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1、翻译课件第二次课件 翻译课件(第二次课件) 四级强化写作 问题解决型 2019.6. Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling 1. 如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写; 2. 出现这种情况的原因是 3. 为了改变这种状况, 我认为 问题解决型三步曲 提出问题; 分析问题; 解决问题; 1. 问题受关注/被忽视 2. 分析影响 (积极、 重要; 消极、 危害) 或分析产生原因 3. 解决措施 个人观点升华主题 首段高分内容 1. 描述现象 2.1 ) 用定语从句(非限制) 详述具体内容 或 2) 论据出处+举例 1.问题普遍性 翻译: 如今不少学生在英

2、语学习中不重视拼写; 1) Nowadays, manystudentsdontpayattentiontospellinginEnglishlearning. 2)Currently,itisgenerallyacknowledgedthatavastmajorityofstudentsattachnoimportanceto/paynoattentiontospellinginEnglishlearning. 3)Incurrenttimes,noonecouldhavefailedtonoticethefactthat. 2.1) 定语从句+描述 现象+非限练习 (对他们产生极大的不好影

3、响) : Incurrenttimes,noonecouldhavefailedtonoticethefactthatavastmajorityofstudentsattachnoimportancetospellinginEnglishlearning,whichhassevereeffectsonthem. 2.1) 定语从句+描述 现象+非限练习: 翻译: 当今社会人们都忽视了基础技能的学习, 这可能会造成严重的后果。 Intodayssociety,agreatmanypeople, attachnoimportanceto learning basicskills,whichmayl

4、eadto/bringabout severeconsequences. 2.2) 借刀杀人 It is reported that According to a survey conducted by CCAV/China Daily, the spelling mistakes in students writing have increased/ dropped by 30%. 2019.6. Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling 1. 如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写; 2. 出现这种情况的原因是 3. 为了改变这种状况, 我认为 中间段

5、高分结构 1. 中心句总述原因或影响 2. 分析 1. 原因分析 翻译: 这个问题/现象是如何产生的呢? 原因如下: Whatarethecausesthatcontributetothisphenomenon/problem?Thefollowingarethemainreasons: Actually,anumberoffactorscanaccountforthisphenomenon,butthefollowingmightbethecriticalones. 1. 2) 消极; 危害; has/have a negative impact/influence on is bringi

6、ng great damages to The problem mentioned above is bound to generate severe consequences if we keep turning a blind eye to it. Special attention should be paid to the fact that is bringing great damages. 1.3) 积极; 影响 has/haveapositiveimpact/influenceon isbringinggreatbenefitsto .isbeneficialto. _isof

7、greatsignificance/ofnecessity/ofgreatbenefits 中间段高分结构 分点写作 适用于三点结构1) tobeginwith,then,furthermore,finally2) tostartwith,next,inaddition,finally3) firstandforemost,besides,lastbutnotleast4) mostimportantofall,moreover,finally 适用于两点结构1) ononehand,ontheotherhand 2) foronething,foranother, 末段高分内容 1. 措施

8、如果不知道从哪些方面想措施怎么办? (国家; 社会/学校/家庭; 个人) 2. 个人观点 末段模板 We have figured out many ways to solve this problem. Firstly, 方法一. Also, 方法二. Moreover, 方法三. Only through these ways can we solve this problem radically. 部分倒装 公式: 一半的谓语+主语+一半的谓语 一半的谓语 助动词: do/did/does, have/has/had 情态动词: can/must/may etc. be 动词: am/i

9、s/are/were NeverhaveIfailedinEnglishexams. Nowherecanyoufindamanlikethat. OnlythendidIrealizemymistake. Notonlyishealawyerbutalsoawriter. Onlyyoucanhelpme. 什么样的词放句首引起倒装? ? 1) 否定的词 2) only+状语 1) 否定的词 我从来没有见过这样的一个花样美男。 I have never seen such a handsome boy. Never have I seen such a handsome boy. 2) on

10、ly+状语 只有通过这个方法, 我们才能彻底解决这个问题。 Only in this way can we solve the problem radically. 末段模板 We have figured out many ways to solve this problem. Firstly, 方法一. Also, 方法二. Moreover, 方法三. Only through these ways can we solve this problem radically. 主动态 主动改被动, 考官更心动 政府应该采取措施来解决这个问题 普通青年, 文艺青年与高分青年的区别: 1.The

11、government should take measures to 2.It is wise for the government to take measures to 3.Proper measures should be adopted bythe government to 1. Proper measures can be adopted to 解决该问题. Firstly, 方法一. Moreover, 方法二. 2. Many a factor plays an important role in解决该问题. Firstly, 方法一. Moreover, 方法二. Only

12、through these ways/only in this way, can this problem be solved radically. Lesson2 现象分析型 写作框架: 小三原则 首段: 描述现象.说明现象的具体表现。 主体段: 主题句: 多种原因/危害/影响 扩展句: 首先、 其次 尾段: 主题句: 个人观点+扩展 总结句: 升华主题 末段模板 As far as I am concerned/ for my part/ from my perspective/, 我的观点. For one thing, 影响一. For another, 影响二. Thus/ Cons

13、equently, 升华主题. 2019 年 12 月 Directions: Forthispart,youareallowed30minutestowriteashortessayentitledCreatingaGreenCampus.Youshouldwriteatleast120wordsfollowingtheoutlinegivenbelowinChinese. 1. 建设绿色校园十分重要 2. 绿色校园不仅指绿色环境 3. 为了建设绿色校园我们应该 范文赏析 首段 1. 建设绿色校园很重要! Itisofgreatsignificancetomakeandmaintainagr

14、eencampusinouruniversityorcollege. 2. 越来越多人认识到建设绿色校园的重要性, 因为绿色世界 这一主题成为社会的焦点 首段 Obviously, agrowingnumberofpeoplearebeginningtorealizethatthenecessityofagreencampuscantbeemphasizedtoomuchinthepresentdays,sincetheconceptofagreenworldhasbecomethefocusofthesociety. 练习 cannottoomuch 我们再强调拼写的重要性也不为过。 我们要

15、更加重视面对面的交流。 中间段 1.绿色校园不仅仅指绿色环境 Theideaofagreencampusisbeyondagreenenvironment. 2. 首先校园要走可持续循环发展发展 Tobeginwith, thedevelopmentonthecampusistobesustainableandrecyclable.Someoftheauthoritiesbudgetshouldbeonhowtoreduceofthewaste. 3. 另外我们应该认识到校园污染的严重性 Whatsmore,wedbetterbeawareoftheseriousnessofpollution

16、aroundus.Therefore,theideaofenvironmentalprotectionmaybecome commonoccurrenceinourdailylife. 末段 1.我们应该采取一些有效的措施来保护我们的校园免受污染和浪费 Itiseffectiveactionsthatshouldbetakentoprotectourcampusfromwasteandpollution. 强调句 强调 1. 强调句 itis.that. ItisIthatmissyou 2. 强调动词 Imissyou. Ireallyreallymissyou.? Idomissyou. 3. 强调名词 YouaretheverypersonthatImiss 2.一方面学校要举办一些活动 3.另一方面学生要从小事做起 Ononehand,schoolsshouldholdsomeactivitiesconcerningthetopicofprotectingenvironmentandsavingresource.Ontheother,studentscan

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