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1、从中考单选题看考点从2009年中考单选题,看今后初中英语教学之走向文章来自:时间:2010-01-26锦州教育网 王金海开头语本人仅就中国校长网上提供的2009年全国29个省、市、地区(部分)中的38家的中考题(有的地方毕业和升学用的是同一题)中的单项选择题,作了集中的归纳、整理、分析。因为这个类型题包含了课程标准所规定的所有语法内容,以及功能意念项目表中所涵盖的有关内容。有的省、市、地区更直白地称这种题考的是知识部分。我是想通过透析这些省、市、地区的这个类型的考试题来观察全国初中英语教学的行踪、找到当今的英语教师教学眼光的投放点及当今中学英语教学的共同特点,矛盾的普遍性,涉及哪些教学内容,重

2、点内容又是什么,即:现在老师教的是什么,学生学的又是什么,学生们平时是否在日常生活中做到了学以致用,考试考的又是什么,发展势头又如何,今后的初中英语教学走向又如何。 2009年中考题涉及到的内容及出现的频率(即处数)。词法部分:各类词凸显的处数让我们依照课程标准要求的语法项目,铺设的知识内容依次收寻。1.名词 名词的语法意义:名词是表示人或事物名称的词;名词分为专有名词和普通名词两类:专有名词是指某人或某些个人,地方,机构等专有的名称的词:普通名词是指一类人或东西或一个抽象的名称的词。普通名词又进一步分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词分为个体名词、和集体名词;不可数名词又分为物质名词和抽象名词

3、。(1)可数名词及其单复数名词的考查点有3个:即名词的复数、名词的所有格及不可数名词量的表达方式。可数名词复数的考查点有3处,见广东单选第)27.小题. -Could you take _ for these _ They are very beautiful . 供选答案有二A. any photos, tomatoes B. some photos, tomatoes分析得出应选答案是B. some photos, tomatoes 。 tomato、potato是以o结尾的名词,这两个名词变复数时是在其后面加es。而一些外来语向照片photo、收音机radio、录像机vidio等则在其后

4、直接加s。再见洛江单选第31小题: What can I do for you, Madam ? Yes. Id like some _ and eggs.供选答案有三: A. tomato B. tomatoes C. tomatos分析得出应选答案是B tomatoes。又如黔东南州单选第34小题. Paul has _ friends here, so he often feels lonely.供选答案有三:A. few B. a few C. some。分析得出应选答案是 A. few(2)不可数名词:今年38家考题考查的不可数名词有tea、bread 、news 、rice等,二是

5、考查不可数名词量的表现方式,即在表量的词,如bag、piece、cup、kilo等后面加上s。如齐齐哈尔单选第21小题A.How many _are there in the kitchen ? B.Only two www 51 wuli com.供选择的答案有3个: A.bag of rice B.bags of rice C.bags of rices ;黄冈单选第21题考查时即用了cup 又用了piece 原题是A.Good morning ,madam,Can I help you? B.Sure ,Id like - for cooking vegetable 供选答案有四:A.t

6、wo cups of tea B.three pieces of bread bowl of dumpling D.five kilos of oil 分析得出答案是D;又如兰州单选第29小题You should tell _ possible to support your ideas. 供选答案有四 many information as much fact as many facts as many news as分析得出答案是 many facts as(3)专有名词 (无考查点)(4)名词所有格 考查点有2处:,考查的主要内容

7、是:一年的时间in a years time ,30分钟的路程30 minutes walk。.即在year和minut后面加上s2.代词代词的语法意义代词是代替名词的一种词。大多数代词具有名词和形容词的功能。按照代词的意义、特征及在句中的作用,可把代词分为:人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、自身代词、相互代词、疑问代词、关系代词和不定代词八类。今年的考题对代词查点粗略统计共有38处。(1)人称代词:人称代词6处;人称代词重点考查的是它的主格和宾格的区别,考查使用主格的有北京市题,原题是Mr Wang is very kindly,and -like him very much.供选答案有四:A.

8、we B us C.our D.ours显然答案A.we是正确答案。考查它的宾格的有通化市原题是A.look ,thats Mike ,your classmate B.yes ,lets go and say hello to_ A.him B.he C.her D.hers 答案显然是A.him。考查人称代词宾格的题还有泸州市、苏州市、广州市。原题不一一列举了。有的题还把物主代词和人称代词混在一起,让考生去区别。从上面的剖析,不难看出人称代词的宾格形式是人称代词重点考查的内容。(2)物主代词:物主代词10处 ;物主代词考查点有两项:一是形容词性物主代词的用法,形容词性物主代词考查的是作定语

9、,如福建丰泽区单选33题,这是29个省、市、地区唯一考查作定语的题;二是名词性物主代词的用法,但这10处,有9处重点考查的是名词性物主代词的用法,名词性物主代词的用法考查三种用法:一,作主语:二:作宾语;三,作表语;作主语的地区,如黔东南州单选第22小题:A.May I use your bike ? _is broke . B.Sure 答案有三:A My; B.Mine ;C.Yours 答案显然是B.Mine ;又如宁夏单选第21小题,甲问What do you think of their school ? 已答Its reallly beautiful.But I dont thin

