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本文(学年高中新创新一轮复习英语浙江专版必修1 Unit 4 强化2次练 Word版含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

学年高中新创新一轮复习英语浙江专版必修1 Unit 4 强化2次练 Word版含答案.docx

1、学年高中新创新一轮复习英语浙江专版必修1 Unit 4 强化2次练 Word版含答案必修1 Unit 4 强化2次练一、单元基础训练(限时25分钟).翻译句子1从地上的脚印的新鲜度来判断,她肯定没有走远。(judge from)Judging_from_the_freshness_of_her_footprints,_she_couldnt_have_walked_far.2孩子们正在操场上踢足球,这时下起了雨。(be doing .when)The_children_were_playing_football_on_the_playground_when_it_began_to_rain.3

2、一听到这个坏消息他就匆忙回家了,那本书还打开着放在桌子上。(leave复合结构)On_hearing_the_bad_news,_he_hurried_home,_leaving_the_book_lying_open_on_the_table.4他们意识到太晚了不能赶上最后一趟火车。(too . to .)They_realized_that_it_was_too_late_to_catch_the_last_train.5童年时,我没想象过我会成为一位作家。(imagine doing sth.)I_didnt_imagine_my_becoming_a_writer_in_my_chil

3、dhood.6当我告诉她她母亲去世的消息,她突然哭起来。(burst into .)When_I_told_her_the_news_of_her_mothers_death,_she_burst_into_tears._7经理对我的建议很不重视,这使得我非常生气。(think little of)The_manager_thought_little_of_my_advice,_which_made_me_very_angry._8拿花瓶的时候小心点,它不是钢做的。(as if)Dont_handle_the_vase_as_if_it_were_made_of_steel.9不是所有的女孩都

4、走了。(部分否定)All_the_girls_didnt_leave./Not_all_the_girls_left.10当妈妈走进我房间的时候,我正在专心看书。(be buried in .)I_was_buried_in_a_book_when_my_mother_came_into_my_room._.完形填空(2018石家庄模拟)Something quite tragic (悲剧的) happened in our home.It had a _1_ effect on our lives.It _2_ the way we relax and even where we sit.T

5、here was no fire or flood .we _3_ our WiFi service for over a week.I was raised in the preWiFi era, so I was relatively _4_ to the situation.My children, _5_, did not have this training.When given the news that there was no WiFi in the house, their first _6_ was: “But, what will we do?” Fortunately,

6、 the TV still worked, although the children were _7_ to find that it had only 70 channels.For the children, a(n) _8_ challenge was homework, most of which is now given online.The lack of broadband seemed to provide a new _9_ of “the dog ate my homework” excuse.My daughter _10_ that one of her friend

7、s had her water supply temporarily _11_ due to a leak, but she thought that our lack of WiFi was _12_.“Because you can go to the shop and buy water, right?”My husband and I need the Internet to _13_ us to work at home.Luckily, Ive found out that these days you can go to the shop to _14_ WiFi.Althoug

8、h expensive, it allows you to set up your own MiFi network _15_.Buying 1GB of data makes you view your broadband differently.I dont want to _16_ it like leaving a tap running.We log on to the MiFi network and do what we have to do as _17_ as possible and log off.The changes that _18_ has created in

9、our daily life have occurred without us really _19_.The _20_ part of our time without WiFi was seeing the children make forts (堡垒) out of the sofa cushions, which they havent done in years.语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,讲述了WiFi对“我”家生活的影响。1A.possible BmodestCpositive Dhuge解析:选D根据上下文可知,家里没有WiFi对我们生活的影响是巨大的(huge)。pos

10、sible“可能的”;modest“谦虚的”;positive“积极的”。2A.explored BchallengedCimproved Dguaranteed解析:选B根据前一句“It had a _1_ effect on our lives.”和下文的“But, what will we do?”可知,平时家里离不开WiFi,现在没有了,当然对我们平时的生活方式产生挑战。explore“探索”;improve“提升”;guarantee“保证”。3A.received BbookedClost Dbought解析:选C根据下文的“When given the news that the

