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1、APIs1. System architecture - 5 -2. System requirement - 6 -1. O.S. : Microsoft XP - 6 -2. PC : P4 CPU with 512Mb+ DRAM (recommend). - 6 -3. IDE : Borland C+ Builder 5.0. - 6 -3. System Software - 6 - Home directory : C:US200 - 6 -4. Test APIs - 6 - BIN - 6 - CLOSE_LOG_WINDOW - 6 - CLRLOG - 7 - CMASK

2、 - 8 - CMODE - 9 - CONNECT - 9 - CTG - 10 - DFMT - 11 - DISCONNECT - 12 - DPS - 12 - DPSFV - 13 - DPSMI - 14 - DPSMV - 14 - DPSTI - 15 - DPSTV - 17 - DTG - 17 - FAILDUT_PROCESSING - 18 - FLUSH_LOG_TO_FILE - 19 - GETPIN - 20 - GETPINNAME - 21 - GETSITE - 22 - GETTFSTATUS - 22 - GETVALUE - 23 - GET_DI

3、E_XY GPIB only - 23 - GPIB_INIT GPIB only - 23 - GET_LOT_NUMBER GPIB only - 25 - GET_WAFER_NUMBER GPIB only - 27 - HEAD - 28 - HEADFILE - 29 - HWBIN - 29 - IOFMT - 30 - LDPAT - 30 - LEVELCLAMP - 31 - LEVELS - 31 - LOG - 32 - LOG_DIE_XY GPIB only - 32 - LOG_DIFFTIME - 32 - LOG_FILENAME - 33 - LOG_OFF

4、 - 35 - LOG_ON - 37 - MFREQ - 38 - MTIME - 39 - OPEN_LOG_WINDOW - 41 - PAT_CONTINUE - 43 - PIN - 43 - PINGROUP - 44 - PINLOOP - 45 - PINMODE - 45 - PMUFI - 46 - PMUFV - 47 - PMUMI - 48 - PMUMV - 48 - PMUSETCLAMP - 49 - PMUSETFI - 50 - PMUSETFV - 51 - PMUTI - 52 - PMUTV - 53 - PVS - 54 - PVSFV - 54 -

5、 PVSMV - 55 - PVSTV - 56 - RUNPAT - 56 - SCOPE_TRIG - 56 - SET_FAIL_LIMIT - 57 - SETIGF - 57 - SETLB - 57 - SETMTTIMEOUT - 58 - SETUR - 58 - SETVIH - 59 - SETVIL - 60 - SETVOH - 60 - SETVOL - 61 - SITELOOP - 61 - TESTVALUE - 62 - TFREQ - 63 - TIME_MARK - 64 - TS - 65 - TS_SCRAMBLE - 65 - TTIME - 65

6、- UR - 66 - WAIT - 69 -5. Pattern - 69 - Pattern Symbol - 69 - Micro_instruction. - 70 - Micro-instruction : JSUB label, RET n (2=n=65535) - 70 - Micro-instruction : RPT n ( 2= n = 65535) - 70 - Micro-instruction : MPAT MLEN MATCH INDX - 71 - Micro-instruction : LOOP n (2= n = 65535), END - 71 - Fre

7、quency or Time Measurement - 71 - Pattern statement syntax. - 72 -6. System utilities - 72 -7. Test Program - 74 -8. Run sequence - 76 -9. How to create a test program? - 77 - Modify an existing test program. - 77 - Create a new test program - 78 -10. How to debug your test program? ( C+ Builder 5.0

8、 required.) - 83 -11. Mass Production - 83 -12. FAQ - 83 -1. System architecture2. System requirement 1. O.S. : Microsoft XP2. PC : P4 CPU with 512Mb+ DRAM (recommend).3. IDE : Borland C+ Builder 5.0.3. System Software Home directory : C:US2004. Test APIs BINAssign active DUTs to the specified S/W b

9、in number.Syntax : void BIN(int sbin);Parameters :sbin int: software bin number. Valid value is 132.Example void _stdcall seq(int *activeSite) open_short(); dc_test(); ac_test(); BIN(1); See Also : CLOSE_LOG_WINDOWClose datalog window by test program.Syntax : CLOSE_LOG_WINDOW(void);Parameters :Examp

