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1、功夫熊猫2中英文台词功夫熊猫 2 Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011)中英文对照字幕很久以前,在古代中国,Long ago, in ancient China, 孔雀家族统治着宫门城。 The Peacocks ruled over the Gongmen city. 他们给这座城带来了快乐与繁荣。 They brought great joy and prosperity to the city 因为他们发明了烟火。 For they had invented fireworks. 但他们的儿子,沈王爷 But their son, Lord Shen 在烟火中看到了一个邪恶的计划。

2、 Saw darker path in the fireworks. 能带来色彩与快乐的东西 What that brought color and joy 同时也能带来黑暗与毁灭。 Can also brink darkness and destruction. 沈王爷令他的父母感到不安从而向一位先知求教 。 Shen trouble parents consult to a Soothsayer. 她预言道, 如果沈王爷继续在邪路上执迷不悟, She foretold that if Shen continue down to this dark path, 他会被一名黑白勇士所打败。 H

3、e will be defeated by the warrior of black and white. 这位少主开始改变他的命运。 The Young Lord set out to change his fate. 但他下一步所做的事,人们无法得知。 But what he did next, only sealed. 沈王爷回到他的父母那里期待能够得到赞赏。 Shen returned to his parents for a pride. 但在他们的脸上,他只看到了恐惧。 But in their faces, he saw only horror. 他被驱逐出了这座城市,永远不得回

4、来。 He was banish from the city forever. 但沈王爷发誓要报复。 But Shen swore revenge. 他朝他必定会回来 Some day, he will return 到时候天下所有人都要臣服于他脚下。 and all of China will bow at his feet. 就要完成了,沈王爷。但我们的金属不够用了。 Almost done, Lord Shen. But we ran out of metal. 到最远的村庄去查探,找更多的金属回来。 Search the furthest villages, find more met

5、al. 天下将是我的了。 China will be mine. 然后神龙大侠加入了盖世五侠。 And then the Dragon warrior joined the Furious five. 所以他们成为了最棒的功夫队伍。 So they became the most awesome kungfu team ever. 废话少说。动手吧。 Enough talk. Lets fight. 听! 你现在可以听到神龙战士正在训练呢。 Listen! You can hear the Dragon warrior is training right now. 三十三,阻止他。这太危险了。

6、 Thirty-three, stop him. Its too dangerous. 保持专心。 -三十六。 Stay focus. -Thirty-six. 他的脸怎么能变成这样啊? How is he doing that to his face? 三十八个豆沙包。 Thirty-eight bean buns. 新纪录。你这个怪物。 New record. You monster. 继续,吃 40 个。-他绝不能达到 40 个。 Keep going, hit forty -He never hit forty. 没问题,兄弟,我现在就塞 40 个! You got it, buddy

7、, Im going to forty! 来吧。没问题。 Do it. No problem. 等等。 Wait a moment. 他做到了。做得好,阿宝。 He did it. Well done Po. 你的训练还没去呢。 Your training is paid off. 噢,师傅。我要走了。待会见。h, master Shifu. Gotta go. See you later. 那些包子你会帮我留着是吧? Youll save those to me, right?心如止水。 Inner peace. 心如止水。 Inner peace. 心如止水。 Inner peace. 师

8、傅。 Master Shifu. 师傅。什么情况?有海盗吗? Master Shifu. What do we got? Pirates? 还是火山上的山贼? Vandals of volcano mountain? 不管是什么我都会把他们干掉, 因为我在很有状态。 Whatever it is I will take them down. Cuz Im in the mood 我得找些事干干,你知道我的意思吧? I need to get something done, you know what I mean? 你在干什么呢? What are you doing? 龟仙大师的最终教义之一

9、。 One of Master Oogways final teachings. 太牛了。你是怎么做到的? Awesome. How did you do that? 心如止水。 -心如止水,太酷了! Inner peace. -Inner peace. that cool! 心如什么样的止水?-这是你下一阶段的训练内容。 Inner peace of what? -Its the next phase of your training. 每一位高手都必需找到令自己心如止水的方法。 Every master must find his path to inner peace. 有些人在一个山洞

10、里冥想了 50年,就像这样。 Some chose to meditate for 50 years in a cave just like this.基本上不吃也不喝。 Without the slightest taste of food or water. 或者?有些人精神和肉体上都备受折磨, 和我一样。 Or? some find pain and suffering as I did. 阿宝,在你被选为神龙大侠的那一天 Po, the day you was chosen to be Dragon Warrior 是我一生中最糟糕的日子。 .was the worst day of

