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1、英语高考真题全国新课标I卷汉语同步翻译2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新课标I)APacific Science Center GuideVisit Pacific Science Centers StoreDont forget to stop by Pacific Science Centers Store while you are here to pick up a wonderful science activity or remember your visit. The store is located(位于) upstairs in Building 3 right ne

2、xt to the Laster Dome.Hungry Our exhibits will feed your mind but what about your body? Our caf offers a complete menu of lunch and snack options, in addition to seasonal specials. The caf is located upstairs in Building 1 and is open daily until one hour before Pacific Science Center closes.Rental

3、InformationLockers are available to store any belongings during your visit. The lockers are located in Building 1 near the Information Desk and in Building 3. Pushchairs and wheelchairs are available to rent at the Information Desk and Denny Way entrance. ID required.Support Pacific Science CenterSi

4、nce 1962 Pacific Science Center has been inspiring a passion(热情) for discovery and lifelong learning in science, math and technology. Today Pacific Science Center serves A太平洋科学中心指南游览太平洋科学中心的商店 当你你体验太平洋科学中心精彩的科学活动课或纪念本次旅行时,不要忘记在太平洋科学中心的商店驻足。该商店位于与激光穹顶相邻的3号大楼里。饿我们的展览会喂饱你的大脑,但是你的身体呢?我们的餐厅除了供应季节性特供菜品外,还

5、会提供丰富的午餐和快餐点心供您选择。该餐厅位于1号大楼中,并且每天营业到太平洋科学中心关闭前一个小时。租赁信息在你游览期间可以使用寄存柜存放您的个人物品。寄存柜位于服务台附近的1号楼和3号楼内。在服务台和丹尼路的入口处可以租用婴儿手推车和轮椅。需要提供身份证。支持太平洋科学中心自1962年以来,太平洋科学中心激发了人们在科学,数学及技术领域发现和终身学习的热情。如今,太平洋科学中心每年使130多more than 1.3 million people a year and brings inquiry-based science education to classrooms and comm

6、unity events all over Washington State. Its an amazing accomplishment and one we cannot achieve without generous support from individuals, corporations, and other social organizations. Wish to find various ways you can support Pacific Science Center.21.Where can you buy a souven

7、ir at Pacific Science Center?A.In Building 1.B. In Building 3.C.At the last Dome.D.At the Denny Way entrance.22.What does Pacific Science Center do for schools?A.Train Science teachers.B.Distribute scicnce books.C. Inspire scientific research.D.Take science to the classroom.23.What is the purpose of

8、 the last part of the text?A.To encourage donations.B.To advertise coming events.C.To introduce special exhibits.D.To tell about the Centers history.BI work with Volunteers for Wildlife, a rescue and education organization at Bailey Arboretum in Locust万人民受益,将探究式的科学教育带入课堂,并在整个华盛顿开展社区活动。这是一项令人惊叹的伟大成就,

9、而这也离不开来自于个人,公司以及其他社会组织的慷慨赞助。访问太平洋中心网站,找出你能够支持太平洋科学中心的各种方式。21.你在太平洋科学中心的哪里可以购买到纪念品?A.在1号楼内。B.在3号楼内。C.在激光穹顶。D.在丹尼路的入口处。22.太平洋科学中心为学校做些什么?A.培训科学老师。B.分发科学书籍。C.激发科学研究。D.将科学带入课堂。23.文章最后一段的写作目的是什么?A.鼓励捐赠。B.为即将到来的活动做广告。C.为了介绍特别的展览。D.为了讲述该中心的历史。B 我从事野生生物志愿者服务的工作,这是位于蝗虫谷,贝利植物园的一个救援教育组织。竭尽全力去帮助受伤的,无家可归的或Valley

10、. Trying to help injured, displaced or sick creatures can be heartbreaking; survival is never certain. However, when it works, it is simply beautiful. I got a rescue call from a woman in Muttontown. She had found a young owl(猫头鹰) on the ground. When I arrived, I saw a 2-to 3-week-old owl. It had alr

11、eady been placed in a carrier for safety. I examined the chick(雏鸟) and it seemed fine. If I could locate the nest, I might have been able to put it back, but no luck. My next work was to construct a nest and anchor it in a tree. The homeowner was very helpful. A wire basket was found. I put some pin

