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1、计算机专业英语试题精解第五章 专业英语试题精解根据考试大纲的要求,高级程序员应具有大学毕业程度的英语词汇量,能正确阅读和理解计算机领域的英文文献,相当于大学四级英语水平。 解答专业英语试题的关键在于熟悉相关的计算机专业英语。试题以考查词汇为主,兼考语法。复习时应多读一些计算机方面的英语时文,积累一些计算机专业词汇。解题时,一般先考虑语义,后考虑语法。 19902000年英语试题涉及的主题分布情况见表5-1。总的来说,大多涉及流行的软件技术,时代感很强。 试题1 (2000年试题14) 从供选择的答案中,选出应填入下面叙述中 内的最确切的解答,把相应编号写在答卷的对应栏内。 Network ma

2、nagers have long A practical voice-over-IP(VOIP) solutions. VOIP B ease network management and decreases costs by converging at a companys telephony and data infrastructures into one network. And a VOIP solution implemented at a companys headquarters with far-reaching branch offices can C tremendous

3、 amounts of D in long distance phone bill, provided that solution delivers POTS-like voice E over the Internet. 参考译文:网络管理员一直期待着实用的VOIP(IP话音业务)解决方案。通过将公司的电话和数据基础设施集成于同一网络,VOIP简化网络管理,降低成本。如果VOIP解决方案通过因特网提供类似POTS的声音质量,将其用于拥有无程分支机构的公司总部,可节省大量的长途话费。 供选择的答案 A:await awaited awaiting awaits B:promise promis

4、ed promises promising C:get put save waste D:cash money space time E:frequency length quality quantity 【解析】 题中A处考查语法,这里是现在完成时,动词形式是过去分词,应选择awaited。 B处也是个语法问题,这里是一般现在时,主语是单数形式,因而谓语动词的形式也是单数,应选择promises。 C处从语义上看是节省的意思,只有save一次符合要求。 D处指费用、金钱,只有money一词适合。 E处指语音质量,应选择quality。 【答案】A: B: C: D: E: 试题2 (2000

5、年试题15) 从供选择的答案中,选出应填入下面叙述中 内的最确切的解答,把相应编号写在答卷的对应栏内。 Basically, a firewall is a A process or a set of integrated processes that runs on a router or B to control the flow of networked application traffic C through it. Typically, firewalls are placed on the entry point to a D network such as the Intern

6、et. They could be considered traffic cops. The firewalls E is to ensure to ensure that all communication between an organizations network and the Internet conform to the organizations security policies. 参考译文:基本上,防火墙是在路由器或服务器上运行的一个独立的或一组集成的处理器,用来控制通过网络应用程序流经它的信息流。典型的防火墙位于进入像因特网这样的公共网络的入口处。可以将它们看作是交通警

7、察。防火墙的角色就是确保组织的网络与因特网之间的所有通信符合组织的安全政策。供选择的答案 A:dependent isolated related standalone(独立) B:browser client repeater server(服务器) C:pass passed passing passes D:local national private public E:mole pole role rule 【解析】 题中A处显然是独立的、单独的的意思,应选择standalone。 从上下文看,B处是指服务器,应选择server。 C处则是个语法问题,现在分词作定语,应选择。 从后面的

8、Internet判断,D处意义应当是公共的,只有public一词符合。 E处意是角色的意思,选择role。 【答案】A: B: C: D: E: 试题3 (1999年试题14) 从供选择的答案中,选出应填入下面叙述中 内的最确切的解答,把相应编号写在答卷的对应栏内。 All of these applications will enhance the A of life and spur economic growth. Over half of the U.S. work force is now in jobs that are information B . The telecommun

9、ication and information sector of the U.S. economy now C for 12 percent of the Gross Domestic Product, groing much faster than any other sector of the economy. Last year the D in this sector exceeded 700 billion dollars. The U.S. exported over 48 billion doooars of telecommunication equipment E . 参考

