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1、八年级上全基础知识点 Unit 11 how often多久一次1) 你多久锻炼一次身体? 2)他多久喝一次牛奶。 3) 他们多久上一次网? 4)I always go to the movies.(提问) 5)She eats vegetables every day. (提问) 6)He watches TV once a week. (提问) 7)-_ do you join the English corner?-Twice a week. /Every month./Never./Hardly ever./Usually./Always.2.try to do sth./try on

2、es best to do sth.尽力做某事1)我尽力吃许多蔬菜和水果。 2) 他尽力保持身体健康。 3)He tried (get) good grades.4)We try our best (help) her.3.want sth./want to do sth./want sb. to do sth.(同义词would like)1) 我想要一件毛衣。 2) 他不想吃零食。 3) 我妈妈想我每天喝牛奶。 4)I want (be) a doctor.5)We want you (look after) my baby.6)He wants to drink coffee.=He t

3、o drink coffee.4.although(=though)/but1)虽然数学很难,但是我喜欢它。 2)虽然天在下雨,但我不得不去那儿。 3)He isnt English. He can speak English well.(用although合并成一句) Although he is very old,he runs every morning.(同义句)He is very old, he runs every sb.(to) do sth./help sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事 1)你能帮助我学英语吗? 2)好的食物和锻炼帮助我学得

4、更好。 3)Tom is helping his sister (play) the piano. 4)Can you help me do the housework?(同义句) Can you help me the housework?6.keep+adj./keep +n.+adj./keep doing sth./keep sb.doing sth. (注意与make 的区别)1) 请保持安静!2) 我们必须每天保持教室干净。3)Who kept you (wait) here?4)How can I keep (health)?5)Please keep the windows (

5、open/close) different from与不一样 the same as 与一样1) 我的生活方式与你的不一样。 2) 他的年龄与你的一样大。 3) Her bag is different from yours.=Her bag yours.8.look after照看,照顾 look at看 look like看起来像 look for寻找1)He his lost dog yesterday,but he could fing it.2)Linda is new.We must her well.3) the picture.What can you see?4)He

6、 his father.=He and his father .4) 我重视我的健康。 9be good for对有好处 be good with sb.对某人好 be good at擅长1) 吃蔬菜对我们健康有好处。 2) 我哥哥擅长打篮球。 3) 你对孩子们好吗? 10maybe与may +v.1)也许他不健康。 2)也许他们有太多的家庭作业。 3) Maybe he is a nurse.(同义句)He a nurse.4) Maybe he comes from Australia. (同义句)He from Australia.熟记本单元短语1. 一周一次once a week2.一

7、月三次three times a month3.多久一次how often4.上网surf the Internet5.考试结果the results of the exam6.大多数人most people=most of the people7.至于as for8.对有好处for9相当健康pretty healthy10放学回家come home from school11饮食习惯eating habits12尽力做某事try to do sth13照看,保管look after14健康的生活方式healthy lifestyle15取得好成绩get good grades16与一样the

8、 same as7.一个月两三次two or three times a month18.锻炼身体take erercise=do exercise=exercise=play sports19.想某人做某事want sb. to do sth20.对.有坏处. be bad for21.吃零食eat junk food22.每天晚上睡九小时sleep nine hours every night23.吃更少的肉eat less meat24.保持身体健康keep in good health=be in good health=keep healthy=stay healthy一单项选择(

9、)1. My grandfather is very well because he often _.A. exercises B. sleeps C. sings D. dances( )2. _ do you play soccer? Every day.A. How much B. How often C. How many times D. How soon( )3. He wants you _ here. A. wait B. waiting C. to wait D. waited( )4.Playing sports good for your .A. is, health B

10、. are health C. is healthy D.are healthy( )5. students exercise every day.A. Some of B. A little B.Most of D.All( )6. they are brothers, they dont look the same.A. Because B. Although C. but D. As for二用所给词的正确形式填空:1My mother wants me (eat)fruit every morning. 2.How many (hour) do you sleep every nigh

11、t. 3.Here (be) some story books for you. 4. The girl is much too (act). 5.Frank tries his best (study) hard.6.Good food and exercise (make) me (health). 7.There are some (different) between Jim and Tom.8.Bob often (try) to eat vegetables last year.9.Dont talk.We (study) English.10.Lets go (swim).11Y

12、esterday my friend (keep) me (wait)for one hour at the gate.12I want to make my baby (eat) more vedetables. 13.We are good at _(dance).14As for (surf) the Internet,I dont like it.三句型转换:1She visits her mother once a week.(提问) 2.Mike eats fruit twice a day. (提问) 3.I sleep nine hours every night. (提问)

13、4.My brother sleeps eight hours every night. (提问) 5.They exercise ten times a month. (提问) 6.She goes to the movies on weekends. (提问) 7I played soccer three hours ago. (提问) 8.We want our teacher to help us. (提问) 9.They are watching TV. (提问) 四改错:1.She tries eat more vegetables.2.I exercise twice or th

