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1、电子信息工程专业英语词典电子信息工程专业常用词汇Aabbreviation n. 缩写accelerator n. 加速者,加速器accommodate v. 使适应,使调节accumulate v. 积聚, 堆积accumulator n. 累加器acquisition n. 获得,采集acquisition time 采集时间Activate a. 激活的active circuit 有源电路address line 地址线aforementioned a. 上述的,前述的algebra n.代数学alphanumeric a. 字母数字的alternating current 交流电流a

2、mber n.琥珀色analog n.模拟量analogous a.类似的,模拟的analog-to-digital converter(ADC) 模数转换器analytical a. 分析的,解析的anode n. 阳极appropriate a. 合适的approximation n. 近似值assemblage n. 集合assembly language 汇编语言asymmetry n. 不对称attenuate v. 削弱,减弱,衰减attenuator n.衰减器Bband-gap energy 带隙能band-reject 带阻base n. 基极base 2 以2 为基数bas

3、e-emitter current 基射电流bead n. 珠型bi-directional 双向的binary a. 二进位的bipolar a. 双极性的bipolar power 双极性电源block v. 阻塞Boolean n. 布尔Boolean algebra 布尔代数breadboard n.试验板breakdown voltage 击穿电压bridge arm 桥臂bridge circuit 桥路bulk n.大块,大批,体积;v. 越来越大,使更大Ccalibration n. 刻度calibration n.标度, 刻度, 校准canonical n. 牧师礼服,法服;

4、a. 依教规的,权威的capacitance n.电容量cascade adj.级联的cathode n. 阴极Celsius a. 摄氏的Celsius a. 摄氏的channel n.通道characteristic n. 特性charge n. 电荷v.充电Choke v. 窒息,阻塞circuit n.电路circuitry n. 电路,线路cobalt n. 钴coefficients n. 系数collector n. 集电极common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) 共模抑制比common mode voltage 共模电压comparator n. 比

5、较器compatible a.兼容的compensation n. 补偿, 赔偿complement n. 补充物compromise n.;v. 妥协,折中concession n. 让步,妥协conditioning n. 调节,调理conduct n.导体conduction band 传导带conductivity n. 传导性,传导率configuration n.配置constant n. 常数,恒量contiguous a. 邻近的,接近的control line 控制线control-oriented 控制方向conversion time 转换时间, 变换时间coulomb

6、n. 库仑counter n. 计数器criterion n. 标准critical frequency 临界频率, 截止频率crocodile n. 鳄鱼cumbersome a. 麻烦的cumbersome a. 笨重的cursor n. 光标Cycle n. 循环, 周期Ddata line 数据线deactivate a. 非激活的decimal a. 十进位的, 小数的decimal a. 十进位的,小数的decode v. 解码,译解deduce v. 推论, 演绎出delicate a. 细致优雅的,微妙的,美味的deposit vt.存放, 堆积designate v. 指定d

7、esktop n. 桌面deterioration n. 恶化,退化dielectric n. 电介质dielectric strength 电介质强度, 绝缘强度differential amplifier 差动放大器differentiator n. 微分器diffuse v. 散播,使(光线)漫射digital a. 数字的digital-to-analog converter(DAC) 数模转换器diode n.二极管direct current 直流电流disc n. 圆盘型discharge v.放电discrete adj.不连续的, 离散的dispatch v. 分发,派遣di

8、ssipate v. 使消散(浪费)divert v. 转移divide v. 分开,分类divider circuit 分压电路drift n. 漂流物, 漂流;v. 漂流Dual-Slope Ramp ADC 双积分ADCEelectrode n.电极electrolytic capacitor 电解电容electrolytic lead 电解铅electromotive a. 电的,电动的electromotive force 电势electron n. 电子emitter n. 发射极encapsulation n. 封装,包装encase v. 包围,装入箱内,把装入箱中,包起enc

9、ode v. 编码entanglement n. 纠缠牵累epoxy n. 环氧基树脂equate vt. 等同,使相等equilibrium n. 平衡, 均衡erroneous a. 错误的,不正确的establish vt. 建立evaluate v. 评估,评价evolve v. 进展,进化execute v. 执行exemplify v. 例证,例示expansion slot 扩展槽exponential a.指数的exponential decay 指数式衰减Ffabricate v. 制造,装配factor n.因子Fahrenheit a. 华氏的;n. 华氏温度计farad

10、 n. 法拉feedback n.反馈ferrite n. 铁氧体filter n. 滤波器fine-tuning 调整finite open loop gain 有限开环增益first order system 一阶系统flowchart n.流程图fluctuation n. 波动,起伏flux line 磁通线follower n. 跟随器forward voltage 正向电压fraction n. 分数, 小部分, 破片fractional a.分数的full-duplex 全双工Ggalvanometer n.检流计gauge n. 标准度量,计量器generic a. 一般性的,

