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1、百词斩考研核心单词和例句资料考研词汇(2259个单词)It is her job to assess her patients health. v.评估I compute the right figure on a calculator. v.计算,估计I maintain my figure by eating well and exercising. n.体型,人物,形状,数字,v想出,估计,计算出Only a few columns of the old building are still standing. N.圆柱,支柱,柱子The movie was based on the l

2、egend of King Arthur. N.传说,传奇人物,地图的图例,插图的说明My dog is smart enough to obey my commands. n.命令,指挥 v.命令,指挥,控制,掌握The dog is obedient, and does whatever the boy wants adj.服从的,顺从的,孝顺的Obedience is one of the most important qualities in a dog n.服从,顺从I am prescribing you antibiotics to treat the infection, th

3、e doctor said v.命令,开处方His family ascribed his early death to his smoking habit v.把归咎于 把归属于I subscribe to the daily newspaper v.订阅,同意,捐赠The winning bid in the auction was 5 dollars. v.出价,投标 n.投标,努力争取He compelled me to walk forwardmostly by pulling my tie. v.强迫,迫使屈服Dont intrude! My other boyfriend and

4、 I am having a private meeting here. v.强行挤入,侵入,强加于人When I was a child, my mom would dictate what I ate. v.规定,命令,口授,听写You used your hands,the other side can take a penalty kick. n.刑罚,处罚,惩罚 点球I like my husband to rouse me, first thing in the morning, with a gentle touch v.唤醒,唤起,激起This picture evokes f

5、eelings of summer v.引起,唤起,使人想起 You lose again, she said , provoking me to great anger v.激怒,对挑噱,引起He arises at 7 AM every morning v.出现,由引起 起床The four parts merge into one. v.合并,融合,兼并The plant emerges from out of the road surface. v.出现,浮现,冒出It is an emergency. Get her to the hospital as soon as possib

6、le. N.紧急事件Submarines submerge beneath the water and disappear v.沉没,淹没,使卷入 The apple fell from my hands and was immersed in water v.沉浸,沉浸于,使陷入The mans clothing was soaked v.浸泡,渗透,吸入,n.浸泡Sprinklers saturate the grass with water v.使充满,使饱和,使湿透 (湿透了,洒满了水)The weather in Singapore is very humid adj.潮湿的,湿润的

7、,多湿气的Car accidents can occur very quickly v.发生,想起,出现The floral pattern recurs at regular intervals v.反复,重视(花卉图案在一定的距离反复出现)With the advent of the telegraph, communication between countries became faster than ever n.降临,出现Hacking is an illegal activity which must be punished. adj.不合法的,非法的The legal prof

8、ession is very well-paid. Adj. 法律的,合法的The judicial branch of government interprets the laws adj.司法的,法庭的,法律的,法官的,审判上的(政府的司法部门负责解释法律)Our team felt so much glory after our victory n.光荣,荣誉We have a responsibility to take care of our parents. n.责任,负担The little boy responds to the customers. v.回答,响应 (接了客人

9、的来电)I am responsible for the safety of all these planes. adj.有责任的 (我对这些飞机的安全负责)My teacher was impressed with my response to the question. n.作答,回答,相应I am somewhat bored with this problem. Pron.一点儿,某种程度上 adv.有点儿,某种程度上Smoking can be a deadly habit. Adj.知名的,致死的,十足的,adv 非常的,死一般的The accident was fatal, no

10、body survived. Adj.重大的,致命的,(在这场重大的事故中)The refugees run away from their wartorn country to find a better place to live. N.难民 避难者The family finally had an opportunity to buy their own houses. There is a possibility Im right, but then again, I might be wrong. The boy opposes his fathers smoking; he is

11、always trying to get his father to stop. V.反对,反抗As a teenager she rebelled against her parents, but now she is fine. V.造反 n.造反者,叛逆者The people couldnt take it any more, and revolted to ask for more rights. V.叛乱,造反,反感. 人民再也人受不了了,都为了争取更多的权利而起身反抗His strength is considerable, he exercises every day. Adj.

