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中考英语 专题04 数词学生版.docx

1、中考英语 专题04 数词学生版赵家初中2016年中考总复习之(仁爱版)英语第三篇 专题复习专题04 数词一、解读考点【考点分布】基数词、序数词和分数 【考点内容】了解基数词、序数词的构成及基本用法,以及在具体语境中的准确运用, 同时掌握分数的构成和基本用法 【中考解读】1.中考主要考查以序数词的基本构成及用法,分数的构成及用法 2.对概数表示法考查力度加大 数词定义:数词-就是表示事物的数量和顺序的词, 分为基数词和序数词两种。二、直击考点中考对数词的考查主要有以下四点:1基数词和序数词的用法; 2日期、时间、年龄、编号等的用法; 3分数的表达;4hundred,thousand,millio

2、n,billion的用法。三、【名师点睛】(一)、高频考向一基数词1基数词的构成112独立成词。one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve。1319的基数词以teen结尾。要注意thirteen,fifteen,eighteen的拼写。表示整“十”的基数词:2090的基数词都以ty结尾。其中特别要注意twenty,thirty,forty,fifty,ninety的正确写法。2199的写法是:十位数加个位数,中间用连字符号“”连接。如:26 twenty-six;57 fifty-seven101999的构成是:

3、百位数与十位数之间用and连接。如:123 one hundred and twenty-threehundred,thousand,million,billion等词在表示确定数目的时候,直接前面加基数词;表示不确定数目时,要在它们后面加s,其后还要加of。如:three hundred students三百名学生 thousands of students成千上万的学生2基数词的用法表示数量的多少。表示年份。1988读作nineteen eighty-eight表示时刻。7:00读作seven oclock 8:30读作half past eight/eight thirty 3:05读作

4、five past three/three five 5:48读作twelve to six/five fortyeight表示顺序。单数名词基数词,名词的第一个字母通常要大写。如:Class Two,Room12,No.3 Middle School注:“单数名词基数词”可转换成“the序数词单数名词”,此时名词的第一个字母不大写。如:Lesson Threethe third lesson“数词单数名词”相当于合成形容词作定语(如:a threeyearold girl)。合成形容词中的名词一定是单数。合成形容词不能作表语,后面必须跟上所修饰的名词。与表示时间、距离、长度的名词一起构成“数

5、词单位名词形容词”,表示事物的形状、年代及距离等。如:ten years old,3600 meters long“几十”的基数词复数形式可用来表示某人约几十岁或年代。如:In his sixties,he rode a bike round the world. The light was invented in the 1870s.与another,more连用时,表示在已有基础上再增加定数量。如:another three hours,two more cakes(二)、高频考向二序数词1序数词的构成序数词多数是由“基数词th”构成。如:six-sixth,seven-seventh等。

6、以y结尾的整十的数字,先将y改为i,再加eth。如:fifty-fiftieth,seventyseventieth等。21以上的非整十的数字,将末位数(即个位数)改为序数词,其他的位数仍用基数词。如:twenty-one twenty-first,thirty-two thirty-second,two hundred and ninety-eight two hundred and ninety-eighth等。少数的序数词属于特殊情况,而且这类词也常常是考点,大家要特别注意记忆。如:onefirst,twosecond,threethird,fivefifth,eighteighth,t

7、welvetwelfth注:fourteenth(第十四),fortieth(第四十),ninth(第九),nineteenth(第十九),ninetieth(第九十)2序数词的用法表示顺序。序数词表顺序时,其前须用定冠词the,后接单数名词。如:Im the first one to arrive here.注:如序数词前出现人称代词,则不加the。定语从句中先行词之前有序数词时,则关系代词只能用that。如:Today is my thirtieth birthday.用于最高级前。如:John is the second tallest boy in our class.分数。分子用基数

8、词,分母用序数词。分子为l,分母用单数,分子大于l,分母用复数。如:one fifth,three fifths些习惯用法:1/4也可表示为a quarter,3/4也可表示为three quarters,1/2也可表示为a half带分数的词组作句子的主语时,谓语动词的单复数与分数后的名词保持一致。如:Two fifths of the apple is eaten.这个苹果被吃了五分之二。Two fifths of the apples are red.五分之二的苹果是红的。表示数量上再增加“一”,用:a(an)序数词单数名词。如:She had a second child.她有了第二个

9、孩子。(三)、基数词变序数词要遵循以下原则:1. 一般来说,序数词是由相应的基数词词尾加th构成。2. 十位整数序数词的构成方法是将y变为i,再加e t h。3. 两位或两位以上的基数词变成序数词时,仅将个位数变成序数词。此外,常考的基数词、序数词一般会在100以内,具体见下表。onefirst twosecond threethird fourfourth fivefifth sixsixth sevenseventh eighteighth nineninth tententh eleveneleventh twelvetwelfth thirteenthirteenth fourteen

