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1、九年级上学期期中联考英语试题III黄冈市五校2015年秋期中考试九年级英语试题 时间:120分钟 满分:120分 第一部分 选择题 一、听力测试(共三节;计25分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)第二节(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15) 听下面6段对话。每段对话后面有几个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C的三个选项中选出最佳的选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听第6段话,回答第6-7小题。( )6. What is the age difference between his brother and sisiter? A. 9 years B.19years

2、 C. 6years ( ) 7. Who is older? A. His brother B. His sister C. We dont know 听第7段对话,回答第8-9 小题。 ( ) 8. How long have they come to China? A. For 20 years B. For 1 years C. For 2years ( ) 9. Why did they come to China?A. Because their parents wanted to work in China.B. Because he wanted to study in Chi

3、na.C. Because their parents wanted to travel in China.听第8段对话,回答第10-11小题。( )10.what did Miss Li ask Bill to do? A. To speak English B. To help others C. To introduce himself in Chinese ( ) 11. Who will help Bill with his Chinese? A. Sandy B. Miss Li C. Nobody 听第9段对话,回答第12-14小题。 ( )12. What are they t

4、alking about?A. Mikes study B. Their school lives C. Mikes family ( ) 13. Who often does any cleaning in the family? A. Mike B. Mikes mother C. Mikes father ( ) 14. What is Mikes father good at? A. Cooking B. Planting C. Cleaning 听第10段对话,回答第15-17小题。 ( ) 15. Where are John and Tom?A.In the cinema. B.

5、 On the way to the cinema C. At the cinema booking office ( ) 16. What do they want? A. To know about the film B. To see a new film C. To tell their ages ( ) 17. Why dont they see the film?A. Because they are too young for the film.B. Because they have no tickets.C. Because Tom is too young for the

6、film.听第11段对话,回答第1820小题。 ( )18. Where does the conversation happen? A. In a hotel B. In a shop C. In a restaurant ( ) 19.Which floor will the man stay on? A. The fourth floor B. The third floor C. The seventh floor ( ) 20. What time is the lunch served? A. At 11:00 B. At 11:30 C. 12:30 第三节(共5小题;每小题1分

7、,满分5分) 听下面一篇短文。根据你所听到的短文内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。短文读两遍。( 120词左右) ( )21. Where are the science labs? A. On the first floor B.On the second floor C. On the third floor ( ) 22. What kind of museum are they going to visit? A. Science museum B. History museum C. Nature museum ( ) 23. What does Mrs. White do ? A

8、. Shes a teacher B. Shes an assistant C. Shes a guide ( ) 24. How long will they spend on the first floor? A. An hour B. A day C. A morning ( ) 25. On which floor can they see the history of cars? A. The first floor B. The second floor C. The third floor二、 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入

9、空白处的正确选项。( )26. -I need something for cutting the papers.-Oh, you want a knife? OK, Ill get _for you.A. it B. that C. one D. this ( ) 27. The cat _on the kitchen floor when I came in.A. was lying B. is lying C. lied D. lay ( ) 28. -Tree planting day is coming. Do you plant trees in spring?-Yes, many

10、 trees _in our city every year.A. are planting B. are planted C. were planted D. plant ( ) 29. A large number of students _Mount. Doufang many times.A. has gone to B. has been to C. have gong to D. have been to ( ) 30. -Do you know _?-I dont know.A. when will the visitors come to our school B. when

11、the visitors will come to our school C. when do the visitors come to our schoolD. when are the visitors coming to our school( ) 31. Linda used to _in the morning, but now she is used to _in the evening. A. read; be reading B. read; reading C. reading; read D. reading; reading ( ) 32. -Mr. Green, how

12、 do you like the weather here? -Its quite great. Its _too cold _ too hot. A. either; or B. both; and C. not only; but also D. neither; nor ( ) 33The film is very _and all the audience were_ by it. A. moving, moved B. moved, moving C.moving, moving D.moved, moved( ) 34. This is a very quiet street be

13、cause theres _ traffic here.A. not little B. not a lot C. not many D. not much( ) 35. _Browns were having dinner when the telephone rang.A. The B. A C. An D. /( ) 36. According to Chinese history, sky lanterns were first used by Zhuge Kongming. He _to ask for help when in trouble.A. send out them B.

