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1、初中学业水平考试英语试题淄博市初中英语学业水平测试试题第I卷 选择题(共69分)一、听力选择(共20小题,计20分)(一)、录音中有五个句子,每个句子听一遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出适合每个句的答语。(每题1分,共5分)1. A. No, he hasnt. B. No, she hasnt. C. Yes, I have.2. A. Three days ago. B. For three days. C. In three days.3. A. Thats all right. B. Thats right. C. That sounds great. 4. A. Sure. Its

2、across from the bank. B. OK. Theres a bookstore on River Road.C. Yes, I could.5. A. It doesnt matter. B. Im afraid not. C. Sorry, I wont. (二)、录音中有五组对话,每组对话听一遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。 6. A. White. B. Yellow. C. Black.7. A. A warm place. B. A cool place. C. A hot place8. A. Sixteen-year-olds. B. S

3、eventeen-year-olds C. Eighteen-year-olds9. A. In 1867. B. 1976. C. In 1876.10A. Writing. B. Reading. C. Watching TV.(三)录音中有一段对话,每组对话听两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。11. What happens to Jack one day?A. He feels ill.B. A car hits him.C. His ball is missing.12. What is Jacks problem?A. He cant get to sle

4、ep.B. He cant sleep well.C. He cant wake up.13. Who brings Cody to the hospital?A. Jacks parents.B. The nurses.C. Jack himself.14. Who wakes up Jack at last?A. His father.B. The doctor.C. His dog.15. How long does Jack stay in hospital?A. Seven days. B. Seven weeks. C. Seven months.(四)录音中有一段短文,听两遍后,

5、从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。 16. Why does Li Lei have to get up early every morning? A. Because he wants to catch the early bus. B. Because he wants to be the first to get to school. C. Because his home is far from school.17. How does Li Lei go to school every day? A. He walks to school. B. He runs to

6、school. C. He rides a bike to school.18. Li Leis family spends much money _. A. on his mothers medicine B. on his school things C. on a new bike19. Li Lei ran _ in the boys 1500 meters in his school. A. fast B. faster C. fastest20. What makes Li Lei become stronger and stronger? A. Growing up. B. Ke

7、eping running to school. C. His fathers care.二、单项填空(共15小题,计15分)从每小题A、B、C、D中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。21. My host family is taking me to _ English film festival next weekend. A. an B. a C. the D. 不填22. What do you call your fathers sisters? _. A. Uncles B. Cousins C. Aunts D. Parents23. A 100-year-old man ran a

8、marathon in Toronto on Sunday. He became the _ person to complete the long-distance running in the world. A. youngest B. best C. biggest D. oldest24. What does your new English teacher look like? She is a pretty lady _ long hair. A. at B. for C. with D. of25. Do you need a new dictionary, Susan? No,

9、 Mum. My uncle bought me _ yesterday. A. one B. it C. the one D. another26. My friend Frank sings well, and he is _ good at playing guitar. A. not B. also C. yet D. too27. As one of the school rules, middle school students are not _ to smoke. A. ordered B. refused C. allowed D. forbidden28. Have you

10、 ever seen the movie 2012? Yes, but I dont believe _ the year 2012 will see the end of the world. A. that B. what C. how D. if29. Some of the students are nearsighted _ they spend too much time watching TV or playing online games. A. when B. though C. because D. unless30. Excuse me, can you tell me

11、the way to the Peoples Park? Walk along this road and turn right, and the park is on your right. You _miss it. A. neednt B. mustnt C. may not D. wont31. - What do you think of soap operas? - _. But my mother likes them.A. I like them B. I enjoy them C. I cant stand them D. I dont agree 32. - I like

12、football. - _. I get up at midnight for Euro 2012. A. Me, neither B. I dont, either C. Me, too D. Neither do I 33. The London Olympics make people all over the world _ there very much. A. want to go B. to fly C. fly D. to want to go 34. - Would you like to go bike riding with us tomorrow? - _. A. So

13、rry. Id love to B. Sure, Id love to C. Sure. I have to help my parents D. Yes, I can. I have a piano lesson 35. - I will visit my grandparents in Beijing next month. Could you please tell me _? - Oh, you may take the subway there. A. where is the new airport B. how I can get to the new airport C. wh

14、ere will the new airport be D. how can I get to the new airport 三、完形填空(共10小题,计10分)阅读下面短文,从各题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入文章相应空白处的最佳答案。Tom was sitting in his English class. It was a hot afternoon and he was feeling sleepy. It was a grammar lesson and Tom was also bored. He 36 grammar. He wanted to leave school and

