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1、3四种进行时态LESSON THREE四种进行时态导言我们前面所学的四种时态,表达的只是时间概念。本课所学的进行时态除时间概念外,又加入了某种感情 色彩。在传统的教学中, 进行态往往被认为只是表示一 个进行的动作,其实这只是一个表面现象,进行态更多 的含义在于给人一种生动的画面感。 我们可以形象地比喻:使用一般态像听录音机, 使用进行态则像看电视机,而后者所具备的功能正是画面,这恰恰是一般态和进行 态的不同之处。第二,进行态给我们的是一种暂时性。 理解以上两点是非常重要的。请大家看下列表格,竖行表示时间概念,横行则表示情 态 或叫做情感。将 “时”与“态”区分开,是我们学好时态的 关键。时一般

2、进行完成完成进行现在一般现在时现在进行时现在完成时现在完成进行时过去一般过去时过去进行时过去完成时过去完成进行时:将来一般将来时将来进行时将来完成时将来完成进行时过去将来一般过去将来时过去将来进行 时过去将来完成时过去将来完成进行时从上表不难看出16种时态是由左面竖列中的“时 ”加横行 的“态 ”而构成16种时态。在以前的教科书上很少提到这一点, 而这正是掌握时态的关键所在。在左竖列的“时”同学们比较容易 理解,即时间概念,横行的“态”指的是说话人所流露出的情感或 情态。上课所学的一般态是一种纯时间概念,不含情态,而 进行态 给人的是一种 画面感 ,也就是我们在导言中提到的录音机与电视机在视听

3、上的不同效果。希望同学们在本章学习中 细心体会它们的不同之处。进行时态的构成时态主系表主谓宾现在进行时is (am, are) beingis (am, are) doing过去进行时was (were) beingwas (were) doing将来进行时will be beingwill be doing过去将来进行时would be beingwould be doing现在进行时态和过去进行时态1.表示进行的动作。Who are you waiting for?你在等谁呢?What are you thinking about?你在想什么?She is havingd inner in

4、 the restaura nt. 她正在饭馆吃饭。 The teleph on eis ringing would you an swer it? 电话铃响了,你可以接一下吗? What were you doing yesterday eve ning? 昨天晚上你在干什么? I was watchingTV.我在看电视。 He was studyingE nglish in the library yesterday eve ning. 昨天晚上他在图书馆学英语。1、进行态的暂时性,进行时态与一般时态的比较They live in America.(一贯的)They are living

5、 in America.(暂时的)第二句给我们的感觉是, 他们一直住在别的什么地方, 但目前暂住美国。My TV works perfectly.我的电视非常好。(一贯的)My TV is working perfectly.我的电视目前很好。(暂时性)第二句给人的印象是:电视过去工作不正常,最近修了一下, 效果很好。Tom, a very clever boy by n ature, is beingsilly today.汤姆原本是个聪明的男孩,今天怎么傻了。2.进行时态的感情色彩。进行态除了表示一个进行的动作以外,更多的是带有一种“态”, 也就是说有一种情态在里面。注意下面句子的比较:M

6、ore and more people buy TV sets.More and more people are buying TV sets.越来越多的人买电视机。注:第一句话只是说出一个现象,第二句话却给了我们一个生 动的画面,试图让我们看到人们购买电视机的情景。Do you know your girl friend was having dinner with a guy in the restaurant near our school yesterday evening?你知道不知道你的女朋友昨天晚上和一个小伙子在学校附 近的餐馆一起吃饭?注:说话的人没有用一般过去时,而是用过去进

7、行时态。从这 句话中可以看出他通过进行时态的画面感,给对方一个亲眼看到的 感觉,以刺激听话的人。Yesterday at midnight, I was walking by the room, I heard some on esharpeninga knife in it. After a while, a woma n wa s crying in it, I rushed in, but there was n obody.注:上面是一个虚构的吓人故事。他使用了过去进行时态,目 的在于给人一种画面感,以达到恐怖的目的。如果用一般过去时态, 故事会平淡得多。由于进行时态给人刺激较强,当需

8、强调时,我们也常常用进行 时态来表达,同时和always, certainly, simply 等副词连用,常有某种感情色彩。She is always thinkingof others.她总是想着别人。从上面几个例句中可以看出:进行时态给人一种画面感,使语 言生动,加强语言的刺激力,以达到不同的目的。无论是现在进行 时态、过去进行时态、将来进行时态还是过去将来进行时态,它们 所包含的进行时态的“态”是不变的,所不同的只是发生的时间。进行时态与一般时态的比较He does fine work at school.(说明事实)He is doingfine work at school.(表示

