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1、高考英语阅读理解易错题解题方法2013高考英语阅读理解易错题解题方法 高考英语阅读理解易错题解题方法【示例1】Edard ilsn is Aerias, if nt the rlds, leading naturalist In The Future f Life, he taes us n a tur f the rlds natural resures (资) H are the used? hat has been lst? hat reains and is it able t ntinue ith the present speed f use? ilsn als pints ut

2、the need t understand full the bidiversit (生物多样性) f ur earthilsn begins ith an pen letter t the pineer in envirnent (环境) prtetin Henr David Threau He pares tdas alden Pnd ith that f Threaus da ilsn ill use suh parisns fr the rest f the b The prble is lean: an has dne great daage t his he ver the ear

3、s an the earth, ith huan help, be ade t return t bidiversit levels that ill be able t supprt us in the future?Bidiversit, ilsn argues, is the e t settling an prbles the earth faes tda Even ur agriultural rps an gain advantages fr it A ere hundred speies (物种) are the basis f ur fd suppl, f hih but te

4、nt arr the lad ilsn suggests hanging this situatin b ling int ten thusand speies that uld be ade use f, hih ill be a a t redue the learing f the natural hes f plants and anials t enlarge faring areasAt the end f the b, ilsn disusses the iprtane f huan values in nsidering the envirnent If u are t nti

5、nue t live n the earth, u a ell read and at n the ideas72 e learn fr the text that ilsn ares st abut A the envirnent fr plantsB the bidiversit f ur earth the aste f natural resuresD the iprtane f huan values73H an speies are st iprtant t ur present fd suppl?A Tent B Eight ne hundred D Ten thusand74i

6、lsn suggests that ne a t eep bidiversit is t A learn h t far sientifiallB build hes fr se ding speies ae it lear hat t eatD use re speies fr fd7e an infer that the text is A a desriptin f natural resures B a researh reprt a b revie D an intrdutin t a sientist参考答案及解析72【错解分析】典型错误A错因分析没有抓住的重点,以次代主,以点代面

7、 【解题指导】 本题属于判断推理题 这类题要求学生在理解中直接陈述的观点或描述的事实基础上,领悟作者的弦外之意,得出符合作者意愿的结论,即作者没有在中明说的。要得出正确的推理仅以阅读材料为前题还不够,还必须结合自己应有的常识。本题的关键提示信息在第三段中的第一句话【答案】本题的正确选项为B73【错解分析】典型错误D错因分析是学生审题不细 【解题指导】本题是细节理解题学生们在做此类试题时,可以采用查读法,即带着问题寻找答案,同时要注意审题【答案】本题的正确选项为A74【错解分析】典型错误A错因分析信息错位,释意不清 【解题指导】本题是细节理解题属于间接辨认题,要正确地理解中具体信息的含义,并用同

8、义或是近义的形式复述出本题的选项依据为第三段的最后一句话【答案】本题的正确选项为D7【错解分析】典型错误A错因分析关键信息没有抓住,以点代面 【解题指导】本题是推理判断题推理判断要根据中的信息判断,不能依据自己的主观判断,也不能以点代面本题推断依据为开始部分的The Future f Life一书的基本内容,然后重点谈及Bidiversit的重要性,最后根据最后一段,由此可以判断出本题选项【答案】本题的正确选项为【练习1】ANG Ha and ang Liqin, t f hinas tp table tennis plaers, bth sa the rld Table Tennis hap

9、inships as a hane t prve theselves But there as nl ne hapin (冠军) and ang Ha, 2, n it last Tuesda in haa , apanang Ha, h n the ens dubles title ith hen Qi last nda, plaed ith spirit t beat ang Liqin 11-9, 13-11, 11-, 11-9ang Ha said it as his ental tughness (心理稳定) that ade the differene “I as disappi

10、nted b perfranes in past hapinships and the last t lpi Gaes But I have tried t pull self tgether and prepared ell This is the result”ang Ha said he has alas understd the iprtane f phsial training and tehnial sills N he ns the need fr ental preparatin as ell Having t lpi silvers had left hi feeling b

11、itter (痛苦的) The bitterness perhaps explains h he has nt alas plaed at his best in the past“Ive e t understand that u an learn iprtant lessns fr failure,” he said “Lsing an build ur harater and ae u a strnger plaer” His next gal, r drea, is t in the gld edal at the Lndn lpis in 2012Liu Guliang, head

