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1、精益制造名词解释中文精益制造名词解释(中文)精益制造名词解释5 Whys/5个Why一种简单有效的用于分析和解决问题的方法,通过持续问五次“为什么”,或者更多次只到找到根本原因。5S来源于日本,现场管理来消除浪费。5S(日本):整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、素养5S(DPS):整理、整顿、整洁、维持、素养7 Wastes/8 Wastes7大浪费/8大浪费丰田七大浪费指:品质不良、过量生产、过多流程、库存、不必要动作、运输及等待八大浪费(DPS)增加了忽视创意A3 Report/A3报告丰田用A3尺寸的文件格式来解决问题、原因分析及纠正预防措施制定的一个工具。Abnormality Manageme

2、nt/异常管理能够清楚并快速采取行动来矫正异常(来自标准作业),这是标准化与目视管理的目标。Activity Based Costing ABC/基于活动成本一种会计管理系统,它根据执行流程所需要的资源将成本分配给每个产品。Agile Manufacturing/敏捷制造术 敏捷制造者必须识别变革的易变性,并且采取机制来处理它。Andon/按灯目视管理工具,来源于日语“灯泡”。通常,按灯放置在机器或生产线旁来指示生产状态。Automatic Time/机器时间指人机在完全分离情况下机器自动运行的时间,在标准作业中用MCT显示。Autonomation/自働化当发现一个不良产品时自働停止生产线。

3、Back Flushing/反冲指只有当产品出货时才根据BOM来倒冲人力与物料的消耗,而不是通过物料领用或卡片就直接消耗。反冲系统的目的是减少非增值的事务性流程。Balance on Hand (BOH) /均衡库存零件的库存水平Balanced Plant/均衡化工厂一个所有资源与市场需要完全平衡的工厂。Balanced production/均衡化生产所有动作或生产线以同样节拍来生产。在均衡化系统中,CT应小于TT。Batch Manufacturing/批量制造 以一个批量的方式在工序与工序之间来生产半制品Batch-and-Queue/批量序列以批量方式生产然后转移到下一工序Bench

4、marking/标杆比较与其他类似与相关企业来比较关键绩效指标。Bill of Activities /活动清单生产一个产品或提供一项服务所有的活动清单。.生产一个产品或提供一项服务所有的物料清单在组织内部实施过程改善的六西格玛团队领导S 一种快速和聚集的流程用于改进业务单元,一条生产线、一台机器或者一个流程。利用跨功能团队和快速解决问题方法,集中制定解决方案来达成较好的目标!生产能力小于或等于需求的任何资源组织的“伸展性目标”,代表卓越的改变。一系列非瓶颈流程作为限制条件影响产能一系列经理与其员工在数据、主意、分析等方面的讨论就像传接球一样。这种开放的、有效率的对话充斥在整个公司。一种用于识

5、别原因与结果间关系的问题解决工具。(也称为鱼骨图、鱼刺图等) 不同类型的机器布置以严格的步骤来处理多个流程,一般是U形线,单件流和柔性的人员配置。一种运行单件流的方法,操作工的操作仅为“下料、上料、启动”然后到第二台设备进行同样过程。The catalytic force moving firms and value streams out of the world of inward-looking batch-and-queue.推动企业和其价值流脱离传统批量生产方式的催化力量。在组织中进行计划、准备、教育、资源分配与执行的流程,用于管理变革从第一个产品的最后一个合格品到第二个产品的第一个

6、合格品出来所包含的所有时间称为换模时间。This is the thinking process used to precisely define a problem, to surface the underlying assumptions and to enable the identification of the direction of a solution that will remove this problem.一种给问题精确定义、发现潜在的假设以及能够为解决问题的方法指明方向的思考过程。Designing a product (or service), its produc

7、tion process, the supporting information flow, and its delivery mechanism at the same time.并行工程是指在设计产品(或服务)、生产过程时在同一时间提供信息流以及传递机制。Anything that limits a system from achieving higher performance, or throughput.限制系统实现更高性能或产量的因素。A concept where items are processed and moved directly from one processing

8、 step to the next, one piece at a time. Also referred to as one piece flow and single piece flow.连续流就是物品从一个工序处理并迅速转移至下一个工序时每次都是整体的一种理念。同样也叫做“单件流”Continuous Improvement/持续改进The never-ending pursuit of waste elimination by creating a better workplace, better products, and greater value to society.要不断地

