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雅思口语900句 第五课一个地方一片回忆.docx

1、雅思口语900句 第五课一个地方一片回忆智课网IELTS备考资料雅思口语900句 第五课:一个地方一片回忆 摘要: 雅思口语900句是国内信息最全的一本雅思口语备考手册。它包括:最全面的雅思口语话题。最权威的雅思话题分类。最万能的雅思口语句子。最典型“自杀性口语”分析。 同学们可以多关注一下 小马 过河发布的 雅思 考试动态。如果您还有疑问请点击下面的“立即咨询”按钮,我们的老师会给您专业的解答。 - 话题41 艺术活动 - 考试必背句子 The students actively apply for the Drama club.同学们积极申请加入戏剧俱乐部。 The Drama club

2、presents the play of the year in spring.戏剧俱乐部在春季上演年度戏剧。 As an art lover, I always go to art exhibitions whenever I have the chance.作为一名艺术爱好者,一有机会我就会参加艺术品展览。 Beijing opera is a traditional form of art in China.京刷是中国一种传统的艺术形式。 Young people nowadays cannot appreciate traditional art.现在的年轻人不会欣赏传统艺术。 To

3、protect the traditional Chinese art, we should nurture childrens interest in them.为了保护传统中国艺术,我们应该培养孩子(对艺术)的兴趣。 Traditional art is a national treasure.传统艺术是国宝。 We should pass on the cultural heritage to the coming generation.我们应该将文化遗产传给(即将到来的)下一代。 Now some young people have no interest in the traditi

4、onal art at all.现在,许多年轻人对传统艺术完全没有兴趣。 The government should give much support to the protection of the traditional arts.政府应该给保护传统艺术更多的支持。 More schools, galleries and museums should be set up to let people know what art is.要建立更多的学校、美术馆和博物馆,让人们知道什么是艺术。 International cultural exchange is a good way to c

5、ontact with people in the world.国际文化交流是一种联系世界各国人民的良好方式。 - 话题42 开公司 - 考试必背句子 The biggest advantage of starting your own business is that you are your own boss.自己做生意最大的好处是你是自己的老板。 A good boss shall learn to handle the labor problems correctly.一个好的老板应该学会怎么正确解决劳工问题。 Dont hire employees who are always go

6、ofing off.不要雇用总是混日子的雇员。 Good employers allow employees to talk freely with one another.好的雇主允许员工自由交谈。 A good boss will try his best to reduce personal conflicts on the job.一个好的老板应该试图减少工作中员工之间的摩擦。 A good boss gives employees adequate control over how they do their work.一个好的老板应该给予员工干好本职工作的充分的自主权。 If I

7、run a company of my own, Ill have some control over how I perform my work.如果我自己开公司的话,我就有权调控自己的工作了。 I will employ those who have an ability to verbalise an idea easily.我将雇用那些有能力轻而易举地表达自己观点的人。 Employees who work with flexibility develop an incredible sense of loyalty.在工作中有灵活性的员工,会逐步培养对公司难以置信的忠诚。 I onl

8、y employ those loyal and faithful employees.我只雇用忠实且诚实的员工。 Being smart and intelligent doesnt mean that he is a good worker.聪明机智的人并不一定意味着他是一个好的员工。 Running a company of my own will bring me a great sense of success.开一家自己的公司将给我带来强烈的成就感。 - 话题43 生活中的变化 - 考试必背句子 Great changes have taken place in my hometo

9、wn in recent years.近几年我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。 Due to the development of economy, people in my hometown are living a better life.由于经济的发展,我家乡的人们(正)过着更好的生活。 I have changed a lot in personality.我的性格已经发生了很大的变化(我个性变化很大)。 I was once a shy boy in the past,but now I am confident and extrovert.我过去是个羞涩的男孩,可是现在我自信而性格外向。

10、You could hardly imagine how your life would be like ten years later.你简直不能想象十年后的生活会是怎样的。 Environment is getting worse so that people in the world are worrying about it.环境日趋恶化,世界人民都在为此担心。 The greatest change in my life is my way of thinking.我生活中的最大变化就是我的思维方式(的变化)。 Life is colourful because it is full

