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1、高中英语必修一到必修五短语必修一 1.add up 合计2.get sth done 使被做3.calm .down 镇定下来 4.have got to 不得不 concerned about 关心;挂念 6.walk the dog 遛狗7.hare sth with sb 和某人分享某物8.go through 经历;仔细检查,;通过(无被动) 9.hide away 躲藏;隐藏10.set down 放下;记下 11.a series of 一系列;一套 crazy about 对着迷 13.on purpose 故意 order to/ so as to

2、为了 15.face to face 面对面地 longer = not any longer 不再17.get along with 与相处18.pack up 收拾,打理行装 19.have trouble with sb/sth 在有困难20.fall in love(with) 相爱 happen to do 碰巧做某事.=It happens/happened that.碰巧发生某事22.join (sb) in sth 参加(活动)23.get/be tired of 对.厌烦24.get along (well) with 与. 进展的(好)25.cheat

3、 sb (out) of sth 骗取某人某物26.have the/a habit of doing sth 有做的习惯 27.suffer from 受. 折磨 different from 与不同 a role/ part (in) 在中担任角色;在中起作用;参与 an important role/ part 在中起重要作用 31.because of 因为;由于32.such as 例如municate with sb 和交流 34.believe it or not 信不信由你 native to 某地特有的动物/植物;原产于.e u

4、p (vi) 走近;上来;出现;发生;被提出e up with sth提出 based on 在.基础上39.ever before 从前40.more +adj + than +adj 与其说.倒不如说. the end of 在末期42.even if/ though 即使 43.make (good/ full) use of (好好/充分)利用44.changeinto 把变成 the early days 在早期46.from one place to another 从一处到另一处47.the sameas 与相同的 absent from

5、 缺席 present 目前 present at 在席;出席51.present sth to sb / present sb with sth赠礼物给某人 mand sb to do 命令某人做某事53.ommand that sb (should) + V 原形54.ones command (由)某人指挥56 ones request 应某人的要求57.make a request 请求58.request sb to do 请求某人做某事59.request that (should)+V原形60.have a (good) command of掌握(精通).61

6、.an international language 一门国际语言 international organization 一个国际组织 the 1600s = in the we know 正如我们所知 fare 单程票 66.round-trip fare 往返票67.take advantage of sth 利用.68.dream of/ about doing sth 梦想做某事 69.graduate from 从毕业70.persuade sb to do sth 说服某人做某事= persuade sb into

7、doing sth 71.persuade sb not to do sth 说服某人不做某事= persuade sb out of doing sth 72.get sb interested in 使某人对 感兴趣73.insist on/ upon (ones) sth/ doing sth 一定要;坚持要74.insist that“坚持要求” 从句谓语动词用(shoulid) do75.iinsist that “坚持说” 从句用陈述语气76.the best way of doing / to do sth 干某事的最好办法 an altitude of 在海拔上 78

8、.attitude to/ toward(s) 对态度 about 忧虑,关心; 在乎 for喜欢,照顾 81.change ones mind 改变主意 my mind = in my opinion83.make up ones mind to do 决心干某事84.determine to do sth ( 动作) determined to do sth(状态)决心干某事在句首或句尾作状语时determined to do sth86.give in (to sb / sth) 投降;屈服;让步 87.give in (vt) 上交

9、 88.give up doing/sth 放弃 89.ever since 自从. usual 像往常一样 midnight 午夜92.make camp 野营,宿营 93.put up ones tents 搭起帐篷94.sth be familiar to sb某事为某人所熟悉 be familiar with sth某人熟悉某事96.cant wait/ can hardly wait to do sth 迫不及待想干某事97.for one thing for another(引出某事的理由)一则.二则.98.have time to do 有时间

10、做某事 99.happen to do 碰巧做某事100.shake hands with sb 握手 101.burst into tears/ laughter突然哭/笑起来 =burst out crying/laughing 102.lie /be in ruins 成为废墟 103.cut across 穿过、横穿104.blow away 吹走、刮走 105.fall down 倒塌106.rescue workers 救援人员 pleased to do 乐意做某事108.make/ give a speech 发表演说 109.judging.from 根据来判断

