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1、中考英语真题分类汇编连词动词及动词词组动词的时态知识点8:连词( ) 1(2009甘肃兰州)_ Tom _ Mary speaks good Chinese, so they can communicate with these Chinese students very well.A. Neither, nor B. Not only, but also C. Both, and D. Either, or( ) 2.(2009甘肃兰州)You should tell _ possible to support your ideas.A. as many information as B.

2、as much fact as C. as many facts as D. as many news as( ) 3.(2009甘肃兰州)Youd better look up the new word in a dictionary _ you dont know it ?A. if B. that C. though D. whether( ) 4.(2009广州)The little boy ate a big meal he said he wasnt hungry. A. if B. though C. because D. as ( ) 5.(2009广州)What do you

3、 like doing after class?I like not only reading painting. A. and B. but also C. or D. for( ) 6.(2009河北)_ they may not succeed, they will try their best.A. Though B. When C. Because D. Unless( ) 7.(2009山东威海)Mom, my classmates are waiting outside, _ I must go now.A. or B. but C. so D. though( ) 8.(200

4、9四川成都)The workers have decided to finish the task on time, _ it means they would have no weekends those two months.A. after all B. even though C. as if ( ) 9.(2009江西)Help others whenever you can _ youll make the world a nicer place to live.A. and B. or C. unless D. but( ) 10.(2009江苏南京)_ scientists h

5、ave done a lot of research on A (H1N1) flu, there are still some cases for further study.A. As B. Once C. If D. Although ( ) 1.(2009河南)Its quite common in Britain to say “Thank you” to the drivers _ people get off the bus.A. after B. since C. until D. when( ) 2.(2009湖北宜昌)-Listen!Itisstillnoisy inthe

6、 headteachers office.-Goandsee _they have finishedcorrectingthe papers yet.A. though B. whether C. unless D. while( ) 3.(2009湖北孝感)_ Switzerland is very small, _ it is the land of watch and it is very rich.A. Though; but B. Because; so C. Because; / D. Though; / ( ) 4.(2009江苏宿迁)Would you like to go t

7、o the concert with us tonight?Id love to, _ I cant. I have a lot of homework to do.A. and B. but C. so D. or( ) 5.(2009江苏无锡)-Did you give Dick a call?-I didnt need to _ Ill see him soon.A. when B. though C. until D. because( ) 6.(2009.北京)Money is important _ its not the most important thing.A. and B

8、. but C. or D. so( ) 7.(2009.安徽)Linda tried to become an excellent teacher, _ at last she succeeded.A. so B. or C. but D. and( ) 8.(2009.安徽)-Did you call Sara back?-I didnt need to, _ well have a meeting together tonight.A. though B. unless C. because D. if ( ) 1.(2009吉林通化)- What is our head teacher

9、 like, do you know?- Oh, he is very kind _ he looks very serious.A. because B. though C. if D. when( ) 2.(2009江苏常州)Your French is so good. How long have you been in France? _I was five. A. Until B. Since C. When D. Before ( ) 3.(2009扬州)What do you think of her dress?I think it still looks quite fash

10、ionable on her _ it is a style of many years ago.A. though B. or C. so D. because( ) 4.(2009山东德州)_ hamburgers are junk food, many children like them.A. If B. Unless C. Because D. Although( ) 5.(2009湖北恩施)He will come here right away _ he hears the news.A. so B. as soon as C. because D. though( ) 6.(2

11、009新疆阜康)You will fail the exam you dont work hard.OK, Ill try my best.A. and B. though C. but D. if( ) 7.(2009湖南长沙)Tom knew nothing about it _ his sister told him.A. since B. if C. until ( ) 8.(2009贵州安顺)-How do you like songs sung by Liu Huan?-They are wonderful, _ I cant hear his words clearly some

12、times.A. but B. so C. because D. if ( ) 9.(2009贵州安顺)We would rather buy some books _ some snacks.A. in B. since C. of D. than( ) 10.(2009福建莆田)His hobby is _ watching TV _ playing the piano. Its reading books.A. either; or B. both; and C. neither; nor知识点9:动词及动词词组( ) 1.(2009甘肃兰州)- - Shall I take you t

13、o the shopping mall after work?- No, thanks. My father said he would _ on his way home.A. look for me B. pick me up C. let me down D. take after me( ) 2(2009甘肃兰州)This type of MP4 is my favorite, but I cant _ it.A. spend B. cost C. pay D. afford( ) 3.(2009广州)The boys arrived late at the cinema, and t

14、he start of the film. A. caught B. missed C. got D. lost( ) 4.(2009广州)As we know, some people are good at but bad at giving back. A. lending B. keeping C. borrowing D. using( ) 5.(2009广州)Why couldnt you the correct spelling of the word?Err. . . I hadnt got a Chinese-English dictionary at hand. A. lo

15、ok for B. look down C. look up D. look at( ) 6.(2009广州) What is the weather like this summer here? There very little rain. A. has B. has been C. are D. have been( ) 7.(2009广州)Have you your new classmates yet?A. had friends with B. made friend withC. got friend to D. made friends with( ) 8.(2009山东淄博)