12、相当大的,重要的,可观的He gave my proposal due consideration. n.考虑,思考,体贴,体谅,顾及.(他适当的考虑了我的建议)My mother is always considerate of other peoples feelings. Adj.考虑周到的,体贴的The runners jump over obstacles. n.障碍,障碍物,妨害The road was closed by a barrier. n.障碍,屏障,隔阂 (这条路设置了路障,被封锁了)As a CEO, I use a private jet to travel. Ad

13、j.私人的,私立的Passwords are very important for your privacy. n.隐私 ,秘密She led a life of privilege; she is always been rich. n.特权,利益,优惠 (她过着优越的生活)The couple is very intimate and close with each other. Adj.亲密的,个人的,私下的,v.暗示 宣布 通知。 这对情侣很亲密,相互依偎着If you reveal this confidential information, you will be punished

14、. Adj.私密的,机密的Sometimes a single individual can change everything.n.独立的个体 adj.个别的,独特的 (有时候一个人可以改变一切)A Swiss Army Knife is an indispensable tool in any situation adj.必需的,必不可少的Even though she cant move her legs, she is still an independent person. Adj.无党派人士,独立自主的Ever since the accident, she is been dep

15、endent on me to help her get around. n.依赖他人的, adj.依赖的,从属的Babies rely on their parents for food and care. v.依赖,信赖,依靠Soon she will be able to walk the tightrope by herself, without reliance on her trainer. n.信赖 依靠Ice melts and turns into water if it is not enough v.融化,溶化He is welding together the two

16、pieces of metal. v.焊接,熔接,n.焊接Please pay me with cash. n.现金 v.兑现 付现I am richexclaimed the boy after he received his weekly allowance. N.零花钱 津贴 补贴The judge is the authority on the meaning of the law. N.权威,当局,权利This diamond is not fakeI am sure it is authentic. Adj.真实的 真正的 可靠的The stamp certifies that t

17、he product is genuine and not a fake. Adj.真正的 名副其实的 真诚的The kid is a genius;she can do high school math at age eight n.天才,天资,天赋,才华His teeth fell out a long time age, now all he has are fake teeth. n.假货,赝品,v.伪造 捏造 adj.假的 伪造的Maybe in a hundred years there will be artificial life. adj.人造的,假的,非原厂地的 (人造生命

18、)The garbage truck is automatic, so you dont have to lift the trash can yourself. adj.自动的,无意识的,n自动换挡 自动手枪I love wearing traditional oriental clothing, kimonos和服 are my favorite. adj.东方的,东方人I used a compass to orient myself at sea n.东方 v.定的方位The compass helped us keep our orientation in the right dir

19、ection. n.定位,方向Humans originated from ape-like creatures. v.发生,起源于,发明(人类起源于猿类生物)The origin of mankind is still mysterious, but we think our ancestors lived in the trees n.起源,由来,出身 It is hard to derive a solution to this strange problem v.起源,衍生,取得 It is part of my religion to pray five times per day.

20、 n.宗教 宗教团体,宗教信仰It was a spiritual experience to watch the sun rise on the mountain. Adj.精神上的,宗教上的(灵性体验)She wore casual clothing,preferring not to dress up for this event .adj.漫不经心的,随意的,临时的,偶尔的 n.便装,临时工人,偶然来访者We suffered one casualty at work today. n.伤亡人员,死伤者,受害人Our boss is cordial and kind with us.

