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1、英语英语完形填空夹叙夹议题20套带答案(英语)英语完形填空夹叙夹议题20套(带答案)一、高中英语完形填空夹叙夹议1阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 As children enter and move through their school years, they become increasingly able to manage matters like homework and school projects on their own. 1 , each year they should take on more respons

2、ibilities in the classroom and at home. These daily chores (家务)and responsibilities are an important part of learning that life requires 2 , not just play. Normally, of course, children are still single-minded with their 3 to have fun. While they may join in, particularly if 4 gives them time with t

3、heir parents, children are not 5 to ask for household tasks, and parents often need to assign responsibilities as part of 6 to the family. At this age, many children find it difficult to 7 their chores, at least initially. Responsibility and initiative (积极性)are learned through a 8 process of guidanc

4、e and reward. As your own child takes on more responsibilities, he or she will probably have periods of acting 9 , procrastinating (拖延)and dawdling (懒散).Most children do. During these times, parents need to step in and, with encouragement and gentle guidance, point him in the 10 direction. Sometimes

5、 parents may demand too much 11 their children, or may see a problem in everything their children do. They may 12 them with too many responsibilities - an unfair number of chores, extra hours of taking care of younger siblings or a too strict schedule of after-school activities. When that happens, c

6、hildren may 13 taking on any responsibility at all. Parents need to 14 this kind of overloading, while still making sure that their youngsters are assuming a(n) 15 of responsibility. Children, of course 16 in the personalities. Some are simply not very persistent in the middle of chores. Others have

7、 difficulty getting organized. 17 others have trouble shifting from one activity to another. You should have a good 18 of your childs style, and shape your 19 accordingly. Children need to have some obligations and duties within the family, 20 they will not learn to accept responsibility.1. A. NextB

8、. AlsoC. ThereforeD. Alike2. A. workB. musicC. loveD. sport3. A. courageB. timeC. effortD. desire4. A. helping outB. coming outC. running outD. trying out5. A. anxiousB. likelyC. afraidD. able6. A. attendingB. belongingC. appealingD. referring7. A. checkB. presentC. recordD. complete8. A. gradualB.

9、virtualC. casualD. punctual9. A. inaccuratelyB. irresponsiblyC. illegallyD. impolitely10. A. freeB. usualC. rightD. same11. A. ofB. withC. inD. out12. A. replaceB. compareC. combineD. burden13. A. forgetB. resistC. forgiveD. risk14. A. carryB. offerC. preventD. protect15. A. temporaryB. limitedC. un

10、iversalD. appropriate16. A. conflictB. differC. failD. change17. A. StillB. OnlyC. AgainD. Almost18. A. pointB. tasteC. senseD. place19. A. collectionsB. assumptionsC. expectationsD. conditions20. A. andB. butC. forD. or【答案】 (1)C;(2)A;(3)D;(4)A;(5)B;(6)B;(7)D;(8)A;(9)B;(10)C;(11)A;(12)D;(13)B;(14)C;

11、(15)D;(16)B;(17)A;(18)C;(19)C;(20)D; 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇议论文,论述了孩子要承担适量的家庭工作才会有归属感和责任感。父母不能让孩子承担过多的家庭劳动,他们会反抗;也不能不让孩子承担家庭劳动,这样他们学不到责任感。家长应该根据孩子的性格,给与适当、适量的家庭劳动。 (1)考查副词。句意:因此,每年他们都应该承担更多的责任。A. Next“接下来”;B. Also“也”;C. Therefore“因此”;D. Alike“相似”。根据语境可知,前后两句话因果关系;因为孩子们逐渐会自己能够处理像回家作业和学校课题这样的事物,所以每年都可以承担更多的责任,故

12、选C。 (2)考查名词。句意:这些家务活和责任是了解生活需要工作而非仅仅玩耍的重要的部分。A. work“工作”;B. music“音乐”;C. love“爱”;D. sport“运动”。根据下文的“not just play”判断此处用“工作”符合语境,not just play和work是近义词复现,故选A。 (3)考查名词。句意:当然,正常情况下,孩子们仍然一根筋地有只要快乐玩耍的欲望。A. courage“勇气”;B. time“时间”;C. effort“努力”;D. desire“欲望”。根据本句的“single-minded”和“have fun”推断此处用“欲望”符合语境,故选