10、fourteenth fifteenfifteenth sixteensixteenth seventeenseventeenth eighteeneighteenth nineteennineteenth twentytwentieth thirtythirtieth fortyfortieth fiftyfiftieth sixtysixtieth seventyseventieth eightyeightieth ninetyninetieth基数词变序数词口诀: 基变序,有规律,末尾加上th;一二三,特殊记,八加h,九去e,ve要用f替,以y结尾变ie,后跟th莫忘记;若想表示几十几,

11、只变个位就可以。(四)、命题点1 基数词和序数词的用法1.序数词前必须加the。如:The second is what I really need.第二个是我真正需要的。2.序数词前若有限定词,则可以不用加the。如:It is my third time to visit Beijing. 这是我第三次参观北京。3.序数词前面也可以加不定冠词a或an,表示“又一,再”,内含顺序性。如:We have tried it three times. Must we try it a fourth time? 我们已经试过三遍了。还必须再试一次(第四次)吗?(五)、命题点2 年龄、长、宽、高、面积

12、等的表示方法基数词加量词(meter(s)/kilometer(s)/kilo(s)/year(s)/.)加形容词(long/wide/high/deep)。如:three years old 三岁大;two meters tall 两米高;ten meters long 十米长(六)、命题点3 hundred, thousand, million与billion的用法1. hundred, thousand, million, billion表示具体数目时用单数,在表示“数百”“数千”“数百万”“数十亿”等不确定的数目时,用“hundreds of/thousands of/millions

13、 of/billions of+可数名词复数”表示。与of 连用时,要用复数形式,但前面不能再加数字。如:thousands of factories 成千上万家工厂2. 与具体的数字one, two.或several, some, many等词连用时,要用单数形式。如:five hundred people 500人two thousand books 两千本书many million trees 几百万棵树(七)、命题点4年份、日期与编号的表示法1. 年份、日期、编号的表达年份、日期表示法:通常英式英语表达为“日、月、年”,而美式英语表达为“月、日、年”。一般年份用基数词,日期用序数词(可

14、简写),月份用月份名称,年份后面不用year(年)。如:on August 8th, 2012在2012年8月8日编号表示法:名词加基数词等于the加序数词加名词。如:第一课Lesson One等于the first lesson; 第二页Page Two等于the second page; 二路公车Bus number 2 或the number 2 bus。有时可以直接用数字来表示。如:Room two o six, Class two, Grade one.(注意:使用时要注意大小写)2. 年份、日期、时间的读法年份:四位数通常分两组来读。如:1999读作:nineteen ninety

15、-nine日期:用序数词来表示。如:November 3rd读作:November the third时间:时间的读法有以下方法:一般直接按照表示时间的数字来读。另外英语中的15分钟也可以说成a quarter,如:8:30读作:eight thirty 4:15读作:a quarter past four(八)、命题点5其他重要表达方式:1. half an hour半小时 2. one and a half hoursd等于one hour and a half一个半小时3. in ones thirties在某人30多岁(区别:in the thirties在30年代) 4. an ei

16、ght year old boy一个八岁的男孩5. a 100 meter long bridge一座100米长的桥 6. a ten minute walk等于ten minutes walk步行10分钟的路程7. two more hours等于another two hours再多两个小时四、正误辨析 误 1107 should be read as a thousand a hundred as seven. 正 1107 should be read as _ thousand _ hundred _ seven. 误 I drove about half mile. 正 I dro

17、ve about half_ mile. 误 60 students are playing on the ground. 正 _ students are playing on the ground. 误 He became famous around fifty years old. 正 He became famous _ his _. 误 There are about two thousands workers in our factory. 正 There are about two _ workers in our factory. 误 In the morning there

18、are hundred of old people walking in the park. 正 In the morning there are _ of old people walking in the park. 误 The class begins at eight a. m. 正 The class begins at _ a. m. 误 Two fifth of the books are sold out. 正 Two _of the books are sold out. 误 Tom was born on July eighteen. 正 Tom was born on J

19、uly _. 误 Ill go to school at 7 a. m. in the morning. 正 Ill go to school at 7 _ or _ _ _. 误 The film will begin at three quarters past one. 正 The film will begin at one _ _ two. 误 Three time three is nine. 正 Three _ three is nine.归纳:计算方法种类例句加法一般Five and six is eleven.正式Five plus six is (equals) eleve

