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1、新标准大学英语2unit9译文和答案Book 2 Unit 9 Active Reading 1New words1. caterv. to provide food and drinks at an eventComplete the sentences with appropriate prepositions.(1) Football fans are well catered _for_.(2) The TV shows are catering _to_ old audiences.(3) The school aims to cater _for_ children of all

2、abilities.Do you know the difference between these phrases?cater for sb./sth. to provide people with everything they want or needcater to sb./sth. to provide people with something they want or need, especially something unusual or special2. dreadv. to feel very worried about sth. that might happen o

3、r is going to happenComplete the sentences with the words in the column.dread (n./v.) dreaded dreadful dreadfully (1) John felt _dreadfully_ tired. (2) I hear the _dreaded_ Miss Jones is going to be at the meeting.(3) Its a _dreadful_ shame that you cant go.(4) She started to _dread_ seeing him.(5)

4、He lives in _dread_ of meeting her again.3. numerousa. existing in large numbers; many Figure out the meaning of underlined words.(1) The car was seen in the area on numerous occasions . 多次(2) Ive made mistakes too numerous to mention. 多得数不清4. optionn. something that you can choose in a particular s

5、ituation Translate the following sentences.(1)她没有别的选择,只好承认了实情。She had no option but to admit the truth.(2) You have the option of hiking there or going by bus.你可以选择步行或坐公共汽车到那儿。Figure out the meaning of the following expressions行得通的选择 a viable option暂不做决定; 保留灵活的选择权 keep/leave your options open轻松 / 容易

6、的选择 soft/easy optionoptionala. available or possible if you want it, but you do not have to have it or do it Figure out the meaning of underlined words.(1) The history course is optional, but English is compulsory. 选修的(2)Remote central locking comes as an optional extra. (需另外交费的)额外可选之物5. entertainv.

7、 to give a performance that people enjoyComplete the sentences with the words in the columnentertain entertaining entertainment(1) In professional sports, the responsibility is on everyone to entertain_ the crowd.(2) The company produces entertaining_ and informative programs.(3) The boy is making h

8、is mark in the _entertainment_ business before he has even left school.6. bolster / bolster upto make something stronger or more effective Translate the following sentences.(1)他的得分将增强他对下场比赛的信心。 His score will bolster his confidence for the next match.(2) The campaign is designed to bolster the gover

9、nments image as being tough on crime. 这项运动是为了提升政府坚决打击犯罪的形象。7. look toto keep an eye on; to hope forComplete the sentences with phrasal verbs of look.look after look back look for look forward to look inlook into look through look to look up look up to1 I will be near your mothers home tomorrow so Il

10、l _look in and tell her you are doing well.2 I am very busy _looking for_a job, but it isnt easy.3 I cant remember, but you can_look_ it_up_ in the University Handbook.4 It was hard work but I am sure when you _ look back_ you will think it was worth doing.5 Will you _ look through_my assignment for

11、 me and see if you can spot any obvious mistakes?6 My grandfather isnt very well so I am going to visit and _ look after_him for a few weeks.7 Its a big challenge they are _ looking to_me to score some baskets and save the team.8 The police are _ looking into_the robbery so we hope they can find who

12、 did it.9 Thank you for all your help. I really _ look forward to _ meeting you next week at the conference.10 He is a wonderful teacher and we all look up to_ her and treasure our time with her.Useful phrases1. 在舞台上昂首阔步2. 重要人物3. 尽情玩耍/工作/唱歌4. 匆忙草就一周的文章5. 需要学生付出大量的时间6. 实践年7. 偿还债务8. 得到最好的工作9. 维持生计10.