12、ah f hinas table tennis tea, sang the praises f ang Has vitr “This is ust the beginning f his rise,” said Liu “Its the nfidene-bster he needs t ae further prgress”1 Arding t the passage, ang Ha n _ gld edals in the rld Table Tennis hapinships in haa, apanA nl ne B t three D fur2 Fr ang Ha, e an n th

13、e ain reasn fr his beating ang Liqin is _ A his tehnial sills B his phsial training his ental tughness D his past experiene3 hat is the next gal f ang Ha? A T in the title f the hapin at the 2012 lpis B T beat ang Liqin again T prve hiself in the future petitins D T in re glds in future4 hat an e le

14、arn fr ang Ha? A Failure is the ther f suess B Never give up until u sueed here there is a ill, there is a a D A gd beginning aes a gd ending参考答案及解析:1【错解分析】典型错误A错因分析没有全面地阅读,以点代面了。【解题指导】细节理解题。根据第一段和第二段可知。此类题可以带着问题在中采用查读法寻找答案。【答案】本题的正确选项为B2【错解分析】典型错误A或B或是D。错因分析是没有抓住细节理解题的重点,审题不细。因为题干中有一个ainl 【解题指导】细节理

15、解题。根据第三段中的第一句话可知。对于细节理解题的选项的选择,一定要理解题干,并防止以次代主。 【答案】本题的正确选项为。3【错解分析】典型错误D错因分析审题不清,D项也许是ang Ha的远期目标,但是题干是the next gal。 【解题指导】细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“His next gal, r drea, is t in the gld edal at the Lndn lpis in 2012”可知。注意审题。 【答案】本题的正确选项为A。4【错解分析】典型错误B或错因分析在于学生对的理解不透彻。 【解题指导】推理判断题。根据倒数第二段可知。推理判断题要认真研读,根据中的内容

16、进行推理判断。 【答案】本题的正确选项为A。【示例2】Dear Hailtn, e are frtunate that in suh a large, high-pressure ffie e all get alng s ell u are ne f the peple h eep the sial teperature at suh a frtable setting I dnt n anne in the ffie h is better lied than u u an perhaps help ith this The lletin f ntributins tards gifts

17、fr eplees persnal-life events is being a little trubling ertainl, the grup sending f a gift is reasnable n and then In the past nth, hever, there have been lletins fr t bab sher gifts, ne edding sher gift, t edding gifts, ne funeral(葬礼)reebrane, fur birthda gifts, and three graduatin gifts Its nt nl

18、 the lleted-fr h are gring unfrtable (and pr), but the lleted-fr feel uneas reeiving gifts fr peple h dnt n the utside the ffie, h uldnt even regnize their graduating hildren, their arring daughters and sns, r their dead relatives This is basiall a ind gesture (and ne that peple thin ell f u fr), bu

19、t the pratie sees t have bee t ide-ranging and feels iprper in tdas ffie setting Than u fr understanding63 The underlined rd “ntributins” prbabl eans _A ne B suggestins reprts D understanding64 Hailtn is expeted t _A sh re indnessB disntinue the present pratie quit being the rganizer fr gift givingD

20、 n re abut -rers failies6 This is basiall a letter f _A aplg B spath appreiatin D dissatisfatin参考答案63【错解分析】典型错误D错因分析释不达意,胡乱猜测 【解题指导】本题考查词义猜测对于词义的猜测可以有许多的方法,常见的方法是根据上下所举例子猜测本题就是根据中的In the past nth, hever, there have been lletins fr t bab sher gifts, ne edding sher gift, t edding gifts, ne funeral(葬礼)

21、reebrane, fur birthda gifts, and three graduatin gifts可猜测出ntributins的意思为”礼金,份子”【答案】本题的正确选项为A64【错解分析】典型错误A 错因分析 无视主题,以点带面【解题指导】本题考查细节推测题对于细节推测的理解要以的中心为依据并根据中的具体信息推测,做到有根据的选答案,并且信息点一定要找准,防止张冠李戴本题选择依据为倒数第二段中的” but the pratie sees t have bee t ide-ranging and feels iprper in tdas ffie setting”【答案】本题的正确选