10、k their school is as big as _.答案有四A.ours C. we D. our 显然答案是A.ours。有的地区考查的是名词性物主代词作宾语,如:山东德州的单选第18小题,原题是:甲问:Bob, is this your dictionary ? 已答:No,it isnt .Ask Sally ,She is looking for_.供选择的答案有四:A.his B.hers C.mine D.yours.答案显然是B.hers;新疆阜康单选第17题则考查了名词性物主代词作介词宾语的用法,原题是:甲:Who is the best friend of

11、_at school ? 已: I think Helen is . We often help each other. 供选答案有四A.mine B.his C yours .D.hers答案显然是C yours。考查名词性物主代词作表语的句子:如河南中招单选22小题,甲问What a nice MP51! Whose is it ? 已答Its _.My father bought it for me 有四个答案供选择 B.him C.his D.mine 显然,答案是D.mine (3)反身代词 1处,是福建南安出的,原题是-How was your trip to Tibet

12、 ? -We injoy _very much 供选.答案有三:A.ourselves B.yourselves C.themselves 答案显然是A.ourselves(4)指示代词 1处,是宁夏出的Things made by hand are usually more expensive than _produced in faciories . 供选答案有四A these B.this C.that D.those 答案显然是D.those(5)不定代词:常见的不定代词有下列一些:all ,both,each, evry,some,any,many,much,(a) few .(a)

13、little ,one ,ones,either,neither,other,another,no,none,以及含有,some,any,no等的合成代词如:anything 、something 、no one等,今年38家考题重点考查的不定代词有如下一些:other、others、the other 、both 、all、neither 、either 、none、something、 anything 、nothing、everything 、some、 none 、one 、that 、few 、a few 等等。先举山东东营单选第24小题为例:My daughter wants a

14、rabbit for long,but I have no time to buy _for her供选答案有四 C.the one D.that 答案显然是 :再看北京市单选第20小题. My sister has two skirts .One is yellow ,-is black.供选答案有四:A.other B.another C.others D.the other 分析得出答案显然是D.the other(6)疑问代词 疑问代词有who ,whom,whose,what,which 。在句子中是用来构成特殊疑问句。先看北京单选第20小题:_ won

15、 the 100th gold at the Olympics for China? Zhang Yining, shes from Beijing.供选答案有四A. Who B. What C. When D. Where分析得出答案是A. Who疑问代词往往同疑问副词混在一起的进行考查,如山东东营第31.小题:Wow! There are so many books. I really cant decide _供选答案有四:.A. where to buy B. which to buy C. what to buy D. how to buy分析得出B. which to buy、和德

16、州三个地方考查了这种代词。北京题是:_won the 100th gold at the Olympics for ChinaZhang Yining , Shes from Beijing . 供选答案有四A .Who B.what C.When D.Where 答案显然是A .Who 这道题考查的是疑问代词作主语;山东东营题则考查用不定代词加不定式短语作宾语,原题是Wow! There are so many books.I really cant decide _ 供选答案有四:A.where to buy B.which to buy C.what to buy to bu

17、y 答案显然是B.which;德州题是把疑问代词放到疑问副词堆里晃了一下人,实际考的是疑问副词。原题是:-Sorry ,what did you say just now? -I asked_-供选答案有四A.when did he leave B.where you have been C.whom will you go with I could get to the station 答案显然是 I could get to the station3.数词14处 数词的语法意义:数词是用来表示数量的多少和顺序的。数词分两种:A基数词;B、序数词。基数词是用来表示基本数

18、量的。序数词是用来表示顺序的。(1)基数词:基数词的语法意义:基数词是用来表示数目的多少的。如one(一) two(二)考查基数词的例题:如湖北孝感题(单选22,它是同序数词混同在一起来考查的,目的是考查考生辨别基数词同序数词的能力。原题是:There is a wrong word in line _ Where ? In the_. 供选答案有四:A two ,two two ,second .second ,two D.second ,second 分析得出应选答案是.two ,second。注:表示顺序时,既可用基数词表示,又可用序数词表示,如说2号,可以说成number two 又可

19、说成the second number又如山东东营单选第28小题_ years ago, very large animals called dinosaurs _ in some areas of the world. 供选答案有四:A. Many million, have been living B. Million, had livedC. Several millions of, are alive D. Millions of, lived分析得出应选答案是D. Millions of, lived 又如湖北黄冈单选第33. Have you seen the CCTV news

20、on TV?Yes, _ children had a good festival on the _ Childrens Day. 供选答案有四:A. millions of; sixty B. ten million; sixty C. millions of; sixtieth D.ten millions; sixtieth 分析得出应选答案是C. millions of; sixtieth又如哈尔滨单选第34小题:The picture shows what Nu Fei does on SundaysHe spends 96 hours sleeping and_hours doin

21、g sports a day. 供选答案有四:A3 B6 C7分析得出应选答案是 B6 又如河南七地招生单选第21小题The number of students who _ the English club _20. 供选答案有四:A. take part in, is B. join, are C. take part in, are D. join, is分析得出应选答案是D. join, is。 1)在38家考查使用基数词的考题中有几处是考查如何运用数量词短语的:如锦州单选第.15小题 More than two _ years ago, people knew little abou

