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全国100所名校单元测试示范卷高三英语卷 第06套 必修3 Units 12.docx

1、全国100所名校单元测试示范卷高三英语卷 第06套 必修3 Units 12全国100所名校单元测试示范卷高三英语卷(六)第六套英语3Units 12(120分钟150分)第卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What does the conversation probably take place? A.At an airport. B.In an

2、office. C.At a railway station.2.What will the woman probably do this evening?A.Stay at home. B.Go dancing. C.Go to the movies.3.How much does the man pay?A.$7.40. B.$10. C.$2.60.4.What does the man mean?A.He doesn􀆳t like the party. B.He will not go to the party. C.He hasn􀆳t been i

3、nvited.5.What􀆳s the relationship between the two speakers? A.Teacher and student. B.Doctor and patient. C.Shop owner and customer.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.

4、What is the woman doing now?A.Typing a letter.B.Typing a report for Sally.C.Typing her own report.7.Where is the man going?A.To Shanghai. B.To Beijing. C.To Hangzhou.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8.What are the two speakers doing?A.They are talking about their jobs.B.They are working on a report.C.They are discus

5、sing a letter of asking for a job.9.Why does the woman advise the man to write about his education?A.Because people often judge a person by his abilities.B.Because people like college students.C.Because the man is asking for a job as a teacher.10.What is the woman􀆳s advice on the last part?

6、A.Making it shorter.B.Writing something about his family.C.Adding something about his experience.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11.What􀆳s the most probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Couple. B.Classmates.C.Brother and sister.12.What􀆳s the weather like today?A.Rainy. B.Snowy. C.Fine.

7、13.Who will pick up the children from school?A.Jimmy. B.The man. C.Lily. 听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14.How much can the woman save if she buys the shirt on the Internet?A.$12. B.$6. C.$20.15.What color does the man like most?A.Brown. B.Blue. C.White.16.What can we learn from the dialogue?A.The man knows shopp

8、ing on the Internet well.B.The man can try on the shirt.C.The shirt will reach them within 2 days. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.What􀆳s the passage mainly about?A.Keys to teaching English.B.Advice on learning English.C.Ways to use English in daily life.18.What is the speaker possibly?A.A talk show h

9、ost.B.An expert in language learning.C.A beginner in language learning.19.How may listeners feel about the first suggestion?A.It􀆳s too difficult for those in high school to follow.B.It􀆳s too easy for people having high school education.C.In fact, it will not have any effect.20.What

10、 kind of study program should English learners set?A.Regular. B.Complete. C.Advanced.试题答案15AACBB610ACCAB1115AABBA1620CBBCA附:听力部分录音材料(Text 1)M:Did you listen to the announcement just now?W:Sorry, I didn􀆳t catch it. What is it?M:Flight 1635 will be twenty minutes late. (Text 2)M:Would you lik

11、e to go dancing with me this evening?W:I􀆳d like to, but I􀆳m not feeling myself.M:Well, what about going to the movies?W:Oh, thanks. But I􀆳m too weak for anything, I think.(Text 3)W:That􀆳ll be two dollars and sixty cents, please.M:OK. Here is a ten-dollar note.W:Th

12、ank you. Here is your changeseven dollars and forty cents.(Text 4)W:Why don􀆳t you go to the party?M:It sounds like fun. But I􀆳m afraid I􀆳m tired out at the moment.(Text 5)W:Is that Dr David?M:Speaking. W:Oh, I have a bad stomachache, and I want to make an appointment.(Text

13、 6)M:Vicky, have you finished your report?W:No. Tom asked me to type a letter for him. So I am doing it now. But I think I􀆳ll finish it soon and then I􀆳ll start on that.M:OK, but don􀆳t forget I need it tomorrow. I am leaving for Hangzhou for a meeting at 8 o􀆳clock

14、 tomorrow morning. I want to read all the report during my trip.W:Oh, God!M:By the way, is it possible that you􀆳ll meet Sally today? I haven􀆳t got her paper yet.W:Sally? Oh, I think I􀆳ll probably meet her this afternoon. I􀆳ll tell her about it as soon as I see her

15、.M:Thanks.W:Not at all.(Text 7)M:Betty, would you like to read this letter of asking for a job I􀆳ve just written? I􀆳d like your advice.W:I􀆳ll be glad to tell you what I think.M:Good! I􀆳m interested in your advice.W:If I were you, I would change the beginning. You

16、should write about your education, because people often judge a person by his abilities.M:Good idea. What do you think of the second part?W:I think it􀆳s too short. You􀆳d better say something about your work experience.M:You􀆳re right, and I􀆳ll change it soon. What

