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1、中央财经国际市场营销期末整理25 选择6 简答不用展开,PPT上的就可以2案例英语词典期中考过的不一定就不考1、What is the EPRG framework in relation to management orientations in global markets2、Free trade agreement is one of the four levels of international cooperation. List the four and briefly state what forms of cooperation each level includes 3、Wh

2、at is the TRIAD4、What are the 5 dimensions of culture outline 知识点:Lecture 1:overview of global maketing1. How to create value for customers?(1)Value equation: Value = Benefits/Price(2)Create value for customers by improving benefits or reducing price: (4点)a. Improve the productb. Find new distributi

3、on channelsc. Create better communicationsd. Cut monetary and non-monetary costs and prices2. Answer: Focus-Concentration of attention on a core business or competence.3. 4P (marketing mix)营销组合 : product, price, promotion, place.Marketing mix development: concentration of marketing activities, coord

4、ination of marketing a activities, integration of competitive moves.相关知识点:单一国家营销战略Single country marketing strategy: choosing a target market and developing marketing mix (4P). 选择目标市场和发展营销组合4P全球市场营销战略Global marketing strategy: international market participation and marketing mix development. 4. Stan

5、dardization vs. Adaptation(1)Globalization (standardization) 全球化(标准化)(2点)a. Developing standardized products marketed worldwide with a standardized marketing mixb. Essence of mass marketing 大众市场营销的精髓(2)Global localization (adaptation) 全球本土化: (3点)a. Mixing standardization and customization in a way t

6、hat minimizes costs while maximizing satisfactionb. Essence of segmentation 市场细分的精髓c. Think globally, act locally 全球化的思维,本土化的行动。 5. Management orientation (EPRG framework)管理导向的EPRG框架(1) Ethnocentric orientation 母国中心导向型 (4点)1. Home country is superior to others2. Sees only similarities in other count

7、ries3. Assumes products and practices that succeed at home will be successful everywhere 4. Leads to a standardized or extension approacheg. Nissans early days of exporting to the United States相关知识:domestic companies, international companies(2)Polycentric Orientation 多国中心导向型 (4点)1. Each country is u

8、nique2. Each subsidiary develops its own unique business and marketing strategies3. Often referred to as multinational4. Leads to a localized or adaptation approach that assumes products must be adapted to local market conditionseg. Citicorp(3)Regiocentric Orientation 区域中心导向型 (2点)1. A region is the

9、relevant geographic unit2. Some companies serve markets throughout the world but on a regional basiseg. GM(4)Geocentric Orientation 世界中心导向型 (6点)1. Entire world is a potential market2. Strives for integrated global strategies3. Also known as a global or transnational company4. Retains an association

10、with the headquarters country5. Pursues serving world markets from a single country or sources globally to focus on select country markets6. Leads to a combination of extension and adaptation elementseg. GM, Harley-Davidson (U.S.), Waterford (Ireland), Gap (U.S.)Lecture 2: the global economic enviro

11、nment1. The new realities(-William Greider).五个新现实 (5点)1. Capital movements have replaced trade as the driving force of the world economy2. Production has become uncoupled from employment3. The world economy, not individual countries, is the dominating factor4. 75-year struggle between capitalism and

12、 socialism has almost ended5. E-commerce diminishes the importance of national barriers and forces companies to reevaluate business models2. Economic systems3. BRICS金砖五国: Brazil, Russia, India, and China South AfricaIndialow-income countryBrazil, Chinalow-middle-income countriesRussiaupper-middle-in

13、come countrySouth Africa-?4. Stages of market development 市场发展的4个阶段The World Bank has defined four categories of development using Gross National Income (GNI) as a base.(1)Low-Income countries低收入 GNI per capita of $935 or less Characteristics Limited industrialization工业有限 High percentage of populati

14、on involved in farming高农业人口百分比 High birth rates高出生率 Low literacy rates低识字率 Heavy reliance on foreign aid严重依赖国际援助 Political instability and unrest动荡局势 Concentrated in Sub-Saharan Africa集中于撒哈拉以南非洲 India is the only BRICS country(2)Low-Middle-Income countries中低收入 GNI per capita: $936 to $3,705 Characte

15、ristics Rapidly expanding consumer markets消费者市场的迅速扩大 Cheap labor廉价劳动力 Mature, standardized, labor-intensive industries like textiles and toys成熟标准的劳动密集型工业,如玩具和纺织品 China 、Brazil、South Africa(3)Upper-Middle-Income countries中高收入 GNI per capita: $3,706 to $11,455 Characteristics Rapidly industrializing,

