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1、外经贸英语函电与谈判习题答案We wish to extend our warm welcome to your desire to enter into direct business relations with us in the line of textiles. 贵方愿意与我们建立纺织品方面的直接贸易关系,我们表示热烈的欢迎。 2. Your letter of .expressing the hope of establishing business connections with us has been received with thanks. 贵方.(某日)表示愿意与我方建

2、立贸易关系的信件收悉,非常感谢! 3. Specializing in the export of Chinese Leather Shoes, we wish to express our desire to trade with you in this line. 我们是专门从事中国皮鞋出口的(公司),我们希望与贵方能在该项产品方面建立业务关系。 4. We suppose your Commercial Counselors Office here has referred us to you for establishing business relations with your c

3、orporation. 贵国(驻华使领馆)商务参赞处想必已经向贵方提到过我司拟与贵司建立贸易关系的事宜。 5. We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state-run import and export corporation dealing in light industrial products. 我们兹向贵方介绍,我司系一国营进出口公司,经营轻工业产品。 6.Being one of the leading importers of textiles in Pakistan, we are writing to you in the ho

4、pe of establishing direct trade relations with your firm. 作为巴基斯坦最大的纺织品进口商之一,我们现在给你们写信,是想与贵司建立直接的贸易关系。 1.承弗里曼公司介绍,得悉你公司是贵国轻工业品最大进口商之一。 With introduction by Freeman Company, we learned that your corporation is one of the leading importers of light industrial products in your country. 2.我公司系一国营公司专营五金(m

5、etal)出口,已从事该业务多年,产品获国外客户好评。 As a state-run corporation dealing in exporting metal products for many years, our products have been enjoying praises from foreign customers. 3.我公司愿与你公司建立业务关系,以扩大我产品在你地的销售数量。 We would like to establish a trade relationship with your firm to increase the sales of our prod

6、ucts at your market. 4.贵国驻华大使馆商务参赞处告知你拟从我国进口车床(lathe),故特致函你公司,希望能在该项产品方面建立业务关系。 Your Commercial Counselors Office here has referred you to us that you would import lathes from China, so we are writing to you to express our desire to trade with you in this line. 5.在收到你方具体询价时,我将立即寄上报价单及样品。 I will send

7、 you the quotation sheet and (relative) samples immediately upon receipt of your detailed enquiry. 6.请告诉你方的具体需要,以便我公司另寄目录及报价单。 Please advise us your detailed requirements so we can send you catalogues and quotation sheets again.1.Messrs.J.M.Shneider & Co. have recently written to us that they are th

8、e leading importers in Germany and wish to establish business relations with us in the line of machine tools. As we know nothing about the firm we should be obliged to you if you would get for us some information about this company. 司赖特公司最近写信告诉我们,他们是德国的大进口商。希望在机床业务方面与我们建立业务关系,因为我们对该公司情况不了解,如果你能为我公司获

9、取有关该公司的资料,将不胜感激。2.In reply to your letter of the 25th January, we are pleased to inform you that the firm mentioned in your letter was set up twelve years ago. The capital of the firm is registered as US$ 100,000. They are in the wholesale trade as well as in retail. Our record with them is quite sa

10、tisfactory. 今复你1月25日的来信,并乐于告诉你,你来信中所提及的那家公司是在12年前设立的,公司注册资本为10万美元,他们经营批发及零售业务。我们同他们往来的记录十分满意。3.The firm, Anderson & Co., is dealing in pharmaceutical chemicals. They have wide connections with an annual turnover of US $100,000. We usually grant them credit up to US $30,000 without security and they

11、have never failed to meet their engagement. 安特森公司经营西药化工原料。他们具有广泛的业务关系,年营业额约10万美元。我们通常给予他们3万美元的信贷,而不需任何抵押物品,他们从来没有不履行承诺。4.Messrs.William Little & Co. have placed an order with us in an amount of US $50,000. Since they ask for payment to be made by D/P, instead of L/C at sight as usually accepted by u

