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Lesson TenWhat Is It Like to Be Poor.docx

1、Lesson Ten What Is It Like to Be Poor Lesson Ten What Is It Like to Be Poor?New Words &Expressions1. Prosaicallypruzeiikli adv.Prosaic: adj. boring, ordinary, or lacking in imagination乏味的,平淡无奇的,缺乏想象力的e.g: a prosaic writing style乏味的写作风格People said hed been a pirate, but the truth was more prosaic.人们说

2、他曾作过海盗,但事实远没那么有传奇性。“Prosaic” is derived from “prose”, which is seen as dull and unromantic, while by contrast, poetry is looked upon as sth interesting and imaginative,Its a shame that they make lovely music in such a prosaic (commonplace) building.It is officially and prosaically known as Boritaka

3、200 more romantically as the Lost City.2. Squalid: skwlid adj. dirty and unpleasant because of a lack of care or money(因)无人料理或缺钱而)污秽的,肮脏的e.g: How can anyone live in such squalid conditions?人怎么能住在如此污秽的环境中?a tiny squalid apartment肮脏的小套房3. Shift: (old use) a clever trick or method or devices or ways of

4、 managing in spite of difficulties.手段,计谋A shift is an ingenious expedient adopted in a time of need or emergency, e.g.Poverty has reduced him to desperate shifts.The lazy man tried every shift to avoid doing his work.Note: The meaning of “shift” is old-fashioned today, but is still found in these ex

5、pressions: shift for oneself (get along by taking whatever course is available), e.g.Theres only enough food for two of us, so the rest of you will have to shift for yourselves.make shift (manage or contrive to do sth)He makes shift to pick up a scanty(不够的,不足的,勉强够用的) livelihood.4. Crustkrst n. the h

6、ard brown outer surface of bread or the baked pastry on a pie面包皮;点心的油酥皮Crust-wiping: (British Usage) adopting a different posture pst or attitude; stripping off ones outward appearances and revealing ones true self. 5. Secrecy: si: krsi U the process of keeping sth secret, or the state of being kept

7、 a secret保密,秘密状态e.g. I must stress the need for absolute secrecy about the project. 我必须强调对这项计划绝对保密的必要。be sworn to secrecy已发誓保密: I really cant tell you, Ive been sworn to secrecy. 6. Franc: frk n. the former standard unit of French currency worth about 3 American cents at the time Orwell writes of法郎7

8、. Tangle tgll vt. & vi. to become twisted together or make sth become twisted together in an untidy mass(使)纠缠在一起;(使)乱成一团e.g. My hair tangles easilytangle sth: Somebodys tangled all these cables under my computer.8. Laundress lndris 洗熨衣物的女工,洗衣女工9. Mumble mmbl v. to say sth too quietly and not clearly

9、 enough, so that it is difficult or impossible to hear咕哝,含糊地说e.g. The little boy mumbled something about wanting to go to the toilet.Stop mumbling and speak up! 别咕咕哝哝的, 大声说!10. Tobacconist tbknist n. C BrE someone who has a shop that sells tobacco, cigarettes etc 烟草店老板,烟草经销商11. Ostensibly stensbli a

10、dv. If something is done ostensibly for a particular reason, it is not really done for this reason but people pretend that it is表面上,假装地e.g. The big bosses went to Hawaii, ostensibly to launch the new project. 大老板们打着启动新项目的名义去了夏威夷。Adj. ostensible12. Loaf luf (pl. loaves) C bread that is shaped and bak

11、ed in one piece and can be cut into slices(条形)面包a loaf of bread一条面包(v.) (informal) to waste time in a lazy way when you should be working虚度光阴,闲荡loaf around/ about: They spend all day loafing around on street corners.他们整天在街角闲荡。13. Smuggle smgl v. to take sth or someone illegally from one country to a

12、nother走私,偷运Smuggle sth into/ out of: They caught her trying to smuggle drugs into the France.他们抓获她企图把毒品偷运进法国。(informal) to take sth or someone secretly to a place where they are not allowed to be偷偷携带,夹带He managed to smuggle his notes into the examination.14. Margarine ma: dri: n U a yellow substance

13、 that is similar to butter but is not made from milk, which you eat with bread or use for cooking.麦淇淋,人造黄油15. rye bread: 黑麦面包16. Centime: snti: m n. 0.01 of a franc or some other units of money, or a coin worth this amount生丁 100 centimes=1 franc17. Precariousness: n. UPrecarious: prikris adj. a prec

14、arious situation or state is likely to become very dangerous (局势、情况)不稳定的,不安定的;危险的The refugees live a precarious existence in shanty towns.难民们在城市贫民窟过着不安定的生活。someone or sth precarious is likely to fall可能倒的,不稳的,不牢靠的 a cup of tea balanced precariously on her knee她膝盖上放得不稳的一杯茶18. Forearm: f: ra: m 前臂19. F

15、lick flik n. C a short , light, sudden movement or hit with a part of your body, whip etc轻打,轻弹,抖动With a flick of the wrist, Frye sent the ball into the opposite court. 弗赖一抖手腕,把球打到对方的球场。(v.) to make sth move away by hitting or pushing it suddenly or quickly, especially with your thumb and finger弹去,拂去

16、Papa flicked the ash from his cigar.20. Plop: v. (always +adv. /prep) to fall somewhere making a sound like a plop扑通(啪嗒)地落下: +on/ down etc A few drops of rain began to plop onto the roof.几滴雨开始啪嗒啪嗒地落到屋顶上。to put sth into a liquid so that it makes a sound like a plop把扑通(啪嗒)一声放入(液体): (+into)I plopped a

17、couple of ice cubes into the drink.我把几块冰投入饮料之中。k21. Clumsy: klmzi adj. moving in an awkward way and tending to break things笨拙的,不灵活的At 17, she was clumsy ,shy and awkward.17岁时,她做事笨手笨脚,既害羞又不灵活。22. Monsieur: sj: (pl) messieurs meisj: z (法)先生23. Sou su: BrE: (old-fashioned) a very small amount of money极

18、少量的钱24. Bolt but v. to suddenly start to run very fast because you are frightened奔,窜The horse reared up and bolted.马后腿直立起来,迅速奔离。 to escape from somewhere 逃跑25. Panic: pnik n. (usually singular) a sudden strong feeling of fear or nervousness that makes you unable to think clearly or behave sensibly惶恐

19、,惊恐,惊慌get into a panic/ be thrown into (a) panic: She got into a real panic when she thought shed lost the tickets.她十分惊慌,以为自己把入场券丢了。in panic恐慌地;惊慌地Shoppers fled the street in panic after two bombs exploded in central London. 两枚炸弹在伦敦市区爆炸后,购物者惊慌失措地逃离了那条大街。26. Venture vent v. (always+adv/ prep) to risk

20、 going somewhere when it could be dangerous冒风险(去某处),冒险: (+out/ through/ into etc)Todays the first time Ive ventured out of doors since my say something although you are afraid of how someone may react to it敢于说,大胆表示Venture to do sth: Nobody ventured to say a word. Venture an opinion (say w

21、hat you think) 大胆提出意见27. Belgium: beldim 比利时Belgianbeldn adj. 比利时的,比利时人28. Slink: slik (slunk, slunk) v. (always+ adv/ prep) to move somewhere quietly and secretly, especially because you are afraid or ashamed鬼鬼祟祟地走,偷偷溜走 (+away/ off/ back etc)I saw you slinking off early! 我看见你一早就偷偷溜走。29. Stray: stre

22、i v. to leave the place where you should be without intending to 走失,迷路,走离to begin to deal with a different subject than the main one, without intending to 偏离主题stray into/ onto sth: Were straying into ethnic issues here.我们现在偏离主题,讨论起种族问题来了。30. Quarter: kw: t an area of a town or city where a particula

23、r kind of people typically live or work区,地区the student quarter学生居住区31. Dodge: dd to move quickly in order to avoid being hit by someone or something(快速)躲开,避开,闪开I managed to dodge the shot that came flying through the air.我设法避开了飞来的一球。to move quickly in a particular direction to avoid someone or somet

24、hing 快速朝某个方向移动,躲闪 (+into/ out/ behind etc)He dodged in and out of the traffic.他在车流中东躲西闪。32. Grindstone: graindstun n. C a large stone that is turned like a wheel while tools, knives etc are rubbed against it to make them sharp磨刀石,砂轮keep your nose to the grindstone: to work very hard, without stoppin

25、g to rest努力工作,一刻不停地苦干33. Snivel: snivl (sniveled, sniveling) BrE( sniveled, sniveling) v. to behave or speak in a weak complaining way, especially when you are crying 啜泣,抽泣,哭诉I warned you so dont come sniveling back to me when it all goes wrong! 我早就警告过你,所以现在出了问题,你就不要哭哭啼啼地来找我!a sniveling coward哭哭啼啼的胆

26、小鬼34. Self-pity: U the feeling of being sorry for yourself because you have been unlucky or you think people have treated you badly自怜35. refrain: rifrein to not do sth that you want to do克制,节制,忍住refrain from doing sthKindly refrain from smoking. 请勿抽烟。36. Funk: fk n. very unhappy, worried, or afraid

27、about sth (为某事而)沮丧,焦虑,惊恐Shes been in a funk ever since she failed that exam. 自从那次考试不及格后,她就一直很沮丧。in a (blue) funk37. Prostitute 娼妓,妓女38. Outweigh: autwei v. to be more important or valuable than sth else 比更重要,比更有价值The advantages of this plan far outweigh the disadvantages.该计划的利远大于弊。39. Complication:

28、kmplikein (C, pl)并发症C,U a problem or situation that makes sth more difficult to understand or deal with使复杂化的问题/ 情况The fact that the plane was late added a further complication to our journey.飞机误点给我们的旅行带来更大麻烦。40. Redeem ridi: m (formal) v. to make sth less bad补偿,补救Oliviers performance redeemed what w

29、as otherwise a second-rate play.要不是奥利维尔的表演,这就是一出二流的戏。redeeming feature: (the one good thing about someone or sth that is unpleasant) 起弥补作用的特点a brutal man, whose one redeeming feature was his honesty一个残忍的人,他的唯一可取之处是诚实41. Annihilate: naileit v. to destroy sth or someone completely彻底摧毁;消灭stock piles of

30、 weapons that could annihilate mankind贮藏大量能够摧毁人类的武器42. Craven: kreivn adj. completely lacking courage, cowardly懦弱的,胆小的43. Indifferent: indifrnt adj. not caring about what is happening, especially about other peoples problems or feelings(尤指对别人的困难或感情)不关心的,不在乎的 (+to)Customs officials were indifferent t

31、o their plight海关官员对他们的困境无动于衷44. Vaguely: veigli adv. Slightly 稍微There was something vaguely familiar about him. 对他稍微有点熟悉。in a way that shows you are not thinking about what you are doing心不在焉地He smiled vaguely at the ceiling.45. Anodyne: ndain n. C a medicine that reduces pain 镇痛药an activity or thing that comforts people给人以安慰的活动(事物)46. Consolation: knslein n. 安慰,带来安慰的人或事物Console knsul v. to make someone feel better when they

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