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1、1998年华政国际法考研真题2010-98年华政国际法考研名解真题名词解释回忆版本International law 国际法2010protective jurisdiction 保护性管辖,基础题effective control 有效控制,基础题alien 外国人,比较难阐释,可以围绕国籍展开解释20091. pacta sunt servanda约定必须遵守2. customary international law国际习惯法3. passive personality消极国籍管辖(比较偏)。4. innocent passage无害通过5. jus cogens强行法20081.国际习

2、惯与国际惯例2庇护与域外庇护3.内海湾与历史性海湾20071.多边条约的加入 2. 域外庇护 3. 无害通过权4. 任意强制管辖权20061?2用尽当地救济原则3或引渡或起诉4有约必须遵守(2基础题,要求掌握原则的内容,实施外交保护的前提之一是用尽当地救济,注意外交保护的其他前提条件,以及哪些情况下是用尽当地救济。3太容易了,现在不是学国际法的也需要知道。引渡一直是比较贴近实际的,实用性的知识点,多次考过。要注意哪些是国际罪行。)英文部分20051 res nullius【法】 无主物, 无主财产2 pacta sunt servanda3 Calvo Clause4 Internationa

3、l Humanitarian Law20041,Right of self-preservation自保权2,Right of Archipelagic sean lanes passage群岛海域通过制3,Mandate system委任制4,Justiciable disputes可裁决争端5,International Penal Judicial Association国际刑事司法协会【1自保权,这个在国际法论坛的模拟题中有原题,( 国际法考研,自测练习,名词解释部分 1),国际公法解释比较第7题,难度不大。2群岛海域通过制,这个以前考过,在国际法论坛的模拟题中有原题,( 国际法考研,

4、自测练习,名词解释部分.2 ,国际公法第1题,难度不大。3这个是基础题,委任制,答好有一定难度4这个几乎没有难度,课本中有,可裁决争端5这个在华东政法学院国际法学院教授、研究生导师和老师等共同撰写的当代国际法论丛(三卷本)(以下简称论文集),也是热点,国际刑事司法协会】2003名解1.jus inter gentes2.Dualism3.judicial immunity4.reversionary rights5.sector principle人名及其著作:1.Garotius2.Lauterpacht3.Vattel4.Kelson5.Verdross20021名词解释1)suprana

5、tional law 2) International Law Association 3) Jus ad Bellum 4) international humanitarian law 5) treaty suspension2缩写全称1) WHO 2) UPU 3) WMO 4) ICAO 5) UNESCO2001名解1 Specialty principle of extradition2 Displaced persons3 erga omnes obligations4 Principle of Non-Refoulement5 Differential Treatment6 T

6、ransit Passage System人名国籍及其著作Zhou Geng-ShengLi Hao-peiWang Tie-yaZhao Li-hai20001 single exploitation system & parallel exploitation2 archipelagic sea lane passage & transit passage3 normal baseline & straight baseline4 right of visit & right of hot pursuit5 contiguous zone & exclusive economic zone

7、1999名解1.U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea2.Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties3.U.N. Convention on the Human Rights of 19964.Statute of the International Court of Justice5.U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change人名国籍及其著作RufendofVattelBenthamKelsonDuguitVendross19981 Opinio juds sive nece

8、ssitatis2 ex aquo et bono3 thalweg median line principle4 deposit the instrument of ratification5 international conciliation指出他们的不同:1 the protective jurisdiction and the universal jurisdiction2 authentication and signature3 International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Interna

9、tional Convention on Civil and Political RightsPrivate law国际私法2010Depecage 分割制,基础题lex loci situs 物之所在地法,基础题the principle of competence 管辖原则,较难解释,国际商事仲裁里的自裁管辖权,the principle of competence-competence2009无2008无071. 分割法.2 法则区别说3.直接反致(1基础题,读本3有模拟题原题2基础理论,在模拟题里有3太基础了,不是读国际法的,只要参加司法考试就知道)1.amiable arbitrat

10、ion2. statues of limitation3.the doctrine of characteristic performance061自体法和最密切联系原则2优先适用理论(1合同法律适用是基础知识,见课本 2题目有些不清晰,是否是指国内法和国际条约冲突时条约优先)03-05无021. locus regit actum2. latente gesetzes kollisionen3. Comitas Gentium4. competence interne5. jus inter gents011 Francescakis2 varaiable point of contact3

