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1、晨读2017.11.6 Read in the sunshine The Journey to Success 1 differences between A and B2 2 It is/was +被强调部分 + that /who 从句3. have a good flight飞行愉快4. fly all the way direct from-to直接从一个地方飞到另外一个地方5. make oneself at home不要拘束6. on ones way在路上7. all around the world全世界8 the/a majority of people 大多数人9. in

2、total/all 10 mother/native tongue母语11. an equal number of 同样多12. be equal to 胜任,和什么相等13 be based on 以什么为基础14 under the command of 由什么指挥Have a command of 了解。掌握。Command sb to do sth命令某人做某事15 request sb to do sth 要求某人做事2017.11.12 Read in the sunshineAt sbs request 应某人的要求1.6 except for除了 17. the working

3、 language 工作语言 18. communicate with 和.交流19. have a good knowledge of 知晓,精通,熟悉 20. stay up熬夜 21. come about发生 22. no quick answer to没有直接的答案23. stay the same 保持一样 24. in the same way用同样的方式 25. at the same time 同时 26. end up with以什么结束 27. be different from和什么不一样 28. written English书面语言spoken English 口语

4、29. more or less或多或少30. have no difficulty in doing sth做某事没有困难2017.11.18 Read in the sunshine31. bring in 引进,赚的32. a great/good many 许多33 because of 因为;由于 34 come up 走进,上来,提出35 make use of 利用,使用 36 such as 例如37 play a part/role in 扮演一个角色。参与。38 believe it or not 信不信由你39 the number of .的数量40 more than

5、 超过,不仅仅,岂止, more .than.与其说倒不如说 41 even if /though 尽管即使1 Do you know that there is more than one kind of English ? It was based more on German than English we speak at present. 你知道吗,英语不至一种 当时英语更多的建立在德语而不是我们今天讲的英语 2017. 11. 24 Read in the sunshine 2 which country do you think has the most English spea

6、kers ? 你认为那个国家讲英语的人最多?3 Because of that ,English began to be spoken in many other countries 因为这个原因,许多国家也开始讲英语4 India has a large number of fluent English speaker. 印度有很多英语讲的很 流利的人5Today the number of people learning English in china is increasing rapidly .目前在中国学习英语的人数正在迅速增长。6 Believe it or not , ther

7、e is no such thing as standard English. 信不信由你,没有标准英语7Many people think the English spoken on TV and radio is standard English . 许多人认为电视机收音机里讲的英语就是 标准英语2017. 11. 30 Read in the sunshine those who reported newsWere expected to speak excellent 。 这是因为在早期电台节目里,人们期望新闻播音员所说的英语是 最好 的 。9 However you will hea

8、r the differences in the way people speak 然而你也会听说人们讲话的差异10 American English has so many dialects because people have comeFrom all over the world . 美国之所以有那么多的 方言是因为美国人来自世界各地的缘故11 Geography also plays a part in making dialects. 地理位置也对方言产生有影响。12The USA is a large country in which many different dialect

9、s are spoken 美国是一个使用多种方言的大国one-way fare 单程票 round-trip fare 往返票 2017. 12. 5 Read in the sunshine dream of/ about doing sth 梦想做某事 graduate from 从毕业go for long bike rides 做长途自行车旅行persuade sb to do sth= persuade sb into doing sth 说服某人做某事persuade sb not to do sth= persuade sb out of doing sth 说服某人不做某事ge

10、t sb interested in 使某人对 感兴趣insist on (ones) sth/ doing sth 一定要;坚持要the best way of doing sth the best way to do sth 干某事的最好办法at an altitude of 在海拔上 attitude to/ toward(s) 对态度care about 忧虑,关心 care for喜欢,照顾 care to do愿意/同意做某事change ones mind 改变主意 to my mind = in my opinion 2017. 12. 12 Read in the sunsh

11、ine make up ones mind to do 决心干某determine to do sth ( 动作) / be determined to do sth (心理) 决心干某give in (to) 投降;屈服;让步 give in (vt) 上交give up 放弃 give up doing/sthas usual 像往常一样 at midnight 午make camp 野营,宿营 put up ones tents 搭起帐篷 be familiar to sb某事为某人所熟悉 sb be familiar with sth某人熟悉某事 cant wait/ can hard

12、ly wait to do sth 迫不及待想干某事for one thing for another (用来引出某事的理由)一则 二则take ones breath away 使某人大吃一It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River 首先想到要沿湄公河从源头到终点骑车旅游是 我的姐姐强调句基本句型:it is/ was. that.其中指人时可用2017. 12. 18 Read in the sunshine 2. Although she didnt know the best way o

13、f getting to places, she insisted that we (should) find the source of the river.尽管她对去的 某些地方的最佳路线不 清楚但是 他却坚持要把这次旅行安排的尽善尽美insist that.(should)+ v原形 坚持要;坚持要求insist that.陈述语气 坚持说;坚持认为 3 which kind of transport do you prefer to use? 更喜欢那种交通工具? prefer doing to doing ; prefer to do rather than do I prefer

14、cycling to the countryside to staying indoors all the day. 孩子们喜欢骑车到农村胜过全天呆在家里Every advantage has its disadvantage 2017. 12. 24 Read in the sunshine I feel rather at a disadvantage talking to her because she is too clever. 因为她太伶俐,我 跟她说话总觉的太吃亏4 You are taking the end-of-term exam. 你将参加期末考试5 Ever since

