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1、高二英语人教版必修5第13单元精品教案高二英语人教版必修5第1-3单元精品教案 Unit 1Great sientistsBrief Stateents Based n This UnitThis unit enters n Great sientists, inluding se sientists bth at he and abrad lie hn Sn and perniusThe students shuld be enuraged t pratise taling abut these sientistsThe hle unit an be divided int seven pa

2、rts: aring up, reading, listening and speaing, language fusing, reading and riting, graar, and assessent In aring up, there is a quiz fr the students t d, hih ill aruse the students interest in ning abut the faus sientists and help the students t n siene is ver iprtant in ur dail lifeGrup disussin a

3、nd brainstring ill be used in this perid t help the students t uniate ith eah ther using their previus nledgeIn the reading passage, the students ill learn abut hn Sn, h defeats“ing hlera”, and get a general idea abut h t exaine a ne sientifi ideaThis ill help the students t fr their n attitude tard

4、s sieneIn learning abut language, the students are enuraged t learn the flling rds and expressins: engine, harateristi, radiu, ther, sientifi, exaine, nlude, analze repeat, defeat, attend, expse, ure, ntrl, absrb, severe, valuable, blae, iediatel, handle, annune, instrut, virus, nstrutin, ntribute,

5、psitive, veent, baard, plete, enthusiasti, spin, reet, vie, stea engine, put frard, dra a nlusin, in additin, lint, be strit ith, lead t, ae sense, pint f viehile pratising using the language, the students ill learn abut pernius Revlutinar Ther, and their sills f reading, speaing and riting ill be i

6、prved In listening and speaing, re hanes ill be given t the students t learn abut ther sientists and their spiritThe students are enuraged t ae up their ind t ae ntributins t sieneThe students ill be ased t rite a letter t pernius n the basis f the understanding f the textThe letters are sure t be f

7、ull f iaginatin and reativit Assessent ill help the students t l ba hat the have learned and fus n the diffiult and iprtant pintsS, this unit ill be divided int seven perids as flls: Perid 1ele t the Unit Perid 2Reading Perid 3Listening and Speaing Perid 4Reading and riting Perid Graar Perid 6Langua

8、ge Fusing Perid 7Assessent nledge ais: e rds in this unit: engine, harateristi, radiu, ther, sientifi, exaine, nlude, analze, repeat, defeat, attend, expse, ure, ntrl, absrb, severe, valuable, blae, iediatel, handle, annune, instrut, virus, nstrutin, ntribute, psitive, veent, baard, plete, enthusias

9、ti, spin, reet, vie e phrases in this unit: put frard, n abut, l int, in additin, prevent sthfr ding, lead t, ae sense, punish sbfr, suggest ding sthstea engine, dra a nlusin, lint, be strit ith, lead t, pint f viee sentene patterns: 1 But he beae inspired hen he thught abut helping rdinar peple exp

10、sed t hlera 2 He gt interested in t theries explaining h hlera illed peple 3 nl if u put the sun there did the veents f the ther planets in the s ae senseGraar in this unit: Past partiiple used as attribute and prediative Abilit ais: 1T tal abut great sientists and their great ahieveents 2T guess ha

11、t ill be taled abut in the listening aterials 3T iprve their reading sills 4T learn t use past partiiple as attribute and prediative Etin ais: T enurage the students t learn abut se great sientists and their great ahieveents and h siene helps t iprve ur siet and hange ur lifeeanhile, inspire the stu

12、dents t learn fr the sientists and fr their psitive attitude tards sienePerid 1ele t the UnitThe General Idea f This PeridThe unit enters n“great sientists”This is the first perid f this unitDuring this perid, the students shuld be enuraged t give their previus nledge f se f the faus sientists, part

13、iipate in the ativities in lass and tr t get re infratin fr the disussinThe ill tae part in different frs f ativities, inluding pair r, grup r, petitin, and quizGrup petitin ill be arried ut all thrugh the lass rds and expressins in this unit ill help the students t tal abut the tpi“great sientists”

14、S at the beginning f this perid, the teaher shuld spend se tie training the students t read the and help the students prnune the rretlThe students are enuraged t learn the ne rds in grups b theselves, using ditinaries and ther referene bsThen re tie shuld be given t the students t get failiar ith th

15、e rds and expressinsLastl, several sentenes ill be given t the students t help the t n h t use se f the phrasesThis unit is abut“great sientists”, s fr the ver beginning, the teaher an enurage the students tal abut their dreas in the futureThen the teaher an let the students brainstr sething abut gr

16、eat sientistsThe students are free t sa anthing that the nThe students ill be quite interested in this tpiThis ativit gives the students a hane t express their feelings abut their favrite sientistAt the sae tie, this ativit an stir the students enthusias in sieneThen the teaher an have the students

17、ath the faus sientists ith their disveries, inventins r theries, aing sure that the have se n sense abut se rld-faus sientistsLater the students ill be divided int several grups, desribe ne f the great sientists and let ther students guess h he r she is taling abutIn this a, the students shuld learn