11、 locus regit actum4 universalism-internationalism school5 ADR20001.Fraus Omma Comunpit2.Formula of attribution3.Mandatory rules4.Lex loci re sitae991.lex loci solutionis2.migratory marriage3.mobilia sequuntur personam4.intertemporal conflict of laws981.the proper law of a contract2. black-letter con

12、flict norms3. lex fori=International economical law国际经济法19981. sustainable development 2. ITA 3. specificity 4. general average5. financial derivative instrument6. double taxation7. DSB19991.revolving L/C2.damages (as used in contract law)3.countervailing product (as used in antidumping)5

13、.Madrid credit20001 Principle of Transparency2 Safeguard Measures3 EDI4 Expropriation5 Method of Tax Deduction20011 FCA (a trade term)2 Rule of Strict Compliance3 Covenant (as used in loan agreement)4 Accumulation of Imports5 Cancellation of Arbitral Award20021.subsidy2.general averag

14、e3.bill of exchange4.negative pledge5.ICSIDII20031. Doha Agenda2. the principle of exhaustion of local remedies3. priority (as in intellectual property)4. jurisdiction of source of income5. pari passu Covenant(1多哈议程:WTO于2001年11月在多哈会议上决定的新一轮多变谈判的议程2用尽当地救济原则:除非东道国法律另有规定,外国投资者不得将与东道国政府有关的投资争议枝节提交国际机构解决

15、 3优先权:工业产权的申请人第一次在某个国家提出申请后的一定时期内在其他国家提出申请,其他国家以其第一次申请的日期为申请日 4收入来源地管辖:一国对跨国纳税人在该国领域范围内的所得课税的权利 5比例平等条款:借款人保证贷款人享有和其他无担保权益的债权人一样平等的地位;无担保权益的债权人必须按比例平等原则以相同的比例获得赔偿。)20041 INCOTERMS2 Countervailing Duty3 Amicus Curiae 4 Base company5 Syndicated Loan (1直接考贸易术语统称,出题有意思,难度不大 2反补贴税,这个在国际法论坛的模拟题中有原题,3法庭之友,

16、论文集有这一篇论文4国际税法中的基地公司,税法几乎每年一题名词解释,论文集里有这一篇论文 5辛迪加贷款,联合贷款,金融法几乎每年一题名词解释)20051. OCED2. FOB3. TRIPS4. L/C5. SDR20061 权利用尽2 CEPA3 逾期条款4?(1知识产权基础题,考过,详细见课本。2大陆和香港之间的安排,前年的热点3考察细节知识,或许是国际融资贷款的内容,见课本。)20071. 资本弱化.2.特别提款权 3. additional facility( ? ) 4.新杰森条款 5. 平等地位条款(1这个可能有点难度 2这个考过多次 3这个好难,可能新教材有4这个也有难度,要求

17、教材看得细致 5这个是重复考)20081.ICSID机制2 International project finance20091. advanced B/L 预借提单。关于提单,这是基础题 难度系数*2. sub-loan 转贷款(Sub-loan),这是国际银团贷款里面的知识点。国际金融法应该关注,每年总会有题目。难度系数*3. tax avoidance 避税(tax avoidance) 纳税义务人采用合法手段逃避纳税的行为。也就是利用税法规定存在的漏洞,或利用两个地区或国家税负轻重不同或利用避税港的条件少纳或不纳税的行为。tax avoidance 是使用合法手段而不缴税 tax ev

18、asion 是不合法的。难度系数*4. parallel importation平行进口,国际知识产权的知识点,本站原题直接命中难度系数*2010negative consensus反向一致,又称“否定协商一致”规则,世界贸易组织争端解决机制的基础考点SDR特别提款权,时事热点,自测题直接命中,问答简答论述案例部分02Please analyze the following issues: (total 30 marks) 1) The relationship between the principle of sovereignty and principle of human rights

19、 (8 marks)2) The dispute settlement system of UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (7 marks)3) The meaning and significance of the the Martens Clause (7 marks)4) The US governments attack on Afghanistan, after the September 11 event, according to its right of self-defense (8 marks)03Answer the follow