11、标准样本应用程序Germanium n. 锗gyration n. 回旋,回转,旋转Hhardware n.硬件hard-wired 硬件线路Henry n. 亨,亨利hexadecimal n. 十六进制,十六进制的high-performance 高性能Hole n.空穴hysteresis 滞后作用,磁滞现象 Iideal inverting amplifier 理想反向放大器impedance n. 阻抗impede v. 妨碍,阻碍,阻止impurity n. 杂质incandescent a. 白热的,发白热光的increment n.增量increment n. 增加(增加物,增

12、量,余差)induce v.感应inductance n. 电感,感应系数inductor n.电感器inequality n. 不等式inevitably ad. 不可避免地infrared a. 红外线的initialization values 初始值initiate v. 开始,初始instantaneous a. 瞬间的,即刻的instrumentation amplifier 仪器放大器insulate v. 使绝缘,隔insulator n.绝缘体,绝热器integral n. 积分integrated circuit 集成电路integrator n.积分器interpret

13、n.解释interrupt n. 中断interval n. 间隔inverter n. 变换器inverting input 反向输入isolation n. 隔离,孤立issue v. 发出Llatch v. 锁存lead compensation 导线补偿leakage n. 泄漏linkage n. 联系,连锁,结合logarithm n.对数loop n.循环lower-lying energy state 低电能态low-ripple source 低纹波源low-ripple 低纹波Mmacro a. 巨大的,突出的;n. 宏指令magnetic field 磁场magnitud

14、e n.大小, 数量mainline glue 主流程综述maneuver n. 演习,调遣,策略;v. 调遣,演习,用计策measurement junction 测量点megohm n.兆欧(姆)memory n. 存储器memory-read instruction 读存储器指令metallic a. 金属的microwave band 微波带宽microwave oven 微波炉millivolt n.毫伏misuse vt. n. 误用,滥用mnemonic a. 助记的,记忆的modulo n. 模数;按模计算molecule n. 分子multimeter n. 万用表multi

15、plexer n.多路器multiplication n. 乘法,增加Multiply v.乘, 增加multivibrator n. 多谐振荡器Nnegligible a. 可以忽略的, 微不足道的nibble n. 轻咬,啃;v. 咬,一点点地咬,慢慢啃nickel n.镍nonideal adj.非理想的noninverting input 同向输入nonlinear a. 非线性的non-page-oriented 面向非页面的nonsymmetrical a. 不对称的nonvolatile a. 永久的,长存的,不挥发的,非挥发性的notch filter 槽型滤波器null n.

16、零, 空numerator n.分子Oobsolete a. 已废弃的,过时的obstacle n. 障碍octal a.八进制的offset n. 偏移offset current 偏移电流ohm n.欧姆omega n. 希腊字母的最后一个字 opcode(operand code) 操作码open-collector 集电极开路operational amplifier 运算放大器optimize v. 使完美,使完善;v.优化overlap n.(数)交迭,相交Pparallel a. 并行的parity n. 同等,同格,同位passive band-pass filter 无源带通

17、滤波器pedestrian n.行人Peltier effect 珀耳帖效应peripheral a.外设的, n. 外设peripheral a.外围的peruse v. 熟读,精读,阅读pictorial a. 绘画的n. 画报pinout 管脚引出platinum n. 白金plumb n. 测水锤,垂直;a. 垂直的;v. 探测,了解pointless a.无意义的polarise vt. 极化polyester n.聚酯polystyrene n. 聚苯乙烯potential n.电位,电势potential drop 电位降,势能落差precautions n. 预防,保护pref

18、ix n. 前缀prescaler n. 预换算装置,预定标器printed circuit board 印制电路板procedure n. 程序,步骤processor 处理器program n. 编程,程序Program Status Word(PSW) 程序状态字prolong v. 延长,拖延propagation n. 增殖,繁殖,传播proportionately ad. 相称地,成比例地pull-up 上拉Qquadrature n.正交,九十度相位差quote n. 引用;v. 引述, 举证, 报价Rradial a. 光线的,光线状的,放射状的ramp voltage 斜坡电

19、压range n.幅度, 范围ratings n. 额定值capacitor k_p_sit_ n.电容器recipient n. 接受者rectangular wave 矩形波rectifier diode 整流二极管reference n. 参考reference junction 参考点register n. 寄存器relay n. 继电器reliability n. 可靠性remedial a. 治疗的,补救的,矫正的repeatable a. 可重复的reposition n. 新位置;v. 改变的位置resistance coefficient 电阻系数resistive a. 电

20、阻的resistor n.电阻restrict v.限制reverse voltage 反向电压rising (or falling) edge 上升(下降)沿rod n. 棒型rudimentary a. 基本的,初步的,起码的,根本的Ssample-and-hold 采样保持saturate vt.使饱和scheme n. 方案,蓝图,框架Seebeck effect 塞贝克效应self-nulling 自回零semiconductor n. 半导体semiconductor n. 半导体sensitivity n. 灵敏度sequence n. 序列,顺序sequential a. 连续