14、ree times a week.3.This bag is difference from that one.4.Although he is very old, but he works hard.5.The man maybe a doctor.6.My mother wants me eat fruits every day.7.Tom is good at play the piano.8.She says she kept you wait for a long time.9.Most of girls enjoy wearing colorful clothes10.When d

15、id you come home to school yesterday?11.She must eats less meat to keep health Unit 21.People( _ are stressed out and angry) may have too much yang. eg:1)Children _ dont have enough sleep cant work well. 睡眠不足的孩子学习不好2) I like the students _ _ hard (努力学习的学生)2.(非谓)动词作主语:To eat a balanced diet is import

16、ant. 或Eating a balanced diet is important. 可改为评价句型:Its important to have a balanced diet.注1)To do sth /Doing sth + is + adj.= Its + adj. + to do sth. 表示“做某事(to do sth)是.的。”eg: To do more exercise is good for your heath. = _ more exercise is good for your health.= Its good for _more exercise.2) Its +

17、 adj. +(for sb.)+ to do sth. “做某事( 对某人) 是.的。”Eg:(1) Its difficult (=not easy) for most Chinese students to learn English well.(2) Its interesting for children to play computer games.(打游戏对孩子们来说是有趣的)(3) Its important for us to keep a balance of yin and yang. 3不定式作目的状语We need a balance of yin and yang

18、to be healthy.You should exercise to stay healthyEat a balanced diet to stay healthy.You should read English every day _(study) English well.4.a few / few; a little/little ;的区别 1) He doesnt like talking. He is a man with _words. 2) I have to buy some milk,because there is _ in the bottle. 3) She is

19、active, so she makes _ friends,5.too much : too many / much too的区别1 Whats _ your sister? A. wrong toB. trouble with C. the matter with D. the wrong with2. Its easy _ English and its important _it.A. study, speak B. to study, to speak C. speak ,say D. say, speak3. You should eat a balanced diet _.A.

20、stay healthy B. to keep healthy C. be healthy D. are in good health4. The meat is _ expensive and eating _meat is bad for your health. A. very much ,many B. too much ,much too C. too many , many too D. much too, too much5.Tom was too tired, so he _ a rest.A. stops to have B. stopped to haveC. stoppe

21、d having D. stops having6._ vegetables is _ good for you. A. Eat, too B. Eating, either C. Eat, also D. Eating , also7.Here _ some medicine on the desk. A. is B. was C. are D .be8.I hope _ improve his English this year. A. him B. he C. him to D. that he can9. Eating a _diet helps us to keep a _ of c

22、ool and hot.A. balanced, balance B. balance, balance C. balancing ,balancing D. balance, balanced10. The boy doesnt like to help others, so he has _ friends. A. little B. few C. much D. many11.I think walking is _ our health.A. good at B, bad at C. well in D. good for12.He tries_English and he pract

23、ices _English every day.A. to learn, speak B. learning, speaking C. to learn, speaking D. learning, to speak13. You look _ your twin sister. A. same as B. same like C. the same like D. the same as14. She is busy with his study, she has_ time to read newspaper. A. little B. few C. a little D. a few15

24、.When you are hungry, you need_.A.eating B.eats eat eating16. My friend is good _ English, but she is weak _ Chinese. A. at, in B. for, in C. at, at D. in , in17.I think people should keep a balance of _.A. study and play B. studying and playing or play D.studying or playing18.-Tom

25、s mother is ill in hospital. -_ A.I think so B.I hope so C.I am glad to hear it. D.Im sorry to hear that.(二)句型转换:1.I am not feeling well. _ _ _ _?2To visit Beijing for us is very interesting.= _ Beijing for us is _ interesting.= _ very interesting for us _ _ Beijing.3.Whats wrong with your sister?=

26、Whats _ _ _your sister?= Whats your _ trouble?= Whats _ trouble _ your sister?4.Something is wrong with my head = I have _ _.= There_ _ _ with my head5.Thats a good idea.= That _ _ a good idea.That idea sounds _.6.He didnt cook for me until 10 oclock.= He didnt cook for me _ 10 oclock.= He _ me _ 10

27、 .7.You should drink something before going out. (否定)You _ drink _ before going out.8. I believe you can do it well. (否定)I _ _ you _ do it well.9. You should eat more yin food. _ _ you _?10. He helps her mother do housework every day.He _her mother _ housework every day.11. Exercising is good for yo

28、ur health.It _ _ _ your health _ _.12. He shouldnt go to bed late.= He _go to bed _.13You should drink something before going out. (否定)You _ drink _ before going out.(三)用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Its easy _(understand) the question.2.Its important for us _( study)English.3.We should _(exercise) _(keep) healthy.4

29、.They feel _(relax) after _(listen) to music.5.There _(be) lots of milk in the glass yesterday.6._(read) in the sun is bad for your eyes.7.Look. The girls _ (surf) the Internet and the boys _( exercise) on the playground.8.How _(many) cola do you have? 9.She has only one _(feet) .10.Lily _(hope) _(get) good grades.11. The boy _ (have) a cold three days ago.12.She has a headache, she needs_

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