13、象牙塔strut across the stagea leading lightplay/work/sing ones heart outdash off the weeks essay make heavy demand on students timea gap yearpay off the debtwalk into top jobsmake ends meetivory tower11. 聊到深夜12. 做一项公众服务13. 为做贡献14. 帮助病人或老年人15. 在假日营里招待贫困儿童16. 在第三世界国家教书17. 做农业或环境研究项目chat late into the nig

14、htcarry out a public servicemake contributions to help the sick or elderlyentertain underprivileged children on holiday campsteach in a Third World countrywork on agricultural or environmental projectsLanguage points1. They were going to be the best three years of your life, and you knew it. The cla

15、uses in the sentence are ordered to emphasize that the statement and the fact that people were aware of it are equally important. He knew she was a rich woman is simply a statement of fact, but She was a rich woman, and he knew it shows he was very conscious of it and it affected his behaviour great

16、ly. 那将是你一生中最美好的三年,你知道这一点。2. play / work / sing ones heart out: play/ work/ sing to ones hearts content 尽情地玩耍/ 工作/ 唱歌e.g. The children all played their hearts out.孩子们尽情玩耍。 cry / weep ones heart out 痛哭不止, 哭得死去活来e.g. When the old woman got the news that her son had been killed in the war, she cried her

17、 heart out. 老太太得到消息,她儿子在战争中丧生,哭得死去活来。 3. leading light n. C a very important or respected person / organization in a particular field (团体、机构或活动领域中)很重要的人物/机构,很受敬重的人物/机构1. She is the leading light in the local dramatic society and always has the main part in their plays. 她是本地戏剧界重要人物,而且在演出中她始终演主角。2. Ca

18、lifornian agriculture is the leading light in America and even in the world. 加州的农业不仅称雄美国,而且领先于世界各地。4. dash off: write down hastily(因着急而)迅速写,迅速画1. He dashed off two articles before dinner. 晚饭前他匆匆地写了两篇文章。 2. Annie took out her drawing pad and pencil to dash off a sketch of the old man. 安妮拿出画本和铅笔, 迅速地画

19、了一幅老人的素描。3. She dashed off a quick letter excusing him from school that day. 她匆匆写了一封信允许他当日离开学校。5. make (both) ends meet: have enough money to cover expenses 使收支能够相抵;勉强维持生计1. Being out of work and having two young children, they found it impossible to make ends meet. 他们失了业,还要养活两个小孩,无法维持起码的生活。2. Famil

20、ies with both husband and wife laid off are finding it difficult to make ends meet. 夫妻双方都下岗的家庭很难维持生计。6. The managers also said that they were prepared to leave jobs unfilled . If an employee leaves, there is a vacancy (the part of a newspaper advertising jobs is often headed Vacancies). Leave jobs u

21、nfilled means if they cannot find the right person, they will employ no one.这些经理还说,他们宁可让职位空缺unfilled a. not occupied, vacant 未填充的,空的 1. We still have several unfilled place on the tour. 我们旅行团还有几个空名额。 2. Is the position still unfilled? 那个职位还空缺吗?Antonym: filled Word family: fill v.7. get ahead:be more

22、 successful, or progress more quickly than other people(使)走在前面;(使)领先 1. He always tries to get ahead of others in everything.他总是试图处处领先他人。2. The best way to get ahead is through hard work.成功的最佳办法是勤奋。8. carry out1) put in effect 实行;执行;进行 2) pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue 完成;实现Tr

23、anslate the following into Chinese:1. No matter what difficulty you will meet with, carry out your plan. 不管你遇到什么困难,都要执行计划。2. He did not carry out his promise to us. 他没有兑现对我们许下的诺言。9. suited a. right for a particular purpose or situation, because of having all the qualities that are needed 合适的;适宜的1. T

24、he suited , is the best! 2. Maybe I am not in the best candidates, but I believe I am best suited to the job. 也许我不是应聘者中最优秀的人,但我相信我是这个职位最适合的人。Word family: suit v. 10. cut off: make a break in 使隔绝1. The village was cut off by the snow for more than a month. 这个村庄被大雪封闭了一个多月。 2. The soldiers were cut off

25、 from the main part of the army. 战士们与主力部队断了联系。11. make demands on: make a peremptory request from对提出要求1. He always makes strict demands on himself. 他总是严格要求自己。2. I know that they made the most unreasonable demands on you. 我知道他们对你提出了最不合理的要求。12. underprivileged a. not having as many advantages or oppor

26、tunities as most other people 享有的权利(或机会)比大多数人少的;弱势的1. They are children from underprivileged homes. 他们是出身于贫苦人家的孩子们。2. The underprivileged need special support from the government. 那些弱势群体需要政府的特别支持。Antonym: privileged a. Word family: privilege n.& vt. 13. CV n. C (the short form of curriculum vitae) (