11、110.tens of thousands of 成千上万 111.dig out 挖掘112.a great/ large number of =a great many/good 大量的 trapped in/ under 陷入/ 陷在下面 114.have sb do sth 让某人做某事= make sb do sth= let sb do sth e to an end (vi) 结束某事= put/ bring sth to an end = put/ bring an end to sth proud of / take pride in 以而自豪117

12、.invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事 118.think little of 对评价低 119.invite sb for/ to sth 120.think highly of 对评价高 1/3 two-thirds 2/3 seventy-five percent 75%122.agree with sb 123.give out 发出(气味等);分发;耗尽124.agree to sth 125.give off 发出(气味等)126.agree to do sth 127.give away 赠送;泄露128.agree on sth 达成

13、一致意见 129.give back 归还130.right away= right now= at once= immediately 立刻 you know 正如你所知道的 known as 作为而知名 is known to all 众所周知 known for 因而出名 could be expected 正如可以预料到的 is useless doing sth 干某事是无用的137.happen= take place= come about= break out偶发 有计划 偶发 战争等爆发138.lo

14、se heart 丧失勇气139.worry about 担心(动作)140.lose ones heart to sb/sth 爱上,喜欢上 worried about 担心(状态) in trouble 处于不幸中 sentenced to 被判处 out of work (状态)145.lose ones job 失业 equal to 等于,胜任147.s a matter of fact = in fact = actual事实上 148.beg for 乞讨149.blow up 充气,爆炸150.go up 上升,增长;

15、被兴建151.set up 建立,创立;设置,竖起152.send up 发射,使上涨153.set about 着手做某事 (set about doing sth)154.set off 出发,动身155.set up 设立,建立;设置,竖起156.set out 陈列,摆出;开始(set out to do sth) active in= take an active part in 积极参与,在活跃158.keep sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事 = stop sb (from) doing sth= prevent sb (from) doing sth

16、159.die for 为而死160.die of 死于(内因 如:饥饿,寒冷,疾病等)161die from 死于(外因)162.put sb in prison= throw sb into prison= send sb to prison 把投入监狱163.advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事164.advice 不可数 a piece of advice165.advise doing sth166.advise that (should)+ v原167.advise sb on sth168.fight against 为反对而斗争169.fight for 为争

17、取而斗争170.fight with 同并肩作战/ 同斗争171.have problems/ difficulty/ trouble with sth172.have problems/ difficulty/ trouble (in) doing sth out 算出 willing to do sth 乐于做某事175.realize ones dream of 实现 的梦想176.answer violence with violence 以暴制暴177.break the law 违反法律e to power 当权,上台 activ

18、ities 社会活动必修二1. look into 调查 2. insist on/upon sth/doing 坚持做,坚决做3. belong to属于 4. get /be lost ; be missing迷路,丢失5. do with 处理;对付 6. in search of ;in the/ones search for寻找7. be used to do sth. 被用来做某事 8. be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事9. be made into . .被制成; be made of /from用制成(看得见原材料/看不见原材料)be made for为制

19、作, be made up of由组成10. be of +抽象名词=be+该词的形容词 “be of +名词(词组)”表示主语的某种形状或特征be of a(n) / the / the same“属于, 归于”be of the size / weight / height / age / colour / kind11. work of amber art琥珀艺术品. 12. as a gift of作为的礼物13. in return 作为报答 14. become part of成为的一部分15. serve as充当,用作 16. addto添加到17. great wonders

20、 of the world世界上的伟大奇迹 18. be at war 处于交战状态19. less than少于 20. no doubt 毫无疑问 21. remain a mystery 仍然是个迷22. take apart拆开 23. rather than胜于, 而不是24. every four years每四年,每隔三年25. tell the truth说实话26. pretend to do sth 假装做某事27. give an example from your own life 举一个你生活中的例子28. think highly of看重,重视 29. searc