11、my life. 到目前为止,没有一样东西是像样的。 By far, nothing else came close. 这曾是最痛苦,令人心碎,可怕的时刻, -好吧。 It was the most painful, mind destroying, horrible moment, -Okay. 我之前从来没有体验过的。 I have ever experienced. 但自从我发现问题并不在于你,而是在于我 But once I realized the problem was not you, but within me 我领悟到了心如止水,从而能够利用宇宙之量。 I found inn

12、er peace, and was able to harness the flow of the universe. 就这样,我只需要心如止水? So thats it, I just need inner peace? 我的内心已经是非常非常平静的了。 My inner is already super-super peaceful 那么我只需要做的,就是发挥它的作用。 So i only need to do, just get this thing going. 心如止水,你完了。 Inner peace, Youre going down. 现在让我看看你的脚之前是怎么弄的,我只看到

13、你那漂亮的 Now show me what you were doing with your feet, I saw you just show a fancy. 阿宝! Po! 有强盗,正在朝音乐家们的村子进发。 Bandits, approaching from the musicians village. 危险。让音乐家们来点动感音乐吧,因为好戏开始了。 Danger. Tell those musicians to start playing some action music, cuz it is on. 不要担心师傅,我会参悟心如止水的,只要我一回来。 Dont worry Sh

14、ifu, I will master inner peace, a s soon as I get back. 这回可不是玩过家家。 No snack stop this time.哈哈哈!过家家。 Ha-ha-ha! Snack stop. 等等,你是说真的? Wait, are you serious? 把你能找到的金属全带走 Get all the metal you can find 拿走这些金属。 Grab the metal. 救命,救命,救命。 Help, help, help. 都在这了。走吧。 Thats everything. Lets get out of here. 正

15、义之翅。 Wings of justice. 神龙大侠。 The dragon warrior. 熊猫?这不可能。 Panda? Thats impossible. 我的拳头正等着伸张正义呢。 My fist hunger for justice. 这是我的拳头。 This was my.fist. 干掉他们。 Get them. 来吧。 Come on. 尝尝这个。 Take that. 阿宝,有箭来! Po, incoming! 谢啦,螳螂。 Thank you, Mantis. 虎妞,过来双管齐下。 Tigress, double-jump strike. 旋风腿! Feet of Fu

16、ry! 虎妞。 Tigress. 猴子。毒蛇。 Monkey. Viper. 螳螂。小兔兔。什么? Mantis. Bunny. What? 噢,不好意思。 oh sorry. 仙鹤,上。我就来了。 Crane, go, Im on it. 大家都没事吧? Is everyone ok? 太棒了! Awesome! 这个给我吧。 I got this. 太菜了,黑白怪。 Shoo on that, Toby! 你还好吧?怎么了? Are you okay? What happened? 我想我看到了 I think I saw 我想 I think . 我要走了 I gotta go 谢谢光临

17、神龙大侠面豆腐。 Thank you for coming in Dragon Warrior Noodles and Tofu. 还要茶吗?柠檬酱?有什么需要, 尽管说。 More tea? Lemon sauce? If you need anything, just ask. 谢谢。 Thank you. 神龙战士的地拖。他肯定很穷了。 Dragon Warriors mop. He might be very poor 不要碰,你会弄脏它的。 No touching, youll get the mop dirty. 他曾在招呼着我呢。-太棒了。 He was waiting on m

18、e. -awesome. 我有证据证明。神龙大侠在哪里? I have a stand to prove it. Where is the Dragon Warrior? 他已经不再在这里上班了。 He does not work here anymore. 他在外头很忙的。保护着这个山谷呢 Hes busy out there. Protecting the valley 神龙大侠. -阿宝。 The Dragon Warrior. -Po. 好,行。 Here, ok 你应该告诉我你要过来。 You should have told me you would come.嗨,爸。 Hi da

19、d. 我会帮你留点臭豆腐。-额。 I would save you some stinky tofu. -Ah. 额,我可以和你说句话吗? -当然可以了,儿子。 Ah, can I talk to you? -Of course, son. 以我儿子之威名: 免费豆腐甜点全场供应 In honor of my son: Free Tofu desserts for everybody . 不过得先消费。 . with purchases. 看到你很高兴,阿宝。 So good to see you. Po. 你是不是减肥了。 Have you lost weight. 我差不多能用我的翅膀抱你

20、一圈了。 I could almost put my wings around you. 也许有一点点。 Maybe a little. 阿宝,你肯定感到很虚弱,让我给点做点汤吧。 Po, you must feel weak, Let me get you some soup. 不用了,爸。我不饿。 Thats ok dad. Im not hungry. 不饿?阿宝 ,你没事吧? Not hungry? Po you alright? 没事,我很好,我只是 Yeah, Im fine, I just 今 天早 些时 候 我在 打强 盗 。没 什么 危 险的 Earlier today, I

