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高二上学期期中考试英语试题 答案.docx

1、高二上学期期中考试英语试题 答案张家口六中 20162017学年第一学期期中考试高二年级 英语试卷第一部分 听力第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1.What does the woman mean?A. She has no time to read B.She doesnt want to read C. She wants to read right away.2. Where are the two speakers most probably?A. At a restaurant B. At a concert C. At a theatre3. How much sh

2、ould a woman pay?A. $6.00 B. $10.50 C. 15.004. What kind of room does the woman like to have?A. A large room B. A quiet room C. A room near the street.5. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?A. The girls new classmates B. The girls new teacher C. The girls new lessons.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分2

3、2.5分)听第6段材料,回答第6,7题6.What do we know about the brochure(小册子)?A. It is a latest edition map B. It is for geography students. C. It costs the man nothing7. What does the woman advise the man to see?A. Castles B. Camels C. Temples听第7段材料,回答第8,9题8. What day is it today?A. Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday9.Wh

4、at will the man do the day after tomorrow?A. Go swimming B. Visit Tom and Ted C. Go fishing听第8段材料,回答第10至12题10. What time is it now?A. Nearly 10:00 a.m. B. 10:00 a.m. C. After 10:00 a.m.11.What does the man want to have?A. Cigarette B. Coffee C. Water12.Where does the conversation probably take place

5、?A. At a doctors B. At an office C. At the womans home听第9段材料,回答第13至16题13.Where does Mike work?A. In a grocery. B. In a language school C. In an art school14. What does the woman want to do for a change?A. Learn to dance B. Learn a new song C. Learn to paint15. What is the man speaker doing now?A. Le

6、arning from Omayma. B. Teaching English C. Out of job. 16. What is the most difficult for the man about learning Arabic(阿拉伯语)?A. Grammar B. Pronunciation C. Idioms(习语)听第10段材料,回答第17至20题17. What was the weather like that day?A. Cloudy B. Fine C. Rainy18. What did Professor Bumble hit the first time?A.

7、 A cow B. A lady C. A tree19. How did Professor Bumble first feel when he fell over again?A. Sorry B. Afraid C. Angry20. What can we learn from the passage?A. Professor Bumble likes to play jokes on woman. B. Professor Bumble wears a pair of glasses.C. The fat lady loves Professor Bumble. 第二部分 阅读理解(

8、共两节,满分40分) A My friend and I recently returned from our week at the beach. While we were there, a couple of us needed to pick up a few things at the store. As we were checking out, the cashier praised me for my necklace. I thanked her, and she asked where I bought it. I had gotten it at the departme

9、nt store just down the street. It was on sale for 40% off. My friend suggested that she should walk over and buy one during her break. But the cashier said she couldnt afford it right now. As we left the store, I told my friend I was going to buy one for the cashier. She agreed, and offered to pay f

10、or half. So we went back to the department store and picked out a matching necklace for the cashier. As we paid for it, the sales lady noticed that I was wearing the same one. “You must really like this necklace,” she said. We told her whom we were buying it for. To our surprise, the sales lady knew

11、 her! She said, “Shes going through a hard time right now and has to drive a long way to work. With gas prices so high, surely it isnt easy.” With excitement, we took the gift back to the store and handed her the gift. She knew immediately what we had done and smiled at us with gratitude. As we drov

12、e home today, we discussed how that act of kindness probably meant more to us than it did to the recipient(接受者). It feels so good to do nice things for others. I grew up poor. I never dreamed as a little girl that I would be able to help others.21. Why did the cashier ask the writer about the neckla

13、ce?A. Because she wanted to buy one at that time. B. Because she admired the necklace very much.C. Because she wanted a man to buy one for her. D. Because she knew the owner of the necklace store.22. How did the writer pay the matching necklace?A. She just paid for half. B. She paid the full price.C

14、. She asked her friend to pay it. D. She asked the sales lady to pay it.23. The underlined word “gratitidue ” in paragraph 4 most probably means_.A. doubt B. strength C. loneliness D. thankfulness24. How did the writer feel after buying a gift for the cashier?A. She regretted a little. B. She was a

15、little worried. C. She felt it a surprise. D. She felt it was nothing.2019-2020年高二上学期期中考试英语试题 答案Here is a close look at some of the hot tourist spots for 2016. Florida Affordable accommodations(食宿) help make Florida a hot tourist spot for 2016 with an average room rate of $109.7. Florida has more to