11、re was no WiFi in the house”可知,我们家里失去(lost)WiFi一个多星期。receive“收到”;book“订购”;buy“购买”。4A.addicted BaccustomedCadmitted Dattached解析:选B根据第二段第一句“I was raised in the preWiFi era”可知,“我”是在没有WiFi的时代长大的,因此对于没有了WiFi也是比较习惯的(accustomed)。be accustomed to表示“习惯于”。5A.however BthereforeCotherwise Dbesides解析:选A根据上下文可推知,

12、“我”习惯无WiFi的生活,但是孩子们不习惯。上下文之间是转折关系,因此选however。6A.impression BinspirationCresponse Drequest解析:选C根据空后的“But, what will we do?”可知空处指的是他们的第一反应(response)。7A.excited BgratefulCembarrassed Ddesperate解析:选D根据上下文可知,没有WiFi只有电视,且电视频道只有70多个,孩子们很绝望。excited“兴奋的”;grateful“感激的”;embarrassed“尴尬的”;desperate“绝望的”。8A.avoid

13、able BmajorCenjoyable Dsimple解析:选B根据本句的定语从句“most of which is now given online”可知,家庭作业应是孩子们的主要(major)挑战。avoidable“可避免的”;enjoyable“令人愉快的”;simple“简单的”。9A.version BtranslationCdimension Dcollection解析:选A空后的“the dog ate my homework”表示“狗吃了我的作业”,此处表示没有网络是这种借口的一个新提法,故选A。10A.repeated BpromisedCobserved Dignor

14、ed解析:选C根据空后的宾语从句“that one of her friends had her water supply temporarily _11_ due to a leak”可知,这些内容应该是女儿讲出来(observed)的。repeat“重复”;promise“承诺”;ignore“忽略”;observe“观察,说,评论”。11A.fixed up Bcut offCused up Dlaid in解析:选B根据该空后的“due to a leak”可推知,水管漏水了,供水会被暂时中断(cut off)。12A.worse BbetterCclearer Dmore解析:选A根

15、据上下文可知,女儿认为我们没有WiFi更糟糕(worse)。13A.force BencourageCremind Denable解析:选D根据上下文可知,为了能够在家工作,丈夫和“我”需要互联网。enable do sth.表示“使某人能做某事”。14A.look into Bsearch forCpurchase Dborrow解析:选C根据下文的“Although expensive”可知,“我”去商店买(purchase)WiFi。look into“调查”;search for“寻找”;borrow“借”。15A.easily BsecurelyCfirmly Dcons

16、tantly解析:选A根据语境可知,买了WiFi,“我”建立自己的网络就容易了。16A.share BanalyzeCstore Dwaste解析:选D根据本句中的“like leaving a tap running(像让水管的水不停地流着一样)”可知,我们知道让水管的水不停地流着意味着“浪费”,故选D。17A.steadily BquicklyCproperly Dsmoothly解析:选B根据上下文可知,当“我”上网做事时,“我”是尽快地做。as quickly as possible表示“尽快地”。 BinformationCknowledge Dintel

17、ligence解析:选A根据语境可知,技术已经引起了我们日常生活的改变,这些改变在我们没有注意(noticing)的情况下发生了。19A.reflecting BhearingCappreciating Dnoticing解析:选D参见上题解析。reflect“反思”;hear“听到”;appreciate“欣赏”。20A.rigid BtoughCbright Dnecessary解析:选C根据该空后的“without WiFi was seeing the children make forts (堡垒) out of the sofa cushions, which they haven

18、t done in years”可知,没有了WiFi,孩子们可以在一起玩,这是愉快的(bright)事情。二、高考题型组合练(限时50分钟).阅读理解Posting photos of whats for dinner is socialmedia users favorite hobby, but making dishes appear as delicious as they taste is an elusive (难以捉摸的) skill.With a few professional tips, amateur food photographers can give their s

