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国际运输合同标准版TemplateImport ExportInternal Transportation Contractstandard final.docx

1、国际运输合同标准版TemplateImport Export Internal Transportation Contractstandard final进出口货物运输代理服务合同TRANSPORTATION SERVICE CONTRACT OF IMPORT/EXPORT GOODS甲方: Party A: 联系地址: Contact Address:电话:Tel: + 86 传真: Fax: +86 乙方: Party B: 联系地址: Contact Address: 电话:Tel: +86-传真:Fax: +861. 本合同由甲乙双方订立。根据本合同,甲方愿意接受且乙方愿意提供本合同

2、下述条款下的国际、国内运输服务。This Contract is concluded by and between Party A and Party B whereby Party B agrees to offer and Party A agrees to accept the international and local transportation service according to the terms and conditions stipulated below. 2. 服务范围 SCOPE OF PERFORMANCE 进、出口运输 海运和空运 Import / Exp

3、ort Transportation Sea and Air 国内运输 -Local Transportation 报关、报检- Customs Declaration and Inspection3. 甲方的义务 OBLIGATIONS OF PARTY A 3.1 甲方或甲方的指定人必须在每次发运之前(须在所要求的装运时间的七(7)个工作日之前)提供包含以下内容的文件给乙方或乙方的指定人: 商品的品名和描述、 商品的数量、 商品的运输包装条件、装运时间、 装运港、目的港、根据2000版国际贸易术语解释通则制订的合同的价格条款以及乙方或乙方指定人所要求的其他有关文件或信息,并确保其完整和准确

4、。 Party A or the designated person of Party A shall offer the documents to Party B or the designated person of Party B before each shipment (seven (7) working days prior to the required date of shipment) which shall include the following contents: Shipped goods name and description, quantity, packag

5、e condition for shipment, time of shipment, port of shipping and destination, price term formulated in the contract according to INCOTERMS 2000 and other relevant documents or information required by Party B or its designated person, and Party A or the designated person of Party A shall assure that

6、the above documents or information are complete and precise.3.2甲方委托乙方办理业务时,必须按规定填写委托书。委托书中还必须写明与乙方洽定的价格和其它约定内容。委托书可先传真给乙方,正本应随相关单证按照乙方指定的时间送达乙方。无论何种原因,甲方未能及时将委托书正本递交给乙方,乙方视甲方的传真与原件具有同等效力,并可作为诉讼证据。 If Party A entrusts Party B to handle the operation, Party A shall fill the letter of consignment(“LOC”

7、), in which it shall make clear the price and other contents concluded with Party B. The LOC may at first be faxed to Party B, and the original shall be served to Party B with relevant documents pursuant to the time requested by Party B. If Party A fails to deliver the original of the LOC to Party B

8、 promptly, Party A will consider the aforesaid fax the same effect as the original, and they shall be deemed as the evidence in a litigation proceeding. 甲方提供的委托书正本必须加盖公司公章。甲方的运输要求以经甲方确认的委托单为准,如有特殊的运输要求,也应在其运输委托单中注明,除本协议规定的义务外,乙方仅对已接受的运输委托单中注明的运输要求负责。 The LOC shall be affixed with the chop of Party A

9、. The delivery requirement shall be determined by the contents of the LOC confirmed by Party A. If Party A has special transportation requirement, it shall make clear marks in the LOC. Besides the obligations set forth in this Contract, Party B shall only be responsible for the transportation pursua

10、nt to the contents of LOC.3.3 危险品 HAZARDOUS GOODS 除非甲方事先书面说明,甲方不应将易爆、易燃、易腐蚀、有害或者有危险的可能导致运输工具或者乙方人员和场地上其他货物受损的货物交于乙方,也不应将任何根据中国法律或法规分类为危险品的货物交于乙方运输或在其他货物中夹带上述货物。如因甲方违反本条规定而导致乙方遭受罚金、罚款或直接损失,甲方应对此予以全额赔偿。 Without serving Party B a prior notice in writing, Party A shall not delivery any Goods to Party B

