (飞机)起飞;脱掉(衣帽鞋) 44 g n hlida 去度假 g t (a plae) fr a hlida INTEGRATING SILLS 4 fillith 给充满 be filled ith; be full f 充满了 46 the a (in hih/that) + 定语从句 the/a a f ding sth = the/a a t d sth 做某事的方法 47 ath up ith 赶上 eep up ith 跟上;不落后 48 reah ut (fr sth) 伸手去(拿,碰) 49 pa attentin t 注意 fus nes attentin n all /dra/attrat nes attentin t 吸引某人的注意力于 RITING 0 give aa 赠送, 放弃, 泄漏(机密) give up 放弃 give in (t sb) 屈服 give ut 分发;发出(光,热,气,味等) give ff 发出(光,热,气,味等) 1 e up ith 提出;想到(主意);

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