20、n.减法一般Eight take away four leaves (is) four. Four from Eight leaves (is) four.正式Eight minus four equals (is) four. 乘法一般Three fours are twelve. 34=12正式Three times four equals (is) twelve. 除法一般Two in to four is two. 正式Four divided by two equals two. 五、例题解析 1、 - How many students are there in your scho

21、ol, Mike? - There are over students in our school. A. two thousands B. two thousands of C. two thousand D. two thousand of 答案 C. 析 有基数词在前面时thousand, hundred 等词不能加s,也不能加of结构,只有在thousands of时才可以使用。 2、 John lives on floor. He doesnt use a lift to go up and down. A. nine B. the ninth C. ninth D. a ninth

22、 答案 B. 析 序数词前加定冠词,nine 与 ninth 的拼写上有一个e字母相差别。 3、 Wu Dong won the girls race in the school sports meeting last week. A. 100 metres B. 100 metres C. 100 metre D. 100 metre 答案 D. 析 数词、名词、形容词等词用连字符连接成的形容词中,名词都不要加s,如: I have to write a two thousand word report.而且由连字符组成的形容词只能放于名词前,不能放于名词后,作后置定语,或用在be动词后作表

23、语。 4、 There are students in our school. A. four hundred twenty B. four hundred and twenty C. four hundreds twenty D. four hundreds and twenty 答案 B. 5、 - How many days are there in a year? - There are . A. three hundreds and sixty-five B. three hundreds sixty-five C. three hundred and sixty-five D. t

24、hree hundred sixty-five 答案 C. 6、 We have learned about English words. A. nine hundreds B. nine hundred C. nine hundred of D. nine hundreds of 答案 B. 7、 Autumn is season of the year. A. third B. the three C. thirds D. the third 答案 D. 8、 They are learning now. A. Lesson Eight B. the eight lesson C. Les

25、son Eighth D. Eighth lesson 答案 A. 析 第几课,第几个门,在英语中有两种说法,Lesson Two, Gate Two但要注意每一单词的首字母要大写。 the second lesson, the second gate 首字母不要大写,并要注意有些缩写的读法。如: p. 8-第8页(page eight) $ 8.50-8.5美元(five dollars and fifty) 电话号码66164532(six, six, one, six, four five, three, two) 9、 The boy was so hungry that he ate

26、 . A. three bowls of rices B. three bowl of rice C. three bowl of rices D. three bowls of rice 答案 D. 析 rice 是不可数物质名词,而bowl是可数名词。 10、 There are months in a year. A. twelve B. twelf C. twelveth D. twelfth 答案 A.六、中考链接2014年题组1. 【2014年湖南省娄底市中考】Whats the date today? Its June _, 2014. A. the fifteen B. the

27、 nineteenth C. eighteen【答案】B 【解析】考点:考查数词2. 【2014年内蒙古通辽市中考】 She has cut the cake into pieces. Which piece do you want? The one. Its the biggest.A. five; four B. five; fourth C. fifth; fourth D. fifth; four【答案】B 【解析】试题分析:句意:她把蛋糕切成了块。你想要哪一块?第块。这是最大的。结合语境可知前一空表示数量,故用基数词。后一空表示顺序,故用序数词,选B。 考点:考查数词3. 【2014

28、年福建省莆田市中考】According to the new family planning policy in China, a couple can have a_child if one of them is an only child.A. two B. second C. twice【答案】B 外语联邦 向该团提问 采纳率:25.5% 标签: 语言政治全科 宣言:We are the world.考点:考查序数词。4. 【2014年福建省漳州市中考】In his_,Wilson returned to his hometown and began to teach .Athirty

29、Bthirties Cthirtieth【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:Wilson在30多岁的时候,回到了家乡开始从事教育事业。In ones thirties在某人三十多岁的时候。故选B。 考点:考查数字的用法。5. 【2014年甘肃省兰州市中考】Please tum to Page and read the story. A. Ten; two B. Ten; second C. Tenth; second D. Tenth; two【答案】B 考点:考查数词用法。6. 【2014年湖北省恩施州中考】Tomorrow is my fathers_birthday.I will buy him a gift.A. fortieth B.forty C.fourteenth【答案】A 【解析】试题分析:句意:明天是我的爸爸的40岁生日,我将给他买一份礼物。根据句意选项C是第14岁,故排除C;空格后是名词的单数,所以这里应该用序数词,故选A。考点:考查数词。2015年题组1. 【2015年江苏省苏州市中考英语试题】Tonys mum looks young and beautiful. Its hard to imagine she is already in her .A. fifties B.

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