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1、推荐高考英语复习题课时非谓语动词含答案1课时3与非谓语动词【课标词汇演练】.完成句子1Last year,my total income,with my reward _,added up to 15,000 yuan,which was not in proportion to what I did.去年我的总收入,加上奖金,总计为一万五千元,这与我的付出不成正比。2As usual,Tom gets up at 8 oclock,drives 30 minutes on the road crowded with cars,begins his work at 9:00 and spend

2、s 10 hours in coping with various documents and goes home _the moon and starsa typical day for a white collar!如往常一样,汤姆8点起床,在拥挤的路上开半小时车,9点开始工作,花费10小时处理不同的文件,然后伴着星星和月亮回家一个白领典型的一天。3The retired minister who likes the city life lives _ in a mountain village,but he doesnt feel _ because he has made friend

3、s with his digital camera.退休的部长喜欢远足,他独自一人住在一个偏僻的山村里,但并不觉得孤独,因为他有数码相机为伴。4David has made so distinct progress in English recently that he can speak English fluently now.So he has,and _Congratulations on being enrolled in Harvard University.最近David英语进步如此之快,他现在能流利地说英语了。他确实进步很大,你也是;祝贺你被哈佛大学录用。5According

4、to your language ability,we can recommend 3 levels of courses _ from elementary,intermediate to advanced.根据你的语言水平,我们向你推荐3种课程,分别为初级、中级和高级。6Generally speaking,mans heart beats 2.6 billion times _ throughout ones life; therefore,we ought to take care of our heart by taking exercise for about 30 minutes

5、 a day.通常说来,人类一生心脏平均会跳26亿次;因此,我们应该通过每天锻炼30分钟左右来照顾我们的心脏。7The experts will _ the amateurs advice _and then decide to adopt it or not in the automatic heating system.专家们会考虑这个业余爱好者的建议然后决定是否在自动加热系统中采用这个建议。8Electronic games dont have many effects on adults but affect students a great deal; so many parents

6、 _ to limit their childrens playing time.电子游戏对成年人影响不大,但是对学生影响很大。所以许多家长努力限制孩子的游戏时间。9After seeing plenty of solid evidence,the greedy thief had no alternative/choice but to acknowledge that _ that stole the gold watch.在看见了许多的铁证之后,这个贪婪的贼不得不承认是他偷了金表。10After the committee declares that the tickets for th

7、e concert are available to the public,many people are willing to wait _ to buy one.在委员会宣布音乐会门票对公众开放之后,很多人心甘情愿排长队买票。.单词拼写1It is unfair that he gets very little in _ (奖赏)for his hard work.2That outburst was a _(典型的) example of his lack of selfcontrol.3Most of the computers we are using are _(数字的)compu

8、ters.4I should _(推荐) it as a useful reference book.5After much deliberation,the president decided to _(采纳)her suggestion.6He refused to _(承认)that he was defeated.7The customs asked me if I had anything to _(宣布、申报)8TV sets are _(可获得的; 可购得的)in any department stores.【基础语法演练】.单项填空A高考经典1(2015浙江卷,18)Liste

9、ning to music at home is one thing,going to hear it _ live is quite another.Aperform BperformingCto perform Dbeing performed2(2015湖南卷,30)When the clerk saw a kind face wrinkled in an apologetic smile,she stood rooted to the ground,_ whether to stay or leave.Awondering BwonderCto wonder Dwondered3(20

10、15湖南卷,34)Sometimes I act as a listening ear for fellow students_ what is bothering them.Ato talk over Btalked overCtalk over Dhaving talked over4(2015陕西卷,17)After receiving the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress,Anne Benedict went on _ all the people who had helped in her career.Ato thank BthankingCh

11、aving thanked Dto have thanked5(2015陕西卷,18)Back from his twoyear medical service in Africa,Dr.Lee was very happy to see his mother_good care of at home.Ataking Btaken Ctake Dbe taken6(2014江西卷,26)When it comes to _ in public,no one can match him.Aspeak BspeakingCbeing spoken Dbe spoken7(2014福建卷,30)Fo

12、r those with family members far away,the personal computer and the phone are important in staying _Aconnected BconnectingCto connect Dto be connected8(2014湖南卷,23) _ your own needs and styles of communication is as important as learning to convey your affection and emotions.AUnderstanding BTo be unde

13、rstoodCBeing understood DHaving understood9(2014四川卷,5)The manager was satisfied to see many new products _ after great effort.Ahaving developed Bto developCdeveloped Ddevelop10(2013北京卷)Volunteering gives you a chance _ lives,including your own.Achange BchangingCchanged Dto changeB模拟提升1(2015陕西五校模拟)_

14、the opportunity to speak at the graduation ceremony made me overjoyed.ABeing offered BTo offerCHaving offered DOffered2(2015浙江金华十校4月模拟)The new books _ in the factory these days are mainly intended for children.Aprinting Bto printCbeing printed Dto be printed3(2015宁波市高三模拟冲刺)_ from the top of the hill

