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1、专四短文听写常见错误评析An Analysis of Common Mistakes in Dictation of Tem-4一、 由音变现象而导致的错误 (change of pronunciation)二、由英美两种发音差异而导致的错误 (different pronunciation in British English and American English)三、同音词与近音词分辨不清 (the words having same or similar pronunciation)四、单词拼写导致的错误 (wrong spelling)一、 由音变现象而导致的错误 (Change

2、of pronunciation, including linking, assimilation, weak form, incomplete plosive) . Sound-linking1 What is linking?When speakers of English are speaking, they arrange words into groups and join together the stressed and unstressed words within the group. They move smoothly from one word to the next

3、without making any sudden stops. So when we listen to their speech, we hear the end of one word flow straight into the beginning of the next. This phenomenon of joining words together is called linking.2. How to link words in English speech?Speakers of English join words together by blending or join

4、ing the last sound of a word with the initial sound of the following word. Three common ways to achieve linking:LinkingDefinitionExamplesThe final consonant+ the initial vowel(辅音+元音)To join the final consonant of one word with the initial vowel of the following word第一个单词以辅音结尾,下一个单词以元音开头时,两个词连读out an

5、d out; sit up; look out of;post officeconsonant+ h(辅音+h音)To join the final consonant of one word with the vowel after h of the following word第一个单词以辅音结尾,下一个单词以清辅音h开头,前一个辅音将击穿清辅音h,直接与h后的元音发生连读。give her; miss him; Is he busy?(r + vowel)字母r+元音To link the final r to a following vowel第一个单词以字母r结尾,下一个单词以元音开

6、头,原本不发音的字母r发辅音r,与后面的元音发生连读。are in; there are; more and morewhere am IFor example:Flight 5125 scheduled to take off at 11:30 will be delayed for 20 minutes. Please check in half an hour prior to departure.(checking) (half a now)2. Assimilationto change the pronunciation of some final and initial cons

7、onants英语口语中,某些音连读通常发生音变,称作音的同化现象。音变不仅仅发生在词与词之间,还通常发生在词的内部。AssimilationExamples + not yet, last year d+j did you, could you z+j because you, seize you s+j suit, issue Sentence Practice 1. Here is the answer. 2. There is a huge tree over there.3. After an early breakfast, we started off.4. He is slowe

8、r at eating.5. He didnt say a word for a while.6. She sat up for a long time.7. The teacher asked a question.Sing the song (My Heart Will Go On)Dictation (Pet)Weak Forms1. DefinitionMany function words in English have two pronunciations: a stressed form (or strong form) and unstressed form (or reduc

9、ed form, weak form). The unstressed form is thus an alternative pronunciation of a word which is reduced in its articulation. / is the most frequently used vowel in the unstressed forms and next comes /i/.弱音即元音的弱化,指一个单词中的元音在口语中,由于说话时语速快或在句子中处于次要位置,而不发标准读音,变为弱化元音的语音现象。在日常生活中,这种弱音现象具有不确定性(uncertainty)

10、,它完全取决于说话人当时的语气、情绪、习惯等因素,这可能使得实际读音与标准音相比相去甚远,需多加小心弱读现象。2. The Importance of Learning Weak Forms Firstly, most native speakers of English find an “all-strong form” pronunciation very unpleasant. Secondly, learners who are not familiar with the use of weak forms are likely to have difficulty understan

11、ding native speakers.For example: the possible pronunciations of “and”: 1) “bread and butter” 3. Common Phenomena of Weak FormsWeak FormsExampleslong vowel short vowel长元音弱化成短元音he;she;me;we;who; whose;beenomitted sound元音前的辅音省略或辅音前的元音省略his;him;is;have元音弱化成us;for;must;does;of;but;untilListening Exercis

12、e of Strong Forms & Weak FormsDictation (Tourism). Incomplete Plosive1. Plosive爆破音(plosive)是指气流(air flew)在口腔中某处形成阻碍,然后气流冲破阻碍而发出的音。这些音有6个,即p、b、t、d、k、g。但在某些情况下,发爆破音时,气流不必冲破阻碍,而只是发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍,并稍作停顿(也就是说,做好发这个音的准备,但不要发出音来),这样的发音过程叫做“不完全爆破”。 2. Common Phenomena of Incomplete PlosiveIncomplete PlosiveExam

13、plesp、b、t、d、k、g这六个爆破音中任何两个音素相邻时,前者发不完全爆破音,后者则要完全地爆破。1) He has a ba(d) col(d) today.2) You shoul(d) ta(k)e care of the children.3) Gla(d) to meet you. Phrase Practice 1爆破音p、b、t、d、k、g在 , , , , 前面时不完全爆破。1) Have you rea(d) the book abou(t) tha(t) child.2) The thir(d) chair is broken.Phrase Practice 2,3爆

14、破音p、b、t、d、k、g在鼻音m、n或舌边音l前面时不完全爆破1) Goo(d) morning, sir.2) Goo(d) night.3) They are very frien(d)ly to us.Phrase Practice4,5不完全爆破可以发生在单词内部,如blackboard,kindness也可以发生在短语或句子中,E.g. For many people in the west, New Years Eve is the bigges(t) party of the year. Its time to ge(t) together with friends or fa