10、译文:所有这些应用软件会提高人们的生活质量,刺激经济增长。现在美国半数以上的劳动力所从事的工作依赖于信息。在美国经济中,电信和信息门类占国内生产总值的12%,而且增长速度也比其他经济门类都快。去年该行业收入超过7000亿美元。美国电信设备的出口额超过480亿元。 A:quantity quality mass amount B:based bassed bases base C:look looks account accounts D:revenues(财政收入) expenses outputs loss E:among alone simple single 【解析】 题中A处显然指生活

11、质量,应选择。 B处则是个语法问题,是被动语态。 C处从语义上看是占多少比例,account for是习惯用法,注意一下语法,谓语动词是单数。 D处指财政收入,只有revenues一词符合。 E处是单独、独自的意思,语法上是副词作状态,选alone。 【答案】A: B: C: D: E: 试题4 (1999年试题15) 从供选择的答案中,选出应填入下面叙述中 内的最确切的解答,把相应编号写在答卷的对应栏内。 The growth of switching has A a new generation of network management tools that help B cope wi

12、th the challenges, C them to correlate device alarm in order to D pinpoint root causes, or to monitor service levels without depending on IP subnetting schemes. These new tools have become essential to coping with the primary E effect of any treatment that significantly increases network flexibility

13、: added complexity. 参考译文:交换技术的发展产生了新一代网络管理工具。这些工具有助于技术人员应付挑战,使它们能与设备报警相联以更好地查明根本原因,或者不依赖于IP子网配置来监控服务级别。这些工具对解决因显著增加网络适应性(额外的复杂性)带来的主要副作用的问题是必需的。 供选择的答案 A:create creates created creating B:technicians(技术员) workers salesmen professors C:enjoying enabling engaging enriching D:better well welly goods E:

14、back side front lateral 【解析】 本题是关于网络管理技术的,难度大一些。 A处主要考语法,完成时动词形式。 B处考词义,只有technicians(技术员)最合适。 C处从语义和语法上看应是enabling,意思是使能。 D处副词修饰动词不定式,而且隐含比较级,只有better合适。 E处是副作用的意思,显然用side。side作形容词,表示旁边的、侧面的、副的、枝的,side effect则指副作用。 【答案】A: B: C: D: E: 试题5 (1998年试题12) 从供选择的答案中,选出应填入下面叙述中 内的最确切的解答,把相应编号写在答卷的对应栏内。 Many

15、 word processing programs include spell checker. It checks the spelling of every word in a A by looking up each word in its dictionary. If the word does not appear in the dictionary, the user is B to a possible misspelling and possible corrections are often C . Spell checker does not recognize unusu

16、al people names or specialized terms, but it will often allow you to to create your own personal dictionary of specialized words you often use. Spell checker is a valuable aids to proofreading, but it can not catch the D of one correctly spelled word for another (such as form for from). Thus it does

17、 not E a document is free of spelling errors. A;document equipment program statementB、C alerted alternate guessed guided suggested surprisedD; addition condition notation substitutionE; committee correct grarantee prove【解析】 参考译文:许多字处理都包括了拼写检查的功能,拼写检查通过查自己的字典来检查一个文件中的每一个单词。如果字典里没有这个单词,用户就会被警告可能拼写错误,同

18、时也经常提供一个纠正该错误的建议。拼写检查程序不能识别不常用的人名或专用术语,但是它允许你生成自己的个人字典,把自己常用的词语加进去。拼写检查程序对文字校对来说是一个有用的工具,但是它不能检查到一个单词被另一个拼写正确的单词所代替这样的错误,因此它不能保证一个文件中没有拼写错误。 【答案】A: B: C: D: E: 试题6 (1998年试题13) 从供选择的答案中,选出应填入下面叙述中 内的最确切的解答,把相应编号写在答卷的对应栏内。 A local-area network(LAN) is a communications network that A a variety of devic

19、es and provides a B for information exchange among those devices. The scope of the LAN is small typically a single building or a cluster of builings. The LAN is usually owned by the same organlization that owns the C devices.The internal data rate of LAN is at least several Mbit/s. The basic of LAN

20、communciation is broadcasting. At each station, there is a transmitter/receiver that commuinciates over a D shared by other stations. A transmission from any one station is E to an received by all other stations. 供选择的答案 A、B、D、E:broadcast cable control interconnects internet meander means medium mode