12、s, we should be glad to know if they have any record of default and if it is safe for us to comply with their request. It is understood that any information you may supply us with will be considered as confidential and without any responsibility on your part. 威廉立德尔公司向我们定购5万美元货物。由于他们要求用D/P付款,而不是用我们通常

13、接受的即期L/C付款,因此我们将乐于知道该公司是否有任何违约记录,我们答应他们的要求是否安全。勿庸说明,你提供给我们的任何信息将被认为是机密的,你方对此不负任何责任。5.Since this is the first transaction between us, we should be pleased if you could furnish us with two bank references so that we may proceed with your order the soonest possible. As to our credit standing, you may r

14、efer to our bank, the Bank of China, Shanghai Branch, who, we trust, will supply you with all information you may require. 因为这是我们之间的第一笔交易,所以请你提供两家银行资信证明人,以使我们尽快对你的订货进行工作。关于我们的资信情况,你们可向我们的中国银行上海分行去了解,我们相信她将会向你提供你所需的一切资料。1.温哥华史密斯公司写信给我们,要求做我们公司在加拿大的工艺品代理。他们向我们提供你们的姓名作为其资信证明人,故特致此函,请惠予提供该公司情况,不胜感激。 Smi

15、th & Co., in Vancouver has written to us that they wish to act as our agent for handicrafts in Canada. They have given us your name as their reference. We are therefore writing to you with the request that you would get/obtain for us any information about the company. We thank you in advance.2.我们想请你

16、们代为查询一下伦敦一家商行的财务和信用情况,他们是James Nails & Co. 他们的银行是香港汇丰银行。谢谢。 We should appreciate it if you could obtain for us all information about the financial and credit standing of Messrs James Nails & Co. in London. The reference they give us is their bank, HSBC in Hong Kong.3.Armstrong & Smith公司写信给我们,希望同我们建立

17、业务关系。在我们与他们交易之前,我们希望了解他们的信用情况。烦请调查并告知为感。 Messrs. Armstrong & Smith Co. have written to us with the hope to open up business relations with us. Before trading with them, we wish to know their credit status /standing. We should be obliged if you could obtain for us any information about the above firm

18、.4.我们很高兴能同你公司建立业务关系,但希望你们能提供两个银行资信证明人,以便洽谈具体业务。 We should be pleased to enter into business relations with your firm but hope that you will provide two bank references so that we can proceed with negotiation of business.5.你来信询问的那家公司设立于1970年,资本10万美元,年营业额30万美元,据悉,去年有5万美元盈利。 The firm enquired about in

19、your letter was founded (set up, established) in 1970 with a capital of US $ 100,000 and an annual turnover of US $ 300,000. It is learned that they had a profit of US $ 50,000 last year.6.你所询问的William Baker & Co. 是本地一家纺织品的大进口商,我们过去给他们最多5,000英镑的信贷,他们都能及时归还。 Messrs. William Baker & Co. you enquired a

20、bout is a large local importer of textiles. The maximum credit we granted to them is 5,000 in the past and they can meet their obligation in time.Exercises 1. We have been approached by one of the leading importers of hand tools here who is in need of various hand tools to be supplied to a governmen

21、tal repair shop. Would you please supply us with a comprehensive catalogue for the same with indication of the relative prices. 此处一家主要的手工具进口商同我们联系,需要各种手工具供应给一政府机构的修理车间。请提供我们一册综合性目录,并注明有关价格。2.We are pleased to inform you that there is a good sale for your drilling machine model Z-33 and would ask you

22、 to send us your best offer. If your price is found competitive, we are confident there are good prospects for business.我们乐于告诉你们,你们的z33型钻床销路很好。请寄给我们最低的报盘。如果你们的价格有竞争力,我们确信有良好的业务前景。3.we have much pleasure in enclosing an enquiry sheet for great wall brand canned meat, each can containing 250 grams. Th