18、 t rganize their n sentenes and express their ideas learl After that, the students ill feel frtable t d the quiz in the textThe students shuld be enuraged t give re infratin abut these ten sientists eanhile, the students interest in sientists and siene shuld be ultivatedS t tpi disussin questins, as

19、 ell as the pratie exerises are designed The pst-lass ativities are designed t aruse the students interest in siene and enurage the t“DId it urself” in their dail life if the have se dubt in se areasTeahing Iprtant PintsHave the students disuss great sientistsEnurage the students t hld their vies ab

20、ut their future areer Understand and learn the flling rds and expressins: engine, harateristi, radiu, ther, sientifi, exaine, nlude, analse, repeat, defeat, attend, expse, ure, ntrl, absrb, severe, valuable, blae, iediatel, handle, annune, instrut, virus, nstrutin, ntribute, psitive, veent, baard, p

21、lete, enthusiasti, spin, reet, vie, stea engine, put frard, dra a nlusin, in additin, lint, be strit ith, lead t, ae sense, pint f vie Teahing Diffiulties hat an e learn fr the sientists? hat shuld e d in ur dail life t develp ur interest and lve fr siene? Teahing AidsAI equipent ith a ulti-edia las

22、sr and ther nral teahing tls Three Diensinal Teahing Aisnledge AisLearn sething abut se faus sientists in the rld n abut the utstanding disveries, inventins and theries fr se ell-nn sientistsTr t understand and learn the iprtant rds and expressins Abilit AisDevelp the students abilit f speaing Enura

23、ge the students t give re infratin abut the great sientists Etinal AisEnurage the students t learn re abut the great sientists and learn fr the Help the students t fr the gd habit in learning and enurage the students t tae part in sial pratie Help the students t realize that it is sientifi spirit th

24、at aes thse sientists suessfulEnurage the students t develp their lve fr siene Teahing PredureStep 1 GreetingTeaher: Hell, everne Teaher: Hell, r/s Step 2 Lead in T: I ver glad t see u all hereAfter a lng hlida, all f u l energeti and happI hpe that e ill r hard tgether happil all thrugh the earI d

25、believe that a bright future is aiting fr ue are sure t realize ur dreas in the near futureB the a, Id lie t n hat u uld lie t be in the futureLet e share ur dreasAnne h gives ur idea ill get a star fr ur grupRead?G!S: I adire ang Liei ver uh, h is a great hnur t ur therlandId lie t be an astrnaut l

26、ie hiT: eah, the spaeraft, Shenzhu V, rbited the earth 14 ties in 21 hurs, aing hina the third untr t have suessfull sent an astrnaut int spaeI hpe u ill realize ur dreaS: I ant t be a dtrI hpe Ill be an utstanding ne and be expert in finding ures fr different inds f aners T: Thats a gd ideaThere ar

27、e s an patients ith aners in the rld, h are suffering a ltThan u! S: I ant t be an English teaher lie uFr ne thing, I lie English ver uh; fr anther, u are nt nl strit ith us but als patient ith usu are ust ur friends and abe re than ur friends seties T: I reall gla d t hear thatIts great hnr t be ur

28、 friends and I lie b ver uhS: Id lie t be an expert in envirnentu see, ith the develpent f industr, ur glbe is seriusl pllutedDirt ater, plluted air, and lud nise ae ur living nditins rseI thin e shuld leave a beautiful rld t the next generatin T: es, sene predited that the last drp f ater in the rl

29、d uld be the tear f huan beingsI thin all f us shuld pa attentin t ur envirnent, and ae ur ntributins t iprving the envirnent S: I s interested in phsisAnd I have read Stephen Haings A Brief Histr f Tie tieI hpe I ill be a sientist lie hiAs e all n, the develpent f ur siet ill g hand in hand ith the

30、 develpent f sieneT: eah, I ant agree ith u reS iene plas an iprtant part in the develpent f ur sietThere are s an exaples in the histr f huan beingsSs: T: I s glad t share ur dreasur abitin and areful thughts reall leave a gd and aazing ipressin n eI lie theIn this unit, u ill learn sething abut“Gr

31、eat sientists”abe u ill n hat u need in ur effrts t realize ur dreas after e tal abut se rld-faus sientistsBefre e e t“aring up”, Id lie u t e t the ne rds in this unit, hih ill help u t learn this unit Step 3 rd puzzlesT: pen ur bs and turn t Page 92Lets read the rds and expressins tgether (Let the

32、 students read the rds and expressins tgetherHelp the prnune the ne rds and expressins rretlLater give the se tie t pratise reading and reeber se eas and iprtant nesGive re help t thse h are pr in prnuniatin) T: Here are se definitins f se f the rds fr this unitPlease r in pairs and ath the rds ith their definitins(grup petitin) rdsDefinitins r explanatinsAexaine1general priniples f an art r siene Brepeat2sa r d again ther3at ne; ithut dela Diediatel4l atarefull in r

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