11、with explosive, flammable, corrosive, noxious or dangerous nature, which may cause damage or detriment to the transportation tools, staff and warehouse or other goods at the premises of Party B. It also shall not deliver any Goods which are classified as dangerous or hazardous goods by the laws or r

12、egulations of P.R. China to Party B or mix them with other goods. Party A shall indemnify fully Party B against any and all fines, penalties or direct damages suffered or incurred by reason of Party As failure to this clause.3.4 包装 PACKAGE 甲方或/和甲方的供应商(们)应按照相关政府部门的规定包装货物。若无此类规定的,应按照: 3.4.1安全 3.4.2适合海

13、运/空运/道路运输的要求 3.4.3 符合货物本身的性质和技术要求的原则包装 否则,在不影响乙方有权要求甲方赔偿其因包装不当造成的乙方损失的权利的情况下,乙方有权拒绝承运或要求甲方重新包装。 Party A or/and its supplier(s) shall pack the goods in accordance with the standards regulated by the competent governmental authority. In case there is no common regulation regarding the package standard

14、, it shall be packed based on the principles of: 3.4.1Safety 3.4.2Sea/Air/Road-worthiness 3.4.3Complying with the cargo nature and technical requirements Otherwise, without prejudice to its right to ask for the compensation of Party A for its losses sustained due to the improper package, Party B is

15、entitled to reject the carriage or ask Party A to repack. 4. 乙方的义务和责任OBLIGATIONS OF PARTY B4.1 提供物流管理服务 To Provide Logistics Management Services 乙方根据甲方提供的信息及委托书负责整个从港口或仓库门(根据甲方的价格条款而定)至甲方指定收货人/仓库的物流管理。在委托货物出口情况下,乙方负责甲方货物在发运地的集中管理,并给予最经济方式的集中发运。 Party B shall manage the whole port/door (subject to Pa

16、rty As price term) to the designated consignee/warehouse of Party A logistics service processing according to the information and LOC provided by Party A. Regarding the export of consigned goods, Party B shall manage to collect cargo together on port of departure, and then delivers the cargo using e

17、conomic quomodo. 4.2 提供国际运输管理 Offer International transportation management 每天更新货物发运跟踪系统, 可为甲方提供有关信息 Daily update the shipment tracking systems, and keep Party A informed of the relevant information if required.4.3在货物到达目的港之前必须提供给甲方完全正确无误的运输文件。 Offer the completely correct shipping documents to Party

18、 A before the goods arrive at the port of destination. 4.4 提供国内运输服务:是指乙方将甲方的进口货物从目的港发送到至甲方指定国内收货人/仓库或者是将甲方的出口货物从甲方指定揽货地/仓库发送到国内装运港的运输代理服务。任何由于非乙方原因而引起的货物在上述国内运输途中产生的损坏和遗失,乙方不承担责任,但有义务配合甲方向责任方索赔。 Offer domestic transportation service means Party B transports the imported goods from the port of destin

19、ation to the designated domestic consignee/warehouse of Party A or transports the exported goods from designated place/warehouse of Party A to the domestic port of shipping. Party B shall take no responsibility for any goods damage and loss incurred during the above domestic transportation due to re

20、asons irrelevant to Party B, but Party B is obliged to assist Party A to claim against the liable party.4.5 甲方负责对运输货物投保一切险。乙方负责将货物从启运地安全完整地运至目的地,如在运输途中发生由于运输工具故障、非包装原因引起的货损、货物灭失、和其他不可抗力等因素造成运输中断,乙方须在事发后及时通知甲方并提出处理建议。 Party A shall be responsible for insuring the goods against all risks. Party B shal

21、l be responsible for transporting the goods from the place of shipping to the place of destination completely, if there occurs any damage or loss during the transportation due to the malfunction of transportation utility or non-packing reason or occurs the transportation stoppage due to force majure