10、le :See Also : CLRLOGClear Datalog Window. Syntax : void CLRLOG(void);Parameters :Examplestatic int TT = 0;void _stdcall seq(int *activeSite) if( TT=1 ) / new wafer AnsiString lotNo; GET_LOT_NUMBER(lotNo); int wid; GET_WAFER_NUMBER(wid); AnsiString fname; fname.printf(LOG%s_%d.txt,lotNo.c_str(), wid

11、); LOG_FILENAME(fname); / assign file name to datalog tool. / Sampling datalog 1/180 and flush to log fileif( (TT%180)=2 ) FLUSH_LOG_TO_FILE(); else CLRLOG(); / Sampling datalog 1/180 if( (TT%180)=1 ) LOG_ON( LOGAC|LOGDC ); /turn on AC and DC log features else LOG_OFF(); / turn off AC and DC log fea

12、tures open_short(); Isb_test(); OutLkg_test(); . BIN(1);void _stdcall eow(void) TT=0;See Also : CMASKProgram the comparator strobe mask mode.Syntax : void CMASK(const char *pname, int mask);Parameters :pname : A pre-defined string type variable. It can be a single pin or pin group or “ALL”. mask: MA

13、SK_OFF(0), MASK_ON(1), OFF(0) or ON(1).Example : PINMODE(ALL, DFMT_RZ, IOFMT_ON, EDGE, MASK_OFF); CMASK(clk, 1);or PINMODE(ALL, DFMT_RZ, IOFMT_ON, EDGE, OFF); CMASK(clk, ON);See Also : PINMODE, FMODE, CMODE, IOFMT. CMODEProgram the comparator strobe mode.Syntax : CMODE(const char *pname, int mode);P

14、arameters :pname : A pre-defined string type variable. It can be a single pin or pin group or “ALL”. mode : EDGE(0) or WIN(1).Example PINMODE(ALL, DFMT_RZ, IOFMT_ON, 0, MASK_OFF); CMODE(A1, 1);or PINMODE(ALL, DFMT_RZ, IOFMT_ON, WIN, OFF); CMODE(A1, EDGE);See Also : PINMODE, FMODE, CMASK, IOFMT. CONN

15、ECTConnecting the device pins to PMU or high speed drivers and comparators.Syntax : Void CONNECT (const char *pname, int RelayType, double delay=0);Parameters :pname : A pre-defined string type variable. It can be a single pin or pin group or “ALL”. RelayType int: DCLRLY : pin driver and comparator,

16、 PMURLY : Parametric Measurement Unit.delay double: A time delay, unit in mSec. This is a default parameter, (user can ignore this parameter), default value is 0.Examplevoid open_short() SETUR(ur_VSS, ON); DPSFV(dps_VDD, 0.0, 0.0, RNG4V, RNG20mA, ON, 2.0mS); CONNECT(All_DUT_IO, DCLRLY, 2.0mS); RUNPA

17、T( g330.pat, ST0, INIT_SP, BIN2, false); PMUSETCLAMP(1.8, -1.8); WAIT(3.0mS); / OS_PMOS_PINS = EN + QOUT: PMUSETFI(0.0V, 100.0uA, RNG4V, RNG200uA, 4.0mS); PMUTV(OS_PMOS_PINS, SEQ, 1.2, 0.3, 2.0mS, BIN2); / OS_NMOS_PINS = D2 + D4: PMUSETFI(0.0V, -100.0uA, RNG4V, RNG200uA, 4.0mS); PMUTV(OS_NMOS_PINS,

18、SEQ, -0.3, -1.5, 2.0mS, BIN2);See Also : DISCONNECT. CTGProgram the compare timing generators.Syntax : void CTG(int tsno, const char *pname, double mk1, double mk2);Parameters :tsno : timing set number, 015.pname : A pre-defined string type variable. It can be a single pin or pin group or “ALL”. mk1

19、, mk2 : compare markers. Resolution : 2.5nSec.Example/ timing set time unit in nSec/setting timing set1TS( 1, 100); /100nSDTG(1, “ALL”, 10, 90);/ 10nS and 90nSCTG(1, “ALL”, 40, 50);/ 40nS and 50nSDTG(1, “pg1”, 45, 97.5);/ 45nS and 97.5nS See Also : DFMTProgram the drive waveform format.Syntax : DFMT

20、(const char *pname, int fmt);Parameters :pname : A pre-defined string type variable. It can be a single pin or pin group or “ALL”. fmt : Drive format. One of DFMT_F0(0 DRive Vil), DFMT_F1(1 DRive Vih), DFMT_NF(2 whole cycle), DFMT_CLK(3), DFMT_NRZ(4), DFMT_RZ(5), DFMT_RO(6) and DFMT_SBC(7).Example :