15、 work. Tom looked out of the 37 . He looked at the trees and flowers. Then he started day-dreaming. After ten minutes the teacher stopped 38 . He asked the students to do a grammar exercise in their books. The students took out 39 exercise books and pencils and they started writing. The teacher look

16、ed at Tom. He saw that he wasnt writing so he said, “ 40 arent you writing, Tom?”“What, sir?” Tom said.“ 41 , Tom!” the teacher said, “Why arent you writing?”Tom thought for a moment and replied, “I aint got no pencil.”The teacher looked 42 Tom and said, “You aint got no pencil? You mean you dont ha

17、ve a pencil?”Tom didnt understand the English teacher 43 he said, “Sorry, sir.”The teacher said in a(n) 44 voice, “I dont have a pencil. He doesnt have a pencil. She doesnt have a pencil. We dont have pencils. They dont have pencils. Now, Tom. Do you understand?”Tom looked at the teacher for a momen

18、t and then he said, “My goodness! What happened to all the 45 , sir?”36. A. hated B. loved C. studied D. enjoyed37. A. book B. blackboard C. window D. desk38. A. thinking B. talking C. shouting D. listening39. A. their B. his C. our D. your40. A. When B. How C. What D. Why41. A. Sit down B. Come in

19、C. Wake up D. Get up42. A. after B. at C. for D. through43. A. because B. when C. while D. so44. A. happy B. angry C. excited D. sad45. A. books B. pens C. papers D. pencils四、阅读理解(共15小题,计24分)阅读下列短文,并做每篇短文后面的题目,从各题A、B、C、D中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。ADifferent people have different ideas about time. People

20、 in the USA think that it is important to know the time. In cities in America, there are clocks in stations, factories and other buildings. Radio tells the correct time during the day. Most Americans also have watches with them wherever they go. They want to do certain things at certain time. They d

21、ont like to be late.But time is not so important to everybody in the world. When you visit a country in South America, you will find that people there dont like to rush. If you had an appointment with somebody, he could probably be late, because he may not want to arrive on time.In South America, ev

22、en the radio program may not begin on time. The men on the radio may not think it is important to tell the exact time. People in South America think that clocks or watches are just machines. They think that you let a clock or a watch control your life if you do everything on time.46.Time is very imp

23、ortant to . A. people in North America B. people in South AmericaC. the men on the radio D. everybody in the world47.The underlined word “control” probably means in Chinese.A.改变 B.控制 C.创造 D.摆脱48.People in South America think .A.they wouldnt like to meet friends in public placesB. they dont have to d

24、o certain things at certain timeC. its wrong of a radio station to tell wrong timeD. its their habit to be a little earlier49.What is the best title of the passage?A. Is your life relaxing?B. Must radio tell the exact time?C. Different people have different ideas about time.D. Differences between No

25、rth and South America are everywhere.BI worked for a short time as a cashier(出纳员) at a restaurant a few months ago.I also helped to clean up the tables when it was very busy.One night,just before Christmas,I found a large black wallet on the floor near one of the tables.I guessed I should check it t

26、o find out who was the owner,but I was very busy at the time.And I imagined that if there was something valuable in the wallet,the owner would be back.Sure enough,an hour later a man came up to the counter and asked if anyone had found a wallet.I asked him to describe the lost wallet,and after he de

27、scribed it exactly,I gave him the wallet.He expressed his thanks when I handed it to him.He asked me if I had opened it,and when I told him “no”,at once he opened it and showed that it had nearly $800 in cash(现金).He took out a twenty-dollar bill and handed it to me and I was amazed at this.“A reward

28、(酬劳) for your honesty,young girl.” he said and then turned and walked away.Thinking about it later,I began wondering whether I would have been honest if I had known what was in the wallet! I thought that if I had no way to find the owner and no one returned to get it,I might keep it.But it also came

29、 into my mind that I actually saved someones Christmas plans by finding and returning the wallet.The good feeling it gave me was worth more than anything could buy.50.Whats in the lost wallet?A.Nothing valuable. B.A Christmas plan.C.About 800 dollars. D.A twenty-dollar bill.51.The writer didnt give

30、the wallet to the man until .A.she got a reward B.the man expressed his thanksC.the man described the wallet exactly D.she saw the man again in the restaurant52.If the owner of the wallet couldnt be found,the writer might .A.return it later B.keep it herself the police D.give it to her boss53

31、.How did the writer feel after returning the wallet?A.She felt very happy about it.B.She wished that he hadnt done it.C.She was disappointed about what the man did.D.She was sad to lose the chance to keep the money.CSome doctors use magic(魔力), some use needles and others use pills. Who are they? Among the Indians of North America the “medicine man” was a very important person. He could cure illness, and he cou

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