19、martphonephotographed meals a major upgrade.While stressing perfect shaping is unnecessary, food photographer Jody Horton does pay attention to the plate itself.“You want to be sure that the food will separate from the surface on which its sitting,” he said.“So a red apple on a red plate likely wont

20、 photograph well.” Consider creating a contrast between the plate and the table, such as white china on a dark wood surface.Good lighting is key.Natural light that comes from behind the food is the best, so Mr.Horton turns off indoor lights and the cameras flash, and he places the plate in front of

21、a window that provides indirect sunlight.Restaurants, unfortunately, are difficult spots to photograph food.When taking professional pictures, Mr.Horton usually moves the entire table to desired light, sometimes with the help of candlelight.The safest angle for taking a food picture is from directly

22、 above, with only the food in the frame.When you take a photograph from overhead, its helpful to hold a piece of paper out of the frame but opposite your light source to throw light back toward the food.Those who want a pleasant ambience (气氛) in their photos should consider taking their smartphone c

23、ameras even higher by standing on a chair and bringing in the layout (布局) of the table, while still allowing lighting to be fairly simple.Certain types of food can be especially hard to photograph well.It is difficult to handle foods in bland (平淡的) colors, because it can be hard to tell what they ar

24、e.Drinks are challenging because glass is so reflective.(One tip: Light them well.)Food photography can be about much more than the final product on the plate.“Some of the most interesting moments happen during preparation,” says Mr.Horton.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。食物摄影是很多爱好者喜欢的娱乐方式,但是要把食物拍得可口却并不容易。1What does t

25、he underlined word “contrast” in Para.2 mean?ASlight distinction. BWeak link.CMarked difference. DClose connection.解析:选C词义猜测题。由第二段画线词后的“such as white china on a dark wood surface”可知,在碗碟和桌子之间要形成反差。2Which lighting is the best for taking a food picture according to Mr.Horton?ADirect natural light from

26、above.BIndirect natural light from behind.CIndoor light coming from above.DCandlelight coming from below.解析:选B细节理解题。由第三段的“Natural light that comes from behind the food is the best”和“he places the plate in front of a window that provides indirect sunlight”可知,来自食物后面的非直射的自然光线是最好的。3What does Mr.Horton a

27、dvise amateur food photographers to do?AAllow the food to become the focus.BPay attention to the shape of the food.CGive up the food in challenging colors.DCreate an ambience via a piece of paper.解析:选A推理判断题。由第二段的“the food will separate from the surface on which its sitting”和第三段的“The safest angle .wi

28、th only the food in the frame.”可推知, Horton建议让食物成为焦点。4What suggestion may Mr.Horton offer next?AFinding useful objects to photograph well.BGetting lighting for foods in bland colors.CChoosing places to photograph foods.DTaking photos of foods in preparation.解析:选D推理判断题。最后一段Horton谈到美食摄影涉及的东西远远不止盘子上的成品,

29、有些最有意思的时刻是在制作的过程中,因此接下来Horton可能会提出制作过程中食物拍摄的建议。.阅读七选五Have you wanted to try an ebook? Has the cost of ebooks stopped you? Well, there are ebooks that you can download._1_ Others share information about where to find free or discounted ebooks.There are several reasons some ebooks are free.In some cas

30、es, the books copyright (版权) has come to an end.In other cases, writers offer books for free to grow a readership._2_ The writer hopes you will like the first book enough to buy those that follow.Similarly, Amazon is filled with free ebooks, with a list of the top 100 free ebooks.This list changes c

31、onstantly, based on how well the books are “selling” and whether they become or remain free.When you find a free ebook you want to read, get it right away._3_ If you wait too long, you may discover the book now has a price attached._4_ They offer free ebook files to download directly from the sites.These files could have bad software designed to infect your computer.It is best not to download ebooks, or any file, from an unknown site.

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