15、,the city takes the round shape with a flowing river through it.AViewing BTo be viewedCViewed DTo be viewing4(2015合肥一检)_ her leg the last time,Brenda decided not to go on the school skiing trip this year.ABreaking BBrokenCTo break DHaving broken5(2015南京模拟)The flood last month in the east was a real

16、disaster,_19 people dead and 78 missing.Ato leave BleftCleaving Dhaving left6(2015绵阳模拟)Under the environment of fierce competition,the only way John could imagine _ stress was to get tougher by making greater efforts.Ahandling Bto handleChandled Dhaving handled7(2015西铁一中一模)_ in the bank robbery,Tod

17、was arrested by the local police early in the morning.AInvolving BInvolvedCTo involve DTo be involved8(2015四川成都第一次诊断)_ more tourists,travel agencies from both China and the DPRK have developed a package of new products.AAttracting BAttractedCTo attract DHaving attracted9(2015兰州二次联考)Children found th

18、e lecture so hard _ that they felt sleepy.Ato be understood Bto understandCunderstood Dunderstanding10(2015湖南六校4月联考)He appreciated _ a chance to make a presentation in the annual seminar on Comparative Literature.Agiving Bto giveCbeing given Dto be given.完成句子1George returned after the war,_ that his

19、 wife had left him.乔治战后归来,却被告知他的妻子已经离他而去。2One evening Harry phoned me,_ to come to his flat as soon as possible.一天晚上哈里给我打电话,要求我尽快去他家。3. _early for his date,Mark spent time reading the newspaper.因为约会到的早了些,马克读报纸来打发时间。4He got wellprepared for the job interview,for he couldnt _ the good opportunity.他为这次

20、工作面试做了充分准备,因为他不能冒失去这次好机会的风险。5This machine is _Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes.这台机器很容易操作。在几分钟内任何人都能学会使用。6. _ the top of the mountain,the city is very beautiful.从山顶上看,这座城市很漂亮。7. _ the top of the hill,we find the park even more beautiful.从山顶上看,我们发现这个公园显得更加美丽。8. _ to work overtime that even

21、ing,I missed a wonderful film.我那天晚上因为被要求加班而错过了一场精彩的电影。9Tsinghua University,_,is home to a great number of outstanding figures.建于1911年的清华大学是无数杰出人物的摇篮。10His first book _ next month is based on a true story.他下月将要出版的第一本书是以一个真实的故事为依据写的。11He _ me when I passed by.当我经过时,他假装没看见我。12I was surprised to find my

22、 hometown _.发现我的家乡变化如此之大我感到很惊奇。13I still _to the Famen Temple and what I saw there.我仍记得别人带我去过法门寺,并记得在那里所看到的一切。14I _ the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant.在那个餐馆,我很难从菜单上找到合适的食物。15He had the light _all night,which made his parents very angry.他让灯着了整晚,这使他父母很生气。.语篇填空(用所给单词的适当形式完成下列短文)AFreud was

23、 one of the first scientists 1._ (make) serious research of the mind.The mind is the collection of activities 2._ (base) in the brain 3._ (involve) how we act,think,feel and reason.He used long talks with patients 4._ (search) for the causes of mental and emotional problems.He also tried hypnosis.He

24、 wanted to see if putting patients into a sleeplike condition would help ease 5._ (trouble) minds.In most cases he found the effects only temporary.Freud worked hard,although what he did might sound easy.6._(talk) with his patients he had them talk about whatever they were thinking.All ideas,thought

25、s and anything that entered their mind had to be expressed.There could be no holding back because of fear or guilt.BEmma Watson stands out among some of todays hottest young leading ladies.However,these accomplishments are not just based on her good looks and 1._(impress) talents,but more so due to

26、her inspiring attitude 2._ life.The 24yearold English star is best known for her role as Hermione Granger in the “Harry Potter” film series.On Sunday May 25,3._ graduated from Ivy League Brown University with a bachelors degree in English literature.According to The NY Daily News,together with her e

27、nrollment at Brown in 2009,Watson 4._(release) many films:“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”,“The Perks of Being a Wallflower”,“This is the End” etc.In addition to her strong work ethic(道德),orderly living and determination in both her personal 5._ professional life,her enthusiasm 6._(questionabl

28、e) shows her worthy of being a great role model for young women 7._ look for direction in public 8._(figure) like her.Watson has set the bar high and positively has paved the way for young women to follow in her footsteps.Emma Watson is 9._ distinguished movie star.And her career track and personal

29、life is surely to continue with great 10._(succeed),while influencing her young female audience positive way.阅读理解Recently,my wife took an introduction to genealogy(宗谱学) course at our local library.She was interested in gathering more information about her family history.She found the class very useful in filling in some missing pieces about the story of her parents.One way of generating genealogical information was to do

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