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1、初中一年级英语教材Unit1 Hello, nice to meet you!Lesson 1 1.Look,listen and say1)A:Good morning! B:Good morning! A:Im Han Mei. What is your name? B:My name is Jim Green.Hello! A:Hello!Nice to meet you! B:Nice to meet you,too!2.Read,say and write Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg3.Read and say CD BC AD CBA CAAC ABC BBC CBC

2、 BALesson 2 1.Look,listen and say A:Good morning,Mr Wang. B:Good morning.Sit down,please. A:Thank you.How are you? B:Fine,thank you. How are you? A: Im fine,too.2.Read,say and write Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn3.Read and say HK IBM ID MBA NBA a.m. kg km mm cmLesson 3 1.Sing this song Good morn-ing to you. G

3、ood morn-ing to you.Good morn-ing,dear teach-er.Good morn-ing to you!Lesson 4 Look,listen and say1)A:Good morning.Im Gao Hui. B:Good morning,Miss Gao! A:Hello,Jim!How are you? B:Fine,thanks,Li Lei.And you? A:Im fine,too.Thank you.2)A;Hi!My name is Wei Hua.Whats your name? B:My name is Ann Read. A:Ni

4、ce to meet you! B:Nice to meet you,too. C:Hi!Im Polly.Unit2 Hello!How are you?Lesson 5 1.Look,listen and say1)A:Hello!Are you Wei Hua? B:Yes, I am. 2)A:Excuse me.Are you Li Ming? B:No,Im not.Im Li Lei. A:Sorry. B:Thats all right. 3)A:Hi,Jim! B:Hi,Li Lei!This is Wei Hua.Wei hua,this is Jim.2.Read,say

5、 and write Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt3.Read and say PRC CCP PLA PE OK IQ IOC PC IDD EMS RMB IT p.m.Lesson 6 1.Look,listen and sayA:Whats your name,please? B:My names Jim Green. A:Can you spell it,please? B:yes,J-I-M,Jim,G-R-double E-N,Green. A:Mum,this is my teacher,Miss Gao. B:How do you do? B:How do you do

6、?2.Read,say and write Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz3.Read and say CCTV UN UNESCO UFO VIP WTO UK USALesson 7 1.look,listen and say A:Excuse me.Are you Mr Read? B:No,Im not. A:Sorry. B:Thats all right. LIFENG:Excuse me.Are you Mr Read? Mr Read:Yes,I am. LIFENG:Oh,good!Im Li Fen. Mr Read:How do you do? LIFENG:How

7、do you do?Welcome to China!Mr Read:Thank you!2.Can you say the English letters? A H J K B C D E G P T V F L M N S X Z I Y U Q WLesson 8 1.Look,listen and say A:Good afternoon. B:Good afternoon. A:Whats your name,please? B:Sue Read. A:Can you spell it,please? B:Yes.S-U-E,Sue,R-E-A-D,Read. A:Thank you

8、! B:Youre welcome! A:Goodbye! B: Bye!Bye-bye! See you later! See you!3.Sing this song Sing the ABC song Sing the ABC song A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z X Y Z Now you see,I can say my A B C.10 Sing this song Hello!How are you? Hello!How are you?I am fine.Thank you.Thank you very

9、 muchUnit3 Can you spell it,please?Lesson 9 1.Listen and say 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 103.Listen,say and read A:Whats your name? B: My name is Liu Ying. A:Whats your number? B: Im Number 2 in Row 1. C:My name is Li Lei. Im in Row 1,too. Im Number 3.4.Ask and answer A:Are you Lin Tao? B:Yes,I am. A:Are yo

10、u in Row 4? B:Yes,I am. A:Are you Liu Ying? B:Yes,I am. A:Are you in Row 5? B:No,Im not.Im in Row 1.Lesson 10 2.Listen and say 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 ZERO!3.Listen and chant Three two one O! Lets go! Lets go! One,two,three,four. Please go and close the door. Five,six,seven,eight.Hurry up! Dont be late

