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1、专八改错练习15篇Error-correction Exercise 1( 3) NASA is about to launch a large satellite that will monitor the health of Earths atmosphere in unprecedented detail, and 1_and去掉_keeping daily track of everything from the upper ozone layer, that guards against solar radiation, to the air near the 2_that- whi

2、ch_ground that people breathe. The $785 million mission is to be launched Saturday from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. A Boeing Delta II rocket will send the 6,542-pound spacecraft into a 438-mile-high polar orbit. That is to scan the 3_ ThatIt _ atmosphere for at least six years. The craf

3、t, naming Aura, is the third and final addition to a series 4_ naming- named_ of major satellites making up NASAs Earth Observing System, an initial set of spacecraft that designed to study all of the processes 5_that去掉_ _that affect the Earths climate and weather. Terra, which monitors land-based p

4、rocesses, was launched in 1999; Aqua, which observes the oceans and water cycle of Earth, sent up in 2002. These flagship 6_sent前加_wasspacecrafts, joined by more than a dozen of other satellites launched by 7_of去掉_the United States and several other nations, allow long-term studies of the factors th

5、at influence climate change, using many different instruments. The launching is fundamentally a mission to understand and protect the very air we breathe. In conjunction with the 8_the后加other_ climate observatories, Aura should make a major contribution to determine the causes, extent and consequenc

6、es of global change. 9_determining_The spacecraft carries four instruments that will survey the atmosphere from top to bottom, including monitoring ozone in its good and bad forms. In the upper atmosphere, ozone in the stratosphere provides a protective barrier for harmful ultraviolet 10 for -_to_ra

7、diation from the Sun. In the troposphere, the atmospheric layer that goes from the ground up to about six miles, ozone produced by combustion is a major pollutant in smog.Key to Error-correction Ex. 11 答案:去掉and,语法辨析题。详解:考查现在分词的使用。And作并列连接词时,句子前后结构需一致,即keep应与monitor在结构形式上保持一致,否则,keep只能用现在分词形式,在定语从句中作

8、状语。2 答案:将that改为which,语法辨析题。详解:考查定语从句的引导词。That和which作关系代词时,前面的先行词均可表事物,但that只能用在非限制性定语从句中,所以此处应使用which。3 答案:将that改为it,词汇辨析题。详解:考查代词的使用。此处代词指代的是前面的spacecraft,that一般作指示代词或关系代词使用,it则指代前面提及过的事物。4 答案:将naming改为named,语法辨析题。详解:考查分词的用法。name作动词时,意思是“命名、取名”,因此,craft同它应是被动关系,表示“命名为”,故应使用过去分词起补充说明的作用。5 答案:去掉that或

9、在that后添加is,语法辨析题。详解:考查察后置定语的用法。后置定语可由分词充当,也可由从句充当。spacecraft同design是被动关系,因此可用过去分词来作后置定语,或者使用完整的定语从句。6 答案:在sent前加was或者将sent改为went,词汇题。详解:Send up意思是“使上升、把往上送”,在此句中作谓语动词,主语Aqua和它是被动关系。go up的意思是“上升、升起”,表主动,和主语的语法要求一致。7 答案:去掉of,词汇题。详解:考查固定短语及其后续结构。dozen作数词时,有两种用法:1)同基数词搭配,如a dozen, two dozen。后面接名词。2)同of构

10、成短语,表示“许多”。8 答案:在with the后面添加other,语篇题。详解:考查对前后句子的整体意义的把握。前面讲到Aura是用来监测地球气候的卫星,即它也属于climate observatory,因此,需用other来表明它们之间的关系。9 答案:将determine改为determining,语法辨析题。 详解:考查to作介词时,后续动词的形式。make contribution to意思是“在做出贡献”, to是介词,后面的动词须转化为动名词。10答案:将for改为to,词汇题。详解:考查介词搭配。For表目的,而此处barrier是用来阻挡紫外线的,所以应使用to才符合全句意

11、思。Error-correction Exercise 2( 5) Mars has provoked much speculation on the possibilities 1_ much 后加_moreof life on Earth than any other planet in the Solar System. 2_on-beyond_ The presence of water is a prerequisite for existing of life. Therefore, “follow the water” has 3_existence_been NASAs chi