27、pl. curricula vitae ): a document giving details of your qualifications and the jobs you have had in the past that you send to someone when you are applying for a job. 简历;履历 The American word for CV is rsum.e.g. Graduates are all busy with writing their rsums.毕业生都在忙着写简历。你适合做这个工作吗?1. 过去,大学生活很轻松。那将是你一

28、生中最美好的三年,你知道这一点。你是这样消磨时光的:在咖啡馆和酒吧里与新结交的朋友聊到深夜,在壁球场和板球场上尽情地挥舞球拍,或是作为大学戏剧社的大腕在舞台上昂首阔步。不管你有什么爱好,大学生活都能为你创造条件。而且,别忘了,你的学习还总能跟得上,能完成指定的阅读,并在最后一分钟匆忙草就那一周的文章。你唯一没有时间考虑的是过完这激动人心的三年后要做什么。不过这个问题并不需要考虑,因为无论选择什么职业,都有一大堆公司排着队来聘用你。2. 那是过去英国大学生校园生活的情形,现在情况已经改变了。最近一项对英国各大跨国公司的研究表明,即使拥有一个优良的学位,大学生再也不可能一毕业就得到最好的工作了。今

29、天的大学数量比30 年前翻了一番,40% 的年轻人接受高等教育。由于并不缺少大学毕业生,拥有一个优良的学位对找工作就变得尤其重要了。竞争很激烈,结果是如今的大学生花了比任何时候都要多的时间来复习功课,为那些可怕的期末考试做准备,做报酬低的兼职以偿还债务。3 然而,这恰恰是问题之所在。英国二百多家公司的经理认为,学生花在学习或挣钱维持生计上的时间太多了。他们本应该去参加各种俱乐部,学习一些基本的技能,如团队合作和现场演示。这些经理还说,他们宁可让职位空缺,也不愿意聘请那些缺乏必要技能,无法在国际市场上占领商机的毕业生。 4该怎么做才能解决这个问题呢?经理们相信,解决的办法就是在学位课程里增加社交

30、能力的训练。有的大学已经开始这样做了,例如南安普敦大学历史系学生必须做一个为期十二周、六人一组协同工作的项目通常与当地的生活有关。项目内容包括:做一次演示、写一篇集体论文、做一项公众服务可以是给中、小学生讲课,或做一期有关中、小学教学的广播节目。5 毫无疑问,这种合作学习法能帮助许多学生培养有助于改善就业前景的个人技能。公司在面试应聘者时使用的最有名的人格测试之一是“迈尔斯- 布里格斯性格分类法”(简称MBTI),这种分类法把外向/ 内向性格两分法置于它所分析的人格特征列表之首。测试中没有“正确答案”,但是它认为:性格外向者更适合做团队工作或与他人打交道的工作。6南安普敦大学项目中同样有趣的一

31、个理念是:学生应该关注比校园更广阔的社区,并设法为之做出自己的贡献。在当今越来越小的世界里,学生们越来越清楚地意识到大学并不是与社会现实问题完全脱钩的学术象牙塔。正相反,大学本身可以促使世界变得更加美好。在学学位课程之前、期间、之后,学生们都可以通过多种渠道成为志愿者。正如我们所知,大学课程需要学生花费大量的时间,一般人会选择腾出上大学前或大学毕业后的一年时间作为实践年。7通常,志愿者工作指帮助病人或老年人、在假日营里招待贫困儿童、在第三世界国家教书,或者做农业或环境研究项目。8对那些选择在这些方面施展才能的学生而言,还有个意外的收获:可以把他们获取的丰富经验写进个人履历里,而未来的雇主是不会不注意到这些经验的。不过提醒一句:你应该记住自己的首要目的是什么。曾经在巴布亚新几内亚工作了两年的谢恩欧文指出:“志愿者的工作能教给你宝贵的职业技能,但我认为你不应该只想着通过志愿者工作来给自己的履历表增添光彩你做志愿工作的主要原因是因为你想帮助别人。”3. Underline the words which best complete the sentences.1. having fun2. social skills3. harder4. in universities 5. do public

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