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1、人教版英语八年级下unit1讲解与练习Unit1 Whats the matter?1.Whats the matter ? 怎么了 ?matter此处为可数名词,意为“毛病;麻烦”,通常用于句型 Whats the matter with sb. ?中。该问句常用来询问某人患了何种疾病或遇到了何种麻烦 。Whats the matter with him ? 他怎么了 ?He has a headache . 他头痛 。拓展: matter还可作为不及物动词,意为“要紧,有关系”,主要用于否定句,疑问句或者条件句中。 It doesnt matter . 没有关系 。 Does it mat

2、ter if Im a bit late ? 我晚一会到有关系吗 ? ).no matter 与 who , what , where 等连用, 相当于 whoever , whatever ,wherever 等,可引导让步状语从句。 Dont open the door , no matter who comes . 不管谁来都别开口。2. I have stomachache . 我胃痛 。 Stomachache为可数名词,意为“胃痛;腹痛”Eg: Mary didnt come to school yesterday because she had a stomachache. 拓展

3、: 在英语中,一部分表示身体部位的名词加上名词ache(疼痛)后,可以构成合成名词。如 headache头痛,toothache牙痛,stomachache胃痛,backache背痛,earache耳朵痛。3. She talked too much yesterday and didnt drink enough water . 她昨天说话太多,并且没有喝足够的水。 (1)此处too much 相当于一个副词,修饰动词talked ,放在后面作状语,意为“太多”。 Eg: She worried too much . Eating too much is bad for your healt

4、h. (2)此处enough为形容词,意为“足够的”。修饰名词时,常放在名词前,且位置后置。 Eg: It is good enough for me . Is the water warm enough for you ? Enough还可以构成句型搭配:be + adj.+enough+to do “足够.做某事” Eg: Though he has grown up , he isnt brave enough to go out alone at night. 4. Drink some hot tea with honey . 喝些加有蜂蜜的热茶 。 with为介词,在此处意为“加上

5、;具有;带有”,表示事物的附属部分或所具有的性质,其反义词为without。Eg: Would you like some tea with sugar ? China is a country with a long history . No man could live without water .拓展: with意为“和.在一起” Mr.Black is talking with a friend . with 意为“用(工具、手段等)” You can cut it with a knife . with 表示方式、情况或者条件 。 She likes to sleep with t

6、he light on . The teacher came in with a smile on his face . 例题解析: Would you like some coffee,please ? Yes , and please get some sugar . I prefer coffee_sugar . A . to B. for CwithDfrom 5.You need to take breaks away from the computer .你需要离开电脑休息几天 。 (1) need 在此处为实意动词,意为“需要”,后面可接名词,代词,动名词及带有to 的不定式作宾

7、语。Eg: We need to think twice about it . She needs your help .拓展:Need作情态动词,意为“需要,必需”。无人称和数的变化,否定式为neednt,后面一般接动词原形。Need I finish the work today ?Yes, you must . / No ,yo neednt .If she wants anything ,she need only ask . (2) break 此处用作可数名词,意为“(课间的)休息”。 Eg: He sat under the big tree to take a break. T

8、here is a 10-minute break between classes .拓展:break作不及物动词,意为“碎;破”。其过去式为broke,过去分词为broken 。 Eg:Glasses breaks easily .break 作及物动词,意为“弄碎,弄破”。 Eg: He broke his right leg last month .break 作及物动词,意为“不遵守(法律,规则等)”。 Eg: The teacher is talking to the student who broke the rules .6. I think you should lie dow

9、n and test .我认为你应该躺下休息 。 (1)lie (lay , lain , lying) 此处为不及物动词,意为“躺;卧” Eg: Dont lie in bed all morning . He found a dog lying at the door .拓展:lie作为不及物动词,意为“撒谎,说谎”,过去式和过去分词均为lied,现在分词为lying。 Eg: You are lying to me .lie 作可数名词,意为“谎言,假话” Eg: I know he told a lie just now . I believe that it is a white l

10、ie .lay 动词,意为“产卵,下蛋”,过去式和过去分词均为laid . Eg: The hens are not laying well at the moment .(2) rest 常作可数名词,意为“休息” Eg: You must take a tes from your work 7. If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow , then go to a doctor .如果明天你的头和脖子还痛的话,就去看医生。(1)此处连词if 引导条件状语从句,意为“如果,假如”。 Eg: If she arrives in New York ,