20、ing questions: (25 point1.What is your opinion concerning the legal aspects of humanity interference? (12.Givyour comment on the veto rights of the permanent members of the Security Council of UN. (13)04二,观点评论(5 X 3)1,International humanitarian law is a part of international human rights law.2,Warsh

21、aw system belongs to the international private law.3,The international criminal law equals the international law plus the internal criminal law.三,论述题(25)1, There are 4 kinds of immunity right in international law . What are they and how do you understand them ? (15)2, Why we say Iraq war lunched by

22、US violates international law ? (10)05II. Provision Analysis The following provision is quoted from an important treaty:“ARITCALE 38(1) The Court, whose function is to decide in accordance with international law such disputes as are submitted to it, shall apply:(a) international conventions, whether

23、 general or particular, establishing rules expressly recognized by the contesting states;(b) international custom, as evidence of a general practice accepted as law;(c) the general principles of law recognized by civilized nations;(d) subject to provisions of ARTICLE 59, judicial decisions and the t

24、eaching of the most highly qualified publicists of the various nations, as subsidiary means for the determination of rules of law.(2) This provision shall not prejudice the power of the Court to decide a case ex aequo et bono, if the parties agree thereto.”Please answer the following questions:1. Wh

25、ich treaty is the provision quoted from?2. Can you explain the meaning of this provision briefly?3. Can you make any comment on this provision?061大使馆和领事馆的外交特权的不同 2国际人道法适用范围(1基础题,答案在课本,以前也考过。2基础题,主要是要注意除了战俘之外,战时平民的保护战争法在本科教学中不是重点,但是,要注意考研新趋势是知识点的广度要求高了,深度的要求不高。答案见课本。)案例:挪威债券案(国际法论坛曾有专门的分析。)07二. 案例:略(

26、有关领事豁免权,国家主权豁免,还有美国国家豁免法案)这个是基本理论,没有甚么可发挥的,但是由于结合了美国的态度,所以有点难三. 简答:国际损害责任和国际不法行为责任区别这个考过的原题四. 论述: 国际法上的自卫权,并评论预防性自卫这个也是考过的原题总之,公法最是基础考点、重复考点,只要把历年试题做好了,课本的基本理论搞懂了,没有什么需要发挥的08二 问答题举例说明先占与时效的区别三 案例(略)涉及到了引渡 国际民航安全 国际法院管辖权等等09简答1. 为何条约原则上只约束缔约国,习惯国际法规则原则上却可拘束所有国家2. 外交保护问题上,为何外国人用尽当地救济后,本国才可提出外交保护实例分析1.

27、 有关索马里海盗 A 船舶未背海盗打击的国家可否在公海上打击海盗,为何?B 美国可否进入索马里领土打击海盗,理由C 安理会打击海盗方面可以有何作为 理由102问答一,简述国际法主体的“独立性”、“直接性”关于国际法主体,学术上一直有探讨,不少论文涉及。有的观点可以发挥。二,相比较国际仲裁裁决的效力,论述国际法院判决的效力。国际法院判决的效力,如何保障实施,提示我们国际组织法现在喜欢从比较的角度出题。例如国际法院与国际刑事法院等等比较。3:案例:关于引渡规则/普遍性管辖权=021. Please describe the relationship between loi dapplication

28、 immediate and unilateral conflict rule. (10 marks)2. Please analyze the impacts of Internet on the traditional principles and practices of jurisdiction. (10 marks)3. Please express the differences of choice of substantive law between litigation and international commercial arbitration. (15 marks)03

29、2.Make comments on the trend of softing proce related to the application of rules of conflict of laws. (15)3.Please sign a typical case to illustrate the theoretical and practical significances of identification. (20)041 On the basis of the provisions of Chinas Civil Procedure Law, how to define jur

30、isdiction over foreign-related divorce cases? According to such provisions,is it possible to violate the general principle of res judicata?2 Please analyze the disadvantages of concentrating the jurisdiction over foreign-related civil and commercial cases in China.3 Please expound the significance and function of the General Part of the Internationl Private Law Code.III. Please briefly tell the difference between state responsibility and international criminal liability. IV. Please analyze

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