14、 sent them out C. sent them up D. send them up ( ) 37. Its said that _of the water around the world _polluted. A. two third; has B. two thirds; have C. two third; are D. two thirds; is ( ) 38. I dont go to the party not _ the weather but _I didnt feel well.A. because of; because B. because; because

15、C. because; because of D. because of; because of ( ) 39. Tell me the way to the cinema, _you? A. will B. need C. shall D may ( ) 40. -Im going to spend my winter holiday in Hawaii. -What a lucky guy! _And dont forget to send me post card. A. That sounds good B. Have a nice time C. Good luck D. Can I

16、 go with you?三、完型填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项。 Owners of Apples iPhone were given_41_ extra hour in bed this morning because they _42 to set the alarm clock off on time. Apple suffered in a series of _43 with its iPhone. Twitter was quickly filled _44 thousands of the mes

17、sages from people 45 the thing. The trouble is just the _46_ problem after the release of the iPhone 4 in the summer. Users of Twitters tend to _47_ jokes about Apple today. And Jamiei said, “ A whole hour of peace and quite is in the _48_ this morning because there are no iPhone users of Apple.”One

18、 expert said, “ Apple has been having a lot of problems recently and this is just the _49_in a line of gaffes(失误). “Mobile phones have had _50_for years so when a smart phone cant even handle that, it is _51_.”Making sure you _52_ at the right time is very important to people and a quick search onli

19、ne shows_53_ angry they are. The issue was first _54_ in Australia a couple of weeks back when their clocks changed. But Apple havent done_55_ about it since.41. A. an B. a C. the D. /42. A. succeed B. succeeded C. fail D. failed 43. A. questions B. problems C. work D. jobs 44. A. of B. from C. with

20、 D. at 45. A. complaining about B. worrying about C. talking about D. asking about 46. A. late B. later C. latest D. earliest 47. A. like B. say C. make D. speak 48. A. school B. home C. hospital D. office49. A. best B. last C. latest D. earliest 50. A. dates B. alarm clock C. calls D. time 51. A. f

21、unny B. interesting C. important D. happy 52. A. go to bed B. go to work C. go home D. wake up 53. A. how B. what C. who D. that 54. A. said B. reported C. told D. asked55. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything四、综合阅读(共两节;计32分)第一节 阅读理解(共12小题:每小题2分,满分24分) 阅读下面的三篇短文,根据短文内容,选择最佳的选项。 2019-202

22、0年九年级上学期期中联考英语试题(III) In1826,aFrenchmannamedNiepceneededpicturesforhisbusiness.Buthewasnotagoodartist.Soheinventedaverysimplecamera.Heputitinawindowofhishouseandtookapictureofhisgarden.Thatwasthefirstphoto. Thenextimportantdateinthehistoryofphotographywasin1832.Thatyear,Daguerre,anotherFrenchman,too

23、kapictureofhisreadingroom.Heusesanewkindofcamerainadifferentway.Inhispictureyoucouldseeeverythingveryclearly,eventhesmallestthing.ThiskindofphotowascalledaDaguerreotype. Soon,otherpeoplebegantouseDaguerresway.Travelersbroughtbackwonderfulphotosfromallaroundtheworld.Peopletookpicturesoffamousbuilding

24、s,citiesandmountains. Inabout1840,photographywasdeveloped.Thenphotographerscouldtakepicturesofpeopleandmovingthings.Thatwasnotsimple.Thephotographershadtocarryalotoffilmandothermachines.Butthisdidnotstopthem,forexample,someintheUnitedStatesworkedsohard. MathewBradywasafamousAmericanphotographer.Heto

25、okmanypicturesofgreatpeople.Thepictureswereunusualbecausetheywereverylifelike(栩栩如生的). Photographersalsobecameonekindofartbytheendofthe19thcentury.Somephotoswerenotjustcopiesoftherealworld.Theyshowedusfeeling,likeotherkindsofart.( )56.ThefirstphototakenbyNiepcewasapictureof . A.hisbusinessB.hishouseC

26、.hisgardenD.hiswindow( )57.Ifaphotographerwantedtotakepicturesofmovingthingsintheyearof1840,hehad to . A.watchlotsoffilms B.buyanexpensivecamera C.stopinmostcities D.takealotoffilmandsomethingelsewithhim( )58.MathewBrady . A.wasverylifelike B.wasfamousforhisunusualpictures C.wasquitestrong D.tookman

27、ypicturesofmovingpeople ( )59.Thispassagetellsus . A. howphotographywasdeveloped B.howtoshowyourideasandfeelingsinpictures C.howtotakepicturesintheworld D.howtousedifferentcameras(2)Clothing is a language. It tells us about individual people: their personality, their age, their place in society and

28、so on. If we want to know more about society, we can look at traditional clothing. The continent of Africa has a long history and a rich culture, and this is shown in traditional dress. You often find three colours red, gold and green in the clothing. The first colour stands for the blood of million

29、s of people who suffered as slaves(奴隶). The second is for the rich resources of the African earth; and the third represents the grasslands of home.The patterns on the clothing also have a meaning. A common pattern is in the form of a cross “”, which stands for “unity”. Another pattern is a rectangul

30、ar box, which represents “strength”.Because clothing has a strong social meaning, people are very careful in choosing what to wear. It would be a serious mistake to wear the wrong clothing, or to wear clothes in the wrong way. For instance, in Ghana, a woman should wear her waistband differently according to

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