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听力教程Unit 10 BK4 105116课堂用文本第二版.docx

1、听力教程Unit 10 BK4 105116课堂用文本 第二版UNIT 10Section One Tactics for listeningListening and Translation1. Some of Americas best universities have accepted an unusually low percentage of students for admission this fall.2. College admissions officers say the main reason is that high school seniors are apply

2、ing to more schools than in the past.3. Many students who apply to top schools are placed on a waiting list.4. They do not get a decision until the school knows how many applicants who are offered admission will accept the offer.5. Admissions officers say they use wait-listing because it is difficul

3、t to know which applicants really want to attend their school.ExerciseDirections: Listen to some sentences and translate them into Chinese. You will hear each sentence three times.1. 今年秋季,美国一些最好的大学的新生录取率反常的低。2. 大学的招生官员说,主要原因是高三学生申请报考的大学数量比往年多。3. 很多报考顶尖学校的学生被列入等候批准的申请人名单。4. 他们的申请结果要等学校知道有多少已经被录取的申请人同

4、意前来报到后才能知道。5. 招生官员说引入等候批准的申请人名单机制是因为很难知道究竟哪些申请人真的希望进入他们的学校。Section Two Listening ComprehensionPart 1 Dialogue-Insulating your HomeEd Roberts: Now with me in the studio is our do-it-yourself expert, Ron Porter. Ron, what household hints have you got for us this week?Ron Porter: Well, Ed, winters appr

5、oaching and along with the cold weather well be getting enormous fuel bills if were not careful. You know, its funny that we all dread the arrival of our heating bills and complain like mad when we get them, and yet so many of us still do nothing to insulate our homes and reduce those bills.Ed Rober

6、ts: So youre going to be telling us about insulation?Ron Porter: Thats right. During the next three programs Ill be describing ways in which listeners can insulate the loft, reduce draughts throughout the house, and insulate the walls.Ed Roberts: And all these things can be carried out by the home h

7、andyman?Ron Porter: Certainly the first two can. Wall insulation is more tricky. If you have what are called cavity walls*, that is walls with a gap between the inner plastered wall and the outer exposed wall, then you need to get the insulation done by approved contractors. But if your house has so

8、lid walls, you can insulate them yourself.Ed Roberts: So what are the advantages of insulation?Ron Porter: The obvious ones are saving fuel and money, of course. But also life becomes more comfortable. You get rid of all those chilly corners; all parts of the room can be enjoyed with complete freedo

9、m from cold draughts. Cold walls are eliminated too and this combined with a warmer atmosphere helps to make condensation* less of a problem,Ed Roberts: Can you give us some examples of how insulation can help us cut costs?Ron Porter: Certainly. If youre about to install central heating, for instanc

10、e, youll find that insulation can save you a lot of money because a less powerful system will be needed. Its been shown that by fully insulating a house, the area of radiators can be reduced by almost half and the size of the boiler by a third.Ed Roberts: Amazing.Ron Porter: Right, and thats not all

11、. Good insulation also reduces the period when heating is necessary. In a really well insulated house, about six weeks heating can be saved each year, because the heat created just by living in the house is sufficient to keep it warm. Also, of course, a fully insulated house is easier to sell, becau

12、se its value is increased. Ed Roberts: I hadnt realized that savings could be so great. Ron Porter: Many people dont. But the fact is, in a typical insulated house, three-quarters of the heat generated inside is lost through the roof, floor, walls, windows and doors. Of that, about one third escapes

13、 through the walls, a quarter through the roof, a quarter through windows and doors, and a sixth through the floor. Ed Roberts: And can insulation stop all this heat loss? Ron Porter: No, but it can reduce it by as much as a half, with considerable savings as Ive mentioned. Ed Roberts: Well, I for o

14、ne will be listening to your advice with great interest. Thanks very much, Ron.ExerciseDirections: Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.l.D 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. A Part 2 Passage- Plan your homes interior design before you buyTeaching tips:

15、There are four exercises in this part. Exercise B is as important as Exercise C and Exercise D. The focus of Exercise B is not accuracy but comprehension. The five sentences in Exercise B give the students a general idea about the passage. For the first reading, the students may focus on the main id