17、about the last part?W:Good. But you should talk about your family, too.M:I agree. I appreciate your help.(Text 8)W:Hello. Is that Hill?M:Yes. This is Hill speaking.W:This is Mary.M:Oh, Mary, what􀆳s the matter?W:I􀆳m phoning to tell you that I􀆳m afraid I won􀆳t have

18、enough time to pick up little Jimmy and Lily from school.M:Why? W:Don􀆳t you see that it is raining hard outside?M:Oh. I􀆳m sorry I didn􀆳t know that.W:I can􀆳t ride a bike in such a heavy rain and I have to take a bus home.M:Yes, I see. That􀆳s OK. I will go

19、to their school to pick up the children. But, I don􀆳t think I can finish my work early this afternoon. So it will be quite late when I arrive at the school.W:I don􀆳t think it matters much. I can tell them to wait for you at the school gate after school.M:Well, don􀆳t worry.

20、 I􀆳ll pick them up on my way home from work.W:See you.(Text 9)M:Mother, look at my shirt. It􀆳s too old and my friends laugh at me. W:I see. Let􀆳s buy a new one.M:You are so kind. Let􀆳s go to the Clothes Market. Can you turn off the computer? W:Come on, my darling.

21、 This shirt only costs 14 dollars on the Internet; it costs 20 in the street.M:Oh? But it looks unfashionable, doesn􀆳t it?W:But it will suit you well. I am going to buy you one.M:On the Internet?W:Yes, I don􀆳t have to go out. They say it can be sent home in 48 hours.M:But I don

22、49011;t think it is safe to show information about our credit card to a stranger.W:It􀆳s not a problem. They have the third safety control.M:But I can􀆳t try it on before buying it.W:Don􀆳t worry. They have different sizes and colors. I will order your size and favorite color

23、, brown, right?M:But what if I am not satisfied with the quality?W:If we are not satisfied they will give the money back.M:OK. Then let􀆳s try shopping on the Internet. W:Great.(Text 10) Good morning and welcome to today􀆳s program. Feel English too difficult? You can get some advice

24、 today. I think one of the most important keys to learning English is to make a regular and practical study program, like planning to study English for a few minutes every morning before breakfast time. This idea may sound useless to you, who took English in high school for quite a few years but did

25、n􀆳t become good speakers of the language. As a matter of fact, I do not mean that you can become fluent speakers with just a few minutes here and there, but following a regular course of study can help you on the way to language mastery. Also, small steps, step by step, are the key. For exa

26、mple, planning to learn five new words a dayand to learn to use them activelyis far better than learning 45 and forgetting them the next day. Thirdly, speaking without fear is important. The fastest way to learn something is to do it again and again until you get it ok. Don􀆳t let a little f

27、ear stop you from getting what you want.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AHave you ever felt like an idiot for having said too much? After graduating from a Hong Kong university recently, Anita Chow had one of those moments. A few weeks ago, the 22-year-ol

28、d applied for an internship with a Public Relations (PR) company. Chow said she is usually quiet and reserved, but during the interview she tried hard to act against her nature. She smiled a lot and talked in a lively manner. When asked why she wanted to work in PR, she said the job would enable her

29、 to meet a lot of interesting people. Then she added jokingly: “Who knows? I might even meet my future husband.”Chow wanted to punch herself the moment she stepped out of the interview room. “It came out so wrong,” she says. “Now the interviewers will think of me as one of those women who don⣺

30、11;t have any career ambition and just want to get married and settle down.”Saying too much or oversharing happens to every one of us. “Experts say oversharing often happens when we are trying subconsciously to control our anxiety,” according to a Wall Street Journal column. It happens like this: Wh

31、en having a conversation, we want to sound witty (睿智的) and interesting. The effort required doing this leaves less brainpower to filter what we say and to whom, says The Wall Street Journal.Hal Shorey, a psychologist from the Institute for Graduate Clinical Psychology at Widener University in the US

32、, told The Wall Street Journal that anxious people are often blabbers (多嘴的人). They are overly sensitive to social cues (暗示) and worry too much about what others think of them.So how do you stop yourself from blabbing too much? Simple: stop and think before you open your mouth. “Go through the proces

33、s in your mind where you walk through the final effects of sharing,” O􀆳Neill told The Wall Street Journal. 21.What did Chow think of herself when she left the interview room? A.She spoke too much in the interview.B.She was too quiet and reserved.C.She lost control of herself in the interview.D.She failed to answer the interviewers􀆳 questions.22.Oversharing often happens when a person. A.wants to express others full of mental energy C.wants to control his

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