21、void freq_test() PINMODE(ALL, DFMT_RZ, IOFMT_ON, EDGE, 0); DFMT(pg1, DFMT_RO); RUNPAT( freq.pat, ST, SP, 3, CONT); TFREQ(pg1, 1, PEL, 1000, 800, 3); PAT_CONTINUE(3);See Also : PINMODE, CMODE, CMASK, IOFMT. DISCONNECTRemove the setups between pins and PMU or high speed drivers and comparators.Syntax

22、: void DISCONNECT(const char *pname, int RelayType, double delay=0);Parameters :pname : A pre-defined string type variable. It can be a single pin or pin group.RelayType int: DCLRLY : pin driver and comparator, PMURLY : Parametric Measurement Unit , ALLRLY : DCLRLY and PMURLY.delay double: A time de

23、lay, unit in mSec. This is a default parameter, (user can ignore this parameter), default value is 0.Examplevoid _stdcall eot(void) DISCONNECT(All_IO, ALLRLY, 1.0mS); SETUR(ALL, OFF);See Also : CONNECT. DPSDPS pin definition.Syntax : void DPS(char *name, int ch1, int ch2=0, int ch3=0, int ch4=0);Par

24、ameters :name : A pre-defined string type variable for all DPS commands. Example/ Single site test prgramDPS(“VCC”, 1);DPSFV(“VCC”, 0.0, 5.0, .);/ Dual sites test prgramDPS(“VCC”, 1, 3);/ Quad sites test prgramDPS(“VCC”, 1,2,3,4);See Also : DPSFV, DPSMI, DPSMV, DPSTI and DPSTV. DPSFVSets the selecte

25、d DPS to the voltage force mode. And programs the amount of voltage to be forced.Syntax : void DPSFV(const char *dpsname, double presetVolt, double volt, int vrng, int irng, int rly, double delay);Parameters :dpsname : A pre-defined string type variable or “ALL”. delay double: A time delay, unit in

26、mSec. Examplevoid open_short() SETUR(ur_VSS, ON); DPSFV(dps_VDD, 0.0, 0.0, RNG4V, RNG20mA, ON, 2.0mS); CONNECT(All_DUT_IO, DCLRLY, 2.0mS); RUNPAT( g330.pat, ST0, INIT_SP, BIN2); PMUSETCLAMP(1.8, -1.8); WAIT(3.0mS); / OS_PMOS_PINS = EN + QOUT: PMUSETFI(0.0V, 100.0uA, RNG4V, RNG200uA, 4.0mS); PMUTV(OS

27、_PMOS_PINS, SEQ, 1.2, 0.3, 2.0mS, BIN2); / OS_NMOS_PINS = D2 + D4: PMUSETFI(0.0V, -100.0uA, RNG4V, RNG200uA, 4.0mS); PMUTV(OS_NMOS_PINS, SEQ, -0.3, -1.5, 2.0mS, BIN2); / Turn PMU from FROCE_I into FORCE_V mode PMUFV(ALL, 0.0, RNG4V, RNG2mA, OFF, 1.0mS);See Also : DPS, DPSMI, DPSMV, DPSTI and DPSTV.

28、DPSMIPerform a current measurement on the DPS.Syntax : void DPSMI(const char *dpsname, double delay);Parameters :dpsname : A pre-defined string type variable or “ALL”. delay double: A time delay, unit in mSec. Example DPSMI(vcc, 3.0mS); SITELOOP() double value = GETVALUE(GETSITE(),vcc); AnsiString m

29、sg; msg.printf(“DPSMI: site%d value=%f”, GETSITE(), value); LOG(msg); See Also : DPS, DPSFV, DPSMV, DPSTI and DPSTV. DPSMVPerform a voltage measurement on the DPS.Syntax : void DPSMV(const char *dpsname, double delay);Parameters :dpsname : A pre-defined string type variable or “ALL”. delay double: A time delay, unit in mSec. Example DPSMV(vcc, 3.0mS); SITELOOP() double value = GETVALUE(GETSITE(),vcc); AnsiString msg; msg.printf(“DPSMV: site%d value=%f”, GETSITE(), value); LOG(msg); See Also : DPS, DPSFV, DPSMI, DPSTI and DPSTV. DPSTIPerform a current test on the DPS.Syntax : void DPSTI

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