11、 of change.生活(命)是多彩的,因为它充满了变化。 Life is like a box of chocolate and you never know what you are going to get.生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远都不会知道你会得到什么。 As long as I am striving forward, I know I could make big changes of my life.只要我不断地努力,我知道我的生活会发生很大变化。 Everyone can be better and better if he has a dream and tries hi

12、s best to realize the dream.每一个人都会越来越好,只要他拥有一个梦想并为此不断地努力。 I may have difficulties and frustrations in future, but I am ready for it.我的未来会有困难和挫折,可是我已为此做好了准备。 - 话题44 经济活动 - 考试必背句子 I am interested in economics and I read a lot of reports on economy.我对经济学很感兴趣,并且我读了很多与经济有关的报道。 Every year on CCTV, there i

13、s a competition named Annual Economic Figures.每年在中央电视台都会有一个叫“年度经济人物”的评选活动的节目。 Those figures have pushed forward the development of Chinese economy.这些人物已经推动了中国经济的发展。 What they did has had a great influence on peoples life in China.他们所做的一切都对中国人民的生活产生了很大的影响。 They have set up models for every one of us.

14、他们已经为我们每个人树立了榜样。 Economic activities usually provide business opportunities for companies.经济活动通常给公司提供商业机遇。 I once went to Guangzhou to attend the annual trade fair.我曾经去过广州参加一年一度的商品交易会。 Guangzhou Trade Fair is regarded as the first Name Card of world companies.广州商品交易会被世界看成是世界公司的第一名片。 It is a window o

15、f foreign trade for domestic companies.对于国内企业而言,这是对外贸易的一个窗口。 Every year in September, there is a great ceramic fair in my city.每年9月份,在我的城市都有一个大型的陶瓷博览会。 A great number of people are attracted here and it is like a holiday for the city.大量的人被吸引到这里来,这对于一个城市而言像一个假曰。 Some economic organisations are playin

16、g a positive role in international cooperation.一些经济组织在国际合作方面正起到一个积极的作用。 - 话题45 家乡 I came from Fengning which is a small town with 20,000 people.我来自奉宁,那是一个只有20000人的小镇。 Its a large city with many people, cars and architectures.那是一个有许多人口、汽车和建筑物的大城市。 I especially love the peaceful life in my hometown.我特

17、别喜爱家乡的宁静生活。 With a long history, the city has many historical scenic spots.由于历史悠久,这个城市有许多名胜古迹。 I hope I could make some contribution to the elimination of pollution in my hometown.我希望能够为家乡消除污染作出自己的贡献。 After five years,I found that my hometown had greatly changed.五年后,我发现家乡发生了很大的变化。 The people living

18、in my hometown are unsophisticated and simple.生活在我家乡的人们都很淳朴、单纯。 The city is an important transportation hub.这个城市是重要的交通枢纽。 Textile industry is the mainstay of the city.纺织工业是这个城市的支柱(产业)。 My hometown is famous for pottery and porcelain.我的家乡因陶瓷而闻名。 People in my hometown are hospitable and warm-hearted.我

19、家乡的人们都友好、热情。 It is a booming city and is developing at a rapid speed.这是个新兴城市,发展速度很快。 - 话题46 博物馆 - 考试必背句子 The Shanghai museum is the most impressive one that I have ever seen.上海博物馆是我见过的印象最深的博物馆。 I prefer to go to history museums.我喜欢去历史博物馆。 Most of the museums in China cost little in tickets.中国很多博物馆票价

20、都很便宜。 Last month under a new policy many museums in Beijing became free of charge上个月新政策实施,北京很多博物馆都免费开放。 Visiting museums could help broaden our horizon.参观博物馆可以拓宽我们的视野。 My mother used to take me to museums on Sundays.我妈妈过去常在周日带我去博物馆。 The Palace Museum has a rich collection of antiques.故宫里面收藏了大量古董。 Mu

21、seums often hold exhibitions of great works of art.博物馆经常举办艺术佳作展。 The Museum of Military History has become an important education base for students.军事历史博物馆已经成为一个重要的学生教育基地。 Museums are supposed to be given much support from the government.政府应当给与博物馆更多支持。 I learned a lot from the trip to the national m

