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1、高一英语下学期期中考试试题下学期 北师大版高一(下)期中考试英语试题听力部分第一节:听对话或独白(15小题,每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)请听下面一段对话,回答第1-3三个小题1. Why doesnt the woman take the last plane in the evening?A. Its fully booked B. Its too late C. Its too expensive2. Which plane does the woman decide to take?A. The 10:15plane B. The 11:15plane C. The 8:15pla

2、ne3. Where does the woman live?A. At a hotel B. At a friends home C. At home 请听下面一段对话,回答第4-6三个小题4What does the woman do on Thursday?A. She will be preparing her lecture B. She will have a date with her studentC. She will have a meal with the man5. When will the two speakers have a meal?A. Next Thurs

3、day B. Next Friday C. Next Saturday6. What does the woman probably do?A. A doctor B. A teacher C. A manager请听下面一段对话,回答第7-9三个小题7. Why was the man late for work?A. He got up late B. He didnt catch the bus C. The traffic was heavy8. What is car pool?A. A kind of organization B. The name of a company C.

4、 A group of people living nearby ride to work together in one car9. How does the woman know so much about car pool?A. She works for it B. She has read about it in the paper C. She has joined a car pool请听下面一段对话,回答第10-12三个小题10. What is the main purpose of the program?A. To explain why people dream B.

5、To explain how the brain worksC. To tell a famous mystery story11. On which channel is the program on? A. Channel 4 B. Channel 9 C. Channel 1012. Why does the man ask the woman to watch the program?A . It will never be shown again B. It can help the woman improve her memory skillsC. It will be a hel

6、p for her study请听下面一段对话,回答第13-15三个小题13. What is the topic of this talk?A. Womens clothing B. The change in mens clothing in AmericaC. Dress requirements in America14. What are American men beginning to do?A. Dress more formal B. Not worry about life C. Dress more informal15. What have restaurants do

7、ne?A. Have admitted women B. Have changed dress rulesC. Have closed第二节:听取信息(5小题,每题1.5 ,满分7.5 分)请听下面一段材料,从听到的内容中获取必要的信息,然后填入标号为16-20的空格中。 Sandra finds everything _16_in the USA. Sandras mouth _17_at the thoughts of the delicious Chinese dishes. “Im starving to death ” , “Im famished ”are some ways of

8、 describing peoples _18_. Sandras mother is a (n)_19_. Sandra will send her mother a tape so that she can hear some real_20_. 单项选择部分 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。21You know, _ knowledge of _computer is necessary to a secretary(秘书). Aa; / Bthe; the Cthe; / Da; a22The room was empty

9、_ a computer and a desk. Aexcept Bwithout Cexcept for Dbesides23A big earthquake_ Pakistan on October 8 , 2005, _ over 70,000 people. Astrikes; killing Bstruck; killing Cknocked; killed Dhit; kills24The terrible flood swallowed the village _ the villagers could get away. No one survived it. Aafter B

10、as Csince Dbefore25 What terrible weather! It _ for ten days, more or less. The rain season will last about a month. Arains Bis raining Crained Dhas been raining26He said he had never seen her before, _ was not true. Ait Bthat Cwhich Dwhat27. The wallet _ several days ago was found _ in the rubbish.

11、 Astealing; lie Bstolen; lying Cstealing; lain Dstolen; to lie28. I wont go to his birthday without _. A. inviting B. being invited C. invited D. to be invited29. He told me a piece of news, _ terrible.A. I think it is B. I think which is C. which I think it is D. which I think is30. The yellow hous

12、e _ windows face south is the place _ I spent my childhood. A. whose, that B. whose, where C. which, where D. where, which31The child dreamed that he had once lived in a _ house in the forest. A. wooden pretty little B. little pretty wooden C. pretty little wooden D. wooden little pretty32Is this fa

13、ctory _?A. the one your father works in B. where your father worksC. which your father works D. your father works in33Tony was very unhappy for _ to the party. Ahave not been invited Bnot having invited Chaving not invited Dnot having been invited34_ in the leg, the soldier was sent to hospital. ASe

14、riously injured BTo be injured CInjuring badly DHaving injured35Did he _ to escape being punished by the police? No, he _ to, but failed. Atry; managed Bsucceed; tried Cmanage; tried Dsucceed; managed 完形填空部分(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Anna lived on the side o

