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1、大学体验英语听说教程第三版第三册视频文字材料大学体验英语听说教程第三版第三册视频文字材料Unit 1, R10: Relationships, two female students chatting in a cafe Part 1 A: Mary B: Cindy A: What are your plans for the weekend? B: I am off to my maternal grandparents. They are holding a family reunion. A: Sounds fun! Do you have a big family? B: I sur

2、e do. A: Tell me about your relatives. B: Well, my immediate family is made up of my parents, my big sister and me. A: Your sister has two children, doesnt she? B: Yes, my niece Jessicashe is a beautiful little toddlerand my nephew Kevin.A: How about your extended family? B: Well, on my mothers side

3、, I have twenty family members. A: Twenty? B: Yes: my grandparents, four uncles, three aunts, and eleven cousins. A: Wow, thats impressive. Is your fathers family that big too? B: No, he was an only child. So its just him, my grandparents and, very happily, his paternal grandfather my great-grandpa,

4、 who will turn 100 next June! A: 100! Thats amazing! Unit 1, R10: Relationships, two female students chatting in the classroom Part 2 A: Cindy B: Rachel A: How are you enjoying your American Culture and Society course? B: I like it. The United States is certainly an intriguing country. At the moment

5、, we are looking at the American family. A: What can you tell me about it? Id be interested in hearing about what youre learning.B: Well, many American families are known as two-career families. Thats a family where both the husband and wife work outside of the home. A: With both parents working, fa

6、mily income must increase considerably. B: It certainly does. And it also means more husbands do their share of household chores and childcare. Hmm, another type of family is the stepfamily. A: Whats that? B: This type of family is a result of the higher divorce and remarriage rates in America. It c

7、an in fact be quite large because of stepchildren and stepparents. A: I am not really sure what you mean. B: Well, for instance, if a childs mother remarries, then her second husband becomes her childs stepfather. If the stepfather has, say, a daughter, then she becomes the childs stepsister. A: Got

8、 it. So thats why they are called stepfamilies. B: Exactly. Unit 2: Two friends who havent seen each other in a long time Part 1 A: Dan B: Cindy A: Dan, its been ages. Its absolutely wonderful to see you. (Cindy and Dan hug) B: Cindy, so nice to see you too. You look great! How have you been? A: Ive

9、 been very well, thank you. Ive just returned from a year of work and travel.B: Really, where did you go? A: I took a year off from my studies: I spent 9 months doing some volunteer work with an NGO in Zambia, and then I traveled around Europe for 3 months. B: That sounds so exciting! A: It was. How

10、 about you? What have you been up to for the last few years? B: I also went abroad. I completed my final two years of high school in Canada and traveled through America and Mexico during the summer holidays. Now I am preparing for my studies in the UK. A: Cool! What will you study? B: Hotel & Touris

11、m Management. A: Sounds like the ideal choice for someone who enjoys travel! Unit 2: Two friends talking about their life dreams Part 2 A: Dan B: Jane A: Jane, do you get nervous thinking about the future? B: Yes, I do. A: Me too. B: What worries you the most? A: Family stuff. Im worried that I migh

12、t not find a good job and, because of this, struggle to support my loved ones. If I get married and have a child, I want to be able to provide my family with the best life possible. B: Dan, dont forget that your future wife will have a job too! She will also provide for your family. Its silly to put

13、 all the pressure on yourself: a married couple should work as a team.A: Yeah, maybe youre right . What do you worry about? B: Having a sense of purpose in life. We spend so much of our adult lives working that I want my job to be meaningful. I want to live to work, not work to live! I dream of bein

14、g able to have a positive impact on the world around us. A: Well, you have a positive impact on me, so youre off to a good start! Unit 3: Giving advice Part 1 A: Cindy B: Mark A: Mark, are you ok? You look terrible. B: Thats because I feel terrible. I just had a huge fight with my parents. A: I am s

15、o sorry to hear that. What was the argument about? B: My future. My parents want me to go on an exchange program to America, but I want to study in London. A: Why did they want you to study in America? B: Because I have an uncle there who can keep an eye on me. A: Youve got to somehow make your pare

16、nts understand that choosing the right exchange program is more important than studying close to extended family. B: I try, but they dont listen. A: Then perhaps what you need to do is write them a letter. B: A letter? A: Yes, I would advise you to list the pros and cons of studying in London. Ask t