9、消除浪费,就要通过创造一个更好的工作场所,更好的产品以及对社会更大的价值。Control Chart/控制图A statistical problem solving tool that indicates control of a process within established limits.控制图就是一个统计问题解决工具,标示了在限定范围内对过程的控制。Control Element/控制元素Any specific process variable that must be controlled. The measurement of a control element indic

10、ates whether the process is operating under stable conditions. 任何具体的过程变量必须被控制。控制元素的大小表示过程在稳定状态下是否运转。Core Problem (CP) /关键问题The constraint of a system where it is not a physical resource, it may be: a policy, or the belief in a false assumption, out dated measures or ineffective behaviours.一个系统的限制并非是

11、指物质资源,它可以是政策方针,或者是相信一个错误臆断或过时的措施,也可以是无效的行为。Cost of Quality/质量成本Costs associated with supplying a quality product. Categories of cost include prevention, appraisal, and failure.成本与供应的优质产品有关。成本的种类包括PAF:预防成本,鉴定成本和损失成本。Counterclockwise Flow/逆时针流A basic principle of Lean manufacturing cell layout is that

12、 the flow of material and the motion of people should be from right to left, or counterclockwise. The origin of this idea came from the design of lathes and machine tools with the chucks on the left side, making it easier for right-handed people to load from right to left.精益生产单元布局的一个基本原则就是原料与人的动作的方向

13、应该从右到左,或者说是逆时针。这个想法来源于车床和机床上放置在左边的夹头,它能够让一直使用右手操作的人更方便的从右到左进行装载。Critical Capacity Resource (CCR) /关键产能资源A CCR is a resource that may prevent the system moving closer towards its goal.关键产能资源是指可能妨碍系统完成目标的资源。Critical Chain /关键链This is the longest dependent chain of events in a project plan when both re

14、source dependency and task dependency are taken into account.这是当资源依赖与任务相关性都被预计时,计划项目中最长的依赖链。Critical Chain Completion Buffer (CCCB) 关键链完整缓冲See Project Buffer.见项目缓冲Critical Chain Feeder Buffer (CCFB) 关键链直属缓冲See Feeder Buffer.见直属缓冲Critical Path /关键路径A Critical Path is the longest path of dependent tas

15、ks in a project network not taking resource dependency into account. (From Goldratt在一个没有把资源依赖列入预计的项目网络中,相关任务的最长路径就是关键路径。Current Reality Tree (CRT) /当前可信度树The TOC Thinking Process diagram that shows through solid logic how the UnDesirable Effects are linked together. The CRT is used to pin point wher

16、e improvement actions can have the greatest leverage.TOC(约束理论)的思维过程图通过严密的逻辑证明了不良反应都是接连发生的。当前可信度树就是用来指示改善行动可以在哪里发挥重大作用。Current State Map/现状图Helps visualize the current production process and identify sources of waste.用来显示目前生产工艺和废物来源的图就是现状图。Cycle time/周期时间The time required to complete one cycle of an

17、operation. If cycle time for every operation in a complete process can be reduced to equal takt time, products can be made in single-piece flow.完成一个操作步骤单周期的时间就是周期时间。如果一个完整过程中每个步骤的周期时间能够减少到平等的节拍时间,那么产品生产能够引入单件流。Days Supply of Inventory (DSI)/库存天数Total number of days (if the production level equals ze

18、ro) that it would take to deplete finished goods inventory for the specified product line.(如果生产水平为零)能够消耗完指定生产线上的成品数量的总天数就是库存天数。Demand Flow /需求流The concept of demand flow is to pull raw materials and products through the process strictly according to the dictates of customer demand.需求流就是通过严格遵守客户要求决定原

19、材料及产品。Dependency /依赖度Unable to do without. In TOC it is usually referring to two tasks or actions where one is a prerequisite for the other.在TOC(约束理论)中通常是指两个任务或行动中作为先决条件的任务。Design for Manufacturing (DFM)/制造设计Design for Manufacturing is an approach to design that fosters simultaneous involvement of p

20、roduct design, process design, and manufacturing. 制造设计是一种同时参与产品设计,工艺流程设计和制造的方法。Design of Experiments (DOE)/正交试验设计Planning and conducting experiments and evaluating the results. The outcome of a design of experiment includes a mathematical equation predicting the interaction of the factors influencin

