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1、蒋军虎MBA核心单词笔记D字母D字母1. damage vt.损坏,损害 dam age n.大坝 n.年龄to damage the furniture 损坏家具to damage sbs health 损害健康damage vt.损坏,损害destroy vt.(强力)毁灭,(强力)摧毁ruin vt.(完全)毁灭,(完全)摧毁spoil vt.宠坏;(抽象)搅了,破坏 Spare the rod and spoil the child. 闲置了棍子,宠坏了孩子。 His arrival spoiled our party. 他的到来破坏了我们的聚会。wrek vt.使(交通工具)损坏,使

2、失事 The ship was wreked. 这条船失事了。impair vt.损害(抽象)undermine vt.(暗中)破坏2. dash d vi.猛冲 vt.猛撞The boat was dashed against the rocks. 这艘船猛撞在岩石上。cash rash dash crash ashn.现金 a.鲁莽的 vi.猛冲 vi.猛撞 n.灰烬splash lash slash clash smash flashs p vt.泼洒 vt.打,击 vt.用刀砍,用鞭抽 vi.冲突 vt.砸碎 vt.闪过水泼3. dazzle dzl vt.使目眩 da zzle 太

3、热dazzling light 刺眼的光芒、眩目的光芒a dazzling lady 一个光彩照人的女人,一个令人神魂颠倒的女人dazzle vt.使目眩dazzling a.令人目眩的dazzled a.感到目眩的dazzle vt.使目眩drizzle drizl n.毛毛雨 vi.下毛毛雨faint a.晕眩的dizzy dizi a.晕眩的dazzle vt.使目眩4. deadly a.致命的 dead ly a.无生命的 ly一般为副词后缀,但有例外 assemble vt.召集,集合;组装 assemble + ly assembly n.召集,集合;组装 curly a.弯曲的

4、 curly hair 弯曲的头发fatal a.致命的 a fatal blow 致命一击mortal a.必死的vital a.和生命相关的;极为重要的deadly a.致命的 deadly weapon 致命武器5. debate dibeit n.(fml)辩论,讨论 de bate 向下削弱对方的气势向下 vt.削弱,抵制debate n.(fml)辩论,讨论argument :jumnt n.争论,争执;论点;论据dispute dispju:t, dis- n.争论,争执;争端,纠纷contention n.争论;竞争 contend vi.竞争;争执,争论 趋势,倾向debat

5、e n.争论,辩论(fml 大型会议上的)controversy kntr,v:si n.(长期的,公开的)争论,论战 contro verse y 相反的 n.韵文,诗歌 n.后缀6. decay dikei v.(使)腐朽,(使)变质 delay vt.耽搁,阻止,拖延a decaying tooth 一颗蛀牙(强调正在变坏)a decayed tooth 一颗蛀牙(强调已经变坏)decay v.(使)腐朽,(使)变质rot rt v.(使)腐烂 a roted apple 一个烂苹果(强调已经变坏);a roting apple 一个烂苹果(强调正在变坏) hot a.炎热的deteri

6、orate ditirireit vi.恶化 de terior ate 向下 = terror ter n.恐怖degenerate didenreitt vi.(sb)退化,退步,堕落 the degenerating younger generation 堕落的年青一代 de generate 使产生向负面发展否定 产生generate denreit vt.产生gene ate 使有基因基因 7. deceive disi:v vt.欺骗to deceive sb into doing 欺骗某人做某事 原来不做,进入到做的状态,所以用intoto deceive sb that s+v

7、 欺骗某人相信cheat vt.欺骗deceive vt.欺骗swindle swindl vt.欺诈,诈骗fraud n.诈骗deceive disi:v vt. 欺骗,行骗 deceptivediseptiv a.欺诈的 deception disepn n.欺骗,欺诈;骗术receive vt.收到 招待 receptive riseptiv a.善于接受的 receipt risi:t n.收到;收据 reception risepnn.招待,接待 reception hotel 招待所 reception desk 接待处conceive vt.怀孕 构想,构思 conceptive

8、 knseptiv adj. 概念上的;有想像力的 conception knsepn n. 怀孕;概念;设想perceive vt. 感觉,感知,感受 perceptive pseptiv a.感知的,敏锐的,感知力强的perception psepn n.感觉,感知8.decent di:snt a.体面的,优雅的de cent 得了钱的 得 美分to lead a decent lifte 过着一种体面的生活decent decent a.体面的indecent indi:snt a.下流的,无耻的graceful a.优雅的disgraceful n.下流的gentle a.绅士的,文

9、雅的elegant elint a.优雅的9. decisive disaisiv a.决定性的 decide vt.决定,下决心 decision n.决定a decisive battle 决战(决定性的战役) battle btl n.战役duel dju:l n.决斗10. decline diklain n.(逐渐)下降;衰退,衰落 vi.下降;衰退,衰落 vt.婉拒 de cline 向下倾斜 向下 倾斜sth/sb is on the decline (sth)正在下降 (sb)正在衰退His father is on the decline.他父亲的身体越来越弱。The bir