15、mily.Sing the Song (Hey Jude)Dictation (Creativity)二、由英、美两种发音差异导致的错误 (different pronunciation in British English and American English)1. 在r音上的差异 (the difference of the sound r) 在一个单词里,当字母r位于一个元音的后面时,英式英语一般不将r音发出,而美式英语中则总是把它发出来。如:farm 在英式英语中读作 a: 而在美式英语中读作fa:rm;car 在英式英语中读作ka:,而在美式英语中读作ka:r。也就是说,在英国标

16、准音中,字母r在元音前才发音,如real,而在辅音前或词尾时是不发音的。但在美语中,r在辅音前发明显的卷舌音r,在词尾时亦发音。E.g. ladder; lecture; morning; apartment; weather; advertisement2. 在元音上的差异 (the difference of vowel)1)字母a在 前,英国人将字母a读作a:, 而美国人则读作 WORDBEAEWORDBEAEaska:sksklastla:stlstpasspa:spspastpa:stpstclasskla:sklsgrassgra:sgrspathpa: p bathba: b O

17、ther examples: cant; dance; fast; halfMy father read my palm calmly in Chicago plaza. BE fa: ri:d pa:lm ka:mli ika:gu pla:z AE fr ri:d plm kmli ikgu plz2) 英国人将字母o读作 ,美国人则将o读作 E.g. box; crop; hot; ironic; polish; spot字母o在非重读音节中,英式英语多不发音,而美式英语则都发音。如: BE AEhistory histri histrifactory fktri fktridictio

18、nary diknri diknri3). 在单词direct, directly, director, direction中的元音字母i,英式英语中读作i, 美式英语中则读作 ai 。如:direct的英国音标为direkt,美国音标则为dai rekt。4). 其他 (others)WordBEAEneither either record vary schedule 3.词汇运用差异美国英语和英国英语常用不同的单词表示同一事物或概念。TypeAmerican EnglishBritish EnglishChineseTransportationone-way ticketsingle t

19、icket单程票round trip ticketreturn ticket来回票subway undergroundTube地铁underpasssubway地下通道bus coachbus公共汽车trucklorry卡车ticket officebooking office票房sidewalkpavement人行道gas/gasolinepetrol汽油gas stationfilling station加油站windshieldwindscreen挡风玻璃Postto wireto telegram拍电报to call (up)to ring (up)打电话long distance c

20、alltrunk call长途电话phone boothphone box公共电话亭zip codepost code邮编Clothespantstrousers裤子undershirtvest贴身内衣under shortsunderwear pants短裤Foodcandysweets糖果cantin罐头potato chipscrisps炸薯片French frieschips炸薯条liquorsprits烈酒Entertainmentvacationholiday假日movie theatrecinema电影院Medical treatmentemergency wardcasualt

21、y department急诊室operating roomoperating theatre手术室drugstore/pharmacychemists/pharmacy药房druggistchemist药师to get sickto be taken ill生病Othersinstructorlecturer讲师bartenderbarman/barmaid酒吧招待sales-girlshop-girl/shop assistant售货员fire-manstoker司炉fire-fighterfireman消防员trash-candust-bin垃圾箱raiserise(工资)增加to wai

22、t in linequeue up排队 Dictation (Industrial Pollution)三、同音词与近音词分辨不清 (the words having same or similar pronunciation)1造成失分较多的几个发音难点和易混淆音节Phonetic SymbolsExamples lead-lid; dead-did; peek-pick fool-full; pool-pull cart-cut; heart-hut mass-mess; bad-bed; dad-dead fight-fat; bike-back; lack-like veil-whal

23、e; vest-west; vet-wet sign-shine; sigh-shy; shame-same course-cause; loose-lose worth-worse; path-pass; think-sink thin-thing; sin-sing; ban-bang; lace-race; correct-collect; light-right need-lead; night-light; nine-lineair-heiraisle-islearent-auntbare-bearbrake-breakbred-breadbuy-bycell-sellcent-sc


25、-pearpassed-pastpeace-pieceplain-planepoor-pourpray-preyprincipal-principleprofit-prophetreal-reelright-write-riteroot-routesail-salescene-seensea-seeseam-seemsight-sitesteal-steelsun-sontail-talethere-theirthrew-throughtwo-to-tooway-weighwear-whereweather-whetherweek-weak四、单词拼写导致的错误 (wrong spelling

26、)1. Confused WordsTFTFvisitorvisiterbuilderbuildordistributordistributerlicenselisenseindependenceindependanceresistanceresistence2. TransformationFor examples:explain (v.) explanation (n.) explaination pronounce (v.) pronunciation (n.)complex (a.) complexity (n.) sympathy (n.) sympathize (v.) sympa

27、size 3. Double Consonants in a WordFor examples: success, necessary, command, disappear, commonplace, attitude, appetite, communication, etc.4. Letters without Pronunciation in a Word 1) 词尾的字母e通常不发音,例如:love, behave, native. 需要记住特例recipe. 2) 字母gh组合有时不发音,如night, caught, sigh等等。但在另一些词中,gh组合可能发f音,例如laugh, draughty.3) 以“h+元音”开头的部分词,h不发音,如:honor, honest, heir等。4) 字母组合wh在o前w不发音,例如:whole, whose, wholesale.5) 以gn, kn, mn, pn开头的词,其中只有字母n发音。例如:know, gnu, pneumonia. 6) 以wr开头的词,w不发音。例如:wraith, wreath.7) 字母组合sc出现在e, i, y之前,c不发音。例如:scene, scenery, science.8) 字母组合st中,有时t不发音。例如:listen, whistle

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