21、g a process and the relevant output characteristics of the process.对结果进行计划,试验并评估。正交试验设计的结果包括一个数学方程式,用于预测工程中影响因素之间的关联以及有关过程的输出特性。Drum/节点 The Drum refers to the CCR that is used to build the schedule around in an operation. 节点指的是用于制定围绕项目计划的CCR(关键产能资源)。Economies of Scale/经济批量 Applying the principles of

22、 mass production, large batch sizes, and consolidated control strategies to achieve minimum unit processing costs. 适用于大规模、大批量生产的原则,并且能够加强统一控制最小单位成本的策略。Elements of Work/工作元素工作元素是:增值工作、非增值工作及浪费 Empowerment /授权A series of actions designed to give employees greater control over their working lives. 更好的控

23、制雇员工作生活的一系列行动。Error proofing/防错A process used to prevent errors from occurring or to immediately point out a defect as it occurs. See poka-yoke. 用于防止错误发生或在错误发生时能够立即指出的一项工序。见“poka-yoke防呆防错”Evaporating Clouds /蒸发云A method used in Theory of Constraints. Same as Conflict Resolution.一种在约束论中使用的方法,与解决冲突相同。

24、External Set Up/外部设置当机器仍然运作时可以做的所有设置动作。Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)/故障模式及危害性分析A structured approach to determining the seriousness of potential failures and for identifying the sources of each potential failure.一种结构方法,用于确定潜在故障的严重性以及确定每种潜在故障的根本原因。Feeder Buffer /直属缓冲区The time buffer that

25、is placed on the end of non critical chains that feed into the critical chain. Sometimes referred to as Critical Chain Feeder Buffer (CCFB).位于非关键链末尾与关键链之间的时间缓冲,有时会被称为关键链直属缓冲区。Feeder lines/反馈线A series of special assembly lines that allow assemblers to perform preassembly tasks off the main production

26、 line.反馈线就是一个特殊的装配生产线,它允许装配工在主生产线之外执行装配任务。First In First Out (FIFO)/先进先出Processing orders in a pure sequential flow.在单纯的顺序流中处理订单。Flexible Manufacturing System /柔性化制造系统An integrated manufacturing capability to produce small numbers of a great variety of items at low unit cost; an FMS is also characte

27、rized by low changeover time and rapid response time.一种集成的制造能力,以低单位成本生产少量多种类的物品。柔性化制造系统还有一个特点就是转换时间短,响应时间迅速。Flow/流动A main objective of the lean production effort, and one of the important concepts that passed directly from Henry Ford to Toyota. Ford recognized that, ideally, production should flow c

28、ontinuously all the way from raw material to the customer and envisioned realizing that ideal through a production system that acted as one long conveyor.流动是精益生产的主要目的,也是亨利福特直接传递给丰田的重要概念之一。福特意识到:理论上说产品应该从原材料到客户一直不间断的保持流动,可以通过一个作为长输送带的上产系统来实现这个理想。Flow Chart/流动图A problem solving tool that maps out the

29、steps in a process visually. The flow (or lack thereof) becomes evident and the wastes and redundancies are identified. 通过画出过程步骤达到可视化来解决问题的一种工具。流程变得简单,浪费与过剩都被标识出来。Flow Production/流动生产A way of doing things in small quantities in sequential steps, rather than in large batches, lots or mass processing.

30、少量的连续生产。Functional Layout/功能性布置The practice of grouping machines or activities by type of operation performed.根据操作类型对机械或步骤进行编排组合的实验Future Reality Tree (FRT) /将来可性度树The TOC Thinking Process diagram that describes how the the agreed direction for a solution unavoidable through solid logic leads to the

31、 desired results or benefits.约束理论的思维过程图描述了一个解决方案被通过的过程,都不可避免的要经过严密的逻辑实现想要的结果或者利益。Future State Map/未来图The vision of a future optimal process, which forms the basis of your implementation plan by helping to design how the process should operate.未来最佳工艺的蓝图,通过帮助设计流程的运作形成实施计划的基础。Gemba/现场日语“实际地点”或“创造价值的地点”Gembutsu/现物日语“真实事物”或“真实产品”Genjitsu/现实日语“事实”或“现实”Green Belt /绿带Someone who has been trained on the improvement methodology of Six Sigma who will lead a process improvement or quality improvement team. 经过六西格玛改进方法培训的人领导一个流程或质量改进小组。Green Field/绿地A new production facility where lean principl

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