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9A Unit 1 star signsreading.docx

1、9A Unit 1 star signs reading 众文个性化辅导教案 姓名: 吴凡 学科老师:李瑞 年级:九年级 班主任:钱飞桦 科目: 英语 教育顾问:杨会 学科带头人/教学校长签字:众文教育学科教师辅导讲义年 级:九年级 辅导科目: 英语 课时数:3课 题9 A Unit 1 star signs Reading 教学目的【教学目标】: (1). To understand what star signs are and what they represent(2). To recognize and understand vocabulary about characterist

2、ics(3). To use adjectives to describe someones characteristics(4).Grasp and use the expressions in it.【学习重难点】: (1). To introduce more information about star signs(2). To say out your star sign and describe your characteristic to everyone(3). Use the phrases and expressions fluently.(4). Describe one

3、 person using the adjs they learned教学内容1“It is/was +adj.+ of/for sb.( not )to do”句型译成“对某人来说,做某事是(样子的)。” for sb.的句型通常使用表示客观情况的形容词,of sb.的句型是一般用表示主观感情或态度的形容 后面能够接for sb.的常见形容词有:hard,difficult,easy important,interesting,necessary , impossible 后面能够接of sb.的常见形容词有:good , kind , nice , clever ,right ,caref

4、ul careless, rude ,wise ,foolish,selfish ,careless ,silly , honest , generous. 2. “sb.+ be/do + adj./adv + enough to do”句型 “某人在某方面已经能够达到做某事的程度”。(1) enough修饰名词时,可前可后,一般enough放于名词前。 (2) enough修饰前面的形容词或副词,位置必须在被修饰词的后面。如:careful enough / fast enough(3)注意 :形容词或副词前没有任何诸如very,quite,so,rather(相当)等之类的修饰词。 (4

5、)可以与It is/was +adj.+ of/for sb.( not )to do,so+adj./adv+that-clause (如此.以至于.), too+ adj./adv+to do sth. (太而不能)置换。 与 置换时,须把adj./adv换成其not+其反义词的形式。 He is too old to look after himself well. =H e is not enough young to look after himself well. 3. It says:“.”in the newspaper 报上说 当主语是书面材料或可见的东西时,如l

6、etter, notice (通知,布告)newspaper radio TV等,用“say”,意为“说道、写道 It says:“” on the radio b: say,talk, tell和speak的异同 say vt,后面要跟宾语,强调说话的内容。 Talk 谈话、讲话vi一般指非正式的,一般性的讲话或谈话,常和介词talk of/about sth.with sb构成短语连用。 tell“说,讲,告诉 vt tell后面常常跟双宾语tell sb sth=tell sth to sb。 相关短语tell sb. (not ) to do sth.告诉某人(不)做某事 tell s

7、b. about sth.告诉某人关于某事 speak 发言、作演讲 ,讲某种语言” 4Worry vt 焦虑,使焦虑, 带有双胞胎形容词 worrying 和worried Worry about相当于 be worried about, 意为“担心-”about是介词,后面跟名词、动名词或人称代词的宾格。 Dont worry.!别急! 5、find-found-found vt.发现 Find vt.强调找的结果,不重过程。 Find out 强调经过周折寻找到的结果 Look for 强调过程,不强调结果6.divide vt,划分 把整体化成小块 Divide A into B 把A

8、 划分成B 块 be divided into是个被动语态的结构,解释为“划分为、分为” divide A from B作“使A从B分离、使分开”解 We mustnt divide the child from his mother. 我们不能使母子分离 7. impatient adj, 没有耐心的. (1)名词形式是impatience副词是impatiently,相当于without patience (2)be impatient with sb. 对某人没有耐心 be impatient of sth. 对某事不耐烦 (3) be impatient to do sth. 对坐某事

9、没有耐心(4)be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心 be patient of sth. 对某事耐烦 (5)以im开始为前缀的反义词 Impatient 无耐心的impolite 不礼貌的impossible 不可能的immodest 不谦虚的 8、give gave-given vt 给 Give sb sth =give sth to sb ,给某人某物 give up 动副词组 有“放弃、投降、认输”的意思。如: give in 动副词组 屈服,让步 照料 照顾 n, vt. Care名词 care careful carefully 照顾-仔细的-仔细地