21、adj.热情友好的,衷心的Everyone would benefit from more money. n.好处,利益 V.有益于,有助于It would be beneficial for you to go outside every once in a while. adj.有意于有利的(偶尔出去走走)Profits have increased year on year. n.利润,益处 V.得益The middle object is intermediate in size adj.中间的,居间的,中级的 n.中间体,媒介物(中间的物品尺寸居中)Id like a medium

22、sized television. adj.中等的,中号的, n媒介,手段The circle in the middle is of moderate size. adj.适度的,适中的HelpIm lost amid all the colored balls(彩球). Prep.在中间;被围绕Most of the iceberg is beneath the surface. prep.在下面 (大多数冰山是在表面下方)The man augments his arm strength by exercising every day. v.增长,助长,增强We had an argum

23、ent about which movie to watch. n.争论,辩论 论据,论点The question of how should clean the kitchen caused lots of controversy n.争论,辩论They had a loud argument about the controversial issue .adj.引起争论的,有争议的They had a dispute over who should do the work. n.争论,争端,V.争执,驳斥Those two are always in conflict about some

24、thing or another. n.冲突,矛盾 V.冲突 矛盾We had a debate about who was the smartest. v.辩论,争论,议论 n.讨论,辩论When I die, I want my grave to be simple and unmarked. n.坟墓 adj。严重的,严肃的,庄重的Things fall down because of gravity. n.重力,引力,严肃He is very frank about what he wants. and.坦白的,直率的I forget to bring my glasses, so e

25、verything I see is a bit of a blur n.污点,模糊,v.使模糊,弄脏The paper is covered with many small dots n.点,圆点,v.在上打点The artist made a pattern of blue spots on the white wall. n.斑点,污点 V.发现,认出Your notepad is blank. Write some notes about the meeting. n.空白,空虚,空弹 adj.没有写字的,空白的The apartment is vacant, so you can m

26、ove in any time you want. adj空闲的,闲置的She is been avoiding my calls all week, I dont know why she doesnt want to talk. v.躲开,避免,防止 (一周都没接我电话)Do you believe in the existence of dragons? N.存在 实在,生存The nurse will assist you in walking to your car. n.帮助,助攻 v.帮助 促进My grandmother is old ,so she needs medical

27、 assistance every once in a while .n.协作,援助Please lower the resistance; my muscles are too tired. n.阻力,抵抗,抵制,抵抗力The internet is basically a network of billions of computers. N.网状物,网络 Both of these children need to be taught better conduct. N.行为 v.做,指挥,传到You behave at school-shouted the angry father.

28、v.举动,运转,举止端正 (给我表现好点)She signed the paper on behalf of her husband n.代表,利益,因为某人That man is so vain, all he cares about is his appearance adj.徒劳的,虚荣的,自负的Will that girl ever stop boasting about her expensive clothing v/n.夸耀,吹嘘,自负Trying to fill a bucket with big holes in it is futile. adj.无意的,无用的(用满是洞的

29、水桶打水是做无用功)After the trial, the judge found the prisoner guilty. N审判,实验 adj实验性的(审判后,法官判定囚犯有罪)I follow a trail through the field n.小径,路径,记号,痕迹,线索 v.拽,跟,落后于,追赶He is trying to trace all his on-line friends n.痕迹,v.追溯,查考 The two rivals compete to see who is the best v.与竞争;与同样好 n竞争者The soccer game was real

30、ly competitive. Adj.竞争的,好胜的,有竞争力的 (竞技性)Who is going to win this competition? N.比赛 竞争It was an exciting contest n.比赛,竞争,v.争夺,争论The poor children scrambled for the food v.攀登,争夺The two fighters contend for the championship v.斗争,搏斗,争论Pis value is constant; it is always about 3.14 adj.经常的,不变的,坚定的,连续不断的 n

31、常量,恒量(的数值是不变的)Instant noodles are convenient adj.立即的,迫切的,当月的,本月的 N.瞬间 (快速面)An instantaneous flash of lightning struck the city. Adj.立即的,瞬间发生的 (闪电的一瞬光亮划破城市夜空)This device is pretty close to a perpetual motion machine-the balls wont stop moving for a long time adj.永久的,永恒的,连续的 (永动机)Their simultaneous bike riding attracted a lot of attention. Adj.同时发生的,(他们的双人自行车)They accused each other of being wrong. v.指责 指控 They reproached him for being late to the meeting. v. 指责,责备 n指责 We are condemned him for his bad behavior. v.谴责,指责,判刑They all denounced me, even though I hadnt done anything

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