16、ea of the sentences. For the second and third reading, they can use notetaking strategy while dictating the sentences, that is, they should put down the key words, then write down other important words relevant to the information conveyed by the sentence. At the end of Exercise B, the teacher may as

17、k the students to discuss the meaning of each sentence and what the passage might be about. This is a passage about the planning of your homes interior design. Room color schemes are a great way to differentiate spaces in the house. Since each room serves a separate purpose, its only natural that th

18、e colors reflect the use of the room. For example, a bedroom is used for relaxing and unwinding after a long day. You may want to prop your feet up and read a book or watch TV. Colors that create a calming mood are what youre looking for; blues, greens and pastels work nicely. Kitchen color schemes

19、tend to be warm and inviting. Reds, oranges and yellows mimic natural cooking ingredients like juicy tomatoes for pasta sauce or sweet citrus fruits. They make guests feel welcome which is especially nice if you entertain frequently. Living room colors are a little bit more difficult to put together

20、. Since its a place to entertain as well as a place to hang out, consider painting one wall a greenish blue and the other walls beige or camel color. The bright color provides just enough fun in a neutral background. Bathroom color schemes are fairly easy to come up with. A bathroom is less intimida

21、ting because its smaller and a less viewed part of the house. Strong colors can be overpowering if the space is small. Light yellow or cream adds some warmth when enjoying a candlelight bubble bath. Tapescript and key:When planning your rooms interior design or decor you need to first consider the r

22、oom layout and how you want your home furnishings to be placed. You should plan your interior design before you buy your furniture. First measure the interior with a steel ruler and sketch it onto paper. Once you have the design drawn you can use furniture cutouts, the same scale as the drawing, to

23、arrange the interior design. For the living room, start in the central area of the room and plan a conversation group around a focus point such as a fireplace, wall unit or outdoor view. A U-shaped conversation group is best. In a dining room the table is the focus, it is the center of activity. Fur

24、nishings such as a china cabinet buffet table, mirror or picture can be placed along the walls. There should be approximately 3 feet between the table and other objects to allow traffic through the room. The bed is the focus point in the bedroom. If it is one bed try centering it along the wall with

25、 painting or other decorative items above it, with one or two night stands on the sides. If there are two beds you can put a table between them. For those of you who are computer savvy* and technical you can also use computer software to plan your interior design. You can download programs off the i

26、nternet or purchase software. There are great interior design programs which have 2D and 3D design features that allow you to draw, arrange the furniture, windows and window treatments *, doors, carpet and upholstery fabric * . Its great for viewing the finished product. Once you are satisfied with

27、your interior design you are ready to go out and purchase your home furnishings. Take the measurements of the furniture pieces in your decorating plan with you. When decorating your homes interior you need to choose a color scheme. Room color schemes can be warm or cool with monochromatic*, adjacent

28、* or complementary colors. Start with a predominant color and add one or more accent* colors. A tint* is a color with white added which makes it cooler than its pure color. Pink is cooler than red. A shade is a color with black or brown added making it warmer than its pure color. Color is also affec

29、ted by the surface or texture of the material it is applied to. Smooth and shiny surfaces are cooling while rough and textured appear warmer. A monochromatic room color scheme would use one predominant color with different tints, shades or textures as accents. Color also can have a different appeara

30、nce and feel from room to room depending on the light and if it is exposed to the south or the north. If it all seems confusing dont fret*. There is an easy way to choose a room color scheme. There are trained people who have already done the work for you. Look for color scheme combinations in magaz

31、ine pictures, fabrics, art work, wrapping paper, book covers, wallpaper, etc. that you are attracted to. A: Pre-listening Question In color theory, a color scheme is the choice of colors used in design for a range of media. For example, the use of a white background with black text is an example of

32、a basic and commonly default color scheme in web design. Color schemes are used to create style and appeal. Colors that create an aesthetic feeling when used together will commonly accompany each other in color schemes. A basic color scheme will use two colors that look appealing together. More advanced color schemes involve several colors in combination, usually based around a single color; for example, text with such colors as red, yellow, orange and light blue arranged together on a black background in a magazine article. Color schemes

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