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1、最新山东省济宁市曲阜市届九年级英语上学期第一次月考试题九年级英语第一次月考试题一、听力测试(本大题满分25分,每小题1分)第一节下面你将听到8段短对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。( )1.How does Edward learn English?A. By listening to tapes.B. By working with a group.C. By making word cards.( )2.What are they talking about? A. A test. B. A text. C. A job.( )3.What did

2、Kate buy for her mother?A. A sweater. B. A shirt. C. A dress.( )4.Why is Jims English great?A. Because he works hard at it.B. Because he studies in America.C. Because his sister often helps him.( )5.According to the woman, which is the best way to improve our English?A. Listening to English music.B.

3、 Reading English magazines.C. Singing English songs.( )6.How often does Mike watch English movies?A. Once a month. B. Twice a month. C. Three times a month.( )7.Wheres the woman going?A. To a hospital. B. To a museum. C. To a post office.( )8.How will the man spend Christmas?A. Visit his parents. B.

4、 Go for a trip. C. Stay with his friends.第二节听第一段材料,回答第9至11小题。( )9.When did Jane take an English exam?A. Last week. B. Last Friday. C. Yesterday.( )10.How does Jane usually study English?A. By doing exercises.B. By reading the textbook.C. By working with a group.( )11.Why does Jane hardly speak Engli

5、sh?A. Because she is afraid of being laughed at.B. Because she has nobody to speak with.C. Because she can hardly say a sentence completely.听第二段材料。回答第12至14小题。( )12.How many holidays does the girl have in a year?A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven.( )13. Where does the girl come from?A. America. B. China. C. K

6、orea.( )14.Which is the most traditional festival in the boys country?A. Mid-Autumn Festival. B. Easter. C. Christmas.听第三段材料,回答第15至17小题。( )15.What is the girl going to do?A. To buy some books. B.T o change some books.C. To return some books.( )16.What time is it now?A. Its 7:00 pm. B. Its 7:20 pm. C

7、. Its 7:30 pm.( )17.When is the Word Reading Day?A. April 21. B. April 22. C. April 23.听第四段材料,回答第18至20小题。( )18.What did Nancy go to America for?A. Visiting a friend. B. On business. C. On vacation.( )19.What festival did Nancy celebrate there?A. Thanksgiving. B. The Spring Festival. C. Mothers Day.(

8、 )20.When is the festival in America?A. It comes on the third Thursday of November.B. It comes on the fourth Tuesday of November.C. It comes on the fourth Thursday of November.听第五段材料,回答第21至25小题。( )21. When did the family go to the zoo.A. On Saturday morning. B. On Sunday morning. C. Last week.( )22.

9、What time did the family get to the zoo?A. At 9 oclock. B. At 10 oclock. C. At 12 oclock.( )23.What did they do first at the zoo?A. Played games. B. Met the speakers classmates.C. Went to see the animal.( )24.What did the speaker like best?A. Tigers. B. Elephants. C. Birds.( )25.Whom did the speaker

10、 play games with? A. The father. B. The mother. C. Nobody.二选择填空(本大题满分15分,每小题1分)( )26. - Tom, what do you think is the secret _ writing in English? - _ reading lots of English activities, you can improve it a lot. A. with, About B. to, About C. with, By D. to, By ( ) 27. With _ did you watch the 2014

11、 World Cup Opening Ceremony ( 开幕式)? A friend of mine. A. which B. whom C. who D. what ( ) 28. How do you like the talk show? I think its _, but some people think its so _. A. wonderful enough, bored B. enough wonderful, boring C. wonderful enough, boring D. enough wonderful, bored ( ) 29. Lin Feng h

12、as to make a living by himself because his parents have _ for years. A. die B. dead C. died D. been dead ( ) 30. You are always full of energy (活力). Can you tell me the _? Taking lots of exercise every day. A. habit B. ability C. plan D. secret ( ) 31. Jack works very hard, but he cant get good grad

13、es in exams. Thats because he cant study_. A. carefully B. successfully C. wisely D. quickly ( ) 32. I dont know why your English grades are always very good. Let me tell you. _ you work, _ results you will get. A. The harder, the best B. The hard, the good C. Harder, better D. The harder, the bette

14、r ( ) 33.What do you think of Mr Green? I find _ difficult _ with it.A. it, work B. it is, working C. it, to work D. it was, to work ( ) 34. Where shall we go shopping this afternoon? I suggest _ to Star Supermarket. A. went B. to go C. go D. going ( ) 35. Lets go to the community if it _ tomorrow.