22、t the universe供选答案有四:.A.thousands BthousandC. thousand of D. thousands of分析得出应选答案是 B. thousand又如山东东营单选第28小题:_ years ago, very large animals called dinosaurs _ in some areas of the world.供选答案有四: A. Many million, have been living B. Million, had livedC. Several millions of, are alive D. Millions of, l

23、ived分析得出应选答案是 D. Millions of, lived又如湖北黄冈单选第33小题:Have you seen the CCTV news on TV? Yes, _ children had a good festival on the _ Childrens Day Yes, _ children had a good festival on the _ Childrens Day.供选答案有四:A. millions of; sixty B. ten million; sixty C. millions of; sixtieth D. ten millions; sixti

24、eth 分析得出应选答案是C. millions of; sixtieth又如河南七地联合招生单选第33小题:The farmer keeps_ cows on his farm. .供选答案有四: A. hundred B. hundred of C.hundreds D. hundreds of 分析得出应选答案是D. hundreds of ;又如广州单选第44小题Each of us has to write a report every two weeks.供选答案有四:.A.two-hundred-word B.two-hundreds-word C. two-hundreds-w

25、ords D. two-hundred-words 分析得出应选答案是D. two-hundred-words;又如湛江单选第26小题Zhanjiang is really a beautiful city, isnt it ? Yes,_ travelers like to come here for a visit. .供选答案有四:A. thousands of B. thousand of C. thousand D. three thousands分析得出应选答案是A. thousands of :又如福州单选第34小题. Paper-making is _ of ancient C

26、hina.供选答案有四:.A. one of greatest inventorB. one of the greatest inventors C. one of greatest invention D. one of the greatest inventions分析得出应选答案是D. one of the greatest inventions2)、考查大数额数字百、千、万、十万、百万、千万及万万的用法也是数词考查的重点之一,如hundred ,hundreds of, thousands ,thousands of , million ,millions of。锦州单选15即是一例,

27、原题是More than two _years ago ,people knew little about the univers A.thousands B.thousand.C.thousands of D.thousands of 此类考查题可见山东泰安单选第36小题It is reported that people in the world are suffering from the H1N1 flu. .供选答案有四: A. several thousands of B. ten thousands C. thousands of D. thousands 分析得出应选答案是C.

28、 thousands of3).不定数量短语的组成,即数词+加数词+名词的表示方法也是数词的考查点之一,考查点是该短语中的名词是用单数还是用复数?这决定该不定数量的短语表示的是单数还是复数。以广州单选题(44小题)为例,原题是:Each of us has to write a_ report every two weeks .答案有四:A.twohuandred-word ;B.two huandres word;C.two-huandreds -words; D.two-huandred-words 正确答案是A.twohuandred-word.4)年代表示法2处。年代的表示法一般是在表

29、示年的数字后面加上s,如80年代是1980s. 年代的表示法在今年的考题中只有两个市考查了:一是兰州单选28小题,二是广东单选第26小题。兰州原题是About_of the workers in the factory were born in the _。供选答案有四A.two-thirds, 1970 B.two-third, 1970s C.two-third, 1970 D.two-third,1970s 分析得出应选答案是D.two-third,1970s。广东原题是:A war took place in the _.供选答案有四:A the 1720s B.1720s C.172

30、0s D.the 1720。分析得出应选答案是A the 1720s(2) 序数词序数词的语法意义:序数词是用来表示顺序和次第的。如first(第一) second (第二)序数词考查点在于考查顺序,2009年考查序数词的只有只有江苏宿迁一个市。原题是Today is my mothers _birth day .I will buy her a gift . 供选答案有四A.fourteen; B.fourteenth ;C.forty ;D.fortieth 应选答案是D.fortieth4.介词和介词短语27处 介词的语法意义:介词,是一种虚词,也叫前置词,即置放在名词前面的一种词。它不

31、能单独担当句子成分,它必须与名词或代词或相当于名词的其它词类、短语或从句构成介词短语,才能担当句子成分。介词分简单介词和短语介词两种:。简单介词是只有一个单词的介词,如in、on 、of、 at、等等。短语介词是由两个以上的单词集合而成的单词。如:in front of , because of 等等。介词短语不同于短语介词。介词短语是介词和动词、形容词或名词相结合后形成的复合介词,有自己特定的意义。从种类上分,介词有如下一些种类:1)表示时间的:如在十点at ten 2)表示场所、方向at home at school on the treet 3) 表示.采取手段with sb等等。常见的介词短语如talk about (sth) ,talk to sb ;look at listen to ; call on 等等2009年中考题都考查了哪些介词?2009年中考考查的介词是大量的,经常使用的常见的介词几乎都出现了,能统计出来的有下面一些::for 、against、 in、 on 、of、 at、 into、 with 、by、 to 、about 、from 、between、 among 、besides、 except、without 它们多数是单独出现的,有的则是同副词或连词混在一起出现的;有的则是以固定搭配的形式出现的,如泸州题单选9:Marca is _

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