12、e branches into the basket to make this nest safe and comfortable. I placed the chick in the nest, and it quickly calmed down. Now all that was needed were the parents, but they were absent. I gave the homeowner a recording of the hunger screams of owl chicks. These advertise the presence of chicks

13、to adults; they might also encourage our chick to start calling as well. I gave the owner as much information as possible and headed home to see what news the night might bring. A nervous night to be sure,but sometimes the spirits of nature smile on us all! The homeowner called to say that the paren

14、ts had responded to the recordings. I drove over and saw the chick in the nest looking healthy and active. And it was accompanied in the nest 者生病的生物有时候是令人心碎的;因为并不能确保他们幸存下来。然而,当救助有效时,这确实是一件美好的事情。 我接到来自玛特镇一名女士的救援电话。她在地上发现了一只猫头鹰幼雏。当我赶到时,发现了一只两到三周大的猫头鹰幼雏。为安全起见,她以及被放置在一只手提购物袋中。 我对这只幼雏进行了检查,它状况良好。如果我能够找到它

15、的巢穴的位置,我也许可以把他放回去。但是没有那么幸运。我接下来的工作就是建造一个巢穴并将巢穴固定在树上。 这个房主很乐于助人。找到了一只钢丝笼。我把一些松树枝放进笼子里让鸟窝更安全舒适。我把雏鸟放进笼子里,它很快镇定下来。 现在我们需要的是雏鸟的父母,但是他们却不在。我给了房主一段饥饿的猫头鹰雏鸟尖叫声的录音。这些叫声向小猫头鹰的父母宣告小猫头鹰的存在;这些尖叫声也会激发雏鸟开始叫。我告诉房主尽可能多的相关信息然后回家等待那天晚上会带来什么消息。 无疑那是一个紧张的夜晚,但有时大自然的精神会垂青我们!房主打电话告诉我说成年猫头鹰回应了那些叫声。我开车过来,发现巢穴里的雏鸟看起来很健康,活泼。巢

16、穴里的雏鸟被最伟大的景象陪伴-午餐!成年by the greatest sight of all LUNCH! The parentshad done their duty and would probably continue to do so.24.What is unavoidable in the authors rescue work according to paragraph 1?A.Effortsmadeinvain.B.Gettinginjuredinhiswork.C.Feelinguncertainabouthisfuture.D.Creaturesforcedoutof


18、iscouraging.CSome of the worlds most famous musicians recently gathered in Paris and New Orleans to celebrate the first annual International Jazz Day. UNESCO( United Nations Educational, Scientific and 猫头鹰以及尽了它们的职责并且很有可能继续下去。24.根据第一段,作者的救援工作,什么是不可避免的?A.努力白费。B.工作中受伤。C.对自己的未来感到不确定。D.一些生物被迫离开家园。25.作者为什

19、么被打电话叫到马特镇?A.为了救助一名女士。B.为了照顾一名女士。C.为了察看一只猫头鹰幼雏。D.为了治疗一只猫头鹰幼雏。26.什么让这只雏鸟镇定下来?A.一个新的巢穴。B.一些食物。C.一段录音。D.它的父母。27.作者对这次事件的结果感受如何?A.它是出乎意料的。B.它是美好的。C.它是幽默的。D.它是令人沮丧的。C 一些世界著名的音乐家最近齐聚巴黎和新奥尔良来庆祝首届一年一度的国际爵士乐日。联合国教科文组织最近将4月30日设立为爵士乐日以提升人们了解爵士乐以及它作 Cultural Organization) recently set April 30 as a day toraise

20、awareness of jazz music, its significance, and its potential as a unifying(联合) voice across cultures.Despite the celebrations, though, in the U.S. the jazz audience continues to shrink and grow older, and the music has failed to connect with younger generations.Its Jason Morans job to help change th

21、at. As the Kennedy Centers artistic adviser for jazz, Moran hopes to widen the audience for jazz, make the music more accessible, and preserve its history and culture.“Jazz seems like its not really a part of the American appetite,” Moran tells National Public Radios reporter Neal Conan. “What Im ho

22、ping to accomplish is that my generation and younger start to reconsider and understand that jazz is not black and write anymore. Its actually color, and its actually digital.”Moran says one of the problems with jazz today is that the entertainment aspect of the music has been lost. “The music cant