13、D。 (4)考查动词短语。句意:即使他们加入(尤其是帮助做家务让他们有时间和父母呆在一起)他们一般不可能主动要求做家务,父母常常需要布置作为家庭归属感的任务。 A. helping out“帮助”;B. coming out“出版,开花”;C. running out“用完”;D. trying out“尝试”。根据语境可知,本篇主要讲述孩子帮忙做家务的话题,故此处用“孩子帮助做家务”符合语境,故选A。 (5)考查形容词。句意:即使他们加入(尤其是帮助做家务让他们有时间和父母呆在一起)他们一般不可能主动要求做家务,父母常常需要布置作为家庭归属感的任务。A. anxious“焦虑的”;B. li

14、kely“可能的”;C. afraid“害怕的”;D. able“有能力的”。根据下文可知家长们时常需要给他们布置任务/责任,故推测孩子们一般不可能主动要求家务活,be not likely to do sth.“不可能做某事”,故选B。 (6)考查动词。句意:即使他们加入(尤其是帮助做家务让他们有时间和父母呆在一起)他们一般不可能主动要求做家务,父母常常需要布置作为家庭归属感的任务。A. attending“出席”;B. belonging“归属”;C. appealing“吸引”;D. referring“谈及”。此处是指做家务活可以让孩子有归属感,故选B。 (7)考查动词。句意:在这个年

15、纪,许多孩子发现很难去完成日常家务,至少一开始会这样。A. check“核查”;B. present“呈现”;C. record“记录”;D. complete“完成”。根据上下文可知此处是指孩子们一开始觉得完成家务活很困难,故选D。 (8)考查形容词。句意:责任和积极性就得通过一种逐渐的,潜移默化的指导和奖励步骤中学习到。A. gradual“逐渐的”;B. virtual“虚拟的”;C. casual“随意的”;D. punctual“准时的”。结合实际,责任和积极性是逐渐习得的,故选A。 (9)考查副词。句意:正当自己孩子在承担更多责任的时候,他/她可能会有不负责任,拖延,懒散等毛病。A

16、. inaccurately“不准确地”;B. irresponsibly“不负责任地;C. illegally“违法地”;D. impolitely“不礼貌地”。根据下文“procrastinating and dawdling”都是负向词,所以这里也应该填写负向词,再对应上文的responsible,故选B。 (10)考查形容词。句意:在这个阶段,父母需要进一步,用鼓励和亲切的指导把他们引导到正确的方向。A. free“免费的,自由的”;B. usua“l通常的”;C. right“正确的”;D. same“相同的”。根据下文“encouragement and gentle guidan

17、ce”都是正向词,所以这里也应该填写正向词,故用right符合语境,故选C。 (11)考查介词。句意:有时父母对孩子们要求太多,或者他们认为孩子什么都可以做。demand sth. of sb.固定短语,“向某人要求某物”,故选A。 (12)考查动词。句意:他们让孩子们负担太多责任数量不公平的家务,照顾弟弟妹妹的额外时间,或者过于严格的课外活动安排。A. replace“代替”;B. compare“比较”;C.combine“联合”;D. burden“承担”。根据too many 和前文内容推测这里填写负向词,用“承担”符合语境,故选D。 (13)考查动词。句意:这种事情发生时,孩子可能反

18、抗承担任何责任。A. forget“忘记”;B. resist“反抗”;C. forgive“原谅”;D. risk“冒险”。根据上文的“an unfair number of chores, extra hours of taking care of younger siblings or a too strict schedule of after-school activities”可推测孩子承担过量的家务劳动时,可能会产生抵触情绪,进而反抗承担任何责任,故选B。 (14)考查动词。句意:父母需要防止这种过度负担,而同时父母仍然能确定他们的年轻一代正在承担适当的责任。A. carry“携

19、带”;B. offer“提供”;C. prevent“防止”;D. protect“保护”。根据“overloading(过度负担)”可推测此处用“防止”符合语境,故选C。 (15)考查形容词。句意:父母需要防止这种过度负担,而同时父母仍然能确定他们的年轻一代正在承担适当的责任。A. temporary“暂时的”;B. limited“有限的”;C. universal“普遍的”;D. appropriate“适当的”。根据上文的“Parents need to _14_ this kind of overloading”和本句的while可知此处用“适当的”符合语境,故选D。 (16)考查动

20、词。句意:孩子们在性格方面不同。A. conflict“冲突”;B. differ“不同”;C. fail“失败”;D. change“改变”。根据下文的“Some are simply not very persistent in the middle of chores. Others have difficulty getting organized”可知孩子和孩子之间是不一样的,故此处用“不同”符合语境,故选B。 (17)考查副词。句意:还有一些人很难从一种活动转移到另一种活动。A. Still“还,仍然”;B. Only“仅仅”;C. Again“再次”;D. Almost“几乎”。