22、useum.我去了国家博物馆,并收获颇多。 The museum is another place for us to gain knowledge.博物馆是我们获取知识的另外一个场所。 - 话题47 交通 - 考试必背句子 My favorite transportation means is taxi.我最喜欢的交通工具就是打出租车了。 We should develop public transportation in Beijing.我们应该在北京大力发展公共交通。 Too many private cars cause traffic jams in Beijing.在北京,太多的私

23、家车导致交通堵塞。 Subway is supposed to be on time.地铁应该准时。 People are encouraged to take buses to work.应该鼓励人们乘公交车上班。 The government should take some measures to relieve the traffic pressure.政府应该采取措施减轻交通压力。 Since the Olympics will be held in Beijing, the government is building more subways.因为奥运会在北京召开,政府正在建设更

24、多的地铁。 Airplane is the quickest but the most expensive way of travelling.飞机是最快速,但也是最昂贵的旅行方式。 During the Spring Festival, the capacity of Chinas railway system is highly challenged.在春节期间,中国铁路系统的载客量面临巨大挑战。 The snow disaster cut off the traffic.雪灾阻断了交通。 The bicycle is a clean and convenient way of trave

25、ling.骑自行车旅行既清洁又方便。 The maglev train will greatly increase the speed of transportation.磁悬浮列车将极大提高运输的速度。 - 话题48 你的国家 China has 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, 4 municipalities under the Central Government and two special administration regions.中国有23个省,5个自治区,4个直辖市和2个持别行政区。 China is the third larges

26、t country in the world with 9,600,000km.中国幅员960万平方公里,为世界第三大国。 The coastal area is more developed than the Western area.沿海地区比西部发达。 It rains a lot in the Southern part of China whereas it is much drier in the North.中国的南方经常下雨而北方就干燥得多。 China is a great country with a long history of over 5,000 years.中国是

27、一个有着5000年悠久历史的大国。 China has contributed a lot to the world peace and prosperity.中国为世界的和平和昌盛作出了很大的贡献。 Chinese people are known for their hospitality and industry.中国人以热情好客和勤劳著称。 China is a tourist destination attracting friends from all over the world.中国是旅行的目的地,吸引了世界各地的朋友。 Since the reform and opening

28、 up,many great changes have taken place in China.自从改革开放以来,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。 We are proud of your splendid culture.我们因我们光辉灿烂的文化而感到自豪。 Now China enjoys a high status in the international community.现在中国在国际社会中享有很高的地位。 China has cultivated a lot of world famous scientists and artists.中国培养了一批闻名世界的科学家和艺术家。 - 话

29、题49 城市 - 考试必背句子 Beijing is the political and cultural centre of China.北京是中国政治和文化的中心。 Beijing has a population of 20 million people.北京有2000万人口。 Traffic has become an increasingly difficult problem in Beijing.交通问题已经成为北京日益加剧的一个难题。 Beijing is one of Chinese ancient capitals.北京是中国古都之一。 Having been the ca

30、pital of China for over 800 years, Beijing is a city with rich cultural heritage.北京,800多年都是中国的首都,有着丰富的文化遗产。 If I had the chance, I would like to live in Hangzhou.如果有机会,我愿意在杭州生活。 With a mild climate and its beautiful scenery, Hangzhou is an ideal place for living.抗州有着温和的气候条件,加上它优美的风景,是理想的居住地 Sand sto

31、rms often occur in Beijing in spring.北京的春天经常遭遇沙尘暴的侵袭。 All kinds of cultural events and international symposiums are held in Beijing every year.每年各种各样的文化活动和国际专题研讨会都在北京举行。 Beijing acted as the host city for the Olympics in 2008.北京是2008年奥运会的主办城市。 Beijing has changed into an open and modern metropolis.北京已经变成一个开放的、现代化的大都市。 Life in a city with its numerous supermarkets is much more convenient.有着数量众多的超市,城市生活越加方便了。 - 话题50 房间 - 考试必背句子 I like a spacious and well furnished room.我喜欢宽敞、装修到位的房间。 My bedroom is sweet and cozy.我的卧室很温馨舒适。 My dorm room is small but comfortable.我的

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