10、Care 名词 care- careless- carelessly-carelessness 照顾- 粗心的-粗心地-粗心(名词) take care of=look after作“照顾、照料”解,相当于可以互相替换。但look after没有“保管、保护” take good care of和look afterwell意义相同,都是“好好照料、好好照顾”的意思。 Care about/of 关心 care only about oneself 只关心自己 Care for 喜欢有like的意思 Be careful=look out 当心 Be careful with 对.细心/认真

11、10、 save n. vt 救援,储蓄 Save money 存钱 save time节约时间 save ones face 给面子 save ones life Save energy 节约能源 save your waiting 不让你等 save sb 救某人 11 confident adj. 自信的;确信的 比较级more confident 最高级most confident be confident of sth. 对有信心/把握 12 pay attention to details 注重细节 pay attention to 注重 注意 反义词是 pay no attent

12、ion to 不注意 其中的to 是介词 后跟名词,动名词,代词宾格, Pay attention to doing 注意做某事同类的词有Be used to doing 习惯于做某事 Look forward to doing 盼望做某事 13argue vt, 争辩 argue with sb. about sth. 同某人辩论某事 talk with sb. about sth. 同某人谈论某事 discuss sth with sb. 同某人讨论某事 14、keep-kept kept 可做系动词后加形容词做表语, keep quiet 保持安静 及物动词,保持 Keep sth +

13、adj 某物保持什么状态 dont keep your eyes closed Keep A away from B 使 A 远离 B Keep doing 一直做某事 Keep sb doing 让某人一直做某事 Keep on doing 继续做某事,坚持做某事 Keep (catch )up with 跟上 ,赶上 15 Forgive-forgave-forgiven 原谅 Forgive sb for (doing )sth 原谅某人(做)某事 类似的有Thank sb for (doing )sth 感谢某人(做)某事 16、good better best 其副词形式为well

14、名词goods 商品 Be good at (doing )sth =do well in (doing )sth 擅长做某事 Be good for sb/sth 对.有意 Be good to sb 对某人好 Be good with sb 与某人相处融洽 17、 travel-travelled-travelling- traveler Travel to sw.去某地旅游 travel around the world 周游世界 18Try n. vi. vt. 试 Have a try 试一试 try on 动副词组 试穿 try(do )ones best to do 尽最大努力做

15、某事 try to do 试图,尽力做某事 try doing 尝试着做某事 19Dream n. vt. 梦,做梦 make(have)a nice / sweet dream 做美梦 dream of /about 梦想. 其中dream of 有想到的意思 20.seem vi 好像,系动词 Sb seems to do sth= it seems that 从句 某人好像怎么样 Seem like=look like 看起来像 21Match n. 比赛 ,火柴 matches Vt 相配 match A with B 把A与B 相配 22、agree vt,vi 同意 Agree w

16、ith sb, 与某人一见一致 Agree on sth 同意某事 agree to do something 同意做某事23、 spend-spent spent vt 花费 spend mony like water 挥金如土 Spend +时间、金钱、精力+on sth 在某事上花费 Spend .doing sth 在做某事上花费 Sb spend +时间段+ doing sth =it takes sb +时间段+ to do sth 花费某人多长时间做某事 24Explain vt. 解释 Explain sth to sb ,向某人解释某物 Explain sth in 用.来解

17、释It is not easily explained in words. 这很难用言语解释清楚。 25、show n, vt 显示,展示 Fashion show 时装秀 Show sb around sw 带某人参观某地 Show sb sth = show sth to sb 给某人看某物 Show sb how to do sthShow off 动副词组,炫耀,显示Reading 短语汇总1. What is your star sign ?你的星座是什么?2. learn about . 了解.3. just for fun 只是为了乐趣4. read about an artic

18、le about 读一篇关于的文章5. be divided into 被分成.6. your date of birth 你出生的日期7. decide your star sign 决定你的星座8. some people 一些人9. people born under the same star sign 出生在同一星座的人10. share similar characteristics有着相似的性格11. sometimes = at times = from time to time 有时12. like to be the leader 喜欢当领导13. like change

19、喜欢改变14. a hard-working person 一个勤奋的人15. give up easily 轻易放弃16. give up doing sth 放弃做某事17. give it up 放弃它18. give in 屈服;让步19. give out 分发20. give off 发出(光等)21. a curious and clever person 一个有好奇心的聪明人22. take care of others 关心他人23. like saving money and cooking 喜欢省钱和烹饪24. a strong and confident person