21、 was fighting with the bandits. Nothing too dangerous 他们只是你知道的。 They were just . you know. 然后一件非常奇怪的事情发生了, And then, a strangest thing happened, 我看到了一个奇妙的画画。 I had a crazy vision. 我想我看到我妈了,我还看到了自己是个婴儿。 I think i saw my mom. And me as a baby. 妈?婴儿? Mom? a Baby? 爸? Dad? 他在说什么? What he talk about? 我该怎么

22、说好呢? How do I say this? 我是从哪里来的? Where did I come from? 嗯,你知道,儿子。 Well you see, son. 小鹅就来自一个小鹅蛋。 Baby geese come from a little egg. 不要问我蛋是从哪里来的。 Dont ask me where the egg come from. 爸,我不是这个意思。 Dad, it is not what I meant. 我知道不是。 I know its not. 我想现在是时候告诉一些事。 I think this is time to tell you somethin

23、g. 我早就应该告诉你的。 I should have told you a long time ago. 你可以算得上是 You might have been kind of 被收养的吧。 Adopted. 我就知道。你知道?谁告诉你的? I knew it. -You knew? Who told you? 没有人。我是说,不要这样,爸。 No one. I mean, come on dad. 但如果你早就知道了,为什么你什么都不说呢? But if you knew it, Why didnt you ever say anything? 你为什么又什么都不说? Why didnt

24、you say anything? 我是怎么到这里的?我是从哪里来的? How did I get here dad? Where did I come from? 实际上 Actually 你是从这个来的。 You came from this. 那是我在餐馆平常的一天, It was just another day at a restaurant,做面条的时候 Time to make a noodle 我走到后面。 I went out to the back. 蔬菜刚刚被送到那里。 Where the vegetables had just been delivered. 那里有白菜

25、,大头菜,萝卜 There were cabbages, turnips, radishes. 但没有萝卜。 Only there was no radish. 只有一只非常饥饿的熊猫宝宝。 Just a very hungry baby panda. 没有字条。 There was no note.当然也有可能让你吃了。 Of course you could eat it. 我在等着是不是有人会来找你 I waited for someone to come looking for you 但没有人。 But no one did. 我把你带到里面 I brought you in sid

26、e 喂你 Fed you 给你洗澡 Gave you a bath 再喂你, And fed you again, 再喂。 And again. 我试着给你穿裤子。 I tried to put some pants on you. 然后我做了一个会永远改变我一生的决定。 And then i made a decision would change my life forever. 做没有萝卜的汤。 To make my soup without radishes. 还有把你当作自己儿子一样抚养。 And to raise you as my own son. 小宝,我的小熊猫。 Sao P

27、o. My little panda. 从那时开始,我的汤和人生 And from that moment on, both my soup and my life 都变得甜 美了很多。 Have been much sweeter. 我的小宝,事情就是这样子了。 My little Po, Is this the end of the story. 看着我。不,不要看着我。 Look at me. No, do not look at me. 就这么多? Thats it? 这不可能只是这样。这肯定还有更多的事。 That cant be it. That have to be more d

28、ad. 有次 你把我 所有的 竹子家具都吃光了。 Well, there were the time you ate all my bamboo furniture. 这件事也很重要。 It was important too. 一个饺子,神龙大侠尺寸的。 One dumpling please, Dragon Warrior size. 噢,阿宝,你人生的开始也许不算好 Oh Po, your story may not have such a happy beginning 但看看你现在的生活 but look how it turn out 你有我,你有功夫,你还有面条。 You got

29、 me, you got kungfu, and you got noodles. 我知道,我只是有太多的问题了。 I know, I just have so many question. 比如我是如何能够被放在这个这么小的篮子里。 Like how I ever fit in this tiny basket. 我为什么不喜欢裤子。 Why didnt i like pants. 还有,我是谁? And who am I? 好,注意你的战术。 Good, Watch your thought. 好。 Good. 沈王爷? Shen? 下午好,先生们。 Good afternoon, gen

30、tlemen. 客套的话我们就不多说了。 Now weve got the pleasantries out of the way. 请离开我的宅子。 Please leave my house.你的宅子? Your house? 对,你没看到前门上那只孔雀吗? Yes, Didnt you see the peacock in the front door? 你在这呢,羊仙姑。 There you are, Soothsayer. 看来你的运气和占卜术并没有你想象中那么好。It seem your fortune and skills are not as good as you thought. 我们尽管看看,沈王爷。 We shall see, Shen. 你尽管看看,老山羊,我们说到哪了 You shall see, old goat, where were we 你想 要什么东西 ,姓 沈的? -本来就属于我的东西 What do you want Shen? -What is rightfully mine. 宫门城。 Gongmen city. 宫门城现在归武委会管理。 Gongmen is under stewardship of the master council. 我们将会守护它。 And we will prot

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