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1、听力技巧听力技巧(一)有关对话选择题的听力技巧 这一部分的特点是:男女双方在对话中表达的意思比较含蓄,往往不能为书面选择提供直接的信息,这就要求考生利用逻辑推理的思维去分析辨别说话人的意图、目的、态度、要求等,选择正确答案。 为答好此部分题,我们可以从以下几个方面进行具体的分析和研究。 1注意信息来源 在对话部分听力中,如果以句子形式出现的选择项的主语都是“SHE”或“HE”,可进一步缩小,捕捉信息的范围因为这个“SHE”或“HE”在多数情况下指对话人中的“SHE”或“HE”。如果主语是“SHE”,解题信息往往就在女性讲话之中。反之亦然。 值得注意的是,解题信息在对话后半部分的情况较多,因此,

2、对第二个人的讲话的内容要特别注意。例: A. She is not feeling well now. B. She is very ill. C. She is angry with the doctor . D. She is badly hurt. 这组选项的共同内容是“SHE”,说明内容涉及的对象是某位女性;不同之处是“感觉如何”。因此,听音时应主要注意有关某女性的内容。在这个范围内,又要重点弄清楚她的感觉究竟怎样,是“不太好”、“病重”、“对医生很恼火”、“受伤很严重”。 2注意言外之意 对话部分听力中含蓄性试题较多,因此,解答对话部分听力题中的试题时,往往需要听出话外音,才能得出正

3、确答案。所以,不仅要理解对话的表层意义,还必须体会出弦外之音。明确要求听懂言外之意的典型问题是: “What does the man/woman mean/suggest? ” 例: A.She agrees with the man. B.He should ask the typist about it. C.The typist is very good. D.The typist is not very good. 对话原文是: M: I think we should replace the old typewriter. W: What not the typist? Q: Wh

4、at does the woman mean? 男的认为应该更换那台旧打字机,而女的却反问道:“为什么不换打字员呢?”,其言外之意是,那台打字机并没有什么问题,而是打字员不好,故应选D。 3注意“WHERE”类题的特点 对话部分听力中有WHERE的问题在对话中通常有直接型和含蓄型两种形式。在直接型的对话中 ,有时由于其它因素的干扰,也并不直截了当。例: A. Africa. B. England. C. Sweden. D. Switzerland. 在选择项中我们可看出,对话是谈某人与某地的关系,因此要重点听他与这四个地点有什么关系。原文为: M: Where did John come f

5、rom? W: He was born in Switzerland and grew up in Sweden, but now he is a citizen of England. Q: What country does John presently call his home? 此题的解题信息是“Now hes a citizen of England.”意为在“ England”安了家,因此他现在可能称ENGLAND为家。回答直接型地点类问题时只要听清对话中出现的几个地点与有关的人或时间关系,这个问题就能选对。这类题目通常是检验记忆力或记录能力,以及对同义或近义词或词组的熟悉程度和

6、一些基础知识的了解。在做上述题时,如能记住先后出现的三个地名与JOHN的关系,或能在这三个地名旁边简单记录,如: A. Africa. B. England. Now, c (citizen). C. Switzerland. b(born) D. Sweden. g(grew up). 这个题便能选对,但若不了解NOW与PRESENTLY近义,不明白CITIZEN是什么意思,这道题就不一定能选对了。 4注意数字题的运算方法 计算类题通常包括时间、钱款、距离、年龄等。当选择项是四个不同的数字时,该题往往要求做加、减、乘、除四项运算,一般的,减的情况较多。通常这类题,不仅要算出有关的数字及数字间

7、的关系,还必须要特别注意听问句,因为对这种方法的要求常高于问题之中。例题: A. 12:05. B. 11:50. C. 11:35. D. 10:25. 从选择项中我们可以看出,A与B,B与C之间都与15分钟有关系,即A-15=B,C+15=B,从而可以判断出,这道题可能是要求加减15分钟得出某一时间,而D项(10:25)很可能是干扰项。原文: M: The flight for Paris left 15 minutes ago. W: That is right . it is already 12:05. Q: When did the plane leave? 此题提供的信息词是15

8、 minutes ago、already 12:05,问飞机是什么时间离港的(即使不听或没听清问句,也能判断要问的是什么,因此A-15便是答案B。 5.从事(人)物间的内在联系判断说话人的意图 有些对话中回答人并不正面回答问题,而似乎答非所问。这就需要我们运用解题的逻辑思维与推理过程,也就是通常所说的“顺藤摸瓜”。在需要领会说话人意图这类听力试题中,一些句子的真实含义不是直截了当地摆在我们面前,而是要我们根据对话中揭示的内容去寻找与其有关的其他事物以及它们之间的联系,其联系一般可以在书面选项中找到。例如: M:Next, shouldnt we get a telephone installe

9、d in the hall? W:Fixing the shower pipe is far more important. Q:What do we learn from the conversation? A.They have different opinions as to what to do next. B.They have to pay for the house by installments. C.They will fix a telephone in the bathroom. D.The mans attitude is more sensible than the