23、is enquiry is from a very famous supermarket with branches all over the country. You will notice from the enquiry that their requirement is in large quantity and therefore price is of utmost importance in concluding the transaction.我们乐于附寄长城牌罐头肉询价单一份,每听重量为250克。这份询价是从一很有名的超市来的,这个超级市场在全国有分支机构,你们会从询价单上注

24、意到他们的需求量很大,因此价格是达成交易最重要的因素。4.If you are in a position to supply the goods as per the attached enquiry at very competitive prices, we trust large orders will be obtained. 如果你们能够按有竞争性的价格提供所附询价单上的货物,我们相信将获得大的订单5.We have received an order from James Sharp & Co. for the supply of 100 metric tons of Newsp

25、rints. This company is a very big publisher here and is in constant need of all sorts of printing paper. We are sending you this order and understand that a 5% commission will be allowed as usual. 我们从杰姆夏普公司得到一张定购100公吨新闻纸的订单。这家公司是本地一家大出版商,经常需要各种印刷纸张。我们寄上该订单,并理解你们将如通常那样给予5的佣金。1.我公司是一国营公司,专营各种轻工业产品的进出口

26、业务,与你地戈登公司已有多年业务关系。We are a state-owned corporation, specializing in the import and export of various light industrial products. We have had business relations with Gordon & Company at your end for many years.2.据悉你公司能出口最新型的照相机RX31型,故与你们联系,希望能寄我该相机目录一份。同时并请告知其最低价,以便我与客户联系。 We have learned that you ar

27、e in a position to export Cameras of the latest model RX-31.We are therefore writing to you and hope that you will send us a catalogue. In the meantime, please let us know the lowest price so that we can approach our clients. 3. 我们是世界上最大的丝绸出口商之一。我们过去一直是从日本进口的,现在我们想到中国市场定购。 We are one of the largest

28、importers of silk in the world. We had been importing this item from Japan ,and now intend to import the same from China.4.我们希望你能告诉我们可供出口的主要品种,最好能寄我们几份你们的出口商品目录及各种丝绸的剪样,以便我们选择。 We hope you will inform us of the main items available for export. It would be better if you could send us a few copies of

29、your export catalogues and cutting samples of various kinds of Silk for our choice.5.关于你们3月4日扳手(spanner)的询价,我们首先向你们致歉,未能迅速报价,因为厂方要研究满足你方特殊需要的可能性。 With regard to your enquiry of the 4th March for Spanners, we first of all, express our regret for not being unable to quote you promptly as our manufactu

30、res have to look into the possibility of meeting your special requirement. 6.关于你方有关茶具的询价,我们很高兴通知你们,通过我们的反复努力,厂方已同意供应100套。 As regards your enquiry for tea sets, we are pleased to inform you that the manufactures have agreed to supply you with 100 sets through our repeated effort.Translate the followi

31、ng sentences1.We regret very much to inform you that we cannot avail ourselves of your offer because our users have temporarily suspended the purchase. However, if there is any demand for your products we will not hesitate to revert to the matter. 我们很遗憾地告诉你们,你方报价不能接受,因为我们的用户暂停购货。但如果对你方产品有需要,我们将会毫不犹豫

32、地再同你方洽谈此事。2.Much to our regret, we are unable to entertain your offer because the specifications you quoted do not meet our clients requirements. If you are in a position to supply the goods of such specifications as given in our enquiry sheet, we will get in touch with our buyers again. 很遗憾,我们不能接受你方报盘,因为你所报的规格不符合我方客户的需要。如果你方能按询价单上正确的规格供货,我们将再同买主联系。3.While thanking you for your offer of yesterday, we regret being unable to work on it as the time of delivery is too distant. In our letter of enquiry, we have stated that time of delivery is of utmost importance.谢谢你昨天的报盘,但我们抱歉不

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