21、h for =look for30. agree with sb同意某人的意见31.情态动词(could /might /must /should)+have done表示对过去发生的事情的推测,批评,反悔等意思32. have sth. done 表示 “请人做某事” “使遭遇某种(不幸的)事情”33. take part in/join in 参加 34. the spirit of精神、宗旨、灵魂35. used to过去常常 36. find out 查明,找出37. every four years每四年,每隔三年 38. two sets of 两套,两组 39. allow sb

22、. in(out)允许进入(出去) 40. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事41. allow doing sth. 允许干某事。42. be/get married to(不能用with) sb 和结婚43. a set of 一套,一组 44. compete in 在某方面竞争45. compete for为而竞争 46. compete with/against与竞争47. be admitted to获准做某事 48. be admitted as作为被接受49. reach the standard达到水平、标准 50. play an important

23、role/part in在方面扮演重要角色(起重要作用)51. as well as和一样 52. thank you for your time 感谢您(能抽空)53. come from the same root同根54. have (no) chance of doing sth有/没做的机会55. go with 伴随,与搭配 56. relateto 把与关联起来57. relate with和有关 against和赛跑59. hear of听说 60. make sure 确定 61. take turn轮流62. one after another 一个接一个 6

24、3. make sure +that clause 确定64. sound simple 听起来简单 65. a technological revolution 技术革命66. artificial intelligence人工智能 67. begin as 作为开始68. solve/settle a problem 解决问题69. a simple-minded man一个头脑简单的人70. mathematical problem数学问题71. be totally changed被完全改变了72. share information with 与信息共享 73. serve the

25、human race为人类服务74. common knowledge常识 75. deal with 处理76. in my opinion 在我看来 77. public opinion公众舆论78 an analytical method分析法 79. share a room with与共居一室80. connect with与有关 81. go by(从旁)走过82. bring into effect使生效 83. the common people 老百姓84. get together聚集 85. after all毕竟86. with the help of在的帮助下87.

26、make up编造,化妆88. a personal letter私人信件 89. watch over 看守,监视90. have a good time玩得愉快91. once a year 一年一度92. make a decision做出决定93. allow sb. to do sth.允许某人干某事94. building materials 建筑材料95. in fact事实上96. create a new building 创建一栋新楼97. in a way 在某种程度上98. as a result结果 as a result of= because of 由于 resu

27、lt in = cause导致 result form 由于99. die out (动,植物物种)灭绝 die o 死于(多内因) die from死于(多外因)die dow变弱;逐渐消失 be dying for 渴望得到100. be at a loss = be puzzled at =be confused迷惑的,不解的suffer a loss (of) 蒙受损失 make up for a loss 弥补损失be lost in ones thought(陷入沉思) lose heartlose ones heart to peace 平静的(地);安静的(地

28、)in silence/ in quiet/in surprise/in a hurry102. hunting for搜索; 搜寻 in danger of 有 危险be out of danger脱离危险 endangered adj. 濒危的 dangerous 危险的104.have / give an effect on / upon take effect(生效)come / go into effect 生效; 实施 105. be concerned about担心.关心,挂念 106. get dressed穿上衣服get done强调动作,不能和表一段时间的状语

29、连用;be done 表状态107.turn round : 转过去,围绕旋转108.apply to应用be applied to被应用于apply for请求,申请. apply to sb. for sth.109.protect from保护.免受.危害prevent from阻止(stop/ keep from)110 .have aeffect on对.有影响111. with a sad face looking at her. with + 宾语(O) + 宾语补足语e into being: 形成;产生;开始存在e into use:开始被使用 e into ones min

30、d / head: 突然想到e into fashion: 开始流行e into consideration: 开始考虑117.roll over翻身, 打滚 roll up 卷起roll down滚下来118.dream of / about (doing) sth梦见, 梦想 a concert 在音乐会上 honest with sb. 对诚实 be honest about sth. be honest in doing sth.121.form the habit of养成的习惯 in the form of 以的形式 in form在形式上122.passers-by 路人(复数)123.earn extra money 赚外快124.give sb. a chance to do 给某人做某事的机会 jokes

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