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2、定意义的词汇的问题如not,except,least等,要特别注意,不要忽视它们导致理解错误。4要准确把握指代关系,如为避免重复而使用的人称代词、物主代词、关系代词等。 举例分析 Jack Wurm was walking along the shore when he saw a bottle on the sand. As he stooped to pick it up, Jack saw a note inside. He couldnt believe what he read. The note is worth (价值)over six million dollars! It w

3、as a will, written by a very rich man. Of course, the man had died. It said that whoever found the bottle would get half of his fortune(财产). The bottle had been floating in the ocean for twelve years before Jack found it.Jack Wurm never picked up bottles at the shore, but this time he did!1) Jack fo

4、und the bottle _ A. in his house B. in a store C. at the shore D. at a dump2) The bottle had been floating in the ocean for A. 6 months B. 12 years C. 6 years D. 12 months 通过审题知道第1题是问Jack是在哪里发现瓶子的,由文章的第一句话Jack Wurm was walking along the shore when he saw a bottle on the sand可以得出Jack是在海边漫步时,发现的瓶子,根据此

5、句可知第1题的答案是C。第2题问瓶子在海上漂浮了多长时间由The bottle had been floating in the ocean for twelve years before Jack found it这句可知是漂了12年所以第2题的答案是B。实践操练请阅读下列短文,然后选出最佳答案。 ( A )Do you know what a revolving(旋转) door is? It is a door that spins around when you push it. Many stores today have revolving doors, but years ago

6、 they were very rare. In 1890, the owner of a restaurant in New York City heard of the revolving door and believed it might help business. The owner took the regular door off and had a revolving door installed(安装). Many people came to the restaurant. There were over four thousand people the first da

7、y. But the owner of the restaurant wasnt too happy. The people entered the spinning door and kept going around until they were outside again. Very few people stopped to eat.1) The best title is . A. New York City Today B. A Wonderful Meal C. A Restaurant with a Revolving Door D. Up and Down the Stai

8、rs2) The restaurant in the story was in . A. New York City B. Chicago C. Reno, Nevada D. Boston ( B )Does lightning frighten you? If it does, you should be glad that you dont live near the Catatumbo River in Venezuela. There is lightning every night all the year, near the river. As soon as the sun g

9、oes down, the lightning starts. Every few minutes there is another flash, and it continues(连续) all night long. When the next night comes, the lightning begins again. This has been happening for hundreds of years. Sometimes the lightning is so bright that it can be seen for 200 miles. Many people are

10、 afraid of lightning, but the people who live near the Catatumbo River are used to it.3) The best title is . A. The People of Venezuela B. Boating on the Catatumbo River C. Terrible Rainstorms D. Lightning Every Night4) At night, lightning flashes every few . A. hours B. minutes C. years D. weeks (

11、C )Dolphins have to eat about one-third of their weight in food each day to stay healthy. The usual dolphin diet is made up of different types of fish.Dolphins are able to catch fish because they are strong and fast swimmers. They can swim at a speed of twenty to twenty-five miles per hour. Dolphins

12、 are able to find fish by using their special way of sending and receiving sounds. Over and over, they send out numerous( 很多的) clicking noises and the noises bounce(弹) off objects in the water. The returning noises are picked up again by the dolphins. And then they go to find dinner.5) Which is the

13、best title for the passage? A. Fish for Dinner B. Facts About Ocean Creature C. The Speed of Dolphins D. The Dolphins Diet6) Dolphins send out sounds that are like . A. rings B. clicks C. claps D. whistles ( D )Every country has its own customs. Customs are the ways things are usually done. For exam

14、ple, it is the custom in America to shake hands when we meet someone. In some countries, people bow(鞠躬). We have our own eating customs too. Girls visiting the United States find some of them interesting. A girl from the Philippine( 菲律宾 ) Islands thinks our food is too cold-cold milk, cold juice, co

15、ld fruit. A girl from Uruguay(乌拉圭) thinks it strange that we eat so early at night. In Uruguay, they usually eat at about ten oclock. A girl from Sweden is surprised that you can buy so many different kinds of food in restaurants. Customs help make countries different. They make traveling to new cou

16、ntries fun.7) Which is the best title for the passage? A. Eating Late in Uruguay B. Eating in Restaurants C. Different Customs in Different Countries D. Traveling Is Fun8) Customs are _ in different countries. A. the same B. small C. sad D. different二. 猜测词义题型考查在阅读理解选择测试题中,总是有一些询问词义的题目。而这些词往往是我们不熟悉的词

17、。因此,我们必须学会猜测词义一般可以通过联系上下文和运用学过的构词法知识从意义和构词两个角度来;猜测词义,从而选出正确答案。那么具体的方法是什么呢?一起来看: 1根据上下文猜词义。 1)根据定义或解释猜词义。有时作者会在文中给出该词的定义或用另一种方式进行解释。 2)利用说明词义的定语或同位语来猜词义。引出该词同位语的词一般有:or,that is,in other words等。还有的同位语是以破折号或括号的形式出现。3)根据上下文的内容猜词义。我们可以通过整合上下文中的有关信息进行有机的联想。4)利用文章中的举例猜测词义。我们可以运用从具体到一般的归纳法,根据文中所举例子来概括词义。5)利

