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1、仁爱版八年级下册随堂练习Unit 5 Feeling ExcitedTopic 1 You looked excited.Section A用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。invite, smell, feel, film, beThe Kingsman is one of my favorite in 2017.Jane wants to you to my birthday party.Thank you.Kate not able to go for a picnic with her classmates yesterday, because she had to look after

2、 her little sister at home.Mom is cooking fish in the kitchen. It nice.How do you today?Terrible. I have a cold.Section B从括号中选择合适的单词填空。Look at Mr. Brown. He is (excited/ exciting)because his son comes back from England.Whats the matter with Tony?He feels (disappointed/ disappointing)because he cant

3、get the ticket to the concert.What did Lucy say on the phone?She invited me to see an (interested/ interesting)film with her.My little brother doesnt like the music. He thinks it is (bored/ boring).The little girl seems (worried/ worrying)because her grandmother is ill in bed.Section C用方框中所给单词的适当形式填

4、空。cheerup, lively, almost, lonely, care forJenny is a girl. She sings or dances whenever she is free.If you have no friends, you may feel .With your help, I finish all of the work.My grandfather is badly ill. My parents are him.Betty was sad to lose the game. Lets do something to her .句型转换。Rock musi

5、c sounds great.(对画线部分提问) rock music sound?Sally invited me to go to her house for dinner.(同义句转换)Sally invited me house for dinner.Im very well.(对画线部分提问) are you ?I couldnt sleep well last night because it was noisy.(同义句转换)I couldnt sleep well last night the noise.Look at the cloud! It seems that it

6、will rain soon.(同义句转换)Look at the cloud! It seems soon.Section D根据汉语提示写出短语,完成句子。With the teachers help, the two boys (与和解)each other at last.Xur Zhiqian (受欢迎)the students now. Many students like his songs.Nancy worked hard at math. (最后)she passed the exam.Taobao (形成于)in 2003. Now many people enjoy s

7、hopping on the Internet.Wu Jing is the main role of Wolf Warriors . He became famous around the world (由于)this movie.综合测试词汇。(A)根据汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。Students in Class One are very (活泼的).How many (角色)are there in Beijing Opera?There are four: Sheng, Dan, Jing and Chou.Though Mr. Money is rich, he is very (

8、孤独的). He has no friends to talk with.It (似乎)that she doesnt know the bad news.Mr. Green is so angry that he (几乎)goes mad.(B)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。I like math very much. Its very (interest).I was very (worry)that Jim was badly ill.Peter (feel)disappointed when he knew the bad result yesterday.The parents w

9、ere (happy)because their son didnt finish the homework.Tom likes Beijing Opera very much. But his sister Lisa doesnt like it because she thinks it is very (bore).情景交际。根据所给情景提示,写出功能句。1 朋友邀请你周末去看电影,可是你周末要去上钢琴课,朋友觉得很遗憾,他/她可以这样说:2 爸妈建议周末去露营,你觉得这主意不错,可以说:3 朋友问你喜不喜欢京剧,你说你根本就不喜欢,你可以这样表达:4 你去朋友家做客,朋友的爸爸妈妈准备

10、了丰盛的晚餐款待你们,你赞许饭菜很可口,可以这样说:5 你和朋友一起去看猴子表演,朋友问你觉得怎么样,你说猴子很有趣,可以这样表达:Topic 2 Im feeling better now.Section A有方框中所给词或短语填空。shy, exam, cheerup, strict, worry aboutI am not good at math. What should I do?You dont need to it. We can help you.Frank looked sad. Whats wrong with him?He failed the Chinese exam

11、yesterday. Lets do something to him .The little girl is always very .My parents are very in my study.Tomorrow we can know the result of that .按要求完成下列句子。Sam felt sad because he didnt do well in his math exam.(同义句转换)Sam felt sad because he his math exam.Mr. Li is not happy because his pet dog was lost

12、.(同义句转换)Mr. Li is because his pet dog was lost.Linda felt happy because she got many toys on her birthday.(对划线部分提问) did Linda happy?珍妮,你看起来很失望,有什么问题吗?(完成译句)Jenny, you look disappointed, ?林丽在隔壁房间哭,她可能有什么问题吗?(完成译句)Lin Li is crying in the next room. What be the problem?Section B用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空。fail ,

13、 joke, by the way, someone, feelingBoys and girls, thats all for todays class. , dont foregt to take your English newspaper to school tomorrow.OK, Mrs. Huang. Thank you.Maria felt disappointed because she the math exam again.How do you like our P.E. teacher?I think he is funny. He always tells us af

14、ter class.I feel sorry for my mom. I didnt want to eat food she cooked just now.Its normal to have this . Why not say sorry to your mom?When you are sad, try to talk to . It will make you feel relaxed.Section C根据汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。Because of lots of work, I stayed up late last night as (平常的).Jack doesnt

15、have breakfast, and I dont (也).My mother didnt (接受)my fathers suggestions.Judy is as (可爱的)as her sister Lisa.You may find it (有益的)to watch English movies.根据汉语意思完成下列句子。吉姆跳得没有大卫高。Jim jump so as David.凯特的头发和露西的一样长。Kates hair is Lucys.南希家的厨房和我家的客厅一样大。The kitchen in Nancys house is the living room in my house.彼得作业完成得没有托尼认真。Peter do his homework so as Tony.这只猫和那只狗一样可爱。The cat is the dog.综合测试词汇。(A)根据句意及首字

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