12、ef guideline for the exploration of a 4_the_red planet. Although Mars experiences seasons like on Earth and has polar caps which composed of 5_which后加are_carbon dioxide and water ice, today it is bone-dry and frigidly cold. But evidence is rapidly accumulating thatMars is once much wetter, with a mo

13、re clement climate. 6_is-was_This evidence comes from orbiting satellites and from data collected by roving landers. Since the 1970s, space probes of Mars have revealed 7_of-to _numerous features apparent carved by flowing water, such as winding, branched valleys resembling driedout streambeds and g

14、iant outflow channels gouged by catastrophic floods. Recent high-resolution imagery from the Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Orbiter Camera and the Mars Odyssey Themis reveal numerous examples 8_reveals_of branched valleys that form tightly-packed integrated drainage system. There channels origins at top

15、ographic 9_originates_high points; the valleys widen “downstream”, some even displaying inner valleys. The valley networks exhibit morph metric characteristics, including networks densities, comparative to those of terrestrial drainage basins. 10_comparable_These features were most likely produced b

16、y rainfall, duringwetter, warmer periods in the past.Key to Error-correction Ex. 21 答案:把much改为more,也可以在much后面加more,语法辨析题。详解:句法错误,固定句型误用。此句的后半句部分出现了than的字样,前部分应该使用比较级。2 答案:把on改为beyond,词汇题。详解:词汇错误,介词误用。本句的意思应该是:火星引起的对地球以外存在生命的可能性的猜测比太阳系的任何其他行星都多。Life on Earth无疑与句意矛盾,应该把on改为beyond,才能表达“地球以外的生命”。3 答案:把e

17、xisting改为existence,词汇题。详解:词汇错误,词性混淆。Existing是形容词,意为“现存的,存在的”,在此要表示“生命的存在”,因此需用名词形式existence。4 答案:把a改为the,词汇题。详解:词汇错误,冠词误用。此处red planet应该是火星的代名词,所以要用特指,应使用定冠词the而非不定冠词a。5 答案:删除which或在which后面加are,语法辨析题。详解:句法错误,关系代词误用。用compose修饰caps时应采用过去分词形式,此处如用which引导的从句,则缺少系动词are,所以应该添加are或者直接去掉which。处于句子简洁考虑,删除whi

18、ch更合适一些。6 答案:把is改为was,语法辨析题。详解:句法错误,时态错误。虽然主句的时态是现在进行时,但从句有时间壮语once,所以此句中要用的是be动词的过去时而非现在时。7 答案:把of改为to,词汇题。详解:词法错误,固定短语误用。probe作为名词的时候,无论意思是“探针、探测器”还是“探索、调查”,都与介词to或者into搭配。本句的意思是:从20世纪70年代以来,火星探测器显示(火星上)许多显然是由于流水蚀刻而成的特征,如蜿蜒分叉得谷地,这与干枯的河床以及大洪水造成得巨大流水通道相似。8 答案:把reveal改为reveals,语法辨析题。详解: 句法错误,主谓不一致。本句

19、的主语是单数名词imagery,而from the Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Orbiter Camera and the Mars Odyssey Themis都只是imager的定语而已,并非此动词的主语。9 答案:把origins改为originates,词汇题。查详解:词汇错误,此行混淆。origin是名词,意思为“起源、由来、缘由“,无法作谓语动词,其动词形式为originate,意思为“引起、发起、起源、发生”,在此句中刚好作谓语动词。10答案:把comparative改为comparable,词汇题。详解:词汇错误,形近词混淆。comparative意

20、思是“和相当的、可比较的(属于、基于或包括比较的)”,这与句意不相符。由此推测可能因形近词混淆造成表义错误,与此词相似的形容词是comparative,意为“可比较的(允许与另一或其他的事物进行比较)、比得上的”,符合句意:谷地网络呈现变种度量特征,包括与陆地流域盆地相似的网状密度。Error-correction Exercise 3( 4) The word petroleum has its root in the Latin word oleum, 1 root -roots_which means oil, and the Greek word petra, which means

21、rock.The word petrified shares with the same Greek root. As the 2_with去掉_price of oleum has soared up, the links between fear and petroleum 3_up去掉_have become clear to economists as well as etymologists.Fears of heating-oil shortage this winter helped to push thebenchmark price of crude over $55 per

22、 barrel, a new record, onMonday October 18th. The spike in oil prices, up by over60% since the start of the year, is by turn, raising fears for the 4_turn-turns_global recovery. Even oil exporters are worried. The high pricesthey currently enjoy will slow economic growth next year,warned the Organiz