11、Ill telephone you .例题解析:I wonder if the psychologist will come to our school this weekend .If he _, we will be very excited .A.come B. comes C. will come D .came (2) go to a doctor 为固定短语,意为“看医生”,相当于 go to see a doctor . Eg: Bill went to a doctor yesterday . Dont take any medicine before going to a d

12、octor .8.He got off and asked the woman what happened .他下了车,问那个妇女发生了什么事 。 (1)get off 为“动词+副词”结构的短语,人称代词作宾语时,应放在动词与副词之间,此处意为“下车”。 辨析:get off 意为“下(汽车、火车、飞机等)” The first passenger to get off the bus was a woman .get on 意为“登上(汽车、火车、飞机等)”,后面常跟较大的交通工具,反义词为get off When I got on the bus ,I saw my teacher si

13、tting there .get into 意为“进入(小汽车、出租车、电梯等)” ,后面常跟较小的交通工具。反义词为 get out of He got into a taxi and left .get out of 意为“从(小汽车、出租车、直升飞机等)下来” She got out of the car and went into the hall .例题解析:Dont _the bus until it stops .A. turn off B.put on C.get off D.set up (2) happen 为及物动词,意为“发生”当表示“某人或者某物发生某事”时,某人或者

14、某物必须放在介词to后面,用句型sth. Happens to sb./sth.来表达 What has happened to Judy ?当用作“碰巧”时,常用句型 sb. Happens to do sth.和 It happens + that 从句 She happened to meet her friend in the bookstore . It happened that I had no money with me .9.Mr.Wang knew he had to act quickly . 王先生知道他必须快点行动。have to 不得不 ,后面接动词原形辨析:hav

15、e to 和 must have to 强调客观上的需要 ;must 强调主观上的必要性。 I have to tidy up the room .(客观需要) I must tidy up the room . (主观想法)have to 有人称,数和时态变化,可用于一般现在时,一般过去时或一般将来时等; must 无人称,数,时态变化,主要用于一般现在时。 Does he have to stay here ? Must she finish her homework first ?它们的否定形式不同。 dont have to 表示“不必要,不需要” mustnt 表示“禁止,不允许,不

16、应该” You dont have to help him . You mustnt help him 10.But to his surprise ,they all agreed to go with him . 但出乎他的意料,他们都同意和他一起去。(1)to ones surprise 为固定结构,意为“使某人惊讶的是.”类似结构还有 to ones joy 使人开心的是 ; to ones disappointment 令人失望的是 ; to ones satisfaction 使某人满意的是 To his surprise , she won the first prize .(2

17、) agree 为及物动词。后面可跟名词,代词,动词不定式或者宾语从句。辨析:agree to 后面接计划或者建议 。 I agree to your plan .agree on 后面接日期或者条款。 They agreed on these terms .agree with 后面接人或者意见。 I agree with you .11.The old man got to the hospital in time .那位老人及时到达了医院。get to 意为“到达”。此处get为补给物动词,当后面接地点名词时,要加上介词to .辨析:get 不及物动词,后面可接地点名词作宾语要加介词to

18、.要是接地点副词home, here 和 there 不用to . I get home at 7:00 P.m. every day . What time shall we get to Beijing ?arrive 不及物动词,可直接跟地点副词;加上介词at/in后,才能接地点名词。(大地点用in;小地点用at)reach 及物动词,其后可接跟地点名词,也可跟地点副词。 I reached Beijing the day before yesterday . We reached here on foot . Section B1.Put on a clean T-shirt .穿上意

19、见干净的T恤衫。 put on 为“动词+副词”短语,意为“穿上;戴上”。代词作其宾语时,须放在put on 的中间。He put on a coat and went out .辨析:put on “穿衣”表动作 wear “穿衣”及物动词,表状态dress “给.传衣服”及物动词,宾语只能为人。(be)in “穿着”后面接表衣服的名词或表示颜色的形容词,表状态。be in 同 be dressed in 例题解析:1._warm clothes, or youll catch a cold .2.The children are _nice clothes today .3.The gir

20、l _red is his daughter.4.I _ him every morning .2. Told him to rest .Tell为及物动词,tell sb. (not) to do sth.意为“告诉某人(不要)做某事”。He told me to write a report .The police told the children not to play in the street .例题解析:Tell the children _unhealthy food . Its bad for their health.A.not to eat B.not eating C.