10、thrate is on the decline.出生率在下降。He spent his declining years in the countryside. 他在乡下度过他的余生。the declining birthrate 下降的出生率refuse vt.拒绝reject vt.(断然)拒绝decline vt.婉拒turn down 婉拒decline n.(逐渐)下降;衰退,衰落 vi.下降;衰退,衰落 vt.婉拒incline vt.倾向于be inclinedinklain to sth / be inclined to do sth 倾向于(高频词)be prone to s

11、th 倾向于be apt to do sth倾向于be liablelaibl to do倾向于be disposed to do倾向于on+the+n.(v.逻辑)on the decline 正在下降/衰退on the fall 正在下降on the rise 正在上升on the march 正在进行on the move 正在动on the boil 正在沸腾on the turn 正在转变on the wane/wax wane weinn.月亏减少 wax wksn.月盈增加in+抽象n. in poverty 贫困,处于贫困中 in despair 绝望,处于绝望中 in nee

12、d of money 需要钱,处于需要钱的状态under+有被动意思的名词 under construction 建设中(正在被建设) under repair 修理中(正在被修理) under arrest 被逮捕 under discussion 正在讨论中(正在被讨论)11. decorate dekreit vt.装饰,装修decorate sth with sth 用某物装饰to decorate the street with flags 用旗子装饰街道decorate vt.装饰,装修decorater n.装修工decorate vt.装修,装饰ornament :nmnt n

13、.装饰物 vt.装饰furnish vt.配备(家具) a furnished flat 带家具的公寓beautify vt.美化trim trim vt.整饰,使整齐(边缘)12. decrease dikri:s n.减少 v.减少be on the decrease 正在减少to decrease sbs confidence 减少了某人的信心to decrease by 20% 减少了20%to decrease to 20% 减少到20%increase n.增加 v.增加decrease n.减少 v.减少add vt.加subtract vt.减diminish v.减少,缩小r

14、educe v.减少,缩小amplify vt.扩大,使丰富magnify vt.扩大13.dedicate dedikeit vt.奉献,致力;题献He dedicates himself to science.他致力于科学。Lawrence delicated his first novel to his beloved mother. 劳伦斯把他第一部小说题献给了他亲爱的妈妈。dedicate oneself to devote oneself to 奉献于,致力于commit oneself tobe dedicated tobe devoted to 奉献于,致力于be commit

15、ed todedicate vt.奉献indicate vt.表明14. deduct didkt vt.扣除 de duct 向下 =duce 导He deducted the expense from my salary. 他从薪水中把费用扣除了。deduce vt.推导,推论,推理,推断,演绎 We deduced from his performance that he must be from the south. 我们从他的表现可以推断出他来自南方。deduct vt.扣除 deduction n.扣除,扣除量;推导,推论,推理,演绎produce vt.生产reduce vt.减

16、少seduce vt.勾引,引诱 se duce =sex 导induce vt.引导,劝导;导致,引起deduce vt.推导,推论,推理15. deem di:m vt.认为,相信 believe vt.认为,相信16. defect difekt n.缺陷,瑕疵 de fect 向下 做a defect in sbs character 某人性格上的一个缺陷defect n.缺陷 perfect a.完美的drawback n.缺陷flaw n.瑕疵 flawless a.完美的,无瑕的fault n.缺陷defect n.缺陷perfect a.完美的infect vt.感染,传染17

17、. deficit defisit n.亏空,亏损;赤字a budget deficit 预算赤字 (budget bdit n.预算)a financial defict 财政赤字deficient a.缺乏的,不足的deficiency difinsi n.缺乏,不足sufficient a.足够的sufficiency sfinsi n.足够insufficient a.缺乏的,不足的insufficiency n.不足,缺乏adequate dikwit a.充足的adequacy dikwsi n.足够inadequate indikwit a.不足的,缺乏的inadequacy n

18、.缺乏,不足short a.缺乏的lacking a.缺乏的scarce sks a.缺乏的rare a.罕见的deficient a.缺乏的insufficient a.缺乏的inadequate a.缺乏的18. definition ,definin n.明确解释,明确说明,下定义;定义,释义 finite fainait a.有限的 infinite a.无限的 infinite space无限的空间 infinite kindness 无限的仁慈 definite a.具体的,明确的 define vt.明确解释,明确说明;下定义definition n.明确解释,明确说明,下定义;

19、定义,释义19. defy difai vt.反抗,藐视;公然违背 de fy 不 服to defy an authority 藐视权威to defy the law 公然违背法律defy vt.违背offend vt.违反(法/规/纪/章)breach vt.违背violate vt.违背,违反depart from vt.违背,违反defy vt.反抗,藐视;公然违背deny vt.否认:deny doing sth 否认做过某事 deny that 否认做过某事剥夺:deny sb sth 剥夺某人某物Theres no denying the fact that s+v 不可否认的是H