11、. Nine,ten,nine,ten. Get a ruler and a pen.Lesson 11 1.Listen and say 11 12 13 14 153.Listen,read and say1)A:How old are you? B:Im eleven.How old are you? A:Im twelve.2)A:Are you ten? B:No,Im not.Im eleven.Are you twelve?A:Yes,I am.Lesson 12 1.Listen,read and say name Kate game grade age cake face A

12、nn map bag thankam and apple3.Read and say1)A:Hello!Whats your name? B:My name is Han Mei. A:How old are you? B:Im twelve. 2)A:Whats your name,please? B:May Hyde. A:Can you spell that,please? B:Yes.M-A-Y,May,H-Y-D-E,Hyde. A:How old are you? B:Ah,its a secret!9.Sing this song. The number song Ze-ro,o

13、ne two three four five six seven,eight nine ten,be-gin a -gain/thats the end.Words and expressions in each unitUnit 3what hwt pron.&adj.什么 is iz v.是whats=what isyour jupron.你的;你们的 nameneimn.名字 mymaipron.我的Iai pron.我 ammv.是 Im=I aminin prep.在.里(内;上)rowru n.(一)排;(一)行 one wn num.一number nmbn.数字,号码 two

14、tu: num.二 too tu: ad.也three ri: num.三 are :v.是 you ju, ju:pron.你;你们yes jes ad.是 four f: num.四 five faiv num.五nonu adv./adj.不;不是 not nt ad.不 hi haiinterj.喂(表示问候或唤起注意) classkl:s n.(学校里的)班级 grade greid n.年级 six siks num.六 seven sevn num.七 eight eit num.八 nine nain num.九ten ten num.十 zero ziru num.&n. p

15、lus pls prep.加,加上er : interj.呃,啊,这. um m interj.嗯 itit pron.它 its its=it is how hau adv.(指程度)多少;怎样old uld adj.老的;.岁的 eleven ilevn num.十一twelve twelv num.十二 minus mains prep.减(去) thirteen :ti:n num.十三 fourteen f:ti:n num.十四fifteenfifti:n num.十五 hello hlu interj.喂(表示问候或唤起注意) please pli:z int.请 can kn

16、v.aux.能,会,可以spell spel v.拼写 that t pron.&a.那,那个 ah : int.啊,呀secret si:krit n.秘密Unit4 Whats this in English?Lesson 13 1.Listen,read and say A:Whats this in English? B:It is a clock. A:And whats this? B: Its a pencil-box.Lesson 14 2.Look,ask and answer A:Whats this? B:Is this a cup? A:No,it isnt. B:Is

17、 this a map? A:Yes,it is. B:Whats this? A:Is this a book? B:No,it isnt. A:Is this a pencil-box? B:Yes,it is.Lesson 15 1.Ask and answer A:Is this a pen? B:Yes,it is. A:Is that a pencil? B:No,it isnt.Its a ruler. A:Is this a map? B:Is that a book?Lesson 16 1.Listen,read and say A:Whats this in English

18、? B:Its a bike. A:Whats that in English? B:Its a bus. A:Is that a car? isnt.Its a jeep. A:Look!Thats a car. B:Yes.Its a Chinese car. A:Is that an English car? B:No,it isnt.Its a Japanese car. A:Look!Thats an English car!2.Listen,read and say I bike fine nice like kite hi in sit this Miss it

19、is sixWords and expressions in each unitUnit 4 this is pron.&a.这,这个 in in prep.用(表示) English igli n.英语;英国人 in English inigli用英语(表达) a e, ei, art.一(个,件) clock klk n.钟 and nd, nd conj.和,又,而 pencil-box penslbks n.铅笔盒 an n, n art.一(个;件.) pencil pensl n.铅笔 ruler ru:l n.尺子 pen pen n.钢笔 sharpener :pn n.卷笔刀