9、赞扬) 注:第二句用进行时态的感情色彩表示赞扬。My wife always watches TV in the evening.(说明事实)My wife is always watchingTV in the evening.(表示不满) 我爱人晚上老是看电视。第二句的进行时态用以表示不满, 进行时态给我们一种画面感, 一种情感的流露,具体是赞扬,不满,还是想刺激听话的人要具体 情况具体分析。 将来进行时态I will wait for you at the airport.I will be waiting for you at the airport.第一句用的是一般将来时态,第二句用

10、的是将来进行时态。第 二句给人的感觉好像能够看到说话的人将在机场等待的情景,所以 更亲切、更踏实。这就是画面感的效果。我们很难用汉语表达出上 面两句话的不同。We will live happily together in this large flat.We will be livinghappily together in this large flat.注:该例句的情景是一个男子带着未婚妻去看新房。如果只用 一般将来时态,语言就较平淡。使用第二句将来进行时态,便可以 给自己的未婚妻展现一种活生生的未来生活的美好前景。这就是进 行时态的妙处所在。我们同样很难用汉语译出上面两句英文中的不 同

11、时态,这也是汉语在时态表达上的局限性。 过去将来进行时态He said the Olympic Games would be heldin our country. As a great many peoplewould be visitingthe country, the government would be buildincpew hotels, an immense stadium (露天大型 运动场) and they would also be buildingnew road and a special railway line.从上面的例子中可以看出:使用过去将来进行时态首先

12、给我们一个时间点,即He said,也就是说站在过去看将来, 这是时间概念 而使用的“态”是进行,目的还是给我们一个生动的画面感。关于进行时态形式需要注意的几个问题。1.非持续性动词的进行时态形式表示将来时态。His father is dying 他的父亲要死了。The spri ng is coming. 春天要来了。2.有些非持续性动词与进行时态形式连用并不表示将来, 只是为了给出一个画面感,使语言生动,语气更强。 They will be arriving here tomorrow. 他们明天到这里。注:如只从进行去理解,往往会认为上面的句子是错的,而实 际上will be arri

13、ving比will arrive更生动,给我们身临其境看到他们 到来的感觉。3.有些非持续性动词与进行时态连用,表示刚刚开始的动作。 I m forgetting nglish. 我的英语开始荒疏了。m findinthat it is di fficult to study En glish.我开始发现英语难学了重要提示1. 学好时态的关键是要了解时态是时与态的组合,竖行的四 种进行态,其“态”的概念是一样的,只要掌握一种,四 种全会。2.掌握进行态的关键,在于它表示的是一个暂时性的动作和 给你以生动的画面感,不可一律都用正在来套,有时两种 语言是很难相互直译的,如果希望用一个“正在”来表示

14、 进行,往往将自己逼入误区。3.在今后的阅读和听外国人讲话时,多注意他们是怎样使用 时态的,多问为什么,对初学者,最好背下几篇含有进行 态的好文章,比如上课提到的“新概念英语”第二册第一 课、第七课、第十三课,并细心体会各种时态的应用。这 样经过一段时间的学习,在时态应用上就会达到炉火纯青 的地步。4. 我们在课后也为同学们准备了大量练习,希望同学们用 心、 做。阅读与欣赏I can t let him get awayA male crab(螃蟹)met a female crab and asked her to marry him.She no ticed that he was wal

15、ki ng straight (直行) in stead of (代替) sideways (横行). Wow (叫声),she thought, this crab is really special. I can?t let him get away. So they got married immediately(马上)The n ext day she no ticed her new husba nd walki ng sideways like all the other crabs, and got upset(惊慌). “ What happened? She asked. o

16、u Yused to (过去总是) walk straight before we were married. ”“ I can not dr ink(喝酒) so much every day. ”A Parrot (鹦鹉)AnswerA boy goes to a pet (宠物) shop to buy a parrot. There he sees a parrot with a red string(线) tied (系)to its left leg (腿) and a green string tied to its right leg.He asks the owner the

17、 sig ni fica nc& 意思) of the str in gs. “ Well, thihighly trained (经过训练的) parrot. If you pull the red string he speaksFrench; if you pull the green string he speaks German, ” replies the shopkeeper. ” And what happens if I pull both the strings? (好奇 ”的)shopper inquires (询问).“Ifall off my perch (栖木),y

18、ou fool! ” screeches (尖叫) the parrot.The Silly PolicemanAt the scene (现场) of a bank robbery (抢劫) a policeman ran up tohis officer and said, “ The thief got away, sir! ”The officer was an gry. “ But I told you to put a man on a(出口e”ts“ he shouted. “ How could he have gotte n away? ”The Police an swer