23、ation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries(OPEC) on Monday. If oil remains expensive, cartel 5_ cartel前加_the _Pointed out, people will buy less of it. The last week, for the 6_the 去掉_first time since June, American motorists paid more than $2 average for a gallon of petrol. To fill their tank these

24、days,they must shell out almost 30% more than last year. Therefore 7_But_the anxiety is not confined to the petrol pump. About 7.7m American households, most of whom in the north-east, rely 8_whom -_them_ on oil to warm their homes. In a cold snap, they draw on stockpiles of heating oil, amassed at

25、various points around thecountry. Inflation remains at bay, for the moment, most workers 9_ most 前加and_expect it to stay that way. There is a little sign yet that higher 10_a_去掉_oil prices are feeding into higher wage demands. It would thusbe too much to say that central bankers are petrified by pet

26、roleum.But as the price of oil sets new records, their rock-like confidenceis beginning to crumble.Key to Error-correction Ex. 31 答案:把root改为roots,语法辨析题。详解:语法错误,名词误用。此处根据上下文,提到的是两个root(词根),即oleum和petra,根据句子关系中的一致原则,需要的是root的复数形式,采用复数形式才符合句子语法的一致关系。2 答案:把介词with删掉,词汇题。详解; 词法错误,介词误用。句子中的意思是:单词petrified和

27、petroleum有一个共同的希腊词根,即petra。动词share的意思为“共享、共有、分配”,经常与介词with搭配,A share sth with B意为“和共享、和分享”,此结构和A and B share sth的意思相同,本句的结构为后者,所以应把介词with去掉。3 答案:删除up,词汇题。详解:词法错误,副词误用。本句的意思是指石油价格涨的非常快,甚至超出了正常的水平或速度,而Soar本身的意思就是是“ to ascend suddenly above the normal or usual level.。”因此在表达此意思时,毋需在 soar后添加任何的介词或者副词。4 答

28、案:把介词by改为in或者把turn改为turns,词汇题。详解:词法错误,固定短语混淆误用。本句要表的意思是“轮流、依次”。而在英文里面,有两个固定in turn或者 by turns。原文中就是混淆了此两个短语的用法。5 答案:在cartel前面添加定冠词the,语法辨析题。详解:语法错误,冠词缺失。根据上下文可知,此处的cartel特指前面的OPEC,在英文语法里面,当用一般名词作专有名词用时,通常要在这些一般名词前面加上定冠词the,表特指。6 答案:删除last week前面的定冠词the,语法辨析题。详解:语法错误,冠词误用。Last week指“上一周”,即过去的一周,与之相连的

29、谓语动词用过去时,the last week指“过去7天来”,指一直延续到当前的一周时间,也就是包括今天在内的7天时间,与之相连的谓语动词要用现在完成时。因此本题要把定冠词the去掉。7 答案:把therefore改为but,语篇题。详解:句法错误,连词误用。根据文章的上下文,此处要表达的是转折的关系,而非因果关系,因此要把连词改为表转折关系的but。8 答案:把most of whom后面的whom改为them,语法辨析题。详解:语法错误,代词误用。此处most of 连接的并非一个定语从句,而只是个代词本身,只要简单加上代词them即可。9 答案:在most前面添加上and,语法辨析题。详

30、解:语法错误,连词缺失。根据上下文,此处要表达的是并列关系,通货膨胀和工人们的期望之间是属于并列的关系。在英文里面,如果是完整的两句话放在一起,必须两句中间在上句号,或者添加合适的连词,否则就是违反了语法规则。10答案:删除a,语篇题。 详解:词法错误,冠词误用。根据表示转折关系的连词yet后面的内容可以得知,此 处要表达的是否定的意思。而在英文里面a little的意思是“一点点”,而little表示的是 “几乎没有的” 意思。Error-correction Exercise 4( 3) When an invention is made, the inventor has three p

31、ossible courses of action open for him: he can give the 1_ for -to_invention to the world by publishing it, keep the idea secrete, or paten it. A granted paten is the result of a bargain between an inventor and the state, by which the inventor gets a limited period of monopoly and publishes full details of his invention to the public after that period terminates. Only in the most exceptional circumstances are the life-span 2_ are -is_ _of a patent extended to alter this normal pr

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