16、 offer than beaches and theme parks. For example, the 30A Songwriters Festival is scheduled(预订的)for Nov.15,16 and 17,2016. San Francisco San Francisco is a perennial (长久的) favorite that will be especially attractive to football fans this year. The city will host Super Bowl 50. Therefore,going to the

17、 Super Bowl this year wont be cheap. Fans visiting during the Super Bowl weekend could drive up daily hotel rates by 178%, that is, an average room rate of $434.0. Cuba This year, we will see scheduled airline service to the island nation from the United States for the first time in more than 50 yea

18、rs. Visitors will discover a country that is untouched be the forces of tourism. Italy “It has been a hot tourist spot from North America for years, but people are going out from the big cities like Rome, Florence and Venice to explore the lake region, Puglia and more,” says Clarie Newell, president

19、 of Travel Best Bets.25.Which of the following is the favorite place for a music and beach lover?A. Florida B. San Francisco C. Cuba D. Italy26.What is special for San Franciscos visitors in 2016?A. Taking cable cars B. Tasting wonderful food C. Watching football games D. Visiting the Golden Gate Br

20、idge 27.Which city will be more popular according to Claire Newell?A. Rome B. Florence C. Venice D. PugliaCWe all know boys are always taught to be brave while girls are the delicate flowers. Well, we have all been through it. When you meet a male(男性)friend who uses a pink lighter or wears a pink sh

21、irt, will you think of the word “feminine(女性化)”? Once one of my classmates came to my house. He came in and kept staring at my room, confused. Then he commented, “Your room looks like a candy shop, and it reminds me of my sisters dollhouse!” I did not know how to react him. Yes! The room was pink, e

22、verywhere. The curtains, the doormat, the cupboard, the dustbin and lots of my things were pink. I did not do it consciously(有意识地). I just pick out the pretty things from the store. Why do most girls like only pink? According to scientists, the simple explanation why girls like pink so much is that

23、in the past, the role of a woman was a food gatherer and berries were the main food for humans. Fruits, especially berries, mostly had purplish, reddish or pinkish colors that standed for ripeness(成熟). Scientists thought that women developed a better color vision than men to spot(挑出) fruits in a thi

24、ck and green forest by becoming hard-wired to pick out red and pink over centuries. Also, women easily express their emotions. When a woman feels ashamed or shy, her cheeks appear flushed(脸发红) with blood and her skin become red. Since women have basically been nurturers, they are sensitive to all sh

25、ades of pink and red. For a long time, the color pink has been associated with beauty and women.28.What made the authors classmate confused?A. The color of things in her room. B. The furniture in her roomC. Too many dolls in her room D. Too many candies in her room29.What can we learn from Paragraph

26、 1?A. The authors room was in a mess B. The author liked things in pink onlyC. The authors classmate didnt like pink D. The author chose things in pink unconsciously.30.According to scientists, women like pink because of _A. womens preference for beauty B. the role women played in the pastC. the fru

27、its women found in the past D. womens expression of their emotions.31.Whats the authors purpose in writing the text?A. To tell reader a story B. To state her own experienceC. To explain why women like pink D. To introduce a way to pick out fruits.D One in five children sleepwalks(梦游) regularly and a

28、t least 40% have done it at least once. As we get older it becomes rarer, but 1-2.5% of adults still do it. One piece of advice about sleepwalking which many may have heard is that it is dangerous to wake a sleepwalker, and that waking them up will harm them. During the night we experience various s

29、tage of sleep, beginning with a period of light sleep which we also called Rapid Eye Movement(REM). REM deepens considerably within 20 minutes or so, and then becomes a bit lighter again. This cycle(循环)then repeats several times throughout the night. The time when you are most likely to dream is dur

30、ing REM sleep. During this stage you often try to prevent yourself from acting out your dreams, but sleepwalking takes place during the much deeper sleep. It is a curious state. The brain is active enough for you to move, but not so active that you wake up. A recent study made in Niguarda Hospital i

31、n Milan, Italy examined the brain waves of people who were used to sleepwalking and found that some parts of the brain are awake, while others are sound asleep. The result suggested sleepwalking is caused by an imbalance between these two states. So what should you do if you find your relatives slee

32、pwalking? For a start, they are in such a deep sleep that they will probably not notice you, even if you try to wake them. Waking a sleepwalker will not cause them to have a heart attack, but the kindest things to do is try not to wake them at all. Lead them gently back to the bed so that they do not hurt themselves. They will remain deeply asleep, and it is likely that they will not remember a thing in the morning.32.Whi

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