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1、英语词汇把和联系起来对待某人差守规矩;表现得体观察某人做了某事因尊敬某人敬重某人就某事与某人争论据理赞成某事说服某人做某事说服某人不做某事激励某人做某事为了支持;为了拥护支持某人为而奋斗处死某人把奉献给;致力于启程(去某地)被允许做某事算出;制定出;锻炼;进展过着样的生活涌上某人的心头地笑和有共同点打算做某事专门为而设计/而使用/准备为了做某事考虑到在考虑中;在审议中发表演讲继续(偶然)遇见;碰见碰巧;凑巧轻视;瞧不起谈到;提到;参考;涉及到保护不受侵害为做准备尊敬某人发生 (无被动)提出;想出继续做某事实行;执行;完成Unit 1 Book 41. connectwith2. behave

2、badly to/ towards sb.3. behave oneself4. observe sb. do sth.5. respect sb. for sth.6. show/ have respect for 7. argue with sb. about/ over sth.8. argue for sth.9. argue sb. into doing10. argue sb. out of doing11. inspire sb. to do12. in support of13. provide support to sb.14. fight for15. put sb. to

3、 death16. devoteto sth./ doing17. move off (for sp.)18. be allowed to do19. work out20. lead a life21. crowd in (on sb.)22. laugh alaugh23. have sth. in common with24. intend to do/ doing25. be intended for26. be intended to do27. take into consideration28. under consideration29. deliver a speech30.

4、 carry on (with) sth.31. come across32. by chance33. look down upon/ on sb.34. refer to (sth./ sb)35. protect from 36. prepare for37. look up to sb.38. come about39. come up with sth.40. carry on doing41. carry out为奋斗 /斗争努力做某事挣扎着站起来与作斗争渴望渴望做某事用装备起来准备好;对有准备随着的发展由于;因为摆脱;除去对满意对做某事感到满意满足某人的需要令某人满意的是增强某人

5、的信心寻找;搜索如果必要的话是的两倍大把和混淆被搞糊涂了后悔做过某事遗憾地要做某事令人感到遗憾的是遗憾地减少到/ 减少了 (注意俩介词的不同)评论某事无可奉告给造成损害将洗掉;洗净增强体质集中于;焦点对准使不受损害/不含另外;此外;而且转向;求助于每隔几年致使某人做某事每隔一天情不自禁地不能帮忙做某事集中注意力于集中注意力于而不是;而非关心;在乎 (比较:care for)怀着做某事的希望Unit 2 Book 41. struggle for2. struggle to do3. struggle to ones feet4. struggle against/ with 5. have a

6、 hunger for 6. hunger to do7. equip with8. be equipped for9. with the development of10. thanks to/ owing to/ due to11. be/ get rid of12. be satisfied with13. be satisfied to do14. satisfy ones needs/ demands15. to ones up ones confidence17. search for = look for = hunt for18. if

7、 necessary19. twice as large as20. confuse with21. be confused by22. regret doing/ having done23. regret to do24. to ones regret25. with regret26. reduce to/ by 27. make comments on28. no comment29. cause damage to30. wash off31. build up ones strength32. focus on33. keep free of/ from34. in additio

8、n 35. turn to36. every few years37. lead sb. to do38. every other day39. cant help doing40. cant help (to) do41. focus ones attention on42. fix ones attention on43. rather than44. care about45. with the hope of doing对满意/ 满足满足于做某事满足某人的愿望使某人确信某事 (be convinced of= I believe )说服某人做某事指示/指导某人做某事朝着方向直到现在 (

9、用于现在完成时)穷的;缺少的挑选;辨认出切断;断绝;隔绝主演;担任主角破门而入寻找富裕的更穷的拾起;接送;收听;学到 恢复砍倒;削减超车;插嘴切碎随着时间的流逝 (= as time goes by/ on)像预料到的一样尤其对挑剔/讲究令人愉悦的是使某人愉快轻声地在某人耳边小声说据秘传.对作出反应;回应突然大笑起来突然哭了在户外玩文字游戏合计;把 加起来总计是增添;增加第二门外语Unit 3 Book 41. feel/ be content with2. be content to do3. content ones wish4. convince sb. of sth.5. convin