23、be presented today the way it was in 1908 or 1958. It has to continue to move, because the way the world works is not the same,” says Moran.Last year, Moran worked on a project that arranged Fats Wallers music for a dance party, “Just to kind of put it back in the mind that Waller is dance music as

24、much as it is concert music,” says Moran. “For me, its the recontextualization. In music, where does the emotion(情感) lie? Are we, as humans, 为一种跨文化的声音所具有的意义和潜能。 然而尽管有这些庆祝活动,美国的爵士乐观众继续减少而且年龄持续增长并且爵士乐不能与更年青一代的观众产生共鸣。 帮助改变这一现象是Jason Mora的工作。作为肯尼迪艺术中心爵士乐的顾问,Moran希望能够扩展爵士乐的观众,使爵士乐更通俗易懂,同时保存其历史及文化意义。 “似乎爵

25、士乐并不符合美国人的胃口,”Moran告诉美国国家公共广播电台的记者。“我希望能够实现的目标是,我们这一代以及更年青的人们能够重新思考并明白爵士乐不再是黑白色的。事实上爵士乐是丰富多彩并且数字化的”。 Moran指出爵士乐目前存在的问题是音乐娱乐性的丧失。如今爵士乐不再以1908年或者1958年的方式呈现了。“它必须不断革新,因为世界的运转方式和以前不同了。” 去年,Moran进行了一个规划,为一场舞会安排了Fats Waller的音乐,“只是有点想让人们了解 Waller的音乐不仅可以出现在音乐会上也可以用作舞曲,”Moran说到。“我认为这是一种环境重置。在音乐中,情感存在于哪里?我们人类

26、能否感悟到如何谈及自己?像gaining any insight(感悟) on how to talk about ourselves and how something as abstract as a Charlie Parker record gets us into a dialogue about our emotions and our thoughts? Sometimes we lose sight that the music has a wider context,” says Moran, “so I want to continue those dialogues. T

27、hose are the things I want to foster.”28Why did UNESCO set April 30 as International Jazz Day?ATo remember the birth of jazz.BTo protect cultural diversity.CTo encourage people to study music.DTo recognize the value of jazz.29What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 3 refer to?AJazz becomin

28、g more accessible.BThe production of jazz growing faster.CJazz being less popular with the young.DThe jazz audience becoming larger. 30What can we infer about Morans opinion on jazz?AIt will disappear gradually.BIt remains black and white.CIt should keep up with the times.DIt changes every 50 years.

29、31Which of the following can be the best title for the text?AExploring the Future of Jazz.BThe Rise and Fall of Jazz.CThe Story of a Jazz Musician.DCelebrating the Jazz Day.Charlie Parker的专辑一样抽象的事物如何能够激发我们进行一场自己情感与思维的对话?有时我们会忽略音乐有更广阔的内容,”Moran说,“所以我想要继续这些对话。这些也正是我想要鼓励追寻的”28.为什么联合国教科文组织将4月30日设立为爵士乐日?

30、A.为了纪念爵士乐的诞生。B.为了保护文化的多样性。C.为了鼓励人们研究音乐。D.为了了解爵士乐的价值。29.第三段中划线部分的单词“that”指代的是什么?A.爵士乐变得越来越通俗易懂。B.爵士乐的创作越来越快。C.爵士乐在年轻人中越来越不受欢迎。D.爵士乐的观众越来越多。30.我们可以推断出Moran对爵士乐的观点是什么?A.它会逐渐消失。B.它仍然是单调的。C.它应与时俱进。D.它每五十年会发生变化。31.下面哪一个可以作为文章的最佳标题?A.探索爵士乐的未来。B.爵士乐的兴起与衰落。C.一个爵士音乐家的故事。庆祝爵士乐日。DA buld-it-yourself solar still(

31、蒸馏器) is one of the best ways to obtain drinking water in areas where the liquid is not readily available. Developed by two doctors in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, its an excellent water collector. Unfortunately, you must carry the necessary equipment with you, since its all but impossible to find natural substitutes. The only components required, though, are a 5 5 sheet of clear or slightly milky plastic, six feet of plastic tube, and a container perhaps just a drinking cup to catch th

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