20、一个强壮的且有自信心的人25. buy your friends nice gifts 给你的朋友买好的礼物26. a modest person 一个谦虚的人27. worry too much 焦虑太多, 过于小心28. pay attention to sth / sb / doing sth 注意某事/ 某人/ 做某事29. a polite and a fair person 一个礼貌正直的人30. love beautiful things 喜欢美丽的东西31. love peace 热爱和平32. argue with sb 与某人争论33. a powerful person

21、一个个性强烈的人34. have lots of energy 精力充沛35. keep secrets 保守秘密36. forgive sb for his / her mistakes 原谅他人的错37. Its silly of sb not to do sth .对某人来说不做某事是愚蠢的。38. enjoy life 热爱生活39. love traveling to different places 喜欢道不同地方旅游40. travel to +sp 到某地旅游41. work hard 努力工作42. be good at / do well in doing sth 擅长做某

22、事43. do well in exams 擅长考试44. make and plan things 制作东西和计划事情45. be patient enough to do sth 有足够的耐心做某事46. wait for a long time without getting angry 登上很长时间且不生气47. get angry easily 容易生气48. have many friends 有许多朋友49. hate to be like others 讨厌与他人一样50. try to do sth 尽力做某事51. try doing sth 尝试做某事52. try to

23、 everything differently 尽力与众不同地作美一件事53. be creative and imaginative 有创造力且有想象力54. dream of / about ., 梦想.55. know the meaning of ., 知道的意思56. help sb do sth = help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事= 在某方面帮助某人57. the first part of the explanations 解释的第一部分58. on the left / right 在左边 / 在右边59. leave sb outside the city

24、把某人丢在城外60. an energetic / outgoing person一个精力充沛的/外向的人61. a confident / curious / humorous person 一个自信的/好奇的/幽默的人62. a patient / impatient person 一个有耐心的/没有耐心的人63. love to meet people 喜欢与人交往64. know about everything 知道一切65. treat everyone equally 平等对待每个人66. have a good sense of humour 很有幽默感67. feel sur

25、e about .,对感到自信68. feel sure about ones ability 对自己的能力感到自信69. collect enough information about .,收集足够的关于的信息70. write / read about ., 写/读关于.71. love being friends with sb 喜欢与某人做朋友72. tell jokes 说笑话73. seem to be+ adj . 似乎.74. seem to do sth 似乎做某事75. It seems that 似乎.76. be kind to sb 善待某人77. share st

26、h with sb 与某人分享某物78. share food with others 与他人分享食物79. match A with B把A与B相搭配【当堂检测】一、单词拼写1She never _(争吵) with others.2. In the _(西方), people use the 12 star signs.3. She wants to know more about _(西方的)culture.4. They want to be _(领导)when they grow up.5. David is _(勤奋)and is often _(成功).1. The PLA is

27、 a _ (power) army.2. Its _ ( excite) to be the winner of the match.3. Jack is _(energy) enough to be the host of the charity show.4. Dont be _(patient) with her. She is only a child.5. He is an _ (随和的) boy. Everyone wants to make friends with him.6. My cousin loves _ ( 和平 ) and doesnt like to argue

28、with others.7. Mike is very _( 幽默 ) and likes to enjoy life.二、用适当的介词填空1. Lets divide the class _8 groups.2. The time _your birthday decides your star sign.3. People born _the same star sign share similar characteristics.4. Pay more attention _your English.5. Millie wants to know _her friends star si

29、gns just _fun.三、选词填空,注意使用单词的适当形式get, sing, join, plan, donate, like, self, learn1. When we heard of the Wenchuan earthquake, we _ money to the people there.2. She _ the Reading club last year.3. Listen! Who _ in the next room?4. Sam ate up the whole cake himself. He is _.5. You should _what you need

30、 to carry during the walk.6. _ you _ Chinese food?7. Its an excellent chance _about working together.8. You are patient enough to wait for a long time without _angry.四、选择题( ) 1. It _ : “Ill have lots to eat today .” A. say B. says C. said D. to say ( ) 2. If you need help , please call me _ 6661666 . A. for B. at C. of D. on ( ) 3. She often thinks herself , so we think she

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