15、 middle school, my sister and I have dreamed of/about taking a bike trip.从高中起,我姐姐和我就一直梦想作一次伟大的自行车旅行6 The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Guangzhou.北京的天气比较广州的天气冷的多I am fond of my sister but she has a very serious shortcoming.she can be really stubborn.我喜欢我的 姐姐但她有个很严重的缺点。她有时真的很固执。8 I asked h

16、er whether she had looked at a map yet . 我问她是否看过地图2017. 12. 30 Read in the sunshine 9 Wang Wei soon got them interested in cycling too. 王薇使表兄弟也对骑车旅游产生了 兴趣10 when I told her the air would be hard to breathe and it would be cold .she said that it would be an interesting experience .当我告诉她那里空气稀薄,呼吸困难,而且

17、天气很冷时,他说这是一次又趣的经历。11 Once she has made up her mind ,nothing can change it. 一旦她下了决心,什么也不能 使她改变12 Finally I had to give in . 最好我只好让步了13 Although it was autumn, the snow was already beginning to fall in Tibet 虽然是秋天,但是西藏已经开始下雪了。14 Our legs were so heavy and cold that they felt like blocks of ice. 我们的腿又冷

18、又沉,感觉就像打冰16That is what we looked like . 我们看上去就像那样.17Along the way children dressed in long wool coats stopped to look at us 一路上,一些穿着羊毛大衣的孩子们停下来看我们。18 In the late afternoon we found it was so cold that our water bottle froze.下午晚些时候, 我们发现天冷的我们的水壶已经冻上了。19 To climb the mountain was hard work.= I t was

19、hard work to climb the Mountain . 上山很难At one point we were so high that we found ourselves cycling throughClouds.在某个时候,我们发现自己置身高处,仿佛骑车穿越云层。21 It was great fun especially as it gradually became much warmer. 这非常有趣,特别是天气变的暖和了As I lay beneath the stars , I thought how far we had already travelled.当我躺在星空

20、下,我想我们已经走远了 have time to do 有时间做某事 happen to do 碰巧做某事 shake hands with sb 握手 burst into tears/ laughter 突然哭/笑起来 in ruins 成为废墟 cut across 穿过、横穿 blow away 吹走、刮走 fall down 倒塌 rescue workers 救援人员 be pleased to do 乐意做某事 make/ give a speech 发表演说 judging.from 根据来判断 tens of thousands of 成千上万 dig out 挖掘 a gr

21、eat/ large number of =a great many/good 大量的 be trapped in/ under 陷入/ 陷在下面 the high school speaking competition 高中演讲比赛 have sb do sth= make sb do sth= let sb do sth 让某人做某事 come to an end (vi) = put/ bring sth to an end = put/ bring an end to sth 结束某事 be proud of / take pride in 以而自豪 invite sb to do s

22、th 邀请某人做某事 think little of 对评价低 invite sb for/ to sth think highly of 对评价gree with sb give out 发出(气味等);分发;耗尽 agree to sth give off 发出(气味等) agree to do sth give away 赠送;泄露 agree on sth 达成一致意见 give back 归还 right away= right now= at once= immediately 立刻 as you know 正如你所知道的 be known as 作为而知名 as is known

23、 to all 众所周知 be known for 因而出名 as could be expected 正如可以预料到的 it is useless doing sth 干某事是无用的 happen= take place= come about= break out 偶发 有计划 偶发 战争等爆发 1. It is always calm before a storm. 暴风雨之前总是 平静 2. Now, imagine there has been a big earthquake. 此句为There be 句型 3. Mice ran out of the fields looking

24、 for places to hide. 现在分词表伴随. 老鼠从田地里跑出来找藏身的地方 4. It seemed that/ as if the world was at an end. 世界似乎到末日 5. Water, food and electricity were hard to get. 水电事物很难弄到 句型:主语+ be + adj + to do 其中to do 用主动形式表示被动含义 6. All hope was not lost. all 与not 连用 表示部分否定 7. Its never too late to learn. 活到老,学到老。 The man

25、was sleeping downstairs when the earthquake happened. 这个 人正在睡觉就在这个时候地震发生了. I was about to leave when the phone rang. 我正准备离开就在这时电话响了12 No words are strong enough to express our thank to you . 任何语言都不足以表达我对你的感谢之情 He was not strong enough to do the work. 他不够强壮,干不了这份工作 He is old enough to take care of hi

26、mself. 他年龄大了,可以照顾他自己了 China has the largest population, as is known to us .众所周知,中国人口最多 Your speech was heard by a group of five judges, all of whom agreed。五个人一致同意你的演讲好15 But the one million people of the city , who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night.唐山市的老百姓对这些一点也不以为意。16

27、It was felt in Beijing, which is more than 3kms away.离其很远的北京也能感受到Two-thirds of them died or were injured during the earth quake.在这次地震中三分之二的人死亡或者受伤 The number of people who were killed or seriously injured reached morethan 400,000.死亡或者受伤的人达到400万19 Half a million pigs and millions of chickens were dead.一半的 猪和鸡死亡20 People began to wonder how long the disaster would last.人们想知道地震能持续多久Hundreds of thousands of people were helped .Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.人们为那些幸存的人 建造避难所

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