22、项为B6【错解分析】典型错误 错因分析 无视主题,以点带面【解题指导】本题考查主旨大意 这类问题属于全局性问题。要做好这类问题必须找出中心思想句。把注意力放在阅读材料的开头和结尾,放在观点性、归纳性和概括性的句子上,放在被许多句子说明和证实的句子上。并注意由in suar, in a rd, as a result, finall, in shrt, in nlusin和in brief等“信号词”引导的句子。本题的答案依据为feels iprper in tdas ffie setting,以及最后一句话,因此答案为D项【答案】本题的正确选项为D【练习2】Have u ever used s

23、lar energ t bil a bttle f ater r tae a sher? Have u ever thught that slar energ is far aa fr ur dail lives? u a dubt abut that In apan, there is a nderful prgra f Slar it Slar it is lated 80,000 eters nrthest f T, ang the straberr fields This is ne f apans sunniest plaes Slar it vers abut 410,000 sq

24、uare etres Sevent-five perent f the hes there are vered b slar panels The gvernent has prvided peple there ith the slar panels fr free In additin, the gvernent has paid 97 billin en t stud h t ae full use f slar energ A nuber f slar energ panies have als given ne t help this prgra Peple living in Sl

25、ar it thin using slar panels is a gd a t save ne Hever, saving ne is nt the nl reasn h peple are ving int this it “e ved here beause f the panels It as sething e anted,” said ia Hirshia She ved t Slar it ith her husband and t little hildren abut fur ears ag It is ell nn that apan is a untr that is s

26、hrt f energ, but the Slar it prgra has brught hpe fr the untr “Peple ant slar energ,” said an ffiial f Slar it Atuall in Slar it, there are 0 failies aing use f slar energ at the ent All f the sa that the ant t eep using slar energ even after the prgra ends in 2010 In sunn das, slar panels are able

27、t prvide re than enugh energ fr a nral fail Hever, the slar panels are nt that useful in lud das Despite this, Slar it is still a nderful prgra beause it inspires peple t isel use the liited energ1 The riter uses the t questins at the beginning f the passage t _A test the readers nledge abut slar en

28、ergB dra the readers attentin t the tpi learn the situatin that slar energ is used D invite the readers t anser the2 The third paragraph f the passage is ainl abut _ A the reasn h peple are ving int Slar it B h the peple are living in Slar it the things that peple living in Slar it need D the life e

29、xperiene fr the peple living in Slar it3 It an be inferred fr the passage that _ A apan is a untr hih is laing in energ B the slar panels are nl useful in sunn das the Slar it prgra ill be suessful D Slar it is a ver dern big it参考答案及解析:1【错解分析】典型错误A错因分析:信息错位,张冠李戴。题干是考查开头的写作目的,而非全篇的写作目的。 【解题指导】写作目的题。作

30、者在开头提出问题让读者思考,或是简单介绍与主题有关的其他事物,目的往往是为了引出主题,故选B。 【答案】本题的正确选项为B。2【错解分析】典型错误B错因分析是没有抓住段落的主题。 【解题指导】主旨大意题。从本段看,第一句话说出,生活在太阳城使用太阳电池板省钱。第二句话说出了,生活在太阳城不仅是为了省钱,还为了太阳电池板。因此,可知答案为A。考查的段落大意,此时要注意段落的主题句,可位于段首,段尾或段落的中间,也有的要从段中自己提取的。 【答案】本题的正确选项为A。3【错解分析】典型错误A或B错因分析是没有掌握试题的特点,推理判断题要从中进行推断,而不是中的原话。 【解题指导】推理判断题。根据的

31、最后一段中的“All f the sa that the ant t eep using slar energ even after the prgra ends in 2010”可知。此项目的目的达到了。因此,项正确。D项,可根据中的“Slar it vers abut 410,000 square etres”知,Slar it并不是一个大城市。A、B两项是中的事实,而非推理。推理判断题分为简单推理和复杂推理。所谓简单推理就是以表面字为前提,以具体事实为依据进行推理,做出判断。这种推理方式比较直接,只要弄清事实,即可结合常识推断出合理的结论。而复杂推理就是不但要以字为依据,而且还要以的语境

32、、内涵为前提。这是一种间接而复杂的逻辑推理方式。考生要推断出没有表明但又合乎逻辑的推理,就必须由表及里地归纳或演绎。 【答案】本题的正确选项为。【示例3】 Peple believes that libing an d gd t health here an u learn the sill f libing then? If u thin that u have t g t the untains t learn h t lib, ure rng an Aerians are learning t lib in it gs(体育馆) Here, peple are learning n libing The libing all ges straight up and sall hlding plaes f

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