21、这里表示列举的表达SomeOthers Still others是固定说法“一些人另一些人还有一些人”。故选A。 (18)考查名词。句意:你应该对孩子的性格有敏锐的洞察力,相应地改变你们的期待。A. point“点,要点”;B. taste“口味”;C. sense“感觉,感官”;D. place“地点”。have a good sense of固定短语,“对有敏锐的洞察力”,故选C。 (19)考查名词。句意:你应该对孩子的性格有敏锐的洞察力,相应地改变你们的期待。A. collections“收集”;B. assumptions“猜测”;C. expectations“期待”;D. cond

22、itions“条件”根据语境可知此处是指家长希望孩子可以完成多少家务活,故选C。 (20)考查连词。句意:孩子们需要在家庭中有规矩和责任,否则他们不会学会承担责任。A. and“并且”;B. but“但是”;C. for“因为”;D. or“否则,或者”。结合上下文可知此处是指如果孩子在家里没有规矩和责任,他们就学不会承担责任,故选D。 【点评】本题考点涉及副词,动词,名词,形容词,介词,固定短语等多个知识点的考查,是一篇教育类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析推理,从而选出正确答案。 2阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出

23、可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Four months into her pregnancy (孕期), my mother learned that my brother would be born with Down syndrome (唐氏综合症). Never having dealt with anyone with the disease, the entire family began to 1 . Would he learn to walk and talk 2 like the other kids? Would he be liked by others? Would he

24、have some 3 ? All these thoughts and every detail 4 us, though we knew we would 5 him exactly the way he is. Thankfully, after birth, Lipe was 6 than we expected, with no heart problems in general connected with Down syndrome. He is the most 7 person I have ever met. Anything is a reason for him to

25、flash a smile. Even if it took him some extra 8 to learn new things, he always did extremely well. Although we were glad to see that, we still 9 what others would say about him. In order to 10 him, I kept his condition a secret. I was also afraid of being treated 11 by others because of his conditio

26、n. But I soon realized 12 I truly loved him, I shouldnt be 13 of him. The first time I told a friend about Lipes disease, she just reminded me that all that my brother needed was my love and 14 . It was my friends understanding that 15 me to be proud of Lipe. Because of my brother, I have learned th

27、e meaning of 16 . Before his birth, if I saw someone who acted or looked differently, I simply thought it to be 17 and started laughing. I am now glad that I have changed in these ways. I now consider what they could possibly be 18 in life, and the many reasons why they could be behaving like that.

28、We may live in a world in which the society coldly 19 every inch of you, but we can at least treat others with 20 . Only in this way can we expect to create a better society.1. A. practiceB. worryC. complainD. understand2. A. quicklyB. easilyC. quietlyD. normally3. A. friendsB. classmatesC. teachers

29、D. students4. A. leftB. troubledC. helpedD. inspired5. A. changeB. shockC. acceptD. remember6. A. youngerB. happierC. calmerD. healthier7. A. curiousB. cheerfulC. honestD. hardworking8. A. luckB. praiseC. effortD. power9. A. gave upB. believed inC. learned fromD. cared about10. A. careB. protectC. f

30、ollowD. comfort11. A. badlyB. excitedlyC. seriouslyD. politely12. A. ifB. althoughC. becauseD. unless13. A. proudB. afraidC. fondD. ashamed14. A. hopeB. peaceC. supportD. interest15. A. madeB. encouragedC. requiredD. attracted16. A. prideB. honestyC. patienceD. respect17. A. poorB. troublesomeC. str

31、angeD. difficult18. A. achievingB. choosingC. enjoyingD. experiencing19. A. judgesB. refusesC. improvesD. discovers20. A. pleasureB. differenceC. kindnessD. determination【答案】 (1)B;(2)D;(3)A;(4)B;(5)C;(6)D;(7)B;(8)C;(9)D;(10)B;(11)A;(12)A;(13)D;(14)C;(15)B;(16)D;(17)C;(18)D;(19)A;(20)C; 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,作者的弟弟是唐氏综合征患儿,作者讲述了自己的弟弟出生后,自己在情感和认识上发生了一些变化,作者逐步认识到:对人友善,这个世界才会变得更好。 (1)考查动词。句意:从来没有与患唐氏综合征的人打过交道,整个家庭开始担心。A. practice“练习”;B. worry“担心”;C. complain“抱怨”;D. understand“理解”。

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