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1、酒店管理行政 行政人资评估集团项目酒店人员评估及发展叶予舜酒店管理行政 行政人资评估集团项目酒店人员评估及发展Management Performance & Development Report管理人员表现与发展报告Name姓名: Position职位: Date in position在职日期: Date of appraisal评估日期: Last appraisal上次评估日期: Appraisers position评估人职位: General Instructions 总述This appraisal should be completed between 1 December a

2、nd 31 January each year of when the employees promoted or transferred if more than 6 months has elapsed the last appraisal.管理人员应在每年的12月1日至次年元月31日完成此评估表;新晋升者或调动后六个月未评估者也应填写此表。Prior to their joint appraisal meeting, the supervisor and employee (independently of one another) should complete section A&B

3、, section C should be completed by the employee only the remaining portion of the form will be completed during the appraisal meeting.在评估会之前,评估人与被评估人应分别独立完成A和B部分,被评估人应独立完成C部分,其它部分将在评估会上共同填定。After the appraisal meeting, the MPDR representing the agreement between the supervisor and the employee shoul

4、d be finalized and submitted to the next higher level of management. If agreement is not reached, the supervisors rating prevails with an explanation as appropriate.在评估后结束后,如双方达成共识,应将评估报告呈送给上一级管理层。如未达成共识,主管应将评分结果和解释呈上。If an item does not apply to the position or employee being rated, indicate N/A (n

5、ot applicable).若有的选项无法评估,请填写N/A(不适于)Rating key 评估标准1. Exception优秀Consistently exceeds the requirements/standards of the job.一贯超出工作标准/要求2. Effective有效Meets and occasionally exceeds the requirements/standards of the job.达到和偶尔超出工作标准/要求3. needs improvement需要改进On occasionally fails to meet the requiremen

6、ts/standards of the job.有时未达到工作标准/要求Section ASpecific Position Appraisal职位评估Using the appropriate position guideline, rate effectiveness in carrying out duties and responsibilities. Using the scale below (attach a copy of the position guideline to this form, identify each duty and responsibility by

7、a few key words).请填写你现任职位的工作职责,并打分(可另附工作职责表,或用关键的几个词语概括)Rating key评分标准1. Exceptional优秀2. Effective有效3. Needs improvement需要改进No.序号Duties and Responsibilities工作职责123Comments备注12345678910Section BManagement Performance管理人员评估表Add comments and examples to explain rating, where appropriate.请举例说明评分原因。Leade

8、rship skills领导技能 1 2 3Leadership style and influence领导风格和影响 口 口 口Motivating others 激励他人 口 口 口Delegating and controlling 分配工作和控制 口 口 口Staffing,coaching and developing people人员安排,指导和帮助员工发展 口 口 口 Administrative skills行政技能Panning计划 口 口 口Organizing组织 口 口 口Personal organization and time management个人工作安排和时

9、间安排 口 口 口 Interpersonal skills人际关系技能Human relations skills人际关系技能 口 口 口Conflict management and negotiating冲突管理和谈判技能 口 口 口 Communications skills沟通技能Informing信息处理 口 口 口Listen倾听 口 口 口Oral communication口头沟通能力 口 口 口Written communication书面沟通能力 口 口 口 Personal adaptability适应能力Stress management压力管理 口 口 口Self-

10、confidence and self-acceptance自信和自我认同 口 口 口Independence独立 口 口 口Flexibility应变 口 口 口 Personal motivation自我激励Accomplishment成绩 口 口 口Personal growth自我成长 口 口 口Progress进步 口 口 口Personal goal-setting自我目标设定 口 口 口 Occupational/technical knowledge职位/技术知识Job and functional area knowledge职位和职务知识 口 口 口Organization

11、al and industry practices knowledge组织和业务实践知识 口 口 口 Cognitive skills认知技能Problem analysis and decision-making分析问题和决策能力 口 口 口Financial and quantitative skills财务和质量管理能力 口 口 口Innovation and resourcefulness革新和应变能力 口 口 口Handling detail细节管理 口 口 口 Section CSelf Appraisal-current and Future自我评估(现状和展望)During t

12、he appraisal period,what do you consider your major:在所评估期间,请你仔细考虑:A Achievements取得的成绩 B Difficulties遇到的困难 What areas in your job performance do you could be improved by you,or with the help of your manager?在你现在的工作中,哪些地方是可以通过自己或你上司的帮助获得改进的? How would you asses your contribution to the performance of

13、the hotel/department?从哪些方面可以看出你对酒店/部门所做的贡献? Future未来What are your career objectives within 2 years and beyond?请问你在未来的两年之内或更长的时间,你是职业目标是什么? What training and job experience are required for your career development?对你是职业发展来说,你还需要哪些培训和工作经验? Section DCareer Development职业发展Next position下一个职位: Comments意见:

14、 Promotion/Transfer time frame:晋升/调动时间:Within next 6 months六个月之内 口Within 612 months六个月至十二个月内 口Within 2 years两年之内 口Too soon to tell尚待观察 口Section EEducation and Training Required所需教育及培训Refer both to specific needs, how and why they have arisen, then formulate a proposed action plan which may include a

15、 course or workshop(either from the hotel training plan or other sources),cross exposure or a job move,copy to Human Resources Director.针对具体的培训需求,并说明理由,然后制订针对性的培训计划(包括具体的培训课程),并抄送给人力资源总监。Necessary to fulfill requirements of present position现职位培训需求Need/Outcome needs需求 Actions recommended建议 Necessary

16、for personal development个人发展需求Need/Outcome needs需求 Actions recommended建议 Time frame所需时间 Responsibility责任 Necessary for next career move下一个职位所需培训Need/Outcome needs需求 Actions recommended建议 Time frame所需时间 Responsibility责任 Section FGeneral Comments总结This section may be used by the employee or manager fo

17、r stating any significant information not covered elsewhere in the report, for example, any unusual or sensitive areas pertinent to the employee career development. Use additional paper as necessary and staple to form.这部分可用于雇员或经理陈述一些重大意义的事件或报告内未包含的方面。一些重要的和敏感的话题如关系到员工的职业发展可另附。Appraised individual comments员工个人意见: Signature签名: Date日期: Manager comments经理意见: Signature签名: Date日期: General manager comments总经理意见: Signature签名: Date日期:

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