16、less agricultural employment农业少 工业发达 Increasing urbanization城镇化 Rising wages 报酬增长 High literacy rates and advanced education高识字率和高等教育 Lower wage costs than advanced countries比发达国家更少的工资成本 Also called newly industrializing economies (NIEs)新兴工业化经济体 Malaysia, Chile, Venezuela, Hungary, Ecuador(4)High-In

17、come countries高收入 GNI per capita: $11,456 or more Also know as advanced, developed, industrialized, or postindustrial countries先进发达工业化和信息化的 Characteristics Sustained economic growth through disciplined innovation革新让经济不断增长 Service sector is more than 50% of GNI服务行业占GNI一半5. Mistaken Assumptions About

18、LDCs + examples IN BOOKLDCs的错误假设(1)The poor have no money. In the aggregate, the buying power of poor communities can be substantial. In rural Bangladesh, villagers spend considerable sums to use village phones operated by local entrepreneurs.(2)The poor will not “waste” money on non-essential goods

19、. eg. Poor consumers buy TVs and gas stoves to improve their lives. (3)Entering developing markets is fruitless because goods there are too cheap to make a profit.Poor people often pay higher prices. There is an opportunity for efficient competitors to realize attractive margins by offering quality

20、and low prices.(4)People in BOP (bottom of the pyramid) countries cannot use technology.Rural residents can and do learn to use cell phones, PCs, and other devices.(5)Global companies doing business in BOP countries will be seen as exploiting the poor.剥削穷人Informal economies in many poor countries ar

21、e highly exploitive. A global company can improve a countrys standard of living while earning a reasonable ROI.6. The Triad United States, Western Europe, and Japan Represents 75% of world income Expanded triad includes all of North America and the Pacific Rim and most of Eastern Europe Global compa

22、nies should be equally strong in each part7. Product saturation levels 产品饱和水平 The percentage of potential buyers or households who own a product India: 1% of people have telephones Autos: 1 per 20,000 Chinese; 21 per 100 Poles; 49 per 100 EU citizens Computers: 1 PC per 6,000 Chinese; 11 PCs per Pol

23、es; 34 PCs per EU citizen Lecture 2B: The Global Trade Environment: Regional Market Characteristics and Preferential Trade Agreements1. GATT 、WTO(1)GATT-General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Treaty among nations to promote trade among members established in 1947 Handled trade disputes Lacked enforc

24、ement power Replaced by World Trade Organization in 1995(2)WTOWorld Trade Organization Forum for trade-related negotiations among 150 members Based in Geneva Serves as dispute mediator through DSB(Dispute Settlement Body ) Has enforcement power and can impose sanctions2. Preferential Trade Agreement

25、s (PTA) 最惠国贸易协定A preferential trade agreement is a mechanism that confers special treatment on select trading partners. PTAs give partners special treatment and may discriminate against others.注意比较(1)Free Trade Area (FTA) 自由贸易区 Two or more countries agree to abolish tariffs and other barriers to tra

26、de among themselves Countries continue independent trade policies with countries outside agreement Rules of origin requirements restrict transshipment of goods from the country with the lowest tariff to another(2)Customs Union 关税同盟 Evolution of free trade area Includes the elimination of internal ba

27、rriers to trade (as in FTA) AND establishes common external barriers to trade Ex: The EU and Turkey(3)Common Market 共同市场 Includes the elimination of internal barriers to trade (as in free trade area) AND establishes common external barriers to trade (as in customs union) AND allows for the free move

28、ment of factors of production, such as labor, capital, and information(4)Economic Union 经济联盟 Includes the elimination of internal barriers to trade (as in free trade area) AND establishes common external barriers to trade (as in customs union) AND allows for the free movement of factors of productio

29、n, such as labor, capital, and information (as in common market) AND coordinates and harmonizes economic and social policy within the unionLecture 3A: Social and Cultural Environments1. Material and nonmaterial culture.物质和非物质文化Cultureways of living, built up by a group of human beings, that are tran

30、smitted from one generation to another(1)Material culture-Physical component or physical culture物质的Clothing 、Tools.、Decorative art.、Body adornment.、Homes.(2)Nonmaterial culture-Subjective or abstract culture非物质的Religion、 Perceptions.、Attitudes.、Beliefs、 Values.2. Attitudes, beliefs, values Attitudes

31、learned tendency to respond in a consistent way to a given object or entity存在本质 Beliefan organized pattern模式 of knowledge that an individual holds to be true about the world Valueenduring 不朽belief or feeling that a specific mode of conduct is personally or socially preferable to another mode of conduct3. Aesthetics美学 The sense of what is beautiful and what is not beautiful What represents good taste as opposed to tastelessness or even obscenity低俗 Visual视觉embodied in the color or shape of a

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