18、用常识来猜词义。6)利用对比和比较的词语猜词义。作者在文中比较类似事物时,一般要强调它们的相同或相似之处:同样,在强调事物的对立和区别时,要用到对比的手法或表对比的词语。我们可以从这些内容中获取线索。2利用构词法知识猜词义。1)分解复合词。如果生词是由两个或两个以上的单词构成。我们可以从每一个部分独立的意思及它们之间的联系猜词义。2)辨认前缀和后缀。我们可以根据自己认识的词根部分结合前后缀的含义猜出词义。猜测词义的设题一般有如下三种形式:1According to the author,the word“”means .2By“”the author means . 3The underlin

19、ed word“”means . 举例分析Have you ever wondered how animals can live in the hot ,dry lands of a desert(沙漠)?Most desert animals get all their water from the food they eatAlso,most of these animals find a haven during the dayThey crawl under rocks or live in underground holesThen,in the cool of the evenin

20、g,they come out to hunt for food and waterSome animals have special qualities that help them live in the desertFor example, tortoises(龟)arent likely to run out of water because they carry water in small pouches (袋)under their shells Snakes have tough skin that lets them crawl over rocks and sand wit

21、hout being cut0ver time,animals have found many ways of living in the desertThe word “haven” in line five means Ashelter Bplant Chot place Dopening 做这道猜测词义题时,我们需要根据上下文的内容来猜测。上文说的是,在又热又干的沙漠里生活的动物从食物中获取水分。下文是说在白天它们会爬到岩石下面或是住在地下的洞里,到了晚上凉爽的时候才出来找吃的。通过岩石和地洞,这些可以隐蔽和躲藏的地方,我们可以猜出在白天动物要找一些地方来躲避炎热,所以haven的意思就

22、是“避难或休息的地方”。在四个选项中,B的意思是植物,C的意思是热的地方。D的意思是开始的,都不符合,只有A的shelter有避难所的意思,所以答案是A。 实践操练请阅读下列短文,然后选出最佳答案( A )One day, a woman in Milford, New Jersey, went to her garden. To her surprise, a large turtle(龟) was eating her tomatoes. The woman put the turtle in her car and took it to a forest a mile and a hal

23、f away. Two weeks later, she again found the turtle eating her tomatoes. She couldnt be sure if it was the same one, so she put a dab of paint on its shell( 壳 ) and took it ten miles away. Turtles are known for their slowness, but four years later the same turtle was in her garden. The woman then ma

24、de the turtle her pet. She kept it in a pen( 围栏 ) and fed the turtle its favorite food-tomatoes. 9) The story says that turtles are known for their . A. quickness B. horns C. slowness D. swimming 10) The underlined word dab means . A. paper B. spot C. can D. picture ( B )Dictionaries say that spring

25、 fever is a lazy or restless feeling. People usually have the feeling on the first warm day of spring. Everyone has probably felt it at one time or another(曾经). People have talked about it for years. Recently, scientists have taken a good look at spring fever. What they found is quite surprising. In

26、 many places we live, the winter months often seem dark and dreary. When the spring comes in late March, the world becomes colorful. The number of daylight hours grows with each passing day. According to many scientists, all this sunlight sets off chemicals ( 化学物质 ) in the brain. The chemicals make

27、our mood(心情) change and bring on spring fever.11) You can tell that chemicals in the brain affect(影响) A. seasons B. sunlight C. feelings D. looks12) According to the author, the word dreary means A. gloomy B. snowy C. rainy D. long ( C )There is one song that you probably sing several times a year.

28、Its Happy Birthday to You. But you may not know that its title was Good Morning to All in 1893. The song was written by two sisters from Louisville, Kentucky. Mildred Hill, a teacher, wrote the music, and her sister, Patty Hill, a school principal(校长), wrote the words. They used the song to welcome

29、young children to the classroom in the morning. They never thought about singing it at birthday celebrations. In 1924, Robert H. Coleman, a publisher changed all that. He included the Hills song in one of his songbooks. He also changed one of the lines of the song to read Happy birthday to you. By 1

30、933, the Hills song had become popular. People knew it by its unofficial(非正式的) title-Happy Birthday to You.13) Patty Hill wrote _ _ A. the music B. the words and the music C. the words D. a songbook14) By publisher, the author means _ _ A. producer of books B. owner of books C. singer of songs D. re

31、ader of books三. 推理判断题型考查 在做阅读理解选择题时,我们会遇到这样一种题,它要求我们推断出作者在文中没有直接告诉我们的那些东西。这就是推理判断题。,推理判断题要求我们根据短文的主旨大意或细节事实作出合乎逻辑的推理和判断,理解作者没有明确表达出来而隐含在字里行间的意义。具体方法如下: 1判断,我们要对文章中所阐述的事实或细节按照逻辑发展的规律进行分析和概括,并以此为依据得出结论。 2推理,我们要以已知事实为依据来获得未知信息,我们需要在通读整句、整段或整篇文章,理解主要内容的基础上,找出关键词语,细读相关句段,根据问题进行思考、分析和推理。然后对选项逐个分析,得出正确答案。 3预则,根据出现的信息预测下文将会出现的信息,我们通常都会有意无意地在理解已知信息的基础上,对下文可能出现的信息进行预测。预测的方法有很多,可以通过逻辑上的意思来预测,也可通过标题或主题句预测,或借助语法结构、典型句型等预测。 推理判断的设题一般有如下几种形式: 1The passagestory implies(暗示,)that 2The author suggests that 3We can learn from the passage that 4You can tell from the story that 5The passage is intended to 6 What i

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