16、How long could I your English-Chinese dictionary?Only one day, please.A. keep B. borrow C. lend D. get( ) 9.(2009山东淄博)Would you mind my little sister while I am away?Of course not.A. looking for B. looking at C. looking after D. looking forward to( ) 10.(2009山东淄博)Hello! This is Henry Speaking. Id li

17、ke to speak to your father.Sorry, he has Shanghai.A. been in B. been to C. gone to D. come to( ) 11.(2009湖北武汉)Dont try to anything from me, Mary .I know nothing about it, mum ! I was sleeping at that time!A. hear B. cheat C. get D. hide ( ) 12.(2009湖北武汉)I thought you had English.No. It has been usef

18、ul in my work.A. studied B. dropped C. failed D. passed ( ) 13.(2009湖北武汉)We need to a time to have a talk, now!What about tomorrow?I am too busy today.A. put up B. fix up C. use up D. look up( ) 14.(2009河北)Sally, _ your sunglasses. The sun is so bright.A. put on B. put up C. put away D. put down( )

19、15.(2009河北)Helen loves to talk about travel. She _ many places.A. has gone to B. has been to C. has gone for D. has been from( ) 16.(2009山东威海)-May I borrow your camera?-Of course. You can _ it for 2 or 3 days.A. borrow B. lend C. receive D. use( ) 17.(2009山东威海)_ your coat, Emily. Its warm enough in

20、the room.A. Take off B. Try on C. Put on D. Turn off( ) 18.(2009山东威海)-Do you like playing computer games?-No, but I _ .A. used to B. didnt C. do D. dont( ) 19.(2009山东烟台)We are sure that scientists will _ a way to solve the difficult problem.A. put up B. come up with C. look up D. come up( ) 20.(2009

21、四川成都)-Are your shoes expensive?-No, I only _ five dollars on them.A. used B. cost C. spent( ) 21.(2009江西)Dont do any other things while you are doing your homework. So please _ your MP3A. turn up B. turn down C. turn on D. turn off( ) 22.(2009江西)Go along the street. The museum is just on your right.

22、 You cant _ it.A. make B. find C. miss D. fail( ) 23.(2009江苏南京)-Tom, _ your T-shirt right now! It looks so dirty.-Sorry, Mum. I was playing football the whole afternoon.A. take off B. take on C. put off D. put on ( ) 1.(2009河南)Taiwan is part of China. We the same history and culture.A. explain B. ex

23、press C. connect D. share( ) 2.(2009河南)Excuse me. When does Flight CZ3391 take off?One moment, please. Ill _ it .A. look; up B. take; away C. give; back D. turn; down( ) 3.(2009湖北宜昌)-Couldyoucometothe partythis weekend?-ImafraidIcant joinyou. I_ lookafter mygrandma.( ) 4.(2009湖北宜昌)-Whatabouttakingat

24、axi tothe FriendshipStore?-Icannot _ it. Lets take the subwayinstead.A. choose B. pay C. regard D. afford( ) 5.(2009湖北宜昌)-Ineverthought shewould _myinvitationtothe concert.-She wouldfeel sorryfor missingthe concert some day.A. refuse B. suppose C. return D remind( ) 6.(2009湖南娄底)My spoken English is

25、poor, what shall I do? Join an English language club to practice,youll it? A. be good at B. drop in C. deal with ( ) 7.(2009江苏宿迁)The global financial crisis(金融危机) has made many people_ their money.A. to care for B. took care of C. be careful with D. to be cared about( ) 8.(2009江苏宿迁)Look, Mary looks

26、sad. Lets go and_.A. cheer up him B. cheer him up C. cheer up her D. cheer her up( ) 9.(2009江苏宿迁)Would you please_ your storybook_ me?Sure, But you must return it to me before Wednesday.A. borrow; to B. keep; for C. lend; to D. buy; for( ) 10(2009湖北孝感)Yang Fen _ every Saturday afternoon volunteering

27、 in an old peopleshome. A. costs B. takes C. pays D. spends ( ) 11.(2009山西)-When did your uncle _ in Shanghai?-The day before yesterday.A. arrive B. get C. reach( ) 12.(2009江苏无锡)It will _ us several years to learn a foreign language well.A. cost B. take C. spend D. use( ) 13.(2009江苏无锡)They _ the tra

28、in until it disappeared in the distance.A. saw B. watched C. noticed D. realized( ) 14.(2009陕西绥德)She often _ new words in the dictionary. Its a good habit.A. looks after B. looks down C. looks up D. looks out( ) 15.(2009.安徽)-What a day! Its raining again. Im afraid we cant fly a kite.-Dont worry. It

29、 wont _ long.A. live B. last C. wait D. go( ) 16.(2009.安徽)-These problems are too hard to _ . Will you give me some advice?-There are many ways, but the most important is to have a careful plan.A. work out B. look out C. hand out D. put out( ) 17.(2009.福建漳州)-Im sorry I cant find the library book.-Im afraid

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