15、But nobody knows if it _ tomorrow. A. wont rain, rains B. doesnt rain, rains C. doesnt rain, will rain D. wont rain, will rain ( ) 36. Peter has changed a lot, hasnt he? Yes. He used to _ the guitar, but now he is more _ in playing soccer. A. plays, interested B. play, interested C. play, interestin

16、g D. playing, interest ( ) 37. Michael, you have _ a lot of weight recently. Yes, I was 62 kg a year ago, but now Im 73 kg. A. put on B. thrown away C. washed away D.dressed up ( ) 38. Steve, did you see the lantern show when you were in Fuzhou? Of course! _ beautiful lanterns! A. What B. How C. Wha

17、t a D. How a ( ) 39. Show me the map, please. I wonder_. Look, its here, in the east of China, near Taiwan Province. A. where is Diaoyu Island B. where Diaoyu Island is C. what is Diaoyu Island like D. what Diaoyu Island is like ( ) 40. _? People throw water at each other. A. When is Water FestivalB

18、. How do you celebrate Water Festival C. What do you eat on Water Festival D. What did you do during your vacation三、完形填空(本大题满分10分,每小题1分,计10分)I was on my way to work. Arriving at the station I found my train was_41_ because of the bad weather. I had to _42_for two hours at the bus station.A lady sat

19、beside me. I could notice how _43_ she looked. She seemed very worried. I asked her if she was waiting for the next train. She didnt _44_. I asked her again. She replied, “Uhuh. Yes.” Then she wiped(擦) her eyes. I said, “Hey dear, what is wrong? Why are you crying?” She told me her story. She told m

20、e that her father_45_ the year before . She used to have a job, but she wanted to look after her sick mother who lived alone, _46_she stopped working. Her family was _47_ and she could not pay the doctors bills (账单) of her mother .Then she said she even planned to kill herself. I was shocked! She st

21、ayed another half an hour while I tried to comfort her to be brave. I told her I would try to get her a good _48_ that would pay well. And I told her to believe she could have a better life. I passed her my _49_ and asked her to ring me if she needed help. She smiled and said, “Thanks for your_50_ a

22、nd I promise I wont have any more terrible thoughts. I will live long and well”41. A. crowded B. expensive C. late D. fast42. A. sleep B. study C. explain D. wait43. A. excited B. bored C. sad D. calm44. A. smile B. answer C. run D .write 45. A. worked B. returned C. succeeded D. died46. A. so B. or

23、 C. but D. thought47. A. rich B. poor C. old D. quiet48. A. job B. present C. house D. hospital49. A. bad B. ticket C card D. jacket50. A. lesson B. kindness C. service D. love四、阅读理解。A My grandfather is eighty years oldHe always complains about how fast things have changed,and he often says that lif

24、e used to be better “Families arent families the way they used to be”A 1ot of families have broken upIf husband and wife have problems with their marriage,they no longer stay togetherAnd mothers used to stay at home and take care of their children,but now everyone is busy workingNo one has time to 1

25、ook after children at homeAnd the cars! No one walks any more;more and more people driveWe used to walk five miles to school on schooldays,even in winterBut now we dontAnd in school children dont have to think any moreIn math classfor example,we used to add,subtract, multiply and divide(加减乘除)in our

26、headsKids dont use their heads any more;instead,they use calculators(计算器) Most families have computers nowIn the past we didnt have computersWe didnt even have lightsMy mother used to spend all day cooking in the kitchenBut now we dont often eat homecooked food And people dont talk to each other any

27、 moreThey are too busy to talk,too busy to eat,to busy to think. Life used to be simple,but it isnt any more ( )51My grandfather thinks the life now is _ Avery good Bworse than it used to be Cbetter than it used to be Dthe same as it used to be ( )52What does the underlined word “marriage” mean in C

28、hinese? A生活 B工作 C婚姻 D家庭 ( )53What has happened these years according to the passage? AChildren dont have to think any more in school BStudents use calculators in math class CStudents used to walk to school,but now they dont DAll of the above ( )54What changes have happened to some families? There ar

29、e lights at home; People like to eat homecooked food; Lots of families have computers; Lots of couples(夫妇)live apart because of unhappy problems A B C D ( )55Which is TRUE according to the passage? ALife now is much simpler BPeople have much time to talk with each other now CThe grandfather only com

30、plains and pays no attention to the better life now DLots of mothers stay at home and look after their childrenB“How are you?” is a nice questionIts a friendly way that people in the United States greet each other,but “How are you?” is also a very unusual questionIts a question that often doesnt hav

31、e an answerThe person who asks “How are you?” hopes to hear the answer “Fine”, even if the Dersons friend isnt fineThe reason is that “How are you?” isnt really a question and “Fine”,isnt really an answerThey are simply other ways of saying “Hello!” or “Hi!”Sometimes,people also dont say exactly what they

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