19、 : “ He run away from the 口 ntr”(Does The Dog Know The Proverb (谚语)?“ Sam,” says his father, “ put on your cap and let us go for a wallhappy. He likes to go out with his father. He puts on his cap and coat, and says, “ Father, I am ready. ”Sam and his father go out into the street. Sudde nly they se

20、e a big black dog. The dog beg ins to bark. Sam is afraid of the dog. He wants to run home. His father says, “ Don?be afraid, Sam. Don?t you know the proverb: ,A bark in g(会叫) dog does not bite(咬人)?” “ Oh, yes, ” says Sam,the proverb, you know the proverb, but does the dog know the proverl?”Jack clu

21、bA Hint (暗示)Mother: I sent my little boy for two pounds of plums (李子)but you gave him only a pound and a half.ShopkeepeK 店主):My scales (称)are all right, madam. Have you weighed your little boy?It?s Not My Fault (错儿)“ Aren?t you ashamed害臊)of yourself, Victor? You?re the worst pupil in your class. ”“

22、What?s that got to do with me?(这和我有什么相干?) Is it myfault that the worst one was yesterday transferred转)to another school?An Essential Correction (实质性的纠正)Teacher: Walter, why don?t you wash your face? I can see what you had for breakfast this morning.Walter: What was it?Teacher: Eggs.Walter: Wrong, te

23、acher. That was yesterday?s.Are Flies (苍蝇)Good to EatHarry liked to talk very much and his father did not allow him to speak at mealtime(s 吃饭的时候) . Once, at dinner, Harry wanted to say something very badly. At last his father saw it and asked him kindly, “ Well, my boy, what is it? ” “ Are flies goo

24、d to eat, father? Aske“No,” said his father. “What makes you ask that? ” “Yoplate just now, but you have swallowed (咽下) it! ”练习说明时态是一种非常灵活的语言现象。 我们汉语中在时间上的 表达方式与英文完全不同。英文的时态不仅仅是一种时间概 念,它还带有不同的情态。所以,在做练习时,并不是简单对 和错的问题,而是哪个时态更好。必须同时注意“时”与“态” 两个方面,结合上下文及情景,细心体会,方能真正掌握。一、将下列句子译成中文,注意句子中时态的使用,并对每组句子 加以比较

25、。1.What do you do here? What are you doing here?2.Tom studies hard.Tom is study ing hard.3.1forget his n ame.I?m forgett ing his n ame.4.You are too modest.You are being modest.5.You don?t eat much.You are not eati ng much.6.You like her don?t you?You are liki ng her aren?t you?7.1expect you to call

26、 me.I am expect ing you to call me.8.We beg in to study Less on Two today. We are beg inning to study Less on Two.9.My wife always watches TV in the eve ning. My wife is always watching TV in the evening.10.I?ll see her tomorrow.I?m see ing her tomorrow.、时态选择。(该题全部取自于全国高考原卷)1.The last time I Jane, s

27、he cotton in the fields.A. had see n; was pick ing B. saw; pickedC. had see n; picked D. saw; was picki ng2.We were all surprised whe n he made it clear that he office soon.A. leaves B. would leaveC. left D. had left3.-Can I join the club, Dad?-You can when you a bit older.A. get B. will getC. are g

28、ett ing D. will have got4.-Do you like the material?-Yes, it very soft.A. is feeli ng B. feltC. feels D. is felt5.I don?t really work here; I un til the new secretary arrives.A. just help out B. have just helped outC. am just help ing out D. will just help out6.讦our phone number again? J quite catch

29、 it.-It?s 9568442.A. did n?t B. could n?tD. can?tC. don?t7.I don?t think Jim saw me; he into space.A. just stared B. was just stari ngC. has just stared D. had just stared8.-Can I help you, sir?-Y es. I bought this radio here yesterday, but it .A. did n?t work B. won?t workC. can?t work D. does n?t

30、work9.I first met Lisa three years ago. She at a radio shop at thetime.A. has worked B. was worki ngC. had bee n work ing D. had worked10.- Alice, why didn?t you come yesterday?-I , but I had an unexpected visitor.A. had B. wouldC. was going to D. did11.-s this rain coat yours?-No, mine there behind

31、 the door.A. is hanging B. has hungC. hangs D. hung三、用所给的动词的适当时态填空,并根据前面所学的知识说出为 什么。(1)Sometimes two or three pickpockets 1 (work) together. For example, you _2_ (walk) dow n the street one after noon. Two people walking together in front of you suddenly 3 (stop) and _4_ (bend) over. You almost _5_ (fall) over them. A third pickpocket, who _6 _(be) behind you, 7 (take) advantage of the confusion(趁混舌L ). He _8 (steal) your wallet from the back of your trousers.

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