10、ce sb. to do6. direct sb. to do7. in the direction of8. up to now/ so far9. badly off10. pick out11. cut off12. star in (a film)13. break into14. (be) in search of15. well off16. worse off17. pick up18. cut down19. cut in20. cut up21. with time going by/ on22. as is expected23. in particular24. be p

11、articular about25. to ones amusement26. keep sb. amused27. in whisper/ in a low voice28. whisper sth. in ones ear29. It is/ was whispered that 30. react to sb./ sth.31. burst into laughter32. burst into crying33. in the open air34. play on words35. add up36. add up to37. add to38. a second foreign l

12、anguage宣称某人是对感到好奇极想做某事出于好奇好奇地一个做某事的方法在临近时为了保护保护以免受亲了某人的脸颊相反很可能;有希望(比较:it is likely that)总的来说;通常伸出(手去够某物)环顾四周和某人握手提出;搭起;张贴容忍打在某人的脸上抓住某人的胳膊起作用使某人放松/安心轻易地;毫不费劲地感到心情放松上上下下;来来回回丢脸;丢面子背对;背弃向某人点头摇头把目光从移开大多数情况下尊敬某人拥抱某人保全面子;有脸面面对;在面前面对;面临结果是;证明是调高;出现调低;拒绝交出;上交万一;以防(连词)以防万一无论如何;总之 (in no case 决不)代替虽然;尽管(介词)Un

13、it 4 Book 41. represent sb. as/ to be2. be curious about3. be curious to do4. out of curiosity5. with curiosity = curiously6. an approach to (doing) sth.7. at the approach of 8. in defence of9. defend against/ from 10. kiss sb. on the cheek11. on the contrary12. be likely to do13. in general14. reac

14、h out (for sth.)15. look around16. shake hands with17. put up18. put up with sth.19. hit sb. in the face20. catch sb. by the arm21. function as = work as22. put sb. at ease23. with ease24. feel at ease25. up and down26. lose face27. turn ones back to 28. nod ones head to sb.29. shake ones head30. lo

15、ok away from31. in most cases32. be respectful to sb.33. give a hug to sb.34. save face35. in the face of36. be faced with37. turn out (to be)38. turn up39. turn down40. turn in41. in case42. in case of43. in any case44. in place of = instead of45. in spite of = despite各种各样的吸引某人的吸引力因出名 (比较:be famous

16、 as)难怪实现 (五被动)对熟悉被某人熟悉事实上效仿;仿造不仅仅仅仅;只不过与其说不如说作为出名惊讶地少数的;少部分的大多数站少数提前在前面;在之前承认被允许进入;被录取承认做了某事接近活跃起来;苏醒过来面对面地还;除之外离很近严密监视使生动;使更有趣恢复知觉;苏醒当谈到时一个5岁的男孩一个高度发达的国家一段骑车4小时的路程心不在焉最新信息说英语的国家旅游胜地之一采取有效的措施Unit 5 Book 41. a variety of = varieties of2. attract/ draw ones attention3. be famous for4. (It is) no wonde

17、r (that)5. come true6. be familiar with7. be familiar to sb.8. in deed/ in fact/ in reality9. be modelled after10. more than11. no more than12. morethan13. be famous as14. in wonder15. a minority of16. a majority of17. in the minority18. in advance/ ahead of time19. in advance of20. make an admissio

18、n21. be admitted to/ into 22. admit doing23. get close to (sb./ sth.)24. come to life25. face to face26. as well as27. be close to sth.28. keep a close watch on29. bring to life30. come to oneself31. when it comes to 32. a five-year-old boy33. a highly-developed country34. a four-hour ride35. absent

19、-minded36. up-to-date information37. English-speaking countries38. one of the tourist attractions39. take effective measures to do伺候/照料某人处理;接待;专心使暴露于;使.接触治愈某人疾病;改掉某人的习惯接受挑战挑战某人做某事吸引某人的注意力专心于某事怀疑某人(做了)某事怀疑某人是对某事负有责任(无被动)因某事责怪某人把某事归咎到某人身上下通知向某人宣布某事听从某人的指令教授某人某事提出得出结论在某人存在的时候在上标出将和连接起来调查减速把和连接起来把和结合起来与