17、hem to make an effort to do the same about studying in America. Then you can all think calmly about your options, without shouting at each other. B: Ok, Ill give it a go. Unit 3: Asking for advice about dieting, two females Part 2 A: Jane B: Cindy A: Cindy, can I ask you for some advice? B: Sure, ab

18、out what? A: About dieting. Youre so healthy and you have such a great figure I want to know your secret. B: Id be more than happy to share my secret with you instead of eating three big meals a day with snacks in between, I have six small meals that are very nutritious, spaced 2 or 3 hours apart. A

19、: Six small meals Hmm I could do that. B: Sure you can! The key is to make sure each meal contains fruit or vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats like fish or tofu and good carbohydrates. A: That doesnt sound too hard. But what are good carbohydrates? B: Things like nuts, seeds and beans. A: How lo

20、ng will it take before I start to feel and look better? B: After a week, your energy level will be much higher. After a month or two, youll feel and look fantastic! Unit 4, R22: A couple talking about their wedding lists Part 1 A: Dr. Zhang B: Lisa A: Lisa, Ive twenty people on my list. What about y

21、ou? B: Um, lets see. Ive got my brother and his wife. A: Right. B: And her parents and relatives. A: Youre inviting your sister-in-laws relatives too? B: This is a family event. We cant leave anyone out And then theres my mothers two brothers and their families. And my aunt, who lives in Brazil. A:

22、Shell come all the way here for the wedding? B: She wouldnt miss it for the world. And then my father will want to invite all of his close friends from work. A: Wait a second. Your fathers friends from work are coming? How many is that?B: Eighty people. A: Eighty people! But I thought we were just i

23、nviting family and close friends.B: Believe me, my fathers business associates are like family. Ive just never met most of them! Unit 4, R22: Meeting a cousin for the first time Part 2 A: Tina B: Dan A: Cousin Dan, thank goodness for family weddings: I cant tell you how special it is to finally get

24、to meet you! B: Im thrilled too, Tina. A: You look just like Uncle David B: Really? He is bald! A: Ha ha -thats not what I mean: you have a great head of hair! Its that your facial features are almost identical. And you have matching smiles. B: Wow, thanks, thats a really nice compliment: Uncle Davi

25、d has such an engaging smile it lights up the room! A: How about me? Do I remind you of anyone in the family? B: Well, hmm, you have a very unique look, but your eyes are just like Auntie Christinas: radiant and full of warmth! A: Well thank you. Oh look there she is, chatting with Grandma and Grand

26、pa. Lets go over and say Hi! B: Good idea. They will be so delighted to see that we have finally met! Unit 5: Decisions, R26 Part 1 A: Jack B: Eric A: Has Martin decided what degree he would like to study? B: Not yet. At the moment he has many options, but Im not sure which one he will go for.A: He

27、needs to think about what hes good at and what hes interested in. B: Well, I know hes good with numbers but hed like to take up Spanish as well.A: I suppose he could do his major in one field and his minor in Spanish. B: Yeah, something like that. A: Why doesnt he do a degree in Business Studies? B:

28、 I dont know. His whole family does business, but for some reason hes not really into business. A: Has he thought about a degree in Finance or Economics? B: Yes, he seems interested in both. A: What he needs to do is compare the course modules. B: Yeah, I suppose if he compares them, hell find out w

29、hich one suits him best.Unit 5 Part 2 A: Jack B: Mary A: Congratulations! I heard that you are about to graduate from university. B: Yes, its almost over! Im so relieved! A: So what are you doing now? B: Ive been looking for jobs. A: Have you found any yet? B: There are lots of jobs out there, but t

30、he problem is choosing a suitable one.A: What are you interested in doing? B: Im not sure, but I would like to use my language skills and travel experience.A: Perhaps you could apply for a job as an editor or writer for a travel magazine?B: Dont you need a lot of experience? A: Not necessarily. As l

31、ong as you have the right skills and you show that you are passionate about the job, anybody might employ you. B: Are you sure? A: Yeah, just apply, and see what results you get. B: Okay, Ill give it a try! Unit 6: job interview, talking about past work experience Part 1 A: Bob B: Tim A: Have you worked as a salesperson before? B: Certainly, as my resume shows, I was a salesperson for a local pharmaceutical company for two years. A: Were you successful in your position? B: Very much so! I was the companys top salesperson both years. A: Impressive! What would you say made you so succ

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