10、womans. 本对话中女士没有直接反对安装电话,而是提出安装淋浴喷头更重要。因此,从女士提到的另一事物“淋浴喷头”可以推测出她反对安装电话;二人意见不一致。所以选A。 6.从虚拟语气的内涵意义判断说话人的意图 虚拟语气可以表示与事实相反的含义。表示与现在及将来事实相反的虚拟条件时,谓语的主要形式为:当从句为过去式,主句为would/should/could/might+动词原形表示与过去事实相反的虚拟条件时,谓语动词的主要形式为:当从句为had+过去分词,主句则用would/should/could/might+have+过去分词。若从句和主句发生的时间不一致,谓语形式根据表示的时间来调整。

11、在用于wish后的that分句中,表示与现在事实相反的主观设想,即用于if, as等引导的分句和suppose或imagine等后面的分句中,表示对现在时间或将来时间的主观设想,则用were型虚拟式。例如: M:I hope I wont oversleep. Ive simply got to catch the first flight to New York. W:If I were you, Id request the wake up call from the hotel reception. Q:What does the woman advise the man to do?

12、A.To cancel his trip. B.To go to bed carly. C.To catch a later flight. D.To ask for a wake up call. 本题的解题关键是听懂虚拟句“If I were you, Id request the wake up call from the hotel reception.” (如果我是你,我会请旅馆服务台打叫醒电话)。女士的隐含意图是建议男士要叫醒电话,所以选D。 7.从反义问句的否定含义判断说话人的意图 请看例句: M: I think Im going to give up playing tenn

13、is. I lost again today. W: Just because you lost, is that the reason to quit? Q: What does the woman imply? A. The man should stick to what his doing. B. The man should take up a new hobby. C. The man should stop playing tennis. D. The man should find the cause of his failure. 将整个对话联系起来,一般疑问句“is tha

14、t the reason to quit?”就成了反义问句,句子的含义也起了变化,增加了内在含义。这种问句不需要对方回答,称之为修辞问句,往往用来表示说话人否定的内涵。如:Is that a reason for despair? 这难道是灰心丧气的理由吗?(这不是灰心丧气的理由)。Is no one going? 没有人去吗?(应该有人去);Where does Tom live? Who know it? 汤姆住在哪面?谁知道啊!(我也不知道);“,is that the reason to quit?”的言外之意就是“难道失败是放弃的理由吗?”也就是劝男士坚持下去,故答案为A。反义问句往

15、往比直接回答更为生动幽默,能起到传神的效果,我们不难理解其意义。 8.从短语的含义判断说话人的意图 这是判断说话人的意图中最难掌握的一部分。在这类对话中,说话人通常会借助一些短语、习语、惯用法来表明自己的观点和态度。有时我们听清了录音内容,却不了解其中固定用法的意义,因而也不能判断说话人的意图,这就要求我们熟练掌握、积累短语、习惯用语、惯用法的意义。例如: M: Whats the matter? You have been sitting there for ages, just staring into space. W:I told the Brownings Id send them

16、a postcard. Now I dont know what to say.Q: Whats the woman doing? A. Visiting the Brownings. B.Writing a postcard. C. Looking for a postcard. D.Filling a form. 对话中“for ages”中“ages” 的原意是“长时期,几百年”,这里是夸张的用法,意思是“很漫长一段时间”。“staring into space”是“怔怔地凝视着前方”,并不是在注视着某一个东西,而是表示在思考着什么。明白了“staring into space”的意思,

17、则选择正确答案B。 (二) London Taxi drivers know the capital like the back of their hands. No matter how small and indistinct the street is, the driver will be able to get you there without any trouble. The reason London drivers are so efficient is that they have all gone through a very tough training period

18、to get a special taxi driving license. During this period which can take from two to four years, the would-be taxi driver has to learn the most direct route to every single road and to every important building in London. To achieve this, most learners go around the city on small motobikes, practicin

19、g how to move to and from different points of the city. Learner Taxi drivers are tested several times during their training period by government officers. Their exams are a terrible experience. The officers ask you: “How do you get from Buckingham Palace to the Tower of London?”And you have to take

20、them there in a direct line. When you get to the tower, they wont say: “Well-done!” They will quickly move on to the next question. After five or six questions, they will just say:“See you in two months time.” And then you know the exam is over. Learner drivers are not allowed to work and earn money

21、 as drivers. Therefore many of them keep their previous jobs until they have obtained their license. The training can cost quite a lot because learners have to pay for their own expenses on the tests and a medical exam. Question 1 to 4 are based on the passage you have just heard. 1Why are London ta

22、xi drivers very efficient? 2How long does the training period last? 3Why does the speaker think the driving test is a terrible experience? 4Why do learner drivers have to keep their present jobs? Questions 1 to 4 are based on the passage you have just heard. 1. A)Because the traffic system of the ci

23、ty is not very complex. B)Because they traffic conditions in London are good. C)Because they have received special training. D)Because they have a driving license. 2. A)About three weeks. B)Two years or more. C)At least half a year. D)Two to four months. 3. A)Government officers are hard to please.

24、B)The driving test usually lasts two months. C)The learner has to go through several tough tests. D)The learner usually fails several times before he passes it. 4. A)They look forward to further promotion. B)They want to earn money from both jobs. C)They dont want their present bosses to know what theyre doing. D)They cannot earn money as taxi drivers yet. 参考答案:1.C 2.B 3.C 4.D

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