20、 eraser ireiz n.橡皮擦 room ru:m n.房间 book buk n.书 map mp n.地图 desk desk n.书桌 cup kp n.杯子 bag bg n.书包 computer kmpju:t n.电脑,电子计算机 mouse maus n.鼠;耗子,鼠标 bed bed n.床 keyboard ki:b:d n.键盘 isnt=is not pear p n.梨 cake keik n.糕;饼;糕 banana bn:n n.香蕉 apple pl n.苹果orange :rind n.橙子;橘子 eggegn.蛋 bike baik n.自行车 bu

21、s bs n.公共汽车car k: n.汽车;小汽车 jeep di:p n.吉普车 Chinese taini:z adj.中国的;n.汉语 Japanese ,dpni:z adj.日本的;n.日语 look luk v.瞧;看Unit5 Is everyone here today?Lesson 17 2.Ask and answer1)A:Whos that? B:Thats Su Weifang. A:How old is she? B:I think shes twelve.2)A:Whos that? B:I think hes Mr Zhang. A:How old is he

22、? B:I dont know.I think hes very old.Lesson 19 1.Look,listen and say T:Is everyone here today? S:No. T:Whos not here? S: Ann is not here. T:Is she at school today? S:No,she isnt. T:Where is she? S: Sorry,I dont know.I think shes at home.2.Read and act SAM:Hello! MIKE:Hello,Bill? SAM:No,this is Sam.

23、MIKE:Hi,Sam.This is Mike.How are you? SAM:Fine,thanks,Mike. MIKE:Is Bill in? SAM:Sorry,hes not at home. MIKE:OK.Thank you.Goodbye! SAM:BYE!Lesson 20 1.Listen,read and say he she me tree jeep bee see egg pen desk pencil yes ten bed3.Look,listen and say A:Whos that girl? B:Thats my sister,Joy. A:How o

24、ld is she? B:Shes seven. A:Whos that man? B:Thats my father. A:Is the woman your mother? B:Yes,she is.Words and expressions in each unitUnit 5 who hu: pron.谁 she i: pron.她 he hi: pron.他 bird b:d n.鸟 itsitspron.它的 do du: dont dunt =do not know nu v.知道;懂得 thinkikv.想;认为 Mr=mister mist n.先生 very veri ad

25、v.很;非常picture pikt n.图画;照片 Mrsmis n.夫人 boy bi n.男孩 girl g:l n.女孩 woman wumn n.妇女;女人 man mn n.男人;人 cat kt n.猫 his hiz pron.他的teacher ti:t n.教师 her h: pron.她的everyone evriwn pron.每人;人人 here hi adv.这里;这儿today tdei n.今天 attprep.在 school sku:l n.学校 at school在学校sorry sri adj.对不起;抱歉的 where hw adv.在哪里home h

26、um n.家 at home 在家 How are you? 您(身体)好吗? fine fain adj.好的;(身体)好的 thanks ks v.谢谢(只用复数) OK ukei adv.(口语)好;对;可以 thankk v.谢谢 goodbye ,gudbai interj.再见;再会bye bai interj.再见 parrotprt n.鹦鹉sister sist n.姐;妹 father f: n.父亲 mother m n.母亲 box bks n.盒子;箱子Unit6 Excuse me.Lesson 21 1.Look,listen and say1)A:Excuse

27、me.Is this your pencil-box? B:Yes,it is. A:Here you are. B:Thank you. A:Is this your eraser? B:No,it isnt.I think its her eraser. A:Han Mei,is this your eraser? C:Yes,it is.Thanks. A:Thats OK.2)A:Wheres my cup?Is that my cup? B:No,I think its his cup. A:Jim,is this your cup? C:Oh,yes,it is. A:Here y

28、ou are. C:Thanks. A:But wheres my cup?Lesson 22 1.Read and say Whats this?Its a banana. What are these?They are bananas. one bananatwo bananas three buses four boxes five orangessix apples seven bags eight books nine pensten birdsLesson 23 1.Read and say A:Are these your English books? B:No,they arent. A:Are they their books? B:Yes,they are.2.Look,listen and say A:Excuse me. B:Yes? A:Are these your apples? B:No,they arent. A:Excuse me. C:Yes? A:Are the

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