15、f a valley. One winter, there was a very big flood, and a lot of houses 36 Annas were washed away. Annas house was high enough to escape the flood, so when the water had disappeared and the other houses were _37 there with no roof and no walls and all covered with _38 , her house was 39 quite all ri

16、ght. Her house was quite small, her husband was dead, and she had four children , 40 Anna took in one of the families that had lost 41 in the flood and she 42 her home with them until it was 43 for them to rebuild their houses. Annas friends were 44 when they saw Anna do this. They could not underst

17、and why Anna wanted to give 45 so much more work and trouble when she already had quite a few children to 46 .Well, Anna 47 her friends, at the end of the First World War, a woman in the town where I 48 lived found herself very poor, because her husband 49 in the war and she had a lot of children, 5

18、0 I have now. The day before Christams, this woman said to her children, We wont be able to have much for 51 this year, so Im going to 52 only one present for all of us. Now Ill go and get it. She came back 53 a girl who was even poorer than they, and who had no parents. Heres our present, she said

19、to her children. The children were 54 to get such a present. They welcomed the little girl, and she grew up as their sister. 55 was that Christmas present.”36Adown below Bjust around Cnext to Dabove37Arising Bappearing Cfalling Dstanding38Awater Btrees Cdust Dmud39Ajust Balready Cyet Dstill40Aso Bbu

20、t Cfor Dsince41Anothing Beverything Canything Dsomething42Amade Bfound Cshared Dbuilt43Apossible Bnecessary Cimportant Dvaluable44Aworried Bdisappointed Cpuzzled Dimpressed45Athem Bherself Cthem all Dher46Asupport Bsupply Cgrow Dkeep47Aexplained to Basked for Ctalked with Dspoke as48Aactually Bthen

21、Cbefore Dlater49Ahad killed Bmight be killed Chad been killed Dkilled50Afor Bas Clike Dthat51Ayou Bus CChristmas Dyour birthday52Aget Bsend Cbuy Dmake53Afor Bfrom Clike Dwith54Asad Bhappy Cworried Dsorry55AIt BShe CSuch DI阅读理解部分 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AEducation is requi

22、red and free for every child in the United States. Most children start school by the age of six. They attend eight years of elementary school and four years of high school (or secondary school ).The money for free public schools comes from taxes, and each state is responsible for its own educational

23、 system .State legislatures (立法机关) set the educational requirements but leave the management of the schools in the hands of the local communities .Most states require their children to go to school until a certain age. This age varies from 16 to 18 years according to the laws of the individual state

24、. The Federal government contributes funds to the states for additional schools and schools services.After graduation from high school, a student can start his higher education in two year college, a four-year college, a university or a specialized professional school-either public or private. Most

25、colleges admit students on the basis of their high-school records. The cost of a college education is expensive in private universities, but it is much less in those supported by states and cities. Many students receive scholarships from the schools, the government, or private foundations and organi

26、zations. More than 50 percent of the college students work to help pay their college expenses.Only 2 percent of the population of the country cannot read and write.56、Where does the money for public schools come from ?A. From the Federal government. B. From the state legislatures.C. From taxes. D. F

27、rom the parents of the school children.57、What is the educational system in the United States based on ?A. The Federal government B. Individual schoolC. Individual state D. Local communities58、What percentage of the population is illiterate (文盲) ?A. 50 B. 2 C. 4 D. 659、How are college expenses of mo

28、st students paid ?A. They won earnings from part-time work .B. Scholarship from the schools, the government or private foundations.C. Taxes .D. Both A and B.BToday, roller skating is easy and funBut a long time ago, it wasnt easy at all. Before 1750, the idea of skating didnt exist. That changed bec

29、ause of a man named Joseph Merlin. Merlins work was making musical instruments. In his spare time he liked to play the violin. Joseph Merlin was a man of ideas and dreams. People called him a dreamer.One day Merlin received an invitation to attend a fancy dress ball(化装舞会). He was very pleased and a

30、little excited. As the day of the party came near, Merlin began to think how to make a grand entrance at the party. He had an idea. He thought he would get a lot of attention if he could skate into the room.Merlin tried different ways to make himself roll. Finally, he decided to put two wheels under each shoe. These were the first roller skates. Merlin was very proud of his invention and dreamed of arriving at the party on wheels while playing the violin.On the night of the party Merlin rolled into the room playing his violin. Everyone was astonished to see him. Th

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