21、的shaft n.轴sheath n. 鞘,叶鞘, 翅鞘shorthand n.速记shunt vt. 分流(器)siblings n. 兄弟signal diode 信号二极管silicon n. 硅sinusoidal a. 正弦曲线的slope n.斜率Socket n. 插座software n.软件soldering n. 焊接,锡焊,低温焊接span n. 跨距square wave 方波Stack Pointer (SP) 堆栈指针stipulate v.规定stipulation n. 约束,约定,规定strobe n. 闸门(频闪观测器,频闪放电管);v. 闸(选通,发出选通

22、脉冲)stuff n. 材料,原料,东西;v. 填满,塞满subroutine n. 子程序subscript n.下标,标记Successive Approximation ADC 逐次逼近ADCsuffix n. 后缀superimpose vt. 重叠(安装, 添加)supplier n. 供应商Ttally n. 标签(手执计数器,对应物);v. 计算(记录)tantalum n.钽(金属元素)Teflon n. 聚四氟乙烯theoretical a. 理论上的thermal a. 热的,热量的thermal a. 热的,热量的thermistor n. 热敏电阻thermocoupl

23、e n. 热电偶thermoelectric a. 热电的thermometer n. 温度计thermostat n. 恒温器thermostatic a. 温度调节装置的Thvenin equivalent circuit 戴维南等效电路timer n. 计时器,定时器tolerance n.容限,公差,允许误差traffic table 切换表;交通图transient response 暂态响应transistor n. 晶体管transparent a. 可为某种射线所透射的,透明的trigger n.触发器trimmer adj. 可变的tri-state buffer 三态缓冲器

24、truncate v. 截去tube n.电子管tune v. 调谐twin-T filter 双T 滤波器twist n. 扭曲;v. 拧,扭曲Uultraviolet-Erasable 紫外线可擦除的uncertainty n. 不确定unidirectional n.单向性的unipolar a. 单极性的USART (Universal Serial Asynchronous Receiver & Transmitter)通用串行异步收发器VVacuum n. 真空,空间,真空吸尘器valence n. 化合价valence band 价(电子)带valence band 价(电子)带

25、valence electron 价电子valve n.阀variation n. 变化, 变动versus n.对抗vibrate v. (使)振动,(使)摇摆;摇动,震动vibration n. 震动,颤动voltage detector 电压侦测器voltage follower 电压跟随器voltage regulator 稳压器,电压调节器WWheatstone bridge 惠斯登电桥Zzener diode 稳压二极管,齐纳二极管zener voltage 齐纳电压zeroing n. 零位调整电子信息工程专业常用词组Aabbreviated dialing 快速呼叫,缩位拨号a

26、cquisition time 采集时间active circuit 有源电路address space 地址空间alternating current 交流电流amplitude modulation 调幅,波幅调制anti-alias 抗锯齿,平滑API(Application Programming Interface) 应用编程接口assembly language 汇编语言automatic call re-routing 自动呼叫转移BBackward and Binary Compatibility向后二进制方式兼容backward compatibility 向后兼容;反向兼容

27、性band-gap energy 带隙能band-reject 带阻bi-directional 双向的bi-directional 双向的bipolar power 双极性电源biquad (a stage containing two poles and up to two zeros)两象限bluetooth 蓝牙技术board-level assemblies 板级装配bottleneck 瓶颈breakdown voltage 击穿电压bridge arm 桥臂bridge circuit 桥路Ccarrier wave 载波cellular telephone 移动电话circui

28、t switched 电路切换co-axial cable 同轴电缆coaxial cables 同轴电缆common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) 共模抑制比common mode voltage 共模电压conduction band 传导带connection-oriented 面向连接的control-oriented 控制方向conversion time 转换时间, 变换时间critical frequency 临界频率, 截止频率critical region 临界代码段Ddetailed billing 详细话单dielectric strength

29、电介质强度, 绝缘强度differential amplifier 差动放大器direct current 直流电流divider circuit 分压电路Eelectrical impulse 电磁脉冲,电脉冲electrolytic capacitor 电解电容electrolytic lead 电解铅electromagnetic energy 电磁能electromotive force 电势embedded system 嵌入式系统executable code 可执行代码expansion slot 扩展槽exponential decay 指数式衰减FFeature compat

30、ibility 特征兼容性fiber optic cable 光导纤维电缆fibre optic cable 光缆;光纤电缆FIFO(First-In First-Out) 先入先出file system 文件系统finite open loop gain 有限开环增益first order system 一阶系统fixed-point 定点flip-flop 触发器floating point operation 浮点操作,浮点运算floating-point 浮点floppy disk 柔性塑料磁盘,(软)塑料磁盘,软盘flux line 磁通线forward voltage 正向电压Fou

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