20、e denies his wife nothing. 他对他的妻子有求必应。rob sb of sth deprive sb of sth dispossess sb of sth 剥夺某人某物strip sb of sthbereave sb of sth deny sb sth 20. degenerate didenreit vi.退步,退化,堕落the degenerating younger generation 堕落的年青一代degenerate vi.退步,退化,堕落generation n.一代人degenerate vi.退步,退化,堕落deteriorate vi.恶化wo

21、rsen wsn v.(使)恶化aggravate vt.使恶化decay v.(使)变质,(使)腐朽rot v.(使)腐烂21. delay dilei vt.推迟,耽搁,延误 de lay 向下 搁置The train was delayed by 2 hours. 火车延误了两小时 (by表程度)delay vt.推迟,耽搁,延误detain vt.推迟,耽搁,延误postpone vt.推迟(主观故意)put off vt. 推迟(主观故意)call off vt.取消delay vt.推迟,耽搁,延误decay vt.使腐朽,使变质delay vt.推迟,耽搁,延误relay n.接

22、力,接班 a relay race 接力赛 the workly relays 轮班工作 22. delegate deliit n.代表(委派,开会) vt.授权de leg ate 通过法律的形式把权力下放 向下 法律 n.后缀 legalli:l a.法律的;合法的;法定的 leg al法律 a.后缀delegate n.代表representative n.代表deputy n.代理人on behalf of 代表,为了23. deliberate dilibrt a.故意的,有意的,蓄意的 de liberate 得 解放a deliberate insult 蓄意的侮辱 in su

23、l t insult inslt n.侮辱 隐 哨deliberate a.故意的,有意的,蓄意的intentional a.故意的,有意的,蓄意的intentionally intennli ad.蓄意在,有意地,故意地deliberately dilibrtli ad.蓄意地,有意地,故意地by design 蓄意地,有意地,故意地on purpose 有目的地,蓄意地by chance 偶然地by accident 偶然地24. delicate delikt a.(美到极致,以至于)易损坏的,需小心处理的 delicacy deliksi n.美味,美食,佳肴 delicious di

24、lis a.美味的,可口的delicate skin 娇嫩的皮肤delicate silk 柔软/精美的丝绸delicate instrument 精密仪器delicate china 精美的瓷器delicate food 精致的食物delicate health 娇弱的身体delicate situation 微妙的形势delight dilait n.开心,高兴 vt.使开心,使高兴To ones delight, s+v 令自己高兴的是To ones surprise, s+v 令自己吃惊的是To ones relief, s+v 令自己欣慰的是be delighted to do st

25、h 高兴做某事25. deliver diliv vt.递送;发表;分娩 de live r 得 生活 人to deliver newspaper 送报纸to deliver milk 送牛奶to deliver a speech 发表演讲to deliver a lecture 做一场讨论transposrt vt.运输,运送convey knvei vt.运输;表达deliver vt.递送;发表;分娩conduct vt.输送,输导;传导dispatch vt.(军)派遣;发送26.demand dim:nd vt.要求(理所当然,义正词严的) n.需求 de man d下人的,仆人的

26、向下 人 的the demand and supply of sth 某物的供需the balance between supply and demand 供需平衡 (balance blns n.平衡)demand vt.要求request vt.需求,请求(礼貌的)require vt.(客观的)要求 to study English well require much efforts 学好英语需要很多努力demand vt.要求command vt.命令 (commander n.司令 commander-in-chief 总司令)reprimand vt.责备(上级对下级)commen

27、d vt.赞美recommend vt.推荐27. democracy dimkrsi n.民主政治,民主国家,民主 demo cracy民众,人民 n.政体democracy dimkrsi n.民主政治,民主国家,民主 democratic demkrtik a.民主的autocracy :tkrsi n.专制政治 autocratic ,:tukrtik a.专制的monocracy mnkrsi n.君主政治 monocratic ,mnkrtik a.君治的demography di:mrfi 人口统计 demo graph y 图表28. demonstrate demnstrei

28、t vi.游行示威 vt.演示;展示 demo stract 民众 state to demonstrate against 游行示威反对to demonstrate how to operate a device 演示如何操作一个装置to demonstrate ones talents 展示自己的才华demonstrate vi.游行示威parade preid vi.列队游行demonstrate vt.展示show vt.展示display vt.展示exhibit vt.展示manifest vt.使明显 a.明显的 to manifest oneself 现身,出现(一般用于鬼魂)

29、29.dense dens a.稠密的,茂密的,浓密的a dense fog 浓雾a dense forest 密林a dense population 稠密的人口densely-populate cities 人口稠密的城市thinly-populate cities 人口稀少的城市dense a.稠密的,茂密的,浓密的tensetens a.紧张的 ten se十人都死了 十个 死dense a.稠密的,茂密的,浓密的condense vt.使浓缩30.deny dinai vt.否定,否认;剥夺(接双宾语)否认:deny doing sth 否认做过某事 deny that 否认做过某事剥夺:deny sb sth 剥夺

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