21、to eat D.eating 3.Have problem breathing .呼吸困难。(1)have problems (in)doing sth.为固定短语,意为“做某事有问题或困难”,同意短语为 have trouble / difficulty (in) doing sth. He had problems (in) learning English grammar . He has no problem (in) singing the song .4.Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain c

22、limbing .阿伦罗尔斯顿是一个对爬山很感兴趣的美国人。 (1)此处who is .为定语从句,修饰名词man ,who 为关系代词。当被修饰词为人时,常用关系代词who或者that引导定语从句。 Do you know the girls who / that are dancing ? The man that / who you are waiting for wont come . (2) be interested in 为固定短语,意为“对.感兴趣”,相当于take interest in .Interesting “引起兴趣的,有趣的”。作表语或定语,修饰物。Interest

23、ed “感兴趣的”只作表语,主语为人。一言辨析:Im interested in the interesting things .我对那些有趣的事物感兴趣。例题解析: The story is _and all of us are _in it .A.interest;interesting B.interesting;interestC.interested;interesting D.interesting;interested5.As a mountain climber ,Aron is used to taking risks.作为一名登山者,阿伦习惯于冒险。 (1)此处as为介词,

24、意为“作为”。 As a party member , I must be strict with myself . He works in the hotel as a cook .(2) 此处 be used to 意为“习惯于.; 适应于.”,后面接名词、代词或动名词。 He is used to hard work . She is used to getting up early .(3) take risks 意为“冒险”,相当于 take a risk 。 You cant get rich without taking risks . They were taking a ri

25、sk when they did that .6.There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents .有许多次阿伦因为(意外)事故几乎失去生命。 (1)此处time 为可数名词,意为“次数”。 How many times have you been to Paris ? He failed his driving test five times .(2) almost 副词,意为“几乎,差不多”。 Almost all the guests are here . He has almost fi

26、nished his work .(3) 辨析 because of 和 because because of “因为”,介词短语,后面接名词或者代词。 I didnt go because of the rain . because “因为”,连词,引导原因状语从句。 He didnt come to school because he was ill .7.He was not ready to die that day . 他不愿那天死去。(1) ready 为形容词,意为“准备好的,乐意的,愿意的”,常作表语。Lunch is ready .Have you got everythin

27、g ready ?拓展:be ready to do sth. “准备好了做某事”,主要强调已经准备好了要做某事,表示即将去做。 We are ready to answer the questions . She is always ready to help others .be ready for “为.准备好” He was ready for the death .(2) die (died , died , dying ) 为不及物动词,意为“死,死亡” His parents died long ago . Nowadays many people die of cancers

28、. The man is dying . 那个人就要死了。拓展:die 的形容词形式为 dead , 名词形式为death 。 A dead person cant speak . Her grandmother has been dead for two years . Many people fear death . His death is heavier than Mount Tai .8.So he used his knife to cut off half his right arm . 因此他用刀子切除了他的一半右臂。(1)use sth. to do sth. “用某物做某事

29、” I use my pen to write a letter . I use a knife to cut apples . = I use a knife for cutting apples .(2) cut off 为固定短语,意为“切除,切断”。 When was the telephone cut off ?拓展:常见的与cut有关的短语:cut down 砍到,减少 cut up 切碎 cut in 插入 插嘴 9.Then , with his left arm , he bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much

30、blood . 然后,他用左臂给自己打上绷带以至于他不会失去太多的血。(1)此处with意为“用(工具或器具等)”。 You can cut it with a knife . 辨析:with 与 in with : 介词,“ 用(工具)” They eat with forks . Ill have to see it with my own eyes .In : 介词,“用(语言,声音,材料等)”。 She can give a talk in English . He talked to her in a low voice .(2) 此处so that 引导结果状语从句 ,意为“以至于”。 She got up late so that she missed the early bus . He has his head in bandages .例题解析:Mr.Green speaks very loudly _all the people can hear him .A.when that C.because 10. His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even at=fter this

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