20、有关有助于;促成;导致在建设之中为做出贡献结束把结束除以外对严格理解有意义;讲得通讲不通;没有道理有时对负责任为腾出地方绝不阐明立场和发生争执值得称赞Unit 1 Book 51. attend (on/ upon) sb.2. attend to sth. 3. exposeto4. cure sb. of sth.5. take up a challenge6. challenge sb. to do7. absorb ones attention8. be absorbed in sth.9. suspect sb. of (doing) sth.10. suspect sb. to b

21、e .11. be to blame for sth.12. blame sb. for sth.13. blame sth. on sb.14. make an announcement 15. announce sth. to sb.16. follow ones instructions17. instruct sb. in sth.18. put forward19. draw a conclusion20. of sbs day21. mark on 22. link to 23. look into24. slow down25. join to/ and 26. combine

22、with 27. be related to28. contribute to sth.29. under construction30. make contributions to sth.31. come to an end32. bring to an end33. apart from34. be strict with sb. / in sth.35. make sense of36. make sense37. make no sense38. at times39. be responsible for40. make room for41. in no senseUnit 2

23、Book 51. clarify ones position/ stand2. come into conflict with sb.3. to ones credit分期付款为了方便在某人方便的时候对某人来说方便(不能用人做主语)某人方便做某事被吸引吸引某人的注意力把某人吸引到某事上许多名胜由组成(无进行、无被动)把分成提到;涉及;参考挣脱;脱离省略;遗漏在于;存在于把对半分用B除A; A除以B把和分离出故障;垮掉;失败打碎;分手;驱散闯入突发;爆发不理睬;让某人独处让开着不带;忘带;把留下和某人争吵为某事和某人争吵与连接起来与连接起来不愿做留心看;密切注视为某人安排好某事安排(某人)做某事

24、为做安排将对折将折叠起来以做为乐高兴地;愉快地使某人高兴的是代替;取代列一个清单为了纪念令某人非常惊讶的是(嗓音、钟声等)响;鸣在展览为感到自豪4. on credit5. for convenience6. at ones convenience7. sth. is convenient for sb.8. It is convenient for sb. to do9. be attracted by10. attract ones attention11. attract sb. to sth.12. a lot of attractions13. consist of = be mad

25、e up of14. divide into 15. refer to16. break away from17. leave out18. consist in sth. = lie in19. divide sth. in half/ into halves20. divide A by B21. separate from 22. break down23. break up24. break into25. break out26. leave alone27. leave on28. leave behind29. have a quarrel with sb.30. quarrel

26、 with sb. about/ over sth.31. be linked to32. be joined to 33. be unwilling to do34. keep ones eyes open35. arrange sth. for sb.36. arrange (for sb.) to do37. make arrangements for sth.38. fold sth. in two/ half39. fold sth. up40. take delight in doing41. with delight42. to ones delight43. take the

27、place of 44. make a list of45. in the memory of46. much to ones surprise= to ones great surprise47. ring out48. on show49. feel/ be proud of代替某人的位置代替(介词)在适当的位置首先;第一在某方面相似在电话中拍照片给某人留下印象给某人留下印象使某人铭记某事对印象深刻考虑被包围/环绕容忍做因缺乏 (此处lack是名词)缺乏、缺少催促某人做某事关(电灯、机器等)开(电灯、机器等)拿起;接受;开始与相似 (比较:be similar in sth.)方面的短缺拿

28、起;开始;占据取下;记下摄入某物;欺骗某人呈现新的面貌接管看不见;忘记;忽略看见在视野内消失;在看不见的地方看见的时候横扫;打扫清除;摧毁;刮走溜进恢复超四面八方立刻一就对贪婪渴望做某事吞并;吞没;耗尽究竟加速减速50. take ones place52. in place of = instead of53. in place 54. in the first place55. be alike in sth.56. on/ over the phone57. have a photo takenUnit 3 Book 51. leave/ make a impression on sb.2. impress sb

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