21、m output 11. switch 12. relay C:adopted attached selected unified 【解析】 参考译文:局域网是将许多设备互连在一起并提供一种在这些设备间交换信息的方法的通信网。局域网的范围通常比较小,如一个建筑物或一群建筑物。局域网通常为拥有那些连接在网上的设备的同一组织所拥有。局域网的内部传输率至少为几兆字节每秒。局域网的基本通讯方式为广播方式。每个站都有一个转发/接收器,通过一个与其他站共享的媒介来通讯。从任何一个站发送的消息都被广播发送到所有的站,被所有的站接收。 【答案】A: B: C: D: E: 试题7 (1997年试题11) 从供

22、选择的答案中,选出应填入下面叙述中 内的最确切的解答,把相应编号写在答卷的对应栏内。 The relational database model requires the data be A through programs that dont rely on the position of the data in the database. This in in direct B to the other database mode, where the program has to follow a series of pointers to the data it seeks. A pr

23、ogram C a relational database simply asks for the data it seeks; the DBMS performs the necessary searches and D the information. The E on how the search is done are specific to the DBMS and vary from product to product. 供选择的答案 A:accessed moved read wrote B:conduct contract contrast construct C:consu

24、lting containing querying queuing D:erases provides proves values E:details documents tails tenants 【解析】 参考译文:在关系型数据库模型中,要求通过程序访问数据时,不必依赖于数据在数据库中的位置。这种方式与其他数据库模式中采用的方式的不同之处在于:其他数据库模式中,程序需要通过访问一系列指针才能查到所要访问的数据。在关系型数据库中,程序查询数据库的方式只是直接指向所要查找的数据,数据库管理系统会实施必要的查询工作,然后将查询结果提供给程序。具体如何进行查询,与数据库管理系统有关,并且不同的数据

25、库产品之间也有所不同。 【答案】A: B: C: D: E: 试题8 (1997年试题12) 从供选择的答案中,选出应填入下面叙述中 内的最确切的解答,把相应编号写在答卷的对应栏内。 When most people refer to multimedia, they generally mean the combination of towor more continuous media, usually with some user A . In practice, the two media are normally audio and video, that is, B plus mo

26、ving C . It should be obvious by now that transmitting multimedia material in uncompressed form is completely out of D , the only hope is that massive compression is possible. Fortunately, a algorithms that make multimedia transmisson E . 供选择的答案 AC:display games help interaction pictures sound web D

27、、E:impossible fearful feasible program questio thing 【答案】A: B: C: D: E: 试题9 (1996年试题13) 从供选择的答案中,选出应填入下面叙述的最确切的解答,把相应编号写在答卷的对应栏内。 A whether to go with a shared or switched fast LAN technology once you start to maxout your shared Ethernet of token-ring LAN is tough call. Users and analysts involved i

28、n B high-speed LANs have learned the benefits of each. However there are trade-offs to each, and C which fast LAN technology to choose is critical for D network performance problems and E costly purchasing mistakes. 供选择的答案 AE:avoiding clipping choosing deciding dissolving ensuring evolving implement

29、ing knowing solving 【解析】 参考译文:你一旦想扩大你自己的以太网或令牌环LAN的共享能力,就面临着一种选择:是用共享快速LAN技术还是交换快速LAN技术?那些已决定高速LAN的用户们和分析家们都知道,这两种技术各有其优点也都有其不足。明确选择哪一种技术是解决网络性能问题和避免购买浪费的关键。 【答案】A: B: C: D: E: 试题10 (1996年试题14) 从供选择的答案中,选出应填入下面叙述中 内的最解切的解答,把相应编号写在答卷的对应栏内。 The most accurate and most boring way to A Java is that is a

30、new computer programming language developed by Sun Microsystems that creates B independent programs the that can be distributed and run remotely. To run Java programs, a computer must have a Java interpreter. Currently C Java programs are smallapplets that are C as part of web pages. When you use a Java D browser to view a Web page that in cludes a Java applet, the broser loads the applet onto your computer through your modem or network. Then the Java interpreter runs the applet, which could include animation or sound, on your computer rather than transmitting the code

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