22、, Party B shall notify Party A promptly after the occurrence of aforesaid incident and suggest how to deal with the incident. 4.6 乙方在本合同项下的一切责任和义务应受到以下条款的限制: All the liabilities and obligations of Party B under this Contract shall be exclusively governed by the following terms and conditions: 4.6.1上

23、述服务应受制于乙方以及任何乙方的代理所签发的运输文件上,对某对应的运输段或服务的规定和条件(统称“运输单证”)的记载,包括但不限于SchenkerOcean提单,Schenker空运分单,除非任何强制适用的法律法规或国际公约另有约定。若运输单证上所载条 款与本合同的约定有冲突的,以本合同的约定为准。 All transportation undertaken hereinabove shall be subject to and governed by any and all of the terms and conditions set forth on the transportation

24、 document issued by Party B and any subcontractor of Party B which may be applicable to the particular stage of transit concerned or service being undertaken (collectively, the “Transport Documents”), including without limitation the SchenkerOcean Ltd. Bill of Lading and Schenkers House Airway Bill,

25、 subject only to the limitations contained in any compulsively applicable legislation or international convention, provided however that, to the extent that any such Transport Document is inconsistent or conflicts with the Contract, the terms and provisions of this Contract shall supersede and preva

26、il over such Transport Document. 4.6.2乙方提供的费率的依据是乙方最新版本的标准交易条件。除非 4.6.1条另有约定,甲方同意并承认该费率取决于此责任限制: The quotations offered by Party B is based on the most updated Trading Conditions of Party B. Except for the provision of Clause 4.6.1, Party A acknowledges and agrees that this rate is subject to thelim

27、itation set forth as below:海洋运输以及为进行海洋运输而安排的一切包装、提货、仓储、运输等过程中, 由于乙方的疏忽导致的任何货物破损、遗失等损失的,乙方在本合同项下的责任应限 于每包装/运输单位666.67个特别提款权(以提单上所记载的最大包装为准)或每公 斤2个特别提款权,两者以低的为准。凡经美国港口(包括起运港、中转港或目的港) 的货物,每包装/运输单位500美金(以提单上所记载的最大包装为准)或每公斤2 个特别提款权,两者以低的为准。 For any of the damage, missing and other losses to the s

28、hipment caused by the negligence of Party B during the ocean transportation and the related packing, picking up, storing, transportation and etc. for the purpose of the ocean transportation, Party Bs liability under this Contract shall be limited as SDR 666.67 per package/shipping unit (based on the

29、 biggest unit on the B/L) or SDR 2 per kg, whichever is less. For any of the carriage via the port of USA (including the port of origin, exchange or destination), Party Bs liability shall be limited as USD 500 per package/shipping unit (based on the biggest unit of the B/L) or SDR 2 per kg, whicheve

30、r is less.国际航空运输以及为进行该航空运输而安排的一切包装、提货、仓储、运输等 过程中,由于乙方的疏忽导致的任何货物破损、遗失等损失的,乙方在本合同项下的 责任应限于每公斤17个特别提款权或货物本身的价值,两者以低的为准。对于任何 国内航空运输中发生的事故,乙方的责任应以下述两者中少的为准:(1)货物本身的 价值;(2)每公斤100人民币。 For any of the damage, missing and other losses to the shipment caused by the negligence of Party B during the inte

31、rnational air transportation and the related packing, picking up, storing, transportation and etc. for the purpose of the air transportation, Party Bs liability under this Contract shall be limited as SDR 17 per kg or the invoice value of the goods, whichever is less. For any of the domestic air tra

32、nsportation shipment, Party Bs liability in any of the occurrence shall be to the lesser of: (a) the invoice value of the goods;(b)Renminbi 100 per kg.其他国内运输、仓储服务过程中由于乙方的疏忽导致的任何货物破损、遗失 等损失的,乙方的责任应限于每公斤2个特别提款权或货物本身的价值,两者以低的 为准。 For any of the cargo damage, missing and other losses caused by the negligence of Party B during the other local transportation and warehousing